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Configuring VLANs for EX-series Switches (J-Web Procedure)

You can use the VLAN configuration page to add a new VLAN or to edit or delete an existing VLAN.

To access the VLAN configuration page:

  1. From the Configure menu, select Switching > VLAN.

    The VLAN Configuration page displays a list of existing VLANs. If you select a specific VLAN, the specific VLAN details are displayed in the Details section.

  2. Click one:
    • Add — creates a VLAN.
    • Edit — edits an existing VLAN configuration.
    • Delete — deletes an existing VLAN.

      Note: If you delete a VLAN, the VLAN configuration for all the associated interfaces is also deleted.

    When you are adding or editing a VLAN, enter information as described in Table 1.

Table 1: VLAN Configuration Details



Your Action

General tab


Specifies a unique name for the VLAN.

Enter a name.

VLAN Id/Range

Specifies the identifier or range for the VLAN.

Select one:

  • VLAN ID—Type a unique identification number from 1 through 4094. If no value is specified, it defaults to 0
  • VLAN Range—Type a number range to create VLANs with IDs corresponding to the range. For example, the range 2–3 will create two VLANs with the ID 2 and 3.

VLAN Description

Describes the VLAN.

Enter a brief description for the VLAN.

MAC Table Aging Time

Specifies the maximum time that an entry can remain in the forwarding table before it 'ages out'.

Type the number of seconds from 60 through 1000000.

Filter Input

Specifies the VLAN firewall filter that is applied to incoming packets.

To apply an input firewall filter, select the firewall filter from the list.

Filter Output

Specifies the VLAN firewall filter that is applied to outgoing packets.

To apply an output firewall filter, select the firewall filter from the list.

Port Association tab


Specifies the ports to be associated with this VLAN for data traffic. You can also remove the port association.

Click one:

  • Add — Select the ports from the available list.
  • Remove — Select the port that you don't want associated with the VLAN.

IP Address tab

Enable IP Address

Specifies IP address options for the VLAN.

Select to enable the IP address options.

IP Address

Specifies the IP address of the VLAN.

Enter the IP address.

Subnet Mask

Specifies the range of logical addresses within the address space that is assigned to an organization.

Enter the address, for example, You can also specify the address prefix.

Filter Input

Specifies the VLAN interface firewall filter that is applied to incoming packets.

To apply an input firewall filter to an interface, select the firewall filter from the list.

Filter Output

Specifies the VLAN interface firewall filter that is applied to outgoing packets.

To apply an output firewall filter to an interface, select the firewall filter from the list.

ARP/MAC Details

Specifies the details for configuring the static IP address and MAC.

Click the ARP/MAC Details button. Enter the static IP address and MAC address in the window that is displayed.

VoIP tab


Specifies the ports to be associated with this VLAN for voice traffic. You can also remove the port association.

Click one:

  • Add — Select the ports from the available list.
  • Remove — Select the port that you don't want associated with the VLAN.
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