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Defining CoS Forwarding Classes (J-Web Procedure)

To define forwarding classes, select Configure > Class of Service> Forwarding Classes in the J-Web interface. Table 1 describes the related fields. By assigning a forwarding class to a queue number, you affect the scheduling and marking of a packet as it transits an EX-series switch.

Table 1: Forwarding Classes Configuration Pages Summary



Your Action

Forwarding Class Summary

Queue #

Displays internal queue numbers to which forwarding classes are assigned.

By default, if a packet is not classified, it is assigned to the class associated with queue 0. You can have more than one forwarding class to a queue number.

Allows you to edit an assigned forwarding class.

To edit an assigned forwarding class, click the queue number to which the class is assigned.

Forwarding Class Name

Displays the forwarding class names assigned to specific internal queue numbers.

By default, four forwarding classes are assigned to queue numbers 0 (best-effort), 1 (assured-forwarding), 5 (expedited-forwarding), and 7 (network-connect).



Opens a page that allows you to assign forwarding classes to internal queue numbers.

To add a forwarding class, click Add.

Add a Forwarding Class/Edit Forwarding Class Queue #

Queue #

Specifies the internal queue number to which a forwarding class is assigned.

To specify an internal queue number, type an integer from 0 through 7, as supported by your platform.

Forwarding Class Name

Specifies the forwarding class name assigned to the internal queue number.

To assign a forwarding class name to a queue, type the nameā€”for example, be-class.

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