[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]

Configuring LLDP-MED (CLI Procedure)

Link Layer Discovery Protocol–Media Endpoint Discovery (LLDP-MED) is an extension of LLDP. The EX Series switch uses LLDP-MED to support device discovery of VoIP telephones and to create location databases for these telephone locations.

LLDP-MED is turned on by default on EX Series switches.

This topic describes:

Enabling LLDP-MED on Interfaces

LLDP-MED is enabled on all interfaces by default. If it is disabled, you can enable LLDP-MED by configuring it on all interfaces or on specific interfaces.

To configure LLDP-MED on all interfaces or on a specific interface:

[edit protocols lldp-med]
user@switch# set interface ge-0/0/2.0

Configuring Location Information Advertised by the Switch

You can configure the location information that is advertised from the switch to the LLDP-MED device. You can specify a civic-based location (geographic location) or a location based on an elin (emergency location identification string):

  • To specify a location by geography:

    [edit protocols lldp-med]

    user@switch# set interface ge-0/0/2.0 location civic-based country-code US

    user@switch# set interface ge-0/0/2.0 location civic-based ca-type 1 ca-value “El Dorado County”

    user@switch# set interface ge-0/0/2.0 location civic-based ca-type 2 ca-value CA

    user@switch# set interface ge-0/0/2.0 location civic-based ca-type 3 ca-value Somerset

    user@switch# set interface ge-0/0/2.0 location civic-based ca-type 6 ca-value “Mount Aukum Road”

    user@switch# set interface ge-0/0/2.0 location civic-based ca-type 19 ca-value 6450

    user@switch# set interface ge-0/0/2.0 location civic-based ca-type 21 ca-value “Holiday Market”
  • To specify a location using an elin string:

    [edit protocols lldp-med]

    user@switch# set interface ge-0/0/2.0 location elin 4085551212

Configuring for Fast Start

You can specify the number of LLDP-MED advertisements sent from the switch in the first second after it has detected an LLDP-MED device. The default is 3; to set it to another value:

[edit protocols lldp-med]
user@switch# set fast-start 6

Published: 2009-08-05

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