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Configuring Port Mirroring to Analyze Traffic (J-Web Procedure)

To configure port mirroring using the J-Web interface:

  1. From the Configure menu, select Security > Port Mirroring.

    The first part of the screen displays analyzer details such as the name, status, analyzer port, ratio, and loss priority.

    The second part of the screen lists ingress and egress ports of the selected analyzer.

  2. Click one:
    • Add—Add an analyzer. Enter information as specified in Table 1.
    • Edit—Modify details of the selected analyzer. Enter information as specified in Table 1.
    • Delete—Deletes the selected analyzer.
    • Enable/Disable—Enable or disable the selected analyzer (toggle).

Note: In EX3200 switches and EX4200 switches only one analyzer can be enabled at a time. In EX8200 switches, a maximum of 7 analyzers can be configured.

Note: When an analyzer is deleted or disabled, any filter association is removed.

Table 1: Port Mirroring Configuration Settings



Your Action

Analyzer Name

Specifies the name of the analyzer.

Type a name for the analyzer.


Specifies the ratio of packets to be mirrored. For example:

  • A ratio of 1 sends copies of all packets.
  • A ratio of 2047 sends copies of 1 out of every 2047 packets.

Enter a number from 0 through 2047.

Loss Priority

Specifies the loss priority of the mirrored packets.

By default, the switch applies a lower priority to mirrored data than to regular port-to-port data—mirrored traffic is dropped in preference for regular traffic when capacity is exceeded.

For port mirroring configurations with output to an analyzer VLAN, set the loss priority to high.

Keep the default of low, unless the output is to a VLAN.

Analyzer Port

Specifies a local interface or VLAN to which mirrored packets are sent.

Note: A VLAN must have only one associated interface to be specified as an analyzer interface.

Click Select. In the Select Analyzer Port/VLAN window, select either port or VLAN as the Analyzer Type. Next, select the required port or VLAN.


Specifies interfaces or VLANs for which entering traffic is mirrored.

Click Add and select Port or VLAN. Next, select the interfaces or VLANs.

Click Remove to delete an ingress interface or VLAN.


Specifies interfaces for which traffic exiting the interfaces is mirrored.

Click Add to add egress interfaces.

Click Remove to delete an egress interface.

Published: 2009-07-27

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