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Front-Panel LEDs in EX4200 Switches

The front panel of an EX4200 switch has three LEDs on the far right side of the panel, next to the LCD panel (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: Front-Panel LEDs in an EX4200 Switch

Image g020093.gif

Table 1 describes the LEDs in an EX4200 switch, their colors and states, and the status they indicate. You can view the colors of the three LEDs remotely through the CLI by issuing the operational mode command show chassis lcd.

Table 1: Front-Panel LEDs in an EX4200 Switch

LED Label


State and Description

ALM (Alarm)


There is no alarm.


There is a major alarm.


There is a minor alarm.

SYS (System)


  • On steadily—JUNOS Software for EX Series switches has been loaded on the switch.
  • Blinking—The switch is booting.

MST (Master)


  • On steadily—The switch is the master in the Virtual Chassis configuration.
  • Blinking—The switch is the backup in the Virtual Chassis configuration.
  • Off—The switch is a linecard member in the Virtual Chassis configuration.

A major alarm (red) indicates a critical error condition that requires immediate action.

A minor alarm (amber) indicates a noncritical condition that requires monitoring or maintenance. A minor alarm that is left unchecked might cause interruption in service or performance degradation.

Note: The amber glow of the Alarm LED that indicates a minor alarm closely resembles the red glow that indicates a major alarm.

All three LEDs can be lit simultaneously.

Published: 2009-08-04

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