Navigate to the Interfaces level in the
configuration hierarchy, and select an interface for packet capture—for
example, fe-0/0/1.
(See the interface naming conventions in the JUNOS Software Interfaces and Routing Configuration Guide.)
- In the J-Web interface, select Configuration>View
and Edit>Edit Configuration.
- Next to Interfaces, click Configure or Edit.
- In the Interface name box, click fe-0/0/1.
From the [edit] hierarchy level, enter
edit interfaces fe-0/0/1
Configure the direction of the traffic for which you are enabling
packet capture on the logical interface—for example, inbound
and outbound.
- In the Interface unit number box, click 0.
- Next to Inet, select Yes,
and click Edit.
- Next to Sampling, click Configure.
- Next to Input, select Yes.
- Next to Output, select Yes.
- Click OK until you return
to the Interface page.
set unit 0 family inet sampling input output