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Configuring Packet Capture on an Interface (Required)

To capture all transit and host-bound packets on an interface and specify the direction of the traffic to capture—inbound, outbound, or both:

  1. Navigate to the top of the configuration hierarchy in either the J-Web or CLI configuration editor.
  2. Perform the configuration tasks described in Table 221.
  3. If you are finished configuring the device, commit the configuration.
  4. Go on to one of the following procedures:

Table 221: Configuring Packet Capture on an Interface


J-Web Configuration Editor

CLI Configuration Editor

Navigate to the Interfaces level in the configuration hierarchy, and select an interface for packet capture—for example, fe-0/0/1.

(See the interface naming conventions in the JUNOS Software Interfaces and Routing Configuration Guide.)

  1. In the J-Web interface, select Configuration>View and Edit>Edit Configuration.
  2. Next to Interfaces, click Configure or Edit.
  3. In the Interface name box, click fe-0/0/1.

From the [edit] hierarchy level, enter

edit interfaces fe-0/0/1

Configure the direction of the traffic for which you are enabling packet capture on the logical interface—for example, inbound and outbound.

  1. In the Interface unit number box, click 0.
  2. Next to Inet, select Yes, and click Edit.
  3. Next to Sampling, click Configure.
  4. Next to Input, select Yes.
  5. Next to Output, select Yes.
  6. Click OK until you return to the Interface page.


set unit 0 family inet sampling input output

Note: Packets originating from the host router are not captured unless you have configured and applied a firewall filter on the interface in the output direction.

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