Navigate to the Forwarding options level
in the configuration hierarchy.
- In the J-Web interface, select Configuration>View
and Edit>Edit Configuration.
- Next to Forwarding options, click Configure or Edit.
- Next to Scripts, click Configure or Edit.
- Next to Commits, click Configure or Edit.
In the configuration editor hierarchy, select Forwarding options.
From the [edit] hierarchy level, enter
edit forwarding-options
Specify in bytes the maximum size of each packet to capture
in each file—for example, 500. The range is between
68 and 1500, and the default is 68 bytes.
- From the Sampling or packet capture list, select Packet capture.
- Next to Packet capture, click Configure.
- In the Maximum capture size box, type 500.
set packet-capture maximum-capture-size 500
Specify the target filename for the packet capture file—for
example, pcap-file. For each physical interface, the interface
name is automatically suffixed to the filename—for example, pcap-file.fe-0.0.1.
(See the interface naming conventions in the JUNOS Software Interfaces and Routing Configuration Guide.)
In the Filename box, type pcap-file.
set packet-capture file filename pcap-file
Specify the maximum number of files to capture—for example, 100. The range is between 2 and 10,000, and the default is 10
In the Files box, type 100.
set packet-capture file files 100
Specify the maximum size of each file in bytes—for example, 1024. The range is between 1,024 and 104,857,600, and the default
is 512,000 bytes.
In the Size box, type 1024.
set packet-capture file size 1024
Specify if all users have permission to read the packet capture
- Next to World readable, select Yes.
- Click OK.
set packet-capture file world-readable