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Configuring SNMP Agents and Communities (Required)

To configure the SNMP agent, you must enable and authorize the network management system access to the Services Router, by configuring one or more communities. Each community has a community name, an authorization, which determines the kind of access the network management system has to the device, and, when applicable, a list of valid clients that can access the device.

To configure SNMP communities:

  1. Navigate to the top of the configuration hierarchy in either the J-Web or CLI configuration editor.
  2. To configure SNMP communities, perform the configuration tasks described in Table 64.
  3. If you are finished configuring the network, commit the configuration.
  4. To check the configuration, see Verifying the SNMP Configuration.

Table 64: Configuring SNMP Agents and Communities


J-Web Configuration Editor

CLI Configuration Editor

Navigate to the SNMP level in the configuration hierarchy.

  1. In the J-Web interface, select Configuration>View and Edit>Edit Configuration.
  2. Next to Snmp, click Configure or Edit.

From the [edit] hierarchy level, enter

edit snmp

Create and name a community.

  1. Next to Community, click Add new entry.
  2. In the Community box, type the name of the community as a free-form text string.

Create a community:

set community community-name

Grant read-write access to the community.

In the Authorization box, select read-write from the list.

Set the authorization to read-write:

set community community-name authorization read-write

Allow community access to a client at a particular IP address—for example, at IP address

  1. Next to Clients, click Add new entry.
  2. In the Prefix box, type the IP address, in dotted decimal notation.
  3. Click OK.

Configure client access for the IP address

set community community-name clients

Allow community access to a group of clients—for example, all addresses within the prefix, except those within the prefix.

  1. Next to Clients, click Add new entry.
  2. In the Prefix box, type the IP address prefix, and click OK.
  3. Next to Clients, click Add new entry.
  4. In the Prefix box, type the IP address prefix
  5. Select the Restrict check box.
  6. Click OK.
  1. Configure client access for the IP address

    set community community-name clients

  2. Configure client access to restrict the IP addresses

    set community community-name clients restrict

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