Navigate to the SNMP level in the configuration
- In the J-Web interface, select Configuration>View
and Edit>Edit Configuration.
- Next to Snmp, click Configure or Edit.
From the [edit] hierarchy level, enter
edit snmp
Create a trap group.
- Next to Trap group, click Add
new entry.
- In the Group name box, type the name of the group
as a free-form text string.
Create a community:
set trap-group trap-group-name
Configure the trap group to send all trap notifications to a
target IP address—for example, to the IP address
- Next to Targets, click Add
new entry.
- In the Target box, type the IP address, and click OK.
Set the trap-group target to
set trap-group trap-group-name targets
Configure the trap group to generate SNMP notifications on authentication
failures, environment alarms, and changes in link state for any of
the interfaces.
- Click Categories.
- Select the Authentication, Chassis, and Link check boxes.
- Click OK.
Configure the trap group categories:
set trap-group trap-group-name categories
authentication chassis link