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Managing SNMP Trap Groups (Required)

SNMP traps are unsolicited notifications that are generated by conditions on the Services Router. When events trigger a trap, a notification is sent to the configured clients for that particular trap group. To manage a trap group, you must create the group, specify the types of traps that are included in the group, and define one or more targets to receive the trap notifications.

To configure SNMP trap groups:

  1. Navigate to the top of the configuration hierarchy in either the J-Web or CLI configuration editor.
  2. To configure SNMP trap groups, perform the configuration tasks described in Table 65.
  3. If you are finished configuring the network, commit the configuration.
  4. To check the configuration, see Verifying the SNMP Configuration.

Table 65: Configuring SNMP Trap Groups


J-Web Configuration Editor

CLI Configuration Editor

Navigate to the SNMP level in the configuration hierarchy.

  1. In the J-Web interface, select Configuration>View and Edit>Edit Configuration.
  2. Next to Snmp, click Configure or Edit.

From the [edit] hierarchy level, enter

edit snmp

Create a trap group.

  1. Next to Trap group, click Add new entry.
  2. In the Group name box, type the name of the group as a free-form text string.

Create a community:

set trap-group trap-group-name

Configure the trap group to send all trap notifications to a target IP address—for example, to the IP address

  1. Next to Targets, click Add new entry.
  2. In the Target box, type the IP address, and click OK.

Set the trap-group target to

set trap-group trap-group-name targets

Configure the trap group to generate SNMP notifications on authentication failures, environment alarms, and changes in link state for any of the interfaces.

  1. Click Categories.
  2. Select the Authentication, Chassis, and Link check boxes.
  3. Click OK.

Configure the trap group categories:

set trap-group trap-group-name categories authentication chassis link

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