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Configuring the DNS Proxy Service with Quick Configuration

The DNS Proxy Quick Configuration page allows you to enable the interfaces for DNS, add DNS servers to the selection table, and add static cache entries. From the DNS Quick Configuration page, click the tabs to configure the interfaces list, selection table, and static cache list. You can configure multiple interfaces, server-selections, and cache entries from these Quick Configuration pages.

Figure 16 through Figure 19 show the DNS Proxy Service Quick Configuration pages.

Figure 16: DNS Proxy Quick Configuration Page

Image g030122.gif

Figure 17: Adding an Interface Page

Image g030116.gif

Figure 18: Adding a DNS Server Page

Image g030115.gif

Figure 19: Adding a Cache Entry Page

Image g030114.gif

To configure the DNS proxy service with Quick Configuration:

  1. In the J-Web user interface, select Configuration > Quick Configuration > DNS Proxy.
  2. From DNS Proxy Service Quick Configuration page, click the tabs to go to the respective pages.
  3. From each of the tabs pages, click Add and enter information into the respective Quick Configuration page as described in Table 77.
  4. On each DNS Proxy Service Quick Configuration page, click one of the following buttons:
  5. To check the DNS proxy server configuration, see Verifying the DNS Server Configuration.
  6. To check the DNS static cache configuration, see Verifying DNS Proxy Cache.

Table 77: DNS Proxy Service Quick Configuration Summary



Your Action

Enabling an Interface for DNS

Interfaces proxy DNS runs on

Lists the interfaces enabled to run DNS proxy.

  1. To add an interface, click Add.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • To enable an interface to run DNS proxy, select the check box corresponding to the interface and click Add.
    • To remove an interface, select the check box corresponding to the interface, and click Delete.
Adding a DNS Server

Selection List

Specifies the list of configured servers.

Type a number between 0 and 30,000. Under Selection List, click Add.

Name (required)

Specifies the name of the server on which you want to configure the DNS proxy.

Type the name of the server.

Domain Name (required)

Specifies the domain name that is mapped to a set of name servers.

Type the domain name that is mapped to the server.

Name Server List (required)

Specifies a list of name servers the device can use to resolve domain names that are not associated with any configured name server.

Do one of the following:

  • Select the name server to be mapped to a domain name. The domain name must be configured with DHCP. For more information about configuring a domain name with DHCP, see Configuring the Device for DHCP.
  • To add a new server, type the IP address of the server and click Add.
Adding a Static Cache Entry

Static Cache List

Specifies the list of cache entries.

Under Static Cache List, click Add.

Host Name

Specifies the hostname of the server that hosts the DNS proxy cache.

Type the hostname of the server.

IP Address

Specifies the IP address of the server that hosts the DNS proxy cache.

Type the IP address.

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