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Monitoring MPLS RSVP Interfaces Information

To view the interfaces on which RSVP is running, select Monitor>MPLS>RSVP Interfaces, or enter the following CLI command:

show rsvp interface

Table 112 summarizes key output fields in the RSVP interfaces information display.

Table 112: Summary of Key RSVP Interfaces Information Output Fields



Additional Information

RSVP Interface

Number of interfaces on which RSVP is active. Each interface has one line of output.



Name of the interface.



State of the interface:

  • Disabled—No traffic engineering information is displayed.
  • Down—The interface is not operational.
  • Enabled—Displays traffic engineering information.
  • Up—The interface is operational.

Active resv

Number of reservations that are actively reserving bandwidth on the interface.



User-configured subscription factor.


Static BW

Total interface bandwidth, in bits per second (bps).


Available BW

Amount of bandwidth that RSVP is allowed to reserve, in bits per second (bps). It is equal to (static bandwidth X subscription factor).


Reserved BW

Currently reserved bandwidth, in bits per second (bps).


Highwater mark

Highest bandwidth that has ever been reserved on this interface, in bits per second (bps).


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