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Configuring the WXC ISM 200 Using J-Web Quick Configuration

You can use the WAN Acceleration Quick Configuration page to perform the initial configuration of a WXC ISM 200, as shown in Figure 6. If the J-series Services Router is operating in a router context (that is, all interfaces are in the same zone), the acceleration zone policies are replaced by local and remote LAN addresses.

Figure 6: WAN Acceleration Quick Configuration Page

Image s001136.gif

To perform the initial WXC ISM 200 configuration with Quick Configuration:

  1. In the J-Web interface, select Configuration>Quick Configuration>WAN Acceleration>Setup.
  2. Enter information into the WAN Acceleration Quick Configuration page as described in Table 8.
  3. Click one of the following buttons:
  4. To check the configuration, go on to Verifying the Initial WXC ISM 200 Configuration.

Table 8: WAN Acceleration Quick Configuration Summary



Your Action

Logical Interfaces

Add logical interface

Specifies IP addresses for the wx-slot/0/0.0 interface that is created automatically when you install the WXC ISM 200. The slot indicates the higher of the two slot numbers occupied by the WXC ISM 200.

Click Add to configure the interface for the first time, or select the interface name to change the interface description or IP addresses.

Logical Interface Description

(Optional) Describes the logical interface.

Type a text description of the logical interface to more clearly identify it in monitoring displays.

IPv4 Address and Prefix

Specifies the IPv4 address and prefix for the primary interface.

Type an IPv4 address and prefix. The address can be any value, but the prefix must be /32. For example:

Destination Address

Specifies the primary IP address, which is used to manage the WXC ISM 200, and as the source and destination address of optimized traffic sent across the WAN.

Type an IP address on the LAN that is in the same subnet as the Services Router. If NAT is used, the destination address must be a public WAN IP address.

Configure Multipath

If a WXC ISM 200 has two possible WAN paths to a remote WX endpoint, you can configure a secondary address and next-hop gateway to route selected application traffic to a designated secondary path.

Click Configure Multipath to configure a secondary address. For more configuration options, see Configuring Multi-Path Routing Policies.

IPv4 Address and Prefix

Specifies the IPv4 address and prefix for the secondary interface.

Type an IPv4 address and prefix. The address can be any value, but the prefix must be /32.

Destination Address

Specifies the secondary IP address of the WXC ISM 200, which is used as the source address of optimized traffic to be routed to the secondary path.

Type an IP address on the LAN that is in the same subnet as the Services Router.

Secondary WAN Link Nexthop Destination Address

Specifies the IP address of the WAN link for the secondary path.

Type the IP address of the secondary WAN link.

Configure Acceleration Zone Policies (Security Context Only)

Accelerate From

Accelerate To

Identifies the source and destination zones of the traffic that is redirected to the WXC ISM 200 for acceleration.

Select the From and To zones of the traffic to be accelerated, such as trust and untrust. The From and To zones must be for LAN and WAN interfaces, respectively.

If the appropriate zones are not listed, select Configuration> Quick Configuration>Zones to create the zones.

Management Zone

Identifies the zone from which the WXC ISM 200 is managed.

Select the source zone of the management traffic (the untrust zone is the default).

Configure the Local and Remote LAN Network Address (Router Context Only)

Local LAN Network Address

Specifies the local LAN network addresses for which traffic is redirected to the WXC ISM 200.

Type the local network address and prefix.

Remote LAN Network Address

Specifies the remote LAN network addresses for which traffic is redirected to the WXC ISM 200.

Type a remote network address and prefix, and click Add. You can add any number of remote addresses.

OSPF [Local routes are dynamically exported...]

Select the Area ID to be exported

Identifies the OSPF area ID of the routes to be exported to the WXC ISM 200.

Select the Area ID or type in the Area ID number.

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