Access Manager Client-Side Error Messages

Table 38 lists possible errors that end users might see when installing or running Access Manager, the possible causes for the messages, and suggested actions.

Table 38: Dynamic VPN Client-Side Errors

Error Message

Possible Causes

Suggested User Action

Component instance already in use

Internal error.

Try to reconnect to the firewall.

Memory allocation failure

Internal error.

Try to reconnect to the firewall. If the problem persists, exit and restart Access Manager.

Failed to load connection store

Internal error.

Try to reconnect to the firewall. If the problem persists, exit and restart Access Manager.

Cannot get connection information for firewall

Internal error. Could not retrieve connection information for the specified firewall.

Try to reconnect to the firewall. If the problem persists, exit and restart Access Manager.

Authentication failure: Unknown HTTP response code

Internal error. Could not decipher the HTTP response.

Try to reconnect to the firewall. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.

Authentication failure: Incorrect username or password

The user entered an invalid username or password.

Reenter your credentials.

Authentication failure: Firewall is out of licenses

All available licenses are currently being used for other dynamic VPN sessions or no licenses are installed for the feature.

Try to reconnect to the firewall once a license has been freed by another user. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.

Authentication failure: No configuration available

No configuration is currently available for the specified user account.

Contact your system administrator.

Cannot create IPsec route entry

Internal error. Failed to read route entry from the connection store.

Try to reconnect to the firewall. If the problem persists, exit and restart Access Manager.

Failed to read route entry from connection store

Internal error. Failed to read the route entry from the connection store.

Try to reconnect to the firewall. If the problem persists, exit and restart Access Manager.

Failed to add route entry to policy

Internal error. Failed to add the route entry to the connection store.

Try to reconnect to the firewall. If the problem persists, exit and restart Access Manager.

Failed to initialize IPsec Manager

Internal error. Failed to initialize the IPsec Manager.

Try to reconnect to the firewall. If the problem persists, exit and restart Access Manager.

IPsec authentication failed

Phase 1 negotiations, extended authentication (XAuth), or Phase 2 negotiations failed.

Try to reconnect to the firewall.

IPsec configuration failed

Internal error or policy configuration error. The Tunnel Manager was unable to configure the local IP settings.

Try to reconnect to the firewall. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.

IKE negotiations failed

The components cannot agree on security parameters during the IKE exchange. The administrator probably needs to reconfigure the Phase 1 proposal.

Contact your system administrator.

Failed to initialize authentication

Failed to authenticate when connecting to the firewall, possibly because the specified hostname did not resolve against the distinguished name server (DNS).

Try to reconnect to the firewall.

Failed to connect to server

The TCP connection to the webserver failed during authentication, possibly because of network connectivity issues.

Try to reconnect to the firewall.

Failed to send initial HTTP request

Webserver authentication failed, possibly because of network connectivity issues.

Try to reconnect to the firewall.

Failed to get HTTP response

Webserver authentication failed.

Try to reconnect to the firewall. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.

Firewall refused authentication request

Webserver authentication failed.

Try to reconnect to the firewall. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.

Client failed to provide login page

Webserver authentication failed.

Try to reconnect to the firewall. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.

Server failed to send authentication request

Webserver authentication failed.

Try to reconnect to the firewall. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.

Server failed to respond to authentication request

The client sent the user’s credentials to the webserver, but the server failed to respond in a useful manner.

Try to reconnect to the firewall. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.

Authentication negotiation failed

Webserver authentication failed.

Try to reconnect to the firewall. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.

Failed to get configuration from firewall

Webserver authentication failed.

Try to reconnect to the firewall. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.

The user cancelled authentication.

User canceled authentication

Try to reconnect to the firewall and reenter your credentials.

Failed to enter username or password

Authentication request timed out.

Try to reconnect to the firewall and reenter your credentials.

Server failed to request username and password

The client failed to display the user interface asking the user for credentials.

Exit and restart Access Manager. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.

Your client state is preventing the connection

The user’s client is in an inoperable state.

Try to reconnect to the firewall. If the problem persists, exit and restart Access Manager.

Cannot open connection store

The client could not contact the connection store.

Exit and restart Access Manager. If the problem persists, reinstall Access Manager.

Cannot process configuration provided by firewall

The script provided by the firewall was in someway unusable. The configuration might need to be updated on the server.

Try to reconnect to the firewall. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.

Access Manager is not running

The Access Manager service is not running.

Exit and restart Access Manager.

Please select a connection

The user chose Start Connection without selecting a connection first.

Select the firewall you want to connect to and then choose Start Connection.

Are you sure you want to delete the selected connection?

The user chose Delete Connection.

Specify whether or not you want to delete the selection connection profile.

Cannot add new connection. Service is not running.

The Access Manager service is not running; therefore it cannot create a new connection profile.

Exit and restart Access Manager. If the problem persists, reinstall Access Manager.

Cannot add new connection

The Access Manager failed to add the new connection profile.

Try again. If the problem persists, exit and restart Access Manager.

Connection name is already in use

Unable to add connection profile because the specified connection name already exists.

Specify a unique name for the connection profile.

Please reinstall Access Manager

Files could not be found when trying to finish the operation.

Reinstall Access Manager.

Invalid server certificate

Certificate validation failed.

Check client-side logs to determine why the certificate failed.

Initializing service...

Initializing one of the client’s core components. If the component does not initialize, the client cannot function.

Wait for the service to finish initializing.

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