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Booting the Junos Space Appliance

Before you begin booting the Junos Space Appliance, ensure that you have:

  • Connected the Junos Space Appliance to a management console.

  • Configured a console terminal or terminal emulation utility to use the following serial connection parameters:

    • Baud rate: 9600 bits per second

    • Data: 8 bits

    • Flow control: None

    • Parity: None

    • Stop bits: 1


If you have turned on power to the power supply module, then the Junos Space Appliance starts booting automatically.

To boot the Junos Space Appliance, do the following:

  1. Power on the management device (PC or laptop) that is connected to the appliance’s console port.
  2. Power on the appliance by toggling the power switch located at the rear panel of the appliance.

    The appliance is shipped with a version of the Junos Space Network Management Platform software installed. When the appliance is powered on, the serial console displays diagnostic information before booting. When booting is complete, the serial console displays the login prompt. You are now ready to configure basic settings on the appliance.