Installing a Junos Space Image on a Junos Space Appliance by Using a USB Drive
Before you begin, ensure that:
You have a laptop or PC (running Windows or Linux) that is connected to the Internet.
If you are using a Windows laptop or PC, you must install the Win32 Disk Imager software on your computer to enable the software image to be written on the USB drive. You can download this software for free from
You have a USB drive with at least 4 GB of free space for Junos Space Platform Release 11.4 or later.
You can connect to the appliance by using the management console.
You have configured a console terminal or terminal emulation utility to use the following serial connection parameters:
Baud rate: 9600 bits per second
Data: 8 bits
Flow control: None
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Note:The console terminal or terminal emulation utility maps every key on the keyboard to a code that it then sends through the management console. In some cases, the Delete key on a PC keyboard does not send a DEL or Control-? character. You must ensure that the terminal utility that you are using to connect to the appliance maps a key to the DEL or Control-? character. Typically, this is accomplished by configuring the terminal utility to send a DEL or Control-? character when the Backspace key on the keyboard is pressed.
A Junos Space Appliance is shipped with a version of Junos Space Network Management Platform already installed on it.
You can install only Junos Space Network Management Platform Release 13.3 (or later) on the JA2500 Junos Space Appliance.
For information about how to upgrade Junos Space Network Management Platform, refer to the Upgrading Junos Space Software Overview and Upgrading Junos Space Network Management Platform topics in the Junos Space Network Management Platform Workspaces Feature Guide (available at
For information about upgrading to Junos Space Network Management Platform Release 16.1R1, see Upgrading to Junos Space Network Management Platform Release 16.1R1.
You can install a Junos Space Network Management Platform software image on an appliance by using a standard USB drive; both USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 are supported. You can use this procedure to restore the factory settings on an appliance or if you want to install a different version of the software.
This installation procedure has three main steps:
Creating a bootable USB drive
Ensuring that the appliance’s BIOS boots from the USB drive instead of the appliance’s hard disk
Installing the software image on the appliance
To install a software image on a Junos Space Appliance by using a USB drive: