Upgrading an MX240, MX480, or MX960 Router to Use the SCBE3-MX
Upgrade the Routing Engine
If you are upgrading to the SCBE3-MX from an SCBE2-MX or older SCB, the Routing Engine must be upgraded to the first supported Junos release for the SCBE3-MX (18.4R1) before you install it in the SCBE3-MX. Also, we recommend that you update the recovery snapshot with the 18.4R1 or later image before you begin the upgrade. If the Routing Engine fails to boot from the primary image, it will attempt to boot from the recovery image. Since the older recovery image does not support the SCBE3-MX, the Routing Engine will crash if it attempts to boot from the old recovery image.
If you plug the Routing Engine into the SCBE3-MX without
first upgrading Junos to 18.4R1 or later, Junos might crash and go
to a db
prompt. Should this occur, you’ll need to
recover the router by copying the Junos software image for the 18.4R1
or later release and then booting from the USB drive to install 18.4R1
Junos on the SCBE3-MX. The USB install will wipe out the router configuration
and all user files on the Routing Engine.
To upgrade the Routing Engine while it’s plugged into an SCBE2-MX or older SCB:
Install the Routing Engine into the SCBE3-MX
Refer to the Routing Engine installation procedure for your MX model:
Installing an MX240 Routing Engine
Install the SCBE3-MX into the Router Chassis
Refer to the Switch Control Board installation procedure for your MX model:
Installing an MX240 Switch Control Board