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Modify My Profile

An administrator profile is created for you when you register for a Juniper ATP Cloud account. Use this page at any time to edit your administrator profile. You can also change your password from this page.

  • Note that your username must be a valid e-mail address.

  • If you are changing your password, make sure you understand the syntax requirements.

  • Note that the administrator profile is only for the web UI. It does not grant access to any SRX Series Firewall.

To update your administrator profile, do the following:

  1. Select Administration. This takes you to the My Profile landing page.
  2. Edit the fields described in the table below.
  3. Click OK to save your changes or click Reset to discard them.

To change only your password, click Change Password.

Table 1: My Profile Fields



First Name

Enter a string beginning with an alphanumeric character.

Last Name

Enter a string beginning with an alphanumeric character.


Enter a valid e-mail address.


Enter a unique string at least 8 characters long. Include both uppercase and lowercase letters, at least one number, and at least one special character (~!@#$%^&*()_-+={}[]|:;<>,./?); no spaces are allowed, and you cannot use the same sequence of characters that are in your username. Note that your username for Juniper ATP Cloud is your e-mail address.

Role Assignment

Change the role assignment: System administrator, Operator, or Observer

MFA Method

If multi-factor authentication is enabled, this field displays the verification method, SMS or Email.

If this user is locked out for too many verification code requests, click the link to Reset mobile number. This removes the lock, allowing the user to step through the Verification Identity screen again.

Note that there is no way to remove a lockout if the MFA method is Email.