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Create and Edit User Profiles

Use this page to create additional user accounts or modify existing accounts for Juniper ATP Cloud. Multiple users can log into Juniper ATP Cloud at the same time.

  • Review the Modify My Profile topic.

  • Note that if multiple administrators are editing the same window at the same time, the last session to save their settings overwrites the other session’s changes.

To add additional administrator accounts:

  1. Select Administration > Users.
  2. Enter the information described in the table below.
  3. Click OK.
Table 1: User Fields



First Name

Enter a string beginning with an an alphanumeric character.

Last Name

Enter a string beginning with an an alphanumeric character.

E-mail Address

Enter a valid e-mail address.

Role Assignment

You can assign different roles to users to determine their level of access to configurations. When you create a user, select their role from the pulldown. Available roles are:

  • System Administrator—A system administrator has full write access to the Juniper ATP Cloud web portal and can edit all configuration information. Only a system administrator can create and edit user accounts.

  • Operator—An operator has write access to the Juniper ATP Cloud web portal and can edit all configuration information with the exception of user accounts.

  • Observer—An observer has read-access only to the Juniper ATP Cloud web portal with the exception of user accounts.