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Configuring Ping-Of-Death Attack Screen

This topic describes how to configure detection of ping-of-death attack.

The IP datagram with the protocol field of the IP header is set to 1 (ICMP), the last fragment bit is set, and (IP offset * 8) + (IP data length) > 65535. The IP offset (which represents the starting position of this fragment in the original packet, and which is in 8-byte units) plus the rest of the packet is greater than the maximum size for an IP packet.

To enable detection of a ping-of-death IDP attack:

  1. Configure interfaces and assign an IP address to interfaces.
  2. Configure security zones trustZone and untrustZone and assign interfaces to them.
  3. Configure security policies from untrustZone to trustZone.
  4. Configure security screens and attach them to untrustZone.
  5. Configure syslog.
  6. Commit the configuration.