Contrail Networking Installation and Upgrade Guide
Table of Contents Expand all
- play_arrow Installing and Upgrading Contrail
- play_arrow Understanding Contrail
- play_arrow Supported Platforms and Server Requirements
- play_arrow Contrail Command
- How to Install Contrail Command and Provision Your Contrail Cluster
- How to Login to Contrail Command
- Navigating the Contrail Command UI
- Installing a Contrail Cluster using Contrail Command and instances.yml
- Importing Contrail Cluster Data using Contrail Command
- Adding a New Compute Node to Existing Contrail Cluster Using Contrail Command
- How to Deploy Contrail Command and Import a Cluster Using Juju
- Importing a Canonical Openstack Deployment Into Contrail Command
- play_arrow Upgrading Contrail Software
- Upgrading Contrail Networking using Contrail Command
- Upgrading Contrail Command using Backup Restore Procedure
- How to Perform a Zero Impact Contrail Networking Upgrade using the Ansible Deployer
- Updating Contrail Networking using the Zero Impact Upgrade Process in an Environment using Red Hat Openstack 16.1
- Updating Contrail Networking using the Zero Impact Upgrade Process in an Environment using Red Hat Openstack 13
- Updating Contrail Networking using the Zero Impact Upgrade Procedure in a Canonical Openstack Deployment with Juju Charms
- Upgrading Contrail Networking using the Ansible Deployer In-Service Software Upgrade Procedure in OpenStack Environments
- Upgrading Contrail Networking using contrail-ansible Deployer
- Upgrading Contrail Networking using In-Place Upgrade Procedure
- Upgrading Contrail Networking Release 19xx with RHOSP13 to Contrail Networking Release 2011 with RHOSP16.1
- play_arrow Backup and Restore Contrail Software
- play_arrow Using Contrail Networking with VMware vCenter
- play_arrow VMware vCenter with Containerized Contrail Networking
- play_arrow Using Contrail Networking with OpenStack
- play_arrow Setting Up Contrail with Red Hat OpenStack 16.1
- play_arrow Setting Up Contrail with Red Hat OpenStack 13
- play_arrow Configuring Virtual Networks
- play_arrow Using Contrail Resources in Heat Templates
- play_arrow QoS Support in Contrail Networking
- play_arrow Load Balancers
- play_arrow Optimizing Contrail Networking
- play_arrow Contrail Networking OpenStack Analytics
- play_arrow Contrail OpenStack APIs
- play_arrow Using Contrail with Juju Charms
- Installing Contrail with OpenStack by Using Juju Charms
- Installing Contrail with Kubernetes by Using Juju Charms
- Installing Contrail with Kubernetes in Nested Mode by Using Juju Charms
- Installing OpenStack Octavia LBaaS with Juju Charms in Contrail Networking
- Using Netronome SmartNIC vRouter with Contrail Networking and Juju Charms
- play_arrow Using Contrail and Contrail Insights with Kolla/Ocata OpenStack
- Contrail, Contrail Insights, and OpenStack Kolla/Ocata Deployment Requirements
- Preparing for the Installation
- Run the Playbooks
- Accessing Contrail in Contrail Insights Management Infrastructure in UI
- Notes and Caveats
- Example Instances.yml for Contrail and Contrail Insights OpenStack Deployment
- Contrail Insights Installation and Configuration for OpenStack
- Contrail Insights Installation for OpenStack in HA
- play_arrow Post Installation Tasks
- Configuring Role and Resource-Based Access Control
- Configuring Role-Based Access Control for Analytics
- Configuring the Control Node with BGP
- Configuring MD5 Authentication for BGP Sessions
- Configuring Transport Layer Security-Based XMPP in Contrail
- Configuring Graceful Restart and Long-lived Graceful Restart
- Scaling Up Contrail Networking Configuration API Server Instances
- Scaling Up Contrail Networking Configuration API
list Table of Contents
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Creating a Virtual Network with OpenStack Contrail
You can create virtual networks in Contrail Networking from the OpenStack. The following procedure shows how to create a virtual network when using OpenStack.
- To create a virtual network when using OpenStack Contrail,
select Project > Network > Networks. The Networks page is displayed. See Figure 1.Figure 1: Networks Page
- Click Create Network. The Create Network window is displayed. See Figure 2 and Figure 3.Figure 2: Create NetworksFigure 3: Subnet and Gateway Details
- Click the Network and Subnet tabs
to complete the fields in the Create Network window. See
field descriptions in Table 1.
Table 1: Create Network Fields Field
Network Name
Enter a name for the network.
Subnet Name
Enter a name for the subnetwork.
Network Address
Enter the network address in CIDR format.
IP Version*
Select IPv4 or IPv6.
Gateway IP
Optionally, enter an explicit gateway IP address for the IP address block. Check the Disable Gateway box if no gateway is to be used.
- Click the Subnet Details tab to specify the
Allocation Pool, DNS Name Servers, and Host Routes.Figure 4: Additional Subnet Attributes
- To save your network, click Create , or click Cancel to discard your work and start over.