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cPCE Deployment Guide
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Install cPCE and cPCEPAdaptor Using Docker

date_range 13-Feb-24


Install and Verify Docker

Install and configure Docker on Linux host platform to implement the Linux container environment, see Install Docker for installation instructions on the supported Linux host operating systems.

Verify the Docker installation.

To install the latest Docker:

Log in and download the software.

root@ubuntu-vm18:~# curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -

root@ubuntu-vm18:~# add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] bionic stable"

root@ubuntu-vm18:~# apt update

root@ubuntu-vm18:~# apt install docker-ce

Download Software

The cPCE and cPCEPAdaptor software is available as a Docker file from the Juniper software download page.

Before you import the software, ensure that Docker is installed on the Linux host and that the Docker Engine is running.

After you install the Docker Engine on the host, perform the following to download and start using the cPCE image:

To download the software:

  1. Download the cRPD software image from the Juniper Networks website.
  2. Load the downloaded docker image on the local Linux host where docker is installed.
    root@ubuntu-vm18# docker load -i junos-routing-crpd-docker-amd64-23.2R1.13.tgz
  3. Verify the cPCE image in docker image repository.

    root@ubuntu-vm18# docker images

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    REPOSITORY   TAG         IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
    crpd         23.2R1.13   0cf5adbda509   5 months ago   498MB
  4. Download the PCEP adaptor software image from the Juniper Networks website.
  5. Load the downloaded docker image on the local Linux host where docker is installed.
    root@ubuntu-vm18# docker load -i junos-cpcep-adaptor-docker-amd64-23.2R1.9.tgz
  6. Verify the cpcepadaptor image in docker image repository.

    root@ubuntu-vm18# docker images

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    REPOSITORY            TAG                     IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
    crpd           23.2R1.13   0cf5adbda509   5 months ago   498MB
    cpcepadaptor   23.2R1.9    9979e81995c5   5 months ago   404MB

Create cPCE

To create cPCE:

  1. Run the command to launch cRPD-cpce instance:

    root@ubuntu-vm18:~# docker run --name cRPD-cpce -d --privileged -p 179:179 crpd:23.2R1.13

  2. Log in to docker console.

    root@ubuntu-vm18:~# docker exec -it cRPD-cpce /bin/bash

    content_copy zoom_out_map
               Containerized Routing Protocols Daemon (CRPD)
     Copyright (C) 2020-2023, Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
  3. Enter into configuration mode.

    root@cRPD-cpce:/# cli

    root@cRPD-cpce> configure

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    Entering configuration mode

Create cPCEPAdaptor

To create cPCEPAdaptor:

  1. Run the command to launch cPCEPAdaptor:

    root@ubuntu-vm18:~# docker run --name CPCE1-pcepAdaptor -d --privileged -p 4189:4189 cpcepadaptor:23.2R1.9

  2. Log in to the cPCEPAdaptor container using CLI.

    root@ubuntu-vm18:~# docker exec -it CPCE1-pcepAdaptor /bin/bash

    content_copy zoom_out_map
               Containerized PCEP Adaptor (cPCEP Adaptor)
     Copyright (C) 2021-2023, Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
  3. Enter into configuration mode.

    root@CPCE1-pcepAdaptor:/# cli

    root@CPCE1-pcepAdaptor> configure

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    Entering configuration mode