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Adding Path-Based Steering Profiles

Release: Contrail Service Orchestration 6.3.0
Change Release
date_range 30-Sep-21

You can use the Add Path Profile page to add a new path-based steering profile, and specify the traffic type profile, path preference, and advanced configuration for the profile.

To add a path-based steering profile to the tenant:

  1. Select Configuration > SD-WAN > Path-Based Steering Profiles.

    The Path-Based Steering Profiles page appears.

  2. Click the add (+) icon.

    The Add Path Profile page appears.

  3. Enter the path-based steering profile information according to the guidelines provided in Table 1.

    Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

  4. Click OK .

    You are returned to the Path-Based Steering Profiles page and a confirmation message indicating that the path-based steering profile was added is displayed. The page refreshes to display the path-based steering profile that you added.


    After you add a path-based steering profile, you must add an SD-WAN policy intent that references the path-based steering profile in order to enable site-to-site traffic.

Table 1: Fields on the Add Path Profile page




Enter a unique string that can contain alphanumeric characters and hyphens (-); the maximum length is 15 characters.

Traffic Type Profile

Choose a traffic type profile to apply the class-of-service configuration and priority to the SLA profile. You can select a traffic type profile only when it is in the Enabled state.

Path Preference

Select the preferred WAN link type to associate with the SLA profile. The options are MPLS, and Internet.

Advanced Configuration

Maximum Upstream Rate

Enter the maximum upstream rate (in Kbps) for all applications associated with the SLA profile.

Range: 64 through 10,485,760 Kbps

Maximum Upstream Burst Size

Enter the maximum burst size (in bytes).

Range: 1 through 1,342,177,280 bytes

Maximum Downstream Rate

Enter the maximum downstream rate (in Kbps) for all applications associated with the SLA profile.

Range: 64 through 10,485,760 Kbps

Maximum Downstream Burst Size

Enter the maximum burst size (in bytes).

Range: 1 through 1,342,177,280 bytes

Loss Priority

Select a loss priority based on which packets can be dropped or retained when network congestion occurs. The chances of a packet getting dropped is the highest when the loss priority is set to High. Other available values are Medium High, Medium Low, and Low.
