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Test Questions to Find Rules in a Device

date_range 09-Aug-21

SUMMARY Devices and rules test questions are used to identify rules in a device that violate a defined policy that can introduce risk into the environment.

The device and rules test questions are described in the following table.

Table 1: Device and Rules Tests
Test Name Description
allow connections to the following networks Filters device rules and connections to or from the configured networks. For example, if you configure the test to allow communications to a network, the test filters all rules and connections that allow connections to the configured network.
allow connections to the following IP addresses Filters device rules and connections to or from the configured IP addresses. For example, if you configure the test to allow communications to an IP address, the test filters all rules and connections that allow connections to the configured IP address.
allow connections to the following asset building blocks Filters device rules and connections to or from the configured asset building block.
allow connections to the following reference sets Filters device rules and connections to or from the configured reference sets.
allow connections using the following destination ports and protocols Filters device rules and connections to or from the configured ports and protocols
allow connections using the following protocols Filters device rules and connections to or from the configured protocols.
allow connections to the Internet Filters device rules and connections to and from the Internet.
are one of the following devices Filters all network devices to the configured devices. This test can filter based on devices that are or are not in the configured list.
are one of the following reference sets Filters device rule based on the reference sets that you specify.
are one of the following networks Filters device rules based on the networks that you specify.
are using one of the following adapters Filters device rules based on the adapters that you specify.