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Creating an Application Deployment Map in IBM AppScan Enterprise

The Application Deployment Map allows AppScan Enterprise to determine the locations that host the application in your production environment.

As vulnerabilities are discovered, AppScan Enterprise knows the locations of the hosts and the IP addresses affected by the vulnerability. If an application is deployed to several hosts, then AppScan Enterprise generates a vulnerability for each host in the scan results.

  1. Click the Administration tab.
  2. On the navigation menu, select Network Security Systems.
  3. On the JSA Integration Setting pane, click Edit.
  4. In the Application test location (host or pattern) field, type the test location of your application.
  5. In the Application production location (host) field, type the IP address of your production environment.

    To add vulnerability information to JSA, your Application Deployment Mapping must include an IP address. If the IP address is not available in the AppScan Enterprise scan results, vulnerability data without an IP address is excluded from JSA.

  6. Click Add.
  7. Repeat this procedure to map any more production environments in AppScan Enterprise.
  8. Click Done.

You are now ready to publish completed reports. See Publishing Completed Reports in IBM AppScan Enterprise.