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Workspaces User Guide
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Viewing and Managing Events

date_range 27-Sep-22

In the Network Monitoring workspace, events refer to any changes detected in the network. Events can be generated internally by Network Monitoring or through external SNMP traps.

You can set various parameters, such as an event description, log message, severity, and so on, when an event is generated by using the eventconf.xml file. In addition, you can specify that event parameters are sent to an external script.

To search for and view information about events:

  1. On the Junos Space Network Management Platform UI, select Network Monitoring > Events.

    The Events page appears.

  2. (Optional) To view detailed information about an event:

    1. In the Event ID text box (in the Event Queries section), enter the ID of the event.

    2. Click Get Details or press Enter.

      • If the event ID that you entered matches an existing event, the subsequent page displays information about the event. For more information, see Viewing the Details of an Event.

      • If the event ID that you entered does not match an existing event, the subsequent page displays where a message to this effect.

  3. (Optional) To view the list of all events, click the All events link (in the Event Queries section).

    The Events (List) page appears and the list of events is displayed in a table. For more information, see Viewing, Searching for, Sorting, and Filtering Events

  4. (Optional) To search for events by specifying one or more search criteria, click the Advanced Search link (in the Event Queries section).

    The Advanced Event Search page appears. For more information, see Searching for Events (Advanced Event Search).

  5. (Optional) If event filter favorites were previously created, you can perform the following tasks in the Event Filter Favorites section:


    You can view and delete only the event filters that you created.

    • View the constraints that are part of a filter by mousing over the information icon corresponding to a filter.

      The constraints are displayed in a pop-up window.

    • View the events that match a filter by clicking the filter name link.

      The Events (List) page appears and the list of events is displayed in a table. For more information, see Viewing, Searching for, Sorting, and Filtering Events.

    • Delete an event filter favorite by clicking the X link corresponding to the filter.

      The favorite is deleted and a message indicating that the favorite is deleted is displayed.

This topic has the following sections:

Viewing the Details of an Event

On the Event event-ID page, the information about an event, as shown in Table 1, is displayed.

Table 1: Information Displayed About an Event




Severity of the event:

  • Critical—Numerous devices are affected; fixing the problem is essential.

  • Major—The device is completely down or in danger of going down; immediate attention is required.

  • Minor—Part of a device (service, interface, power supply, and so forth) has stopped; attention is required.

  • Warning—The event might require action; should possibly be logged.

  • Indeterminate—No severity is associated with the event.

  • Normal—This is an informational message; no action is required.

  • Cleared—This indicates that a prior error condition has been corrected and the service is restored.


Name of the node on which the event occurred

You can click the Node link to view details about the node.


Date and time when the event occurred


Interface on which the event occurred

You can click the Interface link to view details about the interface.


Service that was affected by the event

You can click the Service link to view details about the service.


Unique event identifier (UEI) associated with the event

Each event in Network Monitoring, including those generated by traps, is assigned a UEI.

Log Message

Message that was logged for the event


Detailed description of the event

Operator Instructions

Instructions for the operator of the node on which the event occurred

Viewing, Searching for, Sorting, and Filtering Events

By default, the Events (List) page displays the list of outstanding events in a table. However, depending on whether you used Advanced Search or applied a favorite filter, the list of events displayed might be different. For each event, the information shown in Table 2 is displayed.

You can filter and sort the list of events displayed based on various criteria:

  1. (Optional) To apply an existing favorite event filter, select the name of the filter from the Filter Name list.

    The events are displayed based on the filter that you applied.

  2. (Optional) If you applied a favorite event filter, you can remove it by clicking the Remove Filter button.

    All outstanding events are displayed on the Events (List) page.

  3. (Optional) To search for events:

    You must specify one of the search criteria.

    1. Enter the text (non-case-sensitive) in the Event Text field to search for events based on the text in the event log message and description.
    2. From the Time list, select the period for which you want to view the events.
    3. Click Search.

      The outstanding events that match the search criteria are displayed. The search criteria is displayed in the Search constraints field.

  4. (Optional) To view a specific number of events per page, select the required number from the list next to the Results field.

    By default, the number of events listed on the View Events page is 20. You can select the number of events you want to view per page from the Show list. You can choose to view 10, 20, 50, 100, 250, 500, or 1000 events.


    The number of events selected is set as user preference and the selected number of events are listed beginning from the next login.

  5. (Optional) To sort the events displayed:
    • In descending order, click the column name link in the table once.

    • In ascending order, click the column name link in the table twice.

    The events are sorted based on the column that you clicked.

  6. (Optional) To filter events based on different constraints:
    • Based on severity, node, interface, or service, click the plus (+) icon to view events only for the corresponding parameter or click the minus (–) icon to exclude events for the corresponding parameter.

    • Based on the date and time when the event occurred, click the back arrow icon to view events that occurred after the corresponding date and time or click the forward arrow icon to view events that began before the corresponding date and time.

    The events in the table are displayed based on the constraints that you applied. In addition, the constraints that you applied are displayed in the Search constraints field.

  7. (Optional) You can remove existing search constraints by clicking the minus (–) icon corresponding to a constraint in the Search Constraints field.

    The Event(s) outstanding constraint is applied by default and cannot be removed. You can toggle this constraint with the Event(s) acknowledged constraint, which displays the list of acknowledged events, by clicking the minus (–) icon.

  8. (Optional) To save a filter as a favorite:

    You can save a filter as a favorite only if the filter contains search constraints other than Event(s) outstanding or Event(s) acknowledged.

    1. Click the Save Filter button in the Search Constraints field.

      A window is displayed instructing you to enter the name of the favorite filter.

    2. Enter a unique name (up to 30 alphanumeric characters except %, &, or #) for the filter in the text box.
    3. Click OK.
      • If an existing favorite filter has the same name, a warning message is displayed on the Events (List) page. You must re-enter a unique name to save the filter.

      • If the filter name that you specified is unique, the filter is saved and the Events (List) page appears. The Filter Names list displays the name of the filter.


        Previously saved event filter favorites are accessible from the Event Filter Favorites section of the Events page.

  9. (Optional) To view all outstanding events, click the View all events link at the top of the page.

    The outstanding events are displayed on the Events (List) page.

  10. (Optional) To search for events based on multiple criteria, click the Advanced Search link at the top of the page.

    The Advanced Event Search page appears. For more information, see Searching for Events (Advanced Event Search)

  11. (Optional) To view the event severity levels, their color-coding, and explanation, click the Severity Legend link at the top of the page.

    The severity levels are displayed in a window. Click the Close (x) button to close the window.


If the list of events displayed runs across multiple pages, you can use the navigation links in the Results field near the top of the page to view the events.

Table 2: Information Displayed on the Events (List) Page




Event ID

You can click the ID link to go to the Event Details page.


Severity of the event

Refer to Table 1 for a list of the different severity levels.


Date and time when the event occurred


Name of the node on which the event occurred

You can click the Node link to view details about the node.


Interface on which the event occurred

You can click the Interface link to view details about the interface.


Service that was affected by the event

You can click the Service link to view details about the service.


UEI associated with the event


You can edit the notifications for an event by clicking the Edit notifications for an event link. For more information, see Configuring Event Notifications, Path Outages, and Destination Paths.


Partial description of the event


Message that was logged for the event
