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Workspaces User Guide
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Modifying the Purging Policy and Purging Criteria and Setting the Policy Status

Release: Junos Space 22.2
Change Release
date_range 27-Sep-22

On the Purging Policy page, users with the role Super Administrator or System Administrator (or a custom user with the Purging Policy task assigned) can modify purging criteria and trigger conditions and enable or disable purging categories for Junos Space Network Management Platform and, if configured, for installed applications.

To modify the purging policy and criteria, and set the policy status:

  1. On the Junos Space Platform UI, select Administration > Purging Policy.

    The Purging Policy page appears displaying the trigger conditions for purging on the top part of the page (under Trigger conditions for purging) and the purging categories and criteria on the bottom part of the page.

    You can modify the purging trigger conditions and some fields related to the purging criteria and policy status.

This topic has the following sections:

Modifying the Purging Trigger Conditions

On the Purging Policy page, you can modify the trigger conditions for purging.

To modify the purging trigger conditions:

  1. (Optional) In the Disk usage threshold (%) field, enter the percentage of the disk space that can be used beyond which the files are purged.

    When the percentage of the disk space used in the /var or /var/log partition exceeds the configured value, Junos Space triggers an intermediate purging job for the purging categories that are enabled and for which the disk usage threshold exceeds the configured limit. The purging job is executed based on the priority; the highest priority sub-job is executed first and after its completion, Junos Space Platform checks the disk threshold again. If the disk usage threshold is higher than the configured limit, then the purging job is continued in decreasing order of priority. If the disk threshold is lower than the configured limit, the job is stopped.

    The minimum value is 1 and the maximum is 100; the default is 85 percent.

  2. (Optional) To modify the purging schedule:
    1. Select the Schedule at a later time check box.

      To trigger a purging job that will run immediately, clear the Schedule at a later time check box.

    2. In the Start field, specify the date and time on which you want the purging to start.
  3. (Optional) To specify the recurrence interval:
    1. Select the Recurrence check box.

      To remove the recurrence, clear the Recurrence check box.

    2. In the Interval field, specify the recurrence interval (in minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years) and the frequency of recurrence.

      The default interval is Monthly.

      If you specify an interval in weeks, months, or years, you can specify on which days the purging should recur. Additionally, if the interval is in weeks, the day on which you are specifying the recurrence is selected and disabled by default; you can specify additional days on which the purging should recur.

      The monthly option further provides two more options to select either the last day of a month or a particular day in a month.

    3. In the Ends on field, specify a date and time after which the recurrence ends. Alternatively, if you want the purging to recur indefinitely, select Never.

      By default, the purging recurs indefinitely.


    Junos Space triggers a purging policy job based on the following:

    • If both the Schedule at a later time and Recurrence fields are not specified, Junos Space triggers a job that will run immediately.

    • If the Schedule at a later time field is specified but the Recurrence field is not specified, Junos Space triggers a job that will run later at the specified schedule.

    • If the Recurrence field is specified but the Schedule at a later time field is not specified, Junos Space triggers a job that will run immediately with the specified recurrence.

    • If both the Schedule at a later time and Recurrence fields are specified, Junos Space triggers a job that will run later at the specified schedule and the specified recurrence.

  4. After modifying the trigger conditions, you can perform one of the following actions:
    • Click Save to save the modifications that you made.

      • If you modified the trigger conditions and a purging policy job does not exist, a dialog box is displayed warning you that the trigger conditions will be updated and that a purging job will be created.

        Click Schedule to save the changes and schedule the purging policy job.

      • If you modified the trigger conditions and a purging policy job already exists, a dialog box is displayed warning you that the trigger conditions will be updated and that a purging job already exists.

        Click Reschedule to reschedule the existing purging job.

        The job is rescheduled and the purging policy page is reloaded.

    • Click Discard to discard the modifications that you made.

      The modifications are discarded and the settings are returned to the previous saved state. The Purging Policy page is reloaded.

Modifying the Purging Criteria and Enabling or Disabling a Policy

On the Purging Policy page, you can modify the purging criteria and enable or disable a purging policy.

To modify the purging criteria and enable or disable a purging policy:

  1. Select the purging policy by clicking inside the row corresponding to a category.

    The selected purging policy is highlighted.

  2. (Optional) To enable or disable the purging policy:
    1. Click the Set Policy Status button (check mark).

      A confirmation dialog box appears prompting you to confirm that you want to change the policy status.

    2. Click Yes to change the policy status.

      The policy status is changed and the Purging Policy page is reloaded; the Policy Status field displays the new status.

  3. (Optional) To modify the purging criteria:

    You cannot modify the name of a criterion but only its value.

    1. Click the Edit Purging Criteria (pencil icon) button.

      The Edit Purging Criteria page pops up. The name of the criterion and the corresponding value is displayed.

    2. Click the pencil icon next to the criterion or double-click the row that you want to modify.

      The selected row expands and displays the Criteria Name field (disabled) and the Value field.

    3. Enter the value for the criterion in the Value field.
    4. Perform one of the following actions:
      • Click Save to save the modification.

        The modification is saved, the expanded row is closed, and the modified value is displayed.

      • Click Cancel to discard the modification.

        The modification is discarded, the expanded row is closed, and the previously saved value is displayed.

  4. (Optional) To modify additional purging criteria, follow the procedure outlined in step 3.
  5. Click OK to close the page.

    You are taken to the Purging Policy page.
