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Using Operational Commands to Monitor a Device

date_range 22-Nov-23

Operational mode CLI commands enable you to monitor and control the operation of a Juniper Networks device. The operational mode commands exist in a hierarchical structure.

CLI Command Completion Example

The command completion feature can help make it easier both to enter commands or to learn what possible completion options are available at any given time.

This example shows the result of issuing the show interfaces command. In this case, the spacebar is used to autocomplete the command.

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> sh<Space>ow i<Space>
'i' is ambiguous.
Possible completions:
igmp                   Show information about IGMP
interface              Show interface information
isis                   Show information about IS-IS

user@host> show in<Space>terfaces
Physical interface: at-0/1/0, Enabled, Physical link is Up
Interface index: 11, SNMP ifIndex: 65
Link-level type: ATM-PVC, MTU: 4482, Clocking: Internal, SONET mode
Speed: OC12, Loopback: None, Payload scrambler: Enabled
Device flags: Present Running
Link flags: 0x01

This example shows how to display a list of all log files whose names start with the string “messages,” and then display the contents of one of the files. Here, the Tab key is used to perform the autocompletion.

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@myhost> show log mes?
Possible completions:
  <filename>Log file to display
messagesSize: 1417052, Last changed: Mar 3 00:33
messages.0.gzSize:  145575, Last changed: Mar 3 00:00
messages.1.gzSize:  134253, Last changed: Mar 2 23:00
messages.10.gzSize: 137022, Last changed: Mar 2 14:00
messages.2.grSize:  137112, Last changed: Mar 2 22:00
messages.3.gzSize:  121633, Last changed: Mar 2 21:00
messages.4.gzSize:  135715, Last changed: Mar 2 20:00
messages.5.gzSize:  137504, Last changed: Mar 2 19:00
messages.6.gzSize:  134591, Last changed: Mar 2 18:00
messages.7.gzSize:  132670, Last changed: Mar 2 17:00
messages.8.gzSize:  136596, Last changed: Mar 2 16:00
messages.9.gzSize:  136210, Last changed: Mar 2 15:00

user@myhost> show log mes<Tab>sages.4<Tab>.gz<Enter>
Jan 15 21:00:00 myhost newsyslog[1381]: logfile turned over

Operational Mode Commands: Overview of Controlling the Scope

The Junos OS CLI operational commands include options that you can use to identify specific components on a device. For example:

  • You use the show interfaces command to display information about all interfaces on the router.

  1. Type the show interfaces command to display information about all interfaces on the router.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host> show interfaces 
    Physical interface: so-0/0/0, Enabled, Physical link is Up
      Interface index: 128, SNMP ifIndex: 23
      Link-level type: PPP, MTU: 4474, Clocking: Internal, SONET mode, Speed: OC3,
      Loopback: None, FCS: 16, Payload scrambler: Enabled
      Device flags   : Present Running
      Interface flags: Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps Internal: 0x4000
      Link flags     : Keepalives
      Keepalive settings: Interval 10 seconds, Up-count 1, Down-count 3
      Keepalive: Input: 13861 (00:00:05 ago), Output: 13891 (00:00:01 ago)
      LCP state: Opened
      NCP state: inet: Opened, inet6: Not-configured, iso: Opened, mpls: Not-configured
      CHAP state: Closed
      PAP state: Closed
      CoS queues     : 4 supported, 4 maximum usable queues
      Last flapped   : 2008-06-02 17:16:14 PDT (1d 14:21 ago)
      Input rate     : 40 bps (0 pps)
      Output rate    : 48 bps (0 pps)

    This example output shows only one interface, for the sake of brevity, but in reality, the interfaces information for all four would be shown after the —(more)— prompts.

  2. To display information about a specific interface, type that interface as a command option:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host> show interfaces fe-0/1/3   
    Physical interface: fe-0/1/3, Enabled, Physical link is Up
      Interface index: 135, SNMP ifIndex: 30
      Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1514, Speed: 100mbps, MAC-REWRITE Error: None,
      Loopback: Disabled, Source filtering: Disabled, Flow control: Enabled
      Device flags   : Present Running
      Interface flags: SNMP-Traps Internal: 0x4000
      Link flags     : None
      CoS queues     : 4 supported, 4 maximum usable queues
      Current address: 00:05:85:8f:c8:22, Hardware address: 00:05:85:8f:c8:22
      Last flapped   : 2008-06-02 17:16:15 PDT (1d 14:28 ago)
      Input rate     : 0 bps (0 pps)
      Output rate    : 0 bps (0 pps)
      Active alarms  : None
      Active defects : None

Routing Matrix Command Options

The show version command offers several options for viewing information about the routing matrix.

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show version ?
Possible completions:
  <[Enter]>            Execute this command
  all-lcc              Show software version on all LCC chassis
  brief                Display brief output
  detail               Display detailed output
  lcc                  Show software version on specific LCC (0..3)
  scc                  Show software version on the SCC
  |                    Pipe through a command

Viewing Files and Directories on a Device

The operating system stores information in files on the device, including configuration files, log files, and device software files. This topic shows some examples of operational commands that you can use to view files and directories on a device.

Directories on the Device

The following table lists some standard directories on a Juniper Networks device.

Table 1: Directories on the Device




This directory is located on the device’s internal flash drive. It contains the active configuration (juniper.conf) and rollback files 1, 2, and 3.


This directory is located on the device’s hard drive and contains rollback files 4 through 49.


This directory is located on the device’s hard drive. It holds core files from the various processes on the Routing Engines. Core files are generated when a particular process crashes. Juniper Networks engineers use these core files to diagnose the cause of the failure.


This directory is located on the device’s hard drive. It contains files generated by both the device’s logging function and the traceoptions command.


This directory is located on the device’s hard drive. It contains a subdirectory for each configured user on the device. These individual user directories are the default file location for many software commands.


This directory is located on the device’s hard drive and contains a copy of the root file structure from the internal flash drive. This directory is used in certain disaster recovery modes where the internal flash drive is not operational.


This directory is located on the device’s hard drive and contains a copy of the /config file structure from the internal flash drive. This directory is also used in certain disaster recovery modes when the internal flash drive is not operational.

List Files and Directories

You can view the device’s directory structure as well as individual files by issuing the file command in operational mode.

  1. To get help about the file command, enter file ?:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host> file ?
    Possible completions:                                                                                                                       
      <[Enter]>            Execute this command
      archive              Archives files from the system
      change-owner         Change owner of file
      change-permission    Change permission of file
      checksum             Calculate file checksum
      compress             Compress file
      copy                 Copy files (local or remote)
      delete               Delete files from the system
      delete-directory     Delete a directory
      link                 Create link between files
      list                 List file information
      make-directory       Create a new
      make-directory       Create a new
    user@host> file    

    Help shows that the file command includes several options for manipulating files.

  2. Use the list option to see the directory structure of the device. For example, to show the files located in your home directory on the device:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host> file list

    The default directory for the file list command is the home directory of the user logged in to the device. In fact, the user’s home directory is the default directory for most of the commands requiring a filename.

  3. To view the contents of other file directories, specify the directory location. For example:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host> file list /config
  4. You can also use the device’s context-sensitive help system to locate a directory. For example:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host> file list /?
    Possible completions:
      <[Enter]>            Execute this command
      <path>               Path to list
      /COPYRIGHT           Size: 6355, Last changed: Feb 13 2017
      /altconfig/          Last changed: Aug 07 2017
      /altroot/            Last changed: Aug 07 2017
      /bin/                Last changed: Apr 09 22:31:35
      /boot/               Last changed: Apr 09 23:28:39
      /config/             Last changed: Apr 16 22:35:35
      /data/               Last changed: Aug 07 2017
      /dev/                Last changed: Apr 09 22:36:21
      /etc/                Last changed: Apr 11 03:14:22
      /kernel              Size: 27823246, Last changed: Aug 07 2017
      /mfs/                Last changed: Apr 09 22:36:49
      /mnt/                Last changed: Jan 11 2017
      /modules/            Last changed: Apr 09 22:33:54
      /opt/                Last changed: Apr 09 22:31:00
      /packages/           Last changed: Apr 09 22:34:38
      /proc/               Last changed: May 07 20:25:46
      /rdm.taf             Size: 498, Last changed: Apr 09 22:37:31
      /root/               Last changed: Apr 10 02:19:45
      /sbin/               Last changed: Apr 09 22:33:55
      /staging/            Last changed: Apr 09 23:28:41
      /tmp/                Last changed: Apr 11 03:14:49
      /usr/                Last changed: Apr 09 22:31:34
      /var/                Last changed: Apr 09 22:37:30
    user@host> file list /var/?
    <[Enter]>            Execute this command
      <path>               Path to list
      /var/account/        Last changed: Jul 09 2017
      /var/at/             Last changed: Jul 09 2017
      /var/backups/        Last changed: Jul 09 2017
      /var/bin/            Last changed: Jul 09 2017
      /var/crash/          Last changed: Apr 09 22:31:08
      /var/cron/           Last changed: Jul 09 2017
      /var/db/             Last changed: May 07 20:28:40
      /var/empty/          Last changed: Jul 09 2017
      /var/etc/            Last changed: Apr 16 22:35:36
      /var/heimdal/        Last changed: Jul 10 2017
      /var/home/           Last changed: Apr 09 22:59:18
      /var/jail/           Last changed: Oct 31 2017
      /var/log/            Last changed: Apr 17 02:00:10
      /var/mail/           Last changed: Jul 09 2017
      /var/msgs/           Last changed: Jul 09 2017
      /var/named/          Last changed: Jul 10 2017
      /var/packages/       Last changed: Jan 18 02:38:59
      /var/pdb/            Last changed: Oct 31 2017
      /var/preserve/       Last changed: Jul 09 2017
      /var/run/            Last changed: Apr 17 02:00:01
      /var/rundb/          Last changed: Apr 17 00:46:00
      /var/rwho/           Last changed: Jul 09 2017
      /var/sdb/            Last changed: Apr 09 22:37:31
      /var/spool/          Last changed: Jul 09 2017
      /var/sw/             Last changed: Jul 09 2017
      /var/tmp/            Last changed: Apr 09 23:28:41
      /var/transfer/       Last changed: Jul 09 2017
      /var/yp/             Last changed: Jul 09 2017
    user@host> file list /var/    
  5. You can also display the contents of a file. For example:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host>file show /var/log/inventory
    Jul  9 23:17:46 CHASSISD release 8.4I0 built by builder on 2017-06-12 07:58:27 UTC
    Jul  9 23:18:05 CHASSISD release 8.4I0 built by builder on 2017-06-12 07:58:27 UTC
    Jul  9 23:18:06 Routing Engine 0 - part number 740-003239, serial number 9000016755
    Jul  9 23:18:15 Routing Engine 1 - part number 740-003239, serial number 9001018324
    Jul  9 23:19:03 SSB 0 - part number 710-001951, serial number AZ8025
    Jul  9 23:19:03 SSRAM bank 0 - part number 710-001385, serial number 243071
    Jul  9 23:19:03 SSRAM bank 1 - part number 710-001385, serial number 410608

Filenames and URLs

You can include a filename in CLI commands and configuration statements such as these:

  • file copy
  • file archive,
  • load,
  • save
  • set system login user
  • username
  • authentication
  • load-key-file
  • request system software add

On a routing matrix, you can include chassis information as part of the filename (for example, lcc0, lcc0-re0, or lcc0-re1).

You can specify a filename or URL in one of the following ways:

  • filename—File in the user’s current directory on the local flash drive. You can use wildcards to specify multiple source files or a single destination file. Neither HTTP nor FTP supports wildcards.


    Only the file (compare | copy | delete | list | rename | show) commands support wildcards. When you issue the file show command with a wildcard, the command must resolve to one filename.

  • path/filename—File on the local flash disk.

  • /var/filename or /var/path/filename—File on the local hard disk.

    You can also specify a file on a local Routing Engine for a specific T640 router on a routing matrix:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host> file delete lcc0-re0:/var/tmp/junk
  • a:filename or a:path/filename—File on the local drive. The default path is / (the root-level directory). The removable media can be in MS-DOS or UNIX (UFS) format.

  • hostname:/path/filename, hostname:filename, hostname:path/filename, or scp://hostname/path/filename—File on an scp/ssh client. This form is not available in the worldwide version of the operating system. The default path is the user’s home directory on the remote system. You can also specify hostname as username@hostname.

  • ftp://hostname/path/filename—File on an FTP server. You can also specify hostname as username@hostname or username:password@hostname. The default path is the user’s home directory.

    To specify an absolute path, the path must start with %2F; for example, ftp://hostname/%2Fpath/filename.

    To have the system prompt you for the password, specify prompt in place of the password. If a password is required, and you do not specify the password or prompt, an error message is displayed:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host> file copy 
    file copy Not logged in.
    user@host> file copy 
    Password for
  • http://hostname/path/filename—File on an HTTP server. You can also specify hostname as username@hostname or username:password@hostname. If a password is required and you omit it, you are prompted for it.

  • re0:/path/filename or re1:/path/filename—File on a local Routing Engine.

    You can also specify a file on a local Routing Engine for a specific T640 router on a routing matrix:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host> show log lcc0-re1:chassisd 

Display Operating System Information

You can display Junos OS version information and other status to determine if the version of the software that you are running supports specific features or hardware.

To display this information:

  1. Make sure you are in operational mode.
  2. To display brief information and status for the kernel and Packet Forwarding Engine, enter the show version brief command. This command shows version information for software packages installed on the router.

    If the Junos Crypto Software Suite is listed, the router has Canada and USA encrypted software. If the Junos Crypto Software Suite is not listed, the router is running worldwide nonencrypted software.

  3. To display detailed version information, enter the show version detail command. This command displays the hostname and version information for software packages installed on your router. It also includes the version information for each software process.

Managing Programs and Processes Using Operational Mode Commands

This topic shows some examples of Junos OS operational commands that you can use to manage programs and processes on a Juniper Networks device.

Show Software Processes

To verify system operation or to begin diagnosing an error condition, you may need to display information about software processes running on the device.

To show software processes:

  1. Make sure you are in operational mode.

  2. Enter the show system processes extensive command. This command shows the CPU utilization on the device and lists the processes in order of CPU utilization.

The following table lists and describes the output fields included in this example. The fields are listed in alphabetical order.

Table 2: The show system process extensive Command Output Fields




Command that is running.

last pid

Last process identifier assigned to the process.

load averages

Three load averages, followed by the current time.


Information about physical and virtual memory allocation.


UNIX “nice” value. The nice value allows a process to change its final scheduling priority.


Process identifier.


Current kernel scheduling priority of the process. A lower number indicates a higher priority.


Number of existing processes and the number of processes in each state (sleeping, running, starting, zombies, and stopped).


Current amount of resident memory, in KB.


Total size of the process (text, data, and stack), in KB.


Current state of the process (sleep, wait, run, idle, zombi, or stop).


Information about physical and virtual memory allocation.


Owner of the process.


Weighted CPU usage.

Restart the Software Process

To correct an error condition, you might need to restart a software process running on the device. You can use the restart command to force a restart of a software process.


Do not restart a software process unless specifically asked to do so by your Juniper Networks customer support representative. Restarting a software process during normal operation of a device can interrupt packet forwarding and cause data loss.

To restart a software process:

  1. Make sure you are in operational mode.

  2. Enter the following command:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host> restart process-name < (immediately | gracefully | soft) > 
    • process-name is the name of the process that you want to restart. For example, routing or class-of-service. You can use the command completion feature of the system to see a list of software processes that you can restart using this command.

    • The option gracefully restarts the software process after performing clean-up tasks.

    • The option immediately restarts the software process without performing any clean-up tasks.

    • The option soft rereads and reactivates the configuration without completely restarting the software processes. For example, BGP peers stay up and the routing table stays constant.


The gracefully, immediately, and soft options for the restart command are optional and not required for executing the command.

The following example shows how to restart the routing process:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> restart routing 
Routing protocol daemon started, pid 751 

When a process restarts, the process identifier (PID) is updated.

Figure 1: Restarting a ProcessRestarting a Process

Stop the Software


To avoid possible damage to the file system and to prevent data loss, you must always shut down the software gracefully before powering off the device.

You must stop the software on a device through a direct console connection, not through the network. As the software shuts down, the network will go down, and if you were connected that way, you will not see the results output.

To stop the software:

  1. Make sure you are in operational mode.

  2. Enter the request system halt command. This command stops all system processes and halts the operating system. For example:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host> request system halt 
    Halt the system? [yes,no] (no)  yes  
    shutdown: [pid 3110]
    Shutdown NOW!
    *** FINAL System shutdown message from root@host *** 
    System going down IMMEDIATELY 
    user@host> Dec 17 17:28:40 init: syslogd (PID 2514) exited with status=0 Normal Exit
    Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `bufdaemon' to stop...stopped
    Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `syncer' to stop...stopped 
    syncing disks... 4 
    Uptime: 3h31m41s
    ata0: resetting devices.. done 
    The operating system has halted.
    Please press any key to reboot. 

Reboot the Software

After a software upgrade or to recover (occasionally) from an error condition, you must reboot the software. As with the shutdown command, you must reboot through a direct console connection otherwise you will not see the command output when the network goes down during the reboot process.

To reboot the software:

  1. Make sure you are in operational mode.

  2. Enter the request system reboot command. This command displays the final stages of the system shutdown and executes the reboot. Reboot requests are recorded to the system log files, which you can view with the show log messages command. For example:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host>request system rebootReboot the system? [yes,no] (no)yes 
    content_copy zoom_out_map
    shutdown: [pid 845]
    Shutdown NOW! 
    *** FINAL System shutdown message from root@host *** 
    System going down IMMEDIATELY 
    user@host> Dec 17 17:34:20 init: syslogd (PID 409) exited with status=0 Normal Exit
    Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `bufdaemon' to stop...stopped
    Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `syncer' to stop...stopped 
    syncing disks... 10 6 
    Uptime: 2m45s
    ata0: resetting devices.. done

CLI Comment Character # for Operational Mode Commands

The comment character enables you to copy operational mode commands that include comments from a file and paste them into the CLI. A pound or hash symbol (#) at the beginning of the command line indicates a comment line. This command is useful for describing frequently used operational mode commands, such as a user’s work instructions on how to monitor the network. To add a comment to a command file, you must place # as the first character of the line. When you start a command with #, the operating system disregards the rest of the line.


The device configuration does not save the comments you enter in the CLI, whether individually or by pasting in the contents of a configuration file. Comments entered at the CLI are ignored.

To add comments in operational mode, you start with a # and end with a new line (carriage return):

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> #comment-string

comment-string is the text of the comment. The comment text can be any length, but each comment line must begin with a #.
