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show isis interface


Syntax (EX Series Switches and QFX Series)


Display status information about Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System (IS-IS)-enabled interfaces.


If the configured metric for an IS-IS level is above 63, and the wide-metrics-only statement is not configured, the show isis interface detail command and the show isis interface extensive command display 63 as the metric value for that level. Configure the wide-metrics-only statement to generate metric values greater than 63 on a per IS-IS level basis.

The show isis interface command displays the configured metric value for an IS-IS level irrespective of whether is configured or not.



Display standard information about all IS-IS-enabled interfaces.

brief | detail | extensive

(Optional) Display the specified level of output.


(Optional) Display information about the specified interface only.

logical-system (all | logical-system-name)

(Optional) Perform this operation on all logical systems or on a particular logical system.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 describes the output fields for the show isis interface command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show isis interface Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output


Name of the interface.


Designated router

Routing device selected by other routers that is responsible for sending link-state advertisements that describe the network. Used only on broadcast networks.



Interface index assigned by the Junos OS kernel.



Internal implementation information.


Circuit id

Circuit identifier.


Each IS-IS interface is assigned a circuit ID value to identify the interface within the linkstate database. All interfaces (loopback, broadcast, and so on) and all point-to-point links share the locally significant value of 0x01, and this value is not incremented.


Circuit type

Circuit type:

  • 1—Level 1 only

  • 2—Level 2 only

  • 3—Level 1 and Level 2


LSP interval

Interval between link-state PDUs sent from the interface.


CSNP interval

Interval between complete sequence number PDUs sent from the interface.

detail extensive


System identifier.



Interface through which the adjacency is made.

none brief

L or Level


  • 1—Level 1 only

  • 2—Level 2 only

  • 3—Level 1 and Level 2


The default IS-IS level on loopback interfaces are always same as the IS-IS level configured on other IS-IS interfaces in a router. You can also configure IS-IS level on loopback interfaces per your requirement.

All levels


Circuit identifier.

none brief

Level 1 DR

Level 1 designated intermediate system.

none brief

Level 2 DR

Level 2 designated intermediate system.

none brief

L1/L2 Metric

Interface's metric for Level 1 and Level 2. If there is no information, the metric is 0.

none brief

Flood-group Area-ID

Flood-group is configured on a specific IS-IS interface


Seen only when Flood-group is configured.

detail extensive

Adjacency advertisement: Advertise

This routing device has signaled to advertise this interface to its neighbors in their label-switched paths (LSPs).

detail extensive

Adjacency advertisement: Suppress

This neighbor has signaled not to advertise this interface in the routing device’s outbound LSPs.

detail extensive


Number of adjacencies established on this interface.



Priority value for this interface.



Metric value for this interface.


Hello(s) / Hello Interval

Interface's hello interval.

detail extensive

Hold(s) / Hold Time

Interface's hold time.

detail extensive

Post convergence Protection

Post convergence protection can have the following types when enabled,

  • Fate Sharing can have the following values
    • Yes-You have configured fate-sharing protection.

    • No-You have not configured fate-sharing protection.

  • node protection can have the following values:
    • Yes–You have configured node protection.

    • No–You have not configured node protection.

  • srlg protection can have the following values:
    • Yes–You have configured Shared Risk Link Groutp (SRLG) protection.

    • No–You have not configured SRLG protection.

Node cost is the recalculated metric cost of the node.


Designated Router

Router responsible for sending network link-state advertisements, which describe all the routing devices attached to the network.


Hello padding

Type of hello padding:

  • Adaptive—On point-to-point connections, the hello packets are padded from the initial detection of a new neighbor until the neighbor verifies the adjacency as Up in the adjacency state TLV. If the neighbor does not support the adjacency state TLV, then padding continues. On LAN connections, padding starts from the initial detection of a new neighbor until there is at least one active adjacency on the interface.

  • Loose—(Default) The hello packet is padded from the initial detection of a new neighbor until the adjacency transitions to the Up state.

  • Strict—Padding is performed on all interface types and for all adjacency states, and is continuous.


LDP sync state

Current LDP synchronization state: in sync, in holddown, or not supported.



Reason for being in the LDP sync state.


config holdtime

Configured value of the hold timer.



If the state is not in sync and the hold time is not infinity, then this field displays the remaining hold time in seconds.


IIH max size

Configured value of IS-IS hello packets


Sample Output

show isis interface

show isis interface brief

The output for the show isis interface brief command is identical to that for the show isis interface command. For sample output, see show isis interface.

show isis interface detail

show isis interface extensive

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.