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request node (offline | online) (Junos OS Evolved)



Use this command to change the node status to offline or online.

  • To add a node to the system, set the node status to online.

  • To remove a node from the system, set the node status to offline.

    You can use the offline option to stop all applications on the node and move them to other nodes if applicable. The node is not allowed to join the system until the node is brought online using the request node online command.


    We do not recommend leaving the secondary Routing Engine offline for a long period of time, because the secondary Routing Engine is not available as a backup in case something happens to the primary Routing Engine.

    When you use the request node offline command for FPC nodes, the node is powered off. When used for a Routing Engine node, the node is powered off.



Specify the node name for the Routing Engine or the FPC. You can take the primary Routing Engine (re0) offline. The backup or secondary node is re1. You can not specify this command for a device that supports only one Routing Engine.

(offline | online)

Change the node status to online or offline. When you specify the online option, the node reboots, which can take a few minutes.

Required Privilege Level


Sample Output

request node offline re1

request node online re1

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Evolved Release 18.3R1.