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Parse the Junos XML Protocol Server Response

date_range 31-Oct-24

In a Junos XML protocol session with a device running Junos OS, a client application sends RPCs to the Junos XML protocol server to request information from and manage the configuration on the device. The Junos XML protocol server encloses its response to each client request in a separate pair of opening <rpc-reply> and closing </rpc-reply> tags. Each response constitutes a well-formed XML document.

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<rpc-reply xmlns:junos="""">
    <!-- tag elements representing a response -->

The xmlns:junos attribute in the opening <rpc-reply> tag defines the default namespace for the enclosed Junos XML tag elements that are qualified by the junos: prefix. The release variable in the URI represents the Junos OS release that is running on the Junos XML protocol server device, for example 20.4R1

The <rpc-reply> tag element occurs only within the <junoscript> element. Client applications must include code for parsing the stream of response tag elements coming from the Junos XML protocol server, either processing them as they arrive or storing them until the response is complete. The Junos XML protocol server returns three classes of responses:

Operational Responses

Operational responses are responses to requests for information about the status of a switching, routing, or security platform. They correspond to the output from CLI operational commands.

The Junos XML API defines response tag elements for all defined operational request tag elements. For example, the Junos XML protocol server returns the information requested by the <get-interface-information> tag in a response tag called <interface-information>, and returns the information requested by the <get-chassis-inventory> tag in a<chassis-inventory> response tag called <chassis-inventory>. Operational responses also can be returned in formatted ASCII, which is enclosed within an output element, or in JSON format. For more information about formatting operational responses see Specifying the Output Format for Operational Information Requests in a Junos XML Protocol Session.

The following sample response includes information about the interface ge-2/3/0. The namespace indicated by the xmlns attribute in the opening <interface-information> tag contains interface information for Junos OS Release 20.4.

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<rpc-reply xmlns:junos="">
    <interface-information xmlns="">
            <!-- other data tag elements for the ge-2/3/0 interface -->

For more information about the xmlns attribute and contents of operational response tag elements, see Requesting Operational Information Using the Junos XML Protocol. For a summary of operational response tag elements, see the Junos XML API Operational Developer Reference.

Configuration Information Responses

Configuration information responses are responses to requests for information about the device’s current configuration. The Junos XML API defines a tag element for every container and leaf statement in the configuration hierarchy. You can instruct the server to return configuration data in different formats including Junos XML elements, formatted ASCII, Junos OS set commands, or JSON. If you do not specify a format, the default is XML. For more information about formatting configuration information responses see Specifying the Output Format for Configuration Data in a Junos XML Protocol Session.

The following sample response includes the information at the [edit system login] hierarchy level in the configuration hierarchy. For brevity, the sample shows only one user defined at this level.

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<rpc-reply xmlns:junos="URL">
                    <!-- other data tag elements for the admin user -->

Configuration Change Responses

Configuration change responses are responses to requests that change the state or contents of the device configuration. For commit operations, the Junos XML protocol server returns the <commit-results> response tag, which encloses an explicit indicator of success or failure.

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<rpc-reply xmlns:junos="URL">
        <!-- tag elements for information about the commit -->

For other operations, instead of emitting an explicit success indicator, the Junos XML protocol server indicates success by returning an opening <rpc-reply> tag and closing </rpc-reply> tag with no child elements.

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<rpc-reply xmlns:junos="URL">

For more information, see Requesting Configuration Changes Using the Junos XML Protocol and Committing the Candidate Configuration Using the Junos XML Protocol. For a summary of the available configuration tag elements, see the Junos XML API Configuration Developer Reference.
