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Protect or Unprotect a Configuration Object Using the Junos XML Protocol

date_range 29-Nov-23

The protect attribute prevents changes to selected configuration hierarchies and statements. You cannot alter a protected element either manually through the CLI or automatically using commit scripts or remote procedure calls. If you attempt to make configuration changes to a protected statement or within a protected hierarchy, the device issues a warning, and the configuration change fails.

If a configuration hierarchy or statement is protected, users cannot perform the following activities:

  • Delete or modify the hierarchy or a statement or identifier within the protected hierarchy (Deletion of an unprotected hierarchy that contains protected elements deletes all unprotected child elements and preserves all protected child elements.)

  • Insert a new configuration statement or an identifier within the protected hierarchy

  • Rename the protected statement or a statement or identifier within the protected hierarchy

  • Copy a configuration into the protected hierarchy

  • Activate or deactivate the protected statements or statements within the protected hierarchy

  • Annotate the protected statement or hierarchy, or statements within the protected hierarchy

If you protect a configuration statement or hierarchy that does not exist, the device first creates the configuration element and then protects it. If you unprotect a statement or element that is not protected, no action is taken.

You can identify protected elements when you display the configuration. Table 1 describes how you identify protected elements for configuration data in different formats.

Table 1: Identifying Protected Elements
Format Identifier

Configuration mode commands

The protect commands indicate protected elements.


Protected hierarchies and statements include the "protect" : true attribute in their attribute list.


Protected elements are preceded by protect:.


The opening tag of the protected element contains the protect="protect" attribute.


A user or client application must have permission to modify the configuration in order to protect or unprotect configuration objects.

In a NETCONF or Junos XML protocol session with a Junos device, to protect a configuration element from changes or to unprotect a previously protected element, a client application first includes the tag elements described in Creating, Modifying, or Deleting Configuration Elements Using the Junos XML Protocol.


When using Junos XML tag elements to represent the configuration, the client application includes the protect="protect" or unprotect="unprotect" attribute in the object’s opening tag. The application includes any necessary identifier tag element. In the following sample RPC, the identifier tag element is called <name>:

content_copy zoom_out_map
    <!-- opening tag for each parent of the object -->
        <object (protect="protect" | unprotect="unprotect")>
    <!-- closing tag for each parent of the object -->

In a YANG-compliant NETCONF session, you can protect or unprotect a configuration element in XML data by including the xmlns:jcmd="" and jcmd:protect="(true | false)" attributes in the tag element. For more information, see YANG Metadata Annotations for Junos Devices.


When using formatted ASCII text to protect or unprotect an object, the application precedes the element with the protect: or unprotect: operator as appropriate. If you are protecting a hierarchy level and no additional child elements under that hierarchy, add a semicolon after the element statement.

content_copy zoom_out_map
    /* statements for parent levels */
        /* For an object with an identifier */
            (protect: | unprotect:) 
            object identifier {
                 /* Child configuration statements */
        /* For a hierarchy level or object without an identifier */
            (protect: | unprotect:) 
            element {
                /* Child configuration statements */
    /* closing braces for parent levels */

Configuration Mode (Set) Commands

When using configuration mode commands to protect an object, the application specifies the protect or unprotect command equivalent to the CLI configuration mode command. You can protect both hierarchies and individual statements.

content_copy zoom_out_map
    (protect | unprotect) statement-path-to-hierarchy 
    (protect | unprotect) statement-path-to-object object identifier 


When using JSON configuration data to represent the configuration, the client application protects or unprotects an object by including the appropriate attribute in the attribute list of the object. The client includes the "protect" : true attribute to protect the object and includes either the "protect" : false or "unprotect" : true attribute to unprotect the object. To protect or unprotect an object that has an identifier, the client also includes the identifier for the object.

The following generic JSON configuration indicates the placement of the attribute when protecting a hierarchy, an object that has an identifier, and a leaf statement.

content_copy zoom_out_map
    "configuration" : {
        /* JSON objects for parent hierarchies */
            "hierarchy" : {
                "@" : {
                    "comment" : "/* protect a hierarchy */" ,
                    "protect" : true
                "object" : [
                    "@" : {
                        "comment" : "/* protect an object with an identifier */" ,
                        "protect" : true
                    "name" : "identifier",
                    "@statement-name" : {
                        "comment" : "/* protect a statement */" ,
                        "protect" : true
        /* closing braces for parent hierarchies */

In Junos OS configuration data that is represented using JSON, the value for the "protect" and "unprotect" attribute is type Boolean, which is expressed in lowercase and is not enclosed in quotes.


In a YANG-compliant NETCONF session, you can protect or unprotect a configuration object in JSON data by including the "junos-configuration-metadata:protect" : (true | false) annotation in the statement's metadata object. For more information, see YANG Metadata Annotations for Junos Devices.

The following example protects the [edit access] hierarchy level of the configuration using Junos XML tag elements:

content_copy zoom_out_map
               <access protect="protect"/>

Once protected, any attempt to modify the [edit access] hierarchy level produces a warning. The following RPC attempts to delete the [edit access] hierarchy level. Because that hierarchy level is protected, the server returns a warning that the hierarchy is protected, and the configuration change fails.

content_copy zoom_out_map
               <access delete="delete"/>

<xnm:warning xmlns="" xmlns:xnm="">
    [access] is protected, 'access' cannot be deleted