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show multi-chassis mc-lag configuration-consistency vlan-config

date_range 19-Nov-23


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show multi-chassis mc-lag configuration-consistency vlan-config (brief | detail)


View configuration consistency check status for committed parameters related to MC-LAG VLAN configuration, the consistency requirement (identical or unique), the enforcement level (mandatory or desired), and the result of the configuration consistency check. The results are either pass or fail.

This command shows only a subset of what is shown in the show multi-chassis mc-lag configuration-consistency command. The following parameters related to the VLAN and IRB configuration are checked for consistency:

  • VRRP group ID

  • IP address of IRB interface


This command only displays MC-LAG parameters that are committed.



Display configuration consistency check status for MC-LAG parameters related to VLAN configuration.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show multi-chassis mc-lag configuration-consistency vlan-config command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show multi-chassis mc-lag configuration-consistency vlan-config Output Fields

Output Field Name

Field Description

Configuration Item

Name of the committed MC-LAG parameter.

Local Physical Interface

Name of the physical interface configured on the local MC-LAG peer.

Peer Physical Interface

Name of the physical interface configured on the remote MC-LAG peer.

Local Logical Interface

Name of the logical interface configured on the local MC-LAG peer.

Peer Logical Interface

Name of the logical interface configured on the remote MC-LAG peer.

Local IRB

Name of the integrated routing and bridging (IRB) interface configured on the local MC-LAG peer.

Peer IRB

Name of the integrated routing and bridging (IRB) interface configured on the remote MC-LAG peer.

Local VLAN

Name of the VLAN configured on the local MC-LAG peer.


Name of the VLAN configured on the remote MC-LAG peer.

Enforcement Level

Enforcement level for the MC-LAG parameter is Mandatory or Desirable.

Local Value

Value of the committed MC-LAG parameter on the local peer.

Peer Value

Value of the committed MC-LAG parameter on the remote peer.


Result of the configuration consistency check of the MC-LAG parameter is PASS or FAIL.

Sample Output

show multi-chassis mc-lag configuration-consistency vlan-config

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user@host> show multi-chassis mc-lag configuration-consistency vlan-config
Local VLAN:client-vlan-1
Peer VLAN :client-vlan-1

Local IRB:irb.501
Peer IRB :irb.501
Configuration Item                   Enforcement Level   Local Value           Peer Value            Result
------------------                   -----------------   -----------           ----------            -------
vrrp-group id                        Mandatory           11                    11                    PASS
IPv4 Addresses                       Mandatory             PASS

Local VLAN:client-vlan-2
Peer VLAN :client-vlan-2

Local IRB:irb.502
Peer IRB :irb.502
Configuration Item                   Enforcement Level   Local Value           Peer Value            Result
------------------                   -----------------   -----------           ----------            -------
vrrp-group id                        Mandatory           12                    12                    PASS
IPv4 Addresses                       Mandatory             PASS

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 15.1X53-D60.
