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show multi-chassis mc-lag configuration-consistency

date_range 19-Nov-23


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show multi-chassis mc-lag configuration-consistency (brief | detail)


Displays configuration consistency check status for various MC-LAG parameters .


This command only displays MC-LAG parameters that are committed.



Display configuration consistency check status for various MC-LAG parameters.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show multi-chassis mc-lag configuration-consistency command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show multi-chassis mc-lag configuration-consistency Output Fields

Output Field Name

Field Description

Configuration Item

Name of the committed MC-LAG parameter.

Local Physical Interface

Name of the physical interface configured on the local MC-LAG peer.

Peer Physical Interface

Name of the physical interface configured on the remote MC-LAG peer.

Local Logical Interface

Name of the logical interface configured on the local MC-LAG peer.

Peer Logical Interface

Name of the logical interface configured on the remote MC-LAG peer.

Local IRB

Name of the integrated routing and bridging (IRB) interface configured on the local MC-LAG peer.

Peer IRB

Name of the integrated routing and bridging (IRB) interface configured on the remote MC-LAG peer.

Local VLAN

Name of the VLAN configured on the local MC-LAG peer.


Name of the VLAN configured on the remote MC-LAG peer.

Enforcement Level

Enforcement level for the MC-LAG parameter is Mandatory or Desirable.

Local Value

Value of the committed MC-LAG parameter for the local MC-LAG peer.

Peer Value

Value of the committed MC-LAG parameter for the remote MC-LAG peer.


Result of the configuration consistency check of the MC-LAG parameter is PASS or FAIL.

Sample Output

show multi-chassis mc-lag configuration-consistency

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user@host> show multi-chassis mc-lag configuration-consistency
Configuration Item                   Enforcement Level   Local Value           Peer Value            Result
------------------                   -----------------   -----------           ----------            -------
service-id                           Mandatory           1                     1                     PASS
session-establishment-hold-time      Mandatory           300                   300                   PASS
local-ip-addr                        Mandatory                   PASS
iccp/bfd multiplier                  Mandatory           3                     3                     PASS
iccp/minimum-transmit-interval       Mandatory           60                    60                    PASS
bfd minimum-interval                 Mandatory           1000                  1000                  PASS

Local Physical Interface:ae0
Peer Physical Interface :ae0
Configuration Item                   Enforcement Level   Local Value           Peer Value            Result
------------------                   -----------------   -----------           ----------            -------
lacp admin-key                       Mandatory           21                    21                    PASS
lacp system-id                       Mandatory           00:00:00:00:00:01     00:00:00:00:00:01     PASS
lacp mode                            Mandatory           0                     0                     PASS
prefer-status-control-active         Desirable           TRUE                  TRUE                  FAIL
mcae status-control                  Mandatory           standby               active                PASS
mcae deployment mode                 Mandatory           active-active         active-active         PASS
mcae chassis-id                      Mandatory           0                     1                     PASS
mcae redundancy-group                Mandatory           101                   101                   PASS
force-icl-down                       Mandatory           --                    TRUE                  PASS

Local Logical Interface:ae0.0
Peer Logical Interface :ae0.0
Configuration Item                   Enforcement Level   Local Value           Peer Value            Result
------------------                   -----------------   -----------           ----------            -------
vlan membership                      Mandatory           501-502               501-502               PASS
interface-mode                       Mandatory           trunk                 trunk                 PASS

Local Physical Interface:ae1
Peer Physical Interface :ae1
Configuration Item                   Enforcement Level   Local Value           Peer Value            Result
------------------                   -----------------   -----------           ----------            -------
lacp admin-key                       Mandatory           22                    22                    PASS
lacp system-id                       Mandatory           00:00:00:00:00:03     00:00:00:00:00:03     PASS
lacp mode                            Mandatory           0                     0                     PASS
prefer-status-control-active         Desirable           TRUE                  TRUE                  FAIL
mcae status-control                  Mandatory           standby               active                PASS
mcae deployment mode                 Mandatory           active-active         active-active         PASS
mcae chassis-id                      Mandatory           0                     1                     PASS
mcae redundancy-group                Mandatory           101                   101                   PASS
force-icl-down                       Mandatory           --                    TRUE                  PASS

Local Logical Interface:ae1.0
Peer Logical Interface :ae1.0
Configuration Item                   Enforcement Level   Local Value           Peer Value            Result
------------------                   -----------------   -----------           ----------            -------
vlan membership                      Mandatory           601-602               601-602               PASS
interface-mode                       Mandatory           trunk                 trunk                 PASS

Local Physical Interface:ae5
Peer Physical Interface :ae5

Local Logical Interface:ae5.0
Peer Logical Interface :ae5.0
Configuration Item                   Enforcement Level   Local Value           Peer Value            Result
------------------                   -----------------   -----------           ----------            -------
vlan membership                      Mandatory           501-502,601-602       501-502,601-602       PASS
interface-mode                       Mandatory           trunk                 trunk                 PASS

Local VLAN:client-vlan-1
Peer VLAN :client-vlan-1
Configuration Item                   Enforcement Level   Local Value           Peer Value            Result
------------------                   -----------------   -----------           ----------            -------
mcae-mac-synchronize                 Mandatory           TRUE                  TRUE                  PASS

Local IRB:irb.501
Peer IRB :irb.501
Configuration Item                   Enforcement Level   Local Value           Peer Value            Result
------------------                   -----------------   -----------           ----------            -------
IPv4 Addresses                       Mandatory             FAIL

Local VLAN:client-vlan-2
Peer VLAN :client-vlan-2
Configuration Item                   Enforcement Level   Local Value           Peer Value            Result
------------------                   -----------------   -----------           ----------            -------
mcae-mac-synchronize                 Mandatory           TRUE                  TRUE                  PASS

Local IRB:irb.502
Peer IRB :irb.502
Configuration Item                   Enforcement Level   Local Value           Peer Value            Result
------------------                   -----------------   -----------           ----------            -------
IPv4 Addresses                       Mandatory             FAIL

Local VLAN:server-vlan-1
Peer VLAN :server-vlan-1
Configuration Item                   Enforcement Level   Local Value           Peer Value            Result
------------------                   -----------------   -----------           ----------            -------
mcae-mac-synchronize                 Mandatory           TRUE                  TRUE                  PASS

Local IRB:irb.601
Peer IRB :irb.601
Configuration Item                   Enforcement Level   Local Value           Peer Value            Result
------------------                   -----------------   -----------           ----------            -------
IPv4 Addresses                       Mandatory             FAIL

Local VLAN:server-vlan-2
Peer VLAN :server-vlan-2
Configuration Item                   Enforcement Level   Local Value           Peer Value            Result
------------------                   -----------------   -----------           ----------            -------
mcae-mac-synchronize                 Mandatory           TRUE                  TRUE                  PASS

Local IRB:irb.602
Peer IRB :irb.602
Configuration Item                   Enforcement Level   Local Value           Peer Value            Result
------------------                   -----------------   -----------           ----------            -------
IPv4 Addresses                       Mandatory             FAIL

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 16.1R1.
