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Mapping OpenConfig ISIS Commands to Junos Configuration


See OpenConfig Data Model Version for supported versions of the OpenConfig data model.

Global Configuration

See Table 1 for configuration mappings of the following OpenConfig paths under /network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/isis/:

  • /global/timers/config/lsp-lifetime-interval
  • /global/timers/config/lsp-refresh-interval
  • /global/timers/spf/config/spf-first-interval
  • /global/timers/spf/config/spf-hold-interval
  • /global/lsp-bit/overload-bit/config/set-bit
  • /global/config/net
  • /global/config/level-capability
  • /global/afi-safi/af/config/enabled
  • /global/transport/config/lsp-mtu-size
Table 1: Global ISIS Configuration


OpenConfig Configuration

Junos Configuration

LSP lifetime interval

openconfig-network-instance:network-instances { 
   protocols { 
      protocol ISIS <> { 
         global { 
            timers {
               config { 
                  lsp-lifetime-interval <>;  
protocols { 
   isis { 
      lsp-lifetime <>;

OpenConfig path: /network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/isis/global/timers/config/lsp-lifetime-interval

LSP refresh interval

openconfig-network-instance:network-instances { 
   protocols { 
      protocol ISIS <> { 
         global { 
            timers {
               config { 
                  lsp-refresh-interval <>;  
protocols { 
   isis { 
      lsp-refresh-interval <>;

OpenConfig path: /network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/isis/global/timers/config/lsp-refresh-interval

SPF first interval

openconfig-network-instance:network-instances { 
   protocols { 
      protocol ISIS <> { 
         global { 
            timers {
               spf {
                  config { 
                     spf-first-interval <>;  
protocols { 
   isis { 
      spf-options {
         delay <>;
OpenConfig path:


SPF hold interval

openconfig-network-instance:network-instances { 
   protocols { 
      protocol ISIS <> { 
         global { 
            timers {
               spf {
                  config { 
                     spf-hold-interval <>;  
protocols { 
   isis { 
      spf-options {
         holddown <>;

OpenConfig path: /network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/isis/global/timers/spf/config/spf-hold-interval

Overload bit

openconfig-network-instance:network-instances { 
   protocols { 
      protocol ISIS <> { 
         global { 
            lsp-bit {
               overload-bit {
                  config { 
                     set-bit <true | false>;  
protocols { 
   isis { 

OpenConfig path: /network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/isis/global/lsp-bit/overload-bit/config/set-bit


openconfig-network-instance:network-instances { 
   protocols { 
      protocol ISIS <> { 
         global { 
            config {
               overload-bit {
                  config { 
                     net <>;  
protocols { 
   isis { 
      net <>;

OpenConfig path: /network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/isis/global/config/net

Level capability

openconfig-network-instance:network-instances { 
   protocols { 
      protocol ISIS <> { 
         global { 
            config {
               overload-bit {
                  config { 
                     level-capability <>;  
protocols { 
   isis { 
      level <> disable;

OpenConfig path: /network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/isis/global/config/level-capability

Address family indicator (AFI) and subsequent address family identifier (SAFI)

openconfig-network-instance:network-instances { 
   protocols { 
      protocol ISIS <> { 
         global { 
            afi-safi {
               af <> {
                  config { 
                     enabled FALSE;  
protocols { 
   isis { 
      (no-ipv4-routing | 

OpenConfig path: /network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/isis/global/afi-safi/af/config/enabled

In OpenConfig, configure the values true or false to enable or disable the address families. In Junos, the IPv4 and IPv6 address families are enabled by default. To disable, use the no-ipv4-routing or no-ipv6-routing statements.

Note: Junos supports only the IPv4 and IPv6 address families for AFI, and unicast for SAFI.

LSP MTU size

openconfig-network-instance:network-instances { 
   protocols { 
      protocol ISIS <> { 
         isis {
            global { 
               transport {
                  config { 
                     lsp-mtu-size <>;  
protocols { 
   isis { 
      max-lsp-size <>;

OpenConfig path: /network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/isis/global/transport/config/lsp-mtu-size


The range of values for max-lsp-size is 512 to 9192 bytes. Values outside this range will cause a commit error in OpenConfig.

Level Configuration

See Table 2 for configuration mappings of the following OpenConfig paths under /network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/isis/:

  • /levels/level/config/enabled
  • /levels/level/authentication/config/auth-type

  • /levels/level/authentication/config/auth-password

  • /levels/level/authentication/config/enabled

  • /levels/level/authentication/config/disable-lsp

Table 2: Level ISIS Configuration

Command and Path

OpenConfig Configuration

Junos Configuration

Enable or disable

openconfig-network-instance:network-instances { 
   protocols { 
      protocol ISIS <> { 
         levels { 
            level {
               config { 
                  enabled FALSE;  
protocols { 
   isis { 
      level <> {

OpenConfig path: /network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/isis/levels/level/config/enabled

In OpenConfig, configure the value true to enable.

Authentication type

openconfig-network-instance:network-instances { 
   protocols { 
      protocol ISIS <> { 
         levels { 
            level <> {
               authentication { 
                  config {
                     auth-type (simple-key | keychain);  


OpenConfig path: /network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/isis/levels/level/authentication/config/auth-type

Authentication password

openconfig-network-instance:network-instances { 
   protocols { 
      protocol ISIS <> { 
         levels { 
            level <> {
               authentication { 
                  config {
                     auth-password <>;  
protocols { 
   isis { 
      level <> {
         authentication-key <>;

OpenConfig path: /network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/isis/levels/level/authentication/config/auth-password

Hello authentication (disable)

openconfig-network-instance:network-instances { 
   protocols { 
      protocol ISIS <> { 
         levels { 
            level <> {
               authentication { 
                  config {
                     enabled FALSE;  
protocols { 
   isis { 
      level <> {
         authentication-key <>;
         authentication-type <>;

OpenConfig path: /network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/isis/levels/level/authentication/config/enabled

Disable authentication for LSP packets

openconfig-network-instance:network-instances { 
   protocols { 
      protocol ISIS <> {
         isis {
            levels {
               level <> {
                  authentication {
                     config {
                        disable-lsp TRUE;
protocols { 
   isis { 
      level <> {

OpenConfig path: /network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/isis/levels/level/authentication/config/disable-lsp

Interface Configuration

See Table 3 for configuration mappings of the following OpenConfig paths under /network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/isis/:

  • /interfaces/interface/config/enabled
  • /interfaces/interface/config/hello-padding
  • /interfaces/interface/config/circuit-type
  • /interfaces/interface/timers/config/csnp-interval
  • /interfaces/interface/levels/level/timers/config/hello-interval
  • /interfaces/interface/levels/level/timers/config/hello-multiplier
  • interfaces/interface/levels/level/hello-authentication/config/enabled
  • /interfaces/interface/levels/level/hello-authentication/config/auth-type
  • /interfaces/interface/levels/level/hello-authentication/config/auth-mode
  • /interfaces/interface/levels/level/hello-authentication/config/auth-password
  • /interfaces/interface/afi-safi/af/config/enabled

Table 3: Interface ISIS Configuration

Command and Path

OpenConfig Configuration

Junos Configuration

Enable or disable

openconfig-network-instance:network-instances { 
   protocols { 
      protocol ISIS <> { 
         interfaces { 
            interface {
               config { 
                  enabled FALSE;
protocols { 
   isis { 
      interface <> {

OpenConfig path: /network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/isis/interfaces/interface/config/enabled

Hello padding

openconfig-network-instance:network-instances { 
   protocols { 
      protocol ISIS <> { 
         interfaces { 
            interface {
               config { 
                  hello-padding <>;
protocols { 
   isis { 
      interface <> {
         hello-padding <>;

OpenConfig path: /network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/isis/interfaces/interface/config/hello-padding

CSNP interval

openconfig-network-instance:network-instances { 
   protocols { 
      protocol ISIS <> { 
         interfaces {
            interface <> {
               timers {
                  config { 
                     csnp-interval <>;
protocols { 
   isis {
      interface <> {
         csnp-interval <>;

OpenConfig path: /network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/isis/interfaces/interface/timers/config/csnp-interval

Hello interval

openconfig-network-instance:network-instances { 
   protocols { 
      protocols ISIS <> { 
         interfaces {
            interface <> {
               levels {
                  level <>;
                     timers {
                        config { 
                           hello-interval <>;
protocols { 
   isis {
      interface <> {
         level <> {
            hello-interval <>;

OpenConfig path: /network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/isis/interfaces/interface/levels/level/timers/config/hello-interval

Hello multiplier

openconfig-network-instance:network-instances { 
   protocols { 
      protocols ISIS <> { 
         interfaces {
            interface <> {
               levels {
                  level <>;
                     timers {
                        config { 
                           hello-multiplier <>;
protocols { 
   isis {
      interface <> {
         level <> {
            hold-time <>;

OpenConfig path: /network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/isis/interfaces/interface/levels/level/timers/config/hello-multiplier

Circuit type

openconfig-network-instance:network-instances { 
   protocols { 
      protocol ISIS <> { 
         interfaces {
            interface <> {
               timers {
                  config { 
                     circuit-type <>;
protocols { 
   isis {
      interface <> {

OpenConfig path: /network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/isis/interfaces/interface/config/circuit-type

Hello authentication (enable or disable)

openconfig-network-instance:network-instances { 
   protocols { 
      protocols ISIS <> { 
         interfaces {
            interface <> {
               levels {
                  level <>;
                     hello-authentication {
                        config { 
                           enabled FALSE;
protocols {
   isis {
      interface <> {
         level <> {
            inactive: hello-
            authentication-key <>;
            inactive: hello-
            authentication-type <>;

OpenConfig path: /network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/isis/interfaces/interface/levels/level/hello-authentication/config/enable


When the following conditions apply in the OpenConfig configuration, the Junos configuration will move to the inactive state:

  • Authentication mode is configured.

  • Authentication password is configured.

  • Value for enabled is set to false.

Authentication type

openconfig-network-instance:network-instances { 
   protocols { 
      protocols ISIS <> { 
         interfaces {
            interface <> {
               levels {
                  level <>;
                     hello-authentication {
                        config { 
                           auth-type <>;


OpenConfig path: /network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/isis/interfaces/interface/levels/level/hello-authentication/config/auth-type

Authentication mode

openconfig-network-instance:network-instances { 
   protocols { 
      protocols ISIS <> { 
         interfaces {
            interface <> {
               levels {
                  level <>;
                     hello-authentication {
                        config { 
                           auth-mode <>;
protocols { 
   isis {
      interface <> {
         level <> {
            authentication-type <>;

OpenConfig path: /network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/isis/interfaces/interface/levels/level/hello-authentication/config/auth-mode

Authentication password

openconfig-network-instance:network-instances { 
   protocols { 
      protocols ISIS <> { 
         interfaces {
            interface <> {
               levels {
                  level <>;
                     hello-authentication {
                        config { 
                           auth-password <>;
protocols { 
   isis {
      interface <> {
         level <> {
             authentication-key <>;

OpenConfig path: /network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/isis/interfaces/interface/levels/level/hello-authentication/config/auth-password

AFI-SAFI configuration

openconfig-network-instance:network-instances { 
   protocols { 
      protocols ISIS <> { 
         interfaces {
            interface <> {
               afi-safi {
                  af <>;
                     config {
                        enabled (true | false);
protocols { 
   isis {
      interface <> {

OpenConfig path: /network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/isis/interfaces/interface/afi-safi/af/config/enabled