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Monitoring and Troubleshooting PoE

Monitoring PoE Power Consumption (CLI Procedure)

You can monitor Power over Ethernet (PoE) power consumption, both for the switch as a whole and for individual PoE interfaces.

This topic describes how to monitor:

PoE Power Consumption on a Switch


Determine the current PoE power consumption on a switch.


Enter the following command:


At the time the command was executed, the PoE interfaces on the switch were consuming 130 W out of the PoE power budget of 405 W.

Current Power Consumption for PoE Interfaces


Determine the current power consumption for individual PoE interfaces.


To monitor the power consumption of all PoE interfaces on the switch, use the following command:

To monitor the power consumption of the PoE interfaces on a specific EX6200 or EX8200 line card, use the following command:

To monitor the power consumption of an individual PoE interface (for example, ge-0/0/3), use the following command:


At the time the command was executed, the individual PoE ports were consuming the amount of power shown. For example, interface ge-0/0/3 was consuming 5.3 W at the time the command was executed.

Power Consumption for PoE Interfaces over Time


Monitor the power consumption of a PoE interface over a period of time. The records collected remain available for future viewing.

You can specify the intervals at which power consumption data is collected, from once every minute to once every 30 minutes. The default is once every 5 minutes. You can also specify the duration over which the records are collected, from 1 hour (default) to 24 hours.


To collect historical records of PoE interface power consumption and display those records:

  1. Add the telemetries statement to the PoE interface configuration:

    When you commit the configuration, record collection begins.

  2. Display the collected records:

To start another session of record collection on the interface, you must delete the existing telemetries configuration on the interface and then reconfigure telemetries. Deleting the telemetries configuration also clears the power consumption history data.

To clear the history of PoE power consumption without deleting the telemetries configuration, use the command clear poe telemetries interface.


Over the hour in which the PoE power consumption data on ge-0/0/5 was collected, the connected powered device consistently consumed 3.9 W.

Troubleshooting PoE Interfaces

Problem: No Power supply to powered device

Problem Description

A Power over Ethernet (PoE) interface is not supplying power to the powered device.


Check for the items shown in Table 1.

Table 1: Troubleshooting a PoE Interface
Items to Check Explanation

Is the switch a full PoE model or a partial PoE model?

If you are using a partial PoE model, only interfaces ge-0/0/0 through ge-0/0/7 can function as PoE ports.

Has PoE capability been disabled for that interface?

Use the show poe interface command to check PoE interface status.

Is the cable properly seated in the port socket?

Check the hardware.

Has the PoE power budget been exceeded for the switch?

Use the show poe controller command to check the PoE power budget and consumption for the switch.

Does the powered device require more power than is available on the interface?

Use the show poe interface command to check the maximum power provided by the interface.

If the telemetries option has been enabled for the interface, check the history of power consumption.

Use the show poe telemetries command to display the history of power consumption.

Problem: All powered devices going down after PSU hot swap

Problem Description

When you are hot swapping a PSU, all the powered devices are going down.

If you are hot swapping (inserting a PSU and removing redundant PSU) within a period less than 25 secs, then you will observe all the power devices going down.


It is recommended to insert the redundant PSU, wait for at least 35 secs, and then remove the desired PSU.