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Release Notes: Junos OS Release 22.1R3
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Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions

date_range 27-Oct-22

This section contains information about how to upgrade Junos OS for vSRX using the CLI. Upgrading or downgrading Junos OS can take several hours, depending on the size and configuration of the network.

You also can upgrade to Junos OS Release 22.1R2 for vSRX using J-Web (see J-Web) or the Junos Space Network Management Platform (see Junos Space).

Starting in Junos OS release 21.2R1, all Junos OS products which were previously running on FreeBSD 11.x based Junos OS are migrated to FreeBSD 12.x based Junos OS, except EX4400. Starting with Junos OS release 21.3R1, EX4400 platforms are migrated to FreeBSD 12.x based Junos OS.

Direct upgrade of vSRX from Junos OS 15.1X49 Releases to Junos OS Releases 17.4, 18.1, 18.2, 18.3,18.4, 19.1, 19.2 and 19.4 is supported.

The following limitations apply:

  • Direct upgrade of vSRX from Junos OS 15.1X49 Releases to Junos OS Release 19.3 and higher is not supported. For upgrade between other combinations of Junos OS Releases in vSRX and vSRX 3.0, the general Junos OS upgrade policy applies.

  • The file system mounted on /var usage must be below 14% of capacity.

    Check this using the following command:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    show system storage | match " /var$" /dev/vtbd1s1f
     2.7G        82M       2.4G        3%  /var

    Using the request system storage cleanup command might help reach that percentage.

  • The Junos OS upgrade image must be placed in the directory /var/host-mnt/var/tmp/. Use the request system software add /var/host-mnt/var/tmp/<upgrade_image>

  • We recommend that you deploy a new vSRX virtual machine (VM) instead of performing a Junos OS upgrade. That also gives you the option to move from vSRX to the newer and more recommended vSRX 3.0.

  • Ensure to back up valuable items such as configurations, license-keys, certificates, and other files that you would like to keep.


For ESXi deployments, the firmware upgrade from Junos OS Release 15.1X49-Dxx to Junos OS releases 17.x, 18.x, or 19.x is not recommended if there are more than three network adapters on the 15.1X49-Dxx vSRX instance. If there are more than three network adapters and you want to upgrade, then we recommend that you either delete all the additional network adapters and add the network adapters after the upgrade or deploy a new vSRX instance on the targeted OS version.

Upgrading Software Packages

To upgrade the software using the CLI:

  1. Download the Junos OS Release 22.1R2 for vSRX .tgz file from the Juniper Networks website. Note the size of the software image.

  2. Verify that you have enough free disk space on the vSRX instance to upload the new software image.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    root@vsrx> show system storage
           Filesystem              Size       Used      Avail  Capacity   Mounted on
           /dev/vtbd0s1a           694M       433M       206M       68%  /
           devfs                   1.0K       1.0K         0B      100%  /dev
           /dev/md0                1.3G       1.3G         0B      100%  /junos
           /cf                     694M       433M       206M       68%  /junos/cf
           devfs                   1.0K       1.0K         0B      100%  /junos/dev/
           procfs                  4.0K       4.0K         0B      100%  /proc
           /dev/vtbd1s1e           302M        22K       278M        0%  /config
           /dev/vtbd1s1f           2.7G        69M       2.4G        3%  /var
           /dev/vtbd3s2             91M       782K        91M        1%  /var/host
           /dev/md1                302M       1.9M       276M        1%  /mfs
           /var/jail               2.7G        69M       2.4G        3%  /jail/var
           /var/jails/rest-api       2.7G        69M       2.4G      3%  /web-api/var
           /var/log                2.7G        69M       2.4G        3%  /jail/var/log
           devfs                   1.0K       1.0K         0B      100%  /jail/dev
        4.5G       125M       4.1G    3%  /var/crash/corefiles
        1.9G       4.0K       1.9G    0%  /var/log/host
        4.5G       125M       4.1G     3%  /var/log/hostlogs
        4.5G       125M       4.1G    3%  /var/traffic-log
        4.5G       125M       4.1G    3%  /var/db/host
        4.5G       125M       4.1G    3%  /var/db/aamwd
        4.5G       125M       4.1G    3%  /var/db/secinteld
  3. Optionally, free up more disk space, if needed, to upload the image.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    root@vsrx> request system storage cleanup
           List of files to delete:
           Size Date	   Name
           11B Sep 25 14:15 /var/jail/tmp/alarmd.ts
           259.7K Sep 25 14:11 /var/log/hostlogs/vjunos0.log.1.gz
           494B Sep 25 14:15 /var/log/interactive-commands.0.gz
           20.4K Sep 25 14:15 /var/log/messages.0.gz
           27B Sep 25 14:15 /var/log/wtmp.0.gz
           27B Sep 25 14:14 /var/log/wtmp.1.gz
           3027B Sep 25 14:13 /var/tmp/BSD.var.dist
           0B Sep 25 14:14 /var/tmp/LOCK_FILE
           666B Sep 25 14:14 /var/tmp/appidd_trace_debug
           0B Sep 25 14:14 /var/tmp/eedebug_bin_file
           34B Sep 25 14:14 /var/tmp/gksdchk.log
           46B Sep 25 14:14 /var/tmp/kmdchk.log
           57B Sep 25 14:14 /var/tmp/krt_rpf_filter.txt
           42B Sep 25 14:13 /var/tmp/pfe_debug_commands
           0B Sep 25 14:14 /var/tmp/pkg_cleanup.log.err
           30B Sep 25 14:14 /var/tmp/policy_status
           0B Sep 25 14:14 /var/tmp/rtsdb/if-rtsdb
           Delete these files ? [yes,no] (no) yes
    output omitted>

    If this command does not free up enough disk space, see [SRX] Common and safe files to remove in order to increase available system storage for details on safe files you can manually remove from vSRX to free up disk space.

  4. Use FTP, SCP, or a similar utility to upload the Junos OS Release 22.1R2 for vSRX .tgz file to /var/crash/corefiles/ on the local file system of your vSRX VM. For example:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    root@vsrx> file copy
    junos-vsrx-x86-64-22.1-2022-10-12.0_RELEASE_22.1_THROTTLE.tgz /var/crash/corefiles/
  5. From operational mode, install the software upgrade package.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    root@vsrx> request system software add /var/crash/corefiles/junos-vsrx-x86-64-22.1-2022-10-12.0_RELEASE_22.1_THROTTLE.tgz no-copy no-validate reboot 
    Verified junos-vsrx-x86-64-22.1-2022-10-12.0_RELEASE_22.1_THROTTLE signed by PackageDevelopmentEc_2017 method ECDSA256+SHA256
    WARNING:     This package will load JUNOS 22.1 software.
    WARNING:     It will save JUNOS configuration files, and SSH keys
    WARNING:     (if configured), but erase all other files and information
    WARNING:     stored on this machine.  It will attempt to preserve dumps
    WARNING:     and log files, but this can not be guaranteed.  This is the
    WARNING:     pre-installation stage and all the software is loaded when
    WARNING:     you reboot the system.
    Saving the config files ...
    Pushing Junos image package to the host...
    Installing /var/tmp/install-media-srx-mr-vsrx-22.1-2022-10-12.0_RELEASE_22.1_THROTTLE.tgz
    Extracting the package ...
    total 975372
    -rw-r--r-- 1 30426 950 710337073 Oct 19 17:31 junos-srx-mr-vsrx-22.1-2022-10-12.0_RELEASE_22.1_THROTTLE-app.tgz
    -rw-r--r-- 1 30426 950 288433266 Oct 19 17:31 junos-srx-mr-vsrx-22.1-2022-10-12.0_RELEASE_22.1_THROTTLE-linux.tgz
    Setting up Junos host applications for installation ...
    Host OS upgrade is FORCED
    Current Host OS version: 3.0.4
    New Host OS version: 3.0.4
    Min host OS version required for applications: 0.2.4
    Installing Host OS ...
    upgrade_platform: -------------------
    upgrade_platform: Parameters passed:
    upgrade_platform: silent=0
    upgrade_platform: package=/var/tmp/junos-srx-mr-vsrx-22.1-2022-10-12.0_RELEASE_22.1_THROTTLE-linux.tgz
    upgrade_platform: clean install=0
    upgrade_platform: clean upgrade=0
    upgrade_platform: Need reboot after staging=0
    upgrade_platform: -------------------
    upgrade_platform: Checking input /var/tmp/junos-srx-mr-vsrx-22.1-2022-10-12.0_RELEASE_22.1_THROTTLE-linux.tgz ...
    upgrade_platform: Input package /var/tmp/junos-srx-mr-vsrx-22.1-2022-10-12.0_RELEASE_22.1_THROTTLE-linux.tgz is valid.
    upgrade_platform: Backing up boot assets..
    cp: omitting directory '.'
    bzImage-intel-x86-64.bin: OK
    initramfs.cpio.gz: OK
    version.txt: OK
    initrd.cpio.gz: OK
    upgrade_platform: Checksum verified and OK...
    upgrade_platform: Backup completed
    upgrade_platform: Staging the upgrade package - /var/tmp/junos-srx-mr-vsrx-22.1-2022-10-12.0_RELEASE_22.1_THROTTLE-linux.tgz..
    bzImage-intel-x86-64.bin: OK
    initramfs.cpio.gz: OK
    version.txt: OK
    upgrade_platform: Checksum verified and OK...
    upgrade_platform: Staging of /var/tmp/junos-srx-mr-vsrx-22.1-2022-10-12.0_RELEASE_22.1_THROTTLE-linux.tgz completed
    upgrade_platform: System need *REBOOT* to complete the upgrade
    upgrade_platform: Run upgrade_platform with option -r | --rollback to rollback the upgrade
    Host OS upgrade staged. Reboot the system to complete installation!
    WARNING:     'request system reboot' command when software installation is
    WARNING:     complete. To abort the installation, do not reboot your system,
    WARNING:     instead use the 'request system software rollback'
    WARNING:     command as soon as this operation completes.
    NOTICE: 'pending' set will be activated at next reboot...
    Rebooting. Please wait ...
    shutdown: [pid 13050]
    Shutdown NOW!
    *** FINAL System shutdown message from root@ ***
    System going down IMMEDIATELY
    Shutdown NOW!
    System shutdown time has arrived\x07\x07 

    If no errors occur, Junos OS reboots automatically to complete the upgrade process. You have successfully upgraded to Junos OS Release 22.1R2 for vSRX.


    Starting in Junos OS Release 17.4R1, upon completion of the vSRX image upgrade, the original image is removed by default as part of the upgrade process.

  6. Log in and use the show version command to verify the upgrade.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    --- JUNOS 22.1-2022-10-12.0_RELEASE_22.1_THROTTLE Kernel 64-bit  JNPR-11.0-20171012.170745_fbsd-
    At least one package installed on this device has limited support.
    Run 'file show /etc/notices/unsupported.txt' for details.
    root@:~ # cli
    root> show version
    Model: vsrx
    Junos: 22.1-2022-10-12.0_RELEASE_22.1_THROTTLE
    JUNOS OS Kernel 64-bit  [20171012.170745_fbsd-builder_stable_11]
    JUNOS OS libs [20171012.170745_fbsd-builder_stable_11]
    JUNOS OS runtime [20171012.170745_fbsd-builder_stable_11]
    JUNOS OS time zone information [20171012.170745_fbsd-builder_stable_11]
    JUNOS OS libs compat32 [20171012.170745_fbsd-builder_stable_11]
    JUNOS OS 32-bit compatibility [20171012.170745_fbsd-builder_stable_11]
    JUNOS py extensions [20171017.110007_ssd-builder_release_174_throttle]
    JUNOS py base [20171017.110007_ssd-builder_release_174_throttle]
    JUNOS OS vmguest [20171012.170745_fbsd-builder_stable_11]
    JUNOS OS crypto [20171012.170745_fbsd-builder_stable_11]
    JUNOS network stack and utilities [20171017.110007_ssd-builder_release_174_throttle]
    JUNOS libs [20171017.110007_ssd-builder_release_174_throttle]
    JUNOS libs compat32 [20171017.110007_ssd-builder_release_174_throttle]
    JUNOS runtime [20171017.110007_ssd-builder_release_174_throttle]
    JUNOS Web Management Platform Package [20171017.110007_ssd-builder_release_174_throttle]
    JUNOS srx libs compat32 [20171017.110007_ssd-builder_release_174_throttle]
    JUNOS srx runtime [20171017.110007_ssd-builder_release_174_throttle]
    JUNOS common platform support [20171017.110007_ssd-builder_release_174_throttle]
    JUNOS srx platform support [20171017.110007_ssd-builder_release_174_throttle]
    JUNOS mtx network modules [20171017.110007_ssd-builder_release_174_throttle]
    JUNOS modules [20171017.110007_ssd-builder_release_174_throttle]
    JUNOS srxtvp modules [20171017.110007_ssd-builder_release_174_throttle]
    JUNOS srxtvp libs [20171017.110007_ssd-builder_release_174_throttle]
    JUNOS srx libs [20171017.110007_ssd-builder_release_174_throttle]
    JUNOS srx Data Plane Crypto Support [20171017.110007_ssd-builder_release_174_throttle]
    JUNOS daemons [20171017.110007_ssd-builder_release_174_throttle]
    JUNOS srx daemons [20171017.110007_ssd-builder_release_174_throttle]
    JUNOS Online Documentation [20171017.110007_ssd-builder_release_174_throttle]
    JUNOS jail runtime [20171012.170745_fbsd-builder_stable_11]
    JUNOS FIPS mode utilities [20171017.110007_ssd-builder_release_174_throttle]

Validating the OVA Image

If you have downloaded a vSRX .ova image and need to validate it, see Validating the vSRX .ova File for VMware.

Note that only .ova (VMware platform) vSRX images can be validated. The .qcow2 vSRX images for use with KVM cannot be validated the same way. File checksums for all software images are, however, available on the download page.

Upgrade and Downgrade Support Policy for Junos OS Releases and Extended End-Of-Life Releases

We have two types of releases, standard EOL and EEOL:

  • Standard End of Life (EOL) releases have engineering support for twenty four months after the first general availability date and customer support for an additional six more months.

  • Extended End of Life (EEOL) releases have engineering support for thirty six months after the first general availability date and customer support for an additional six more months.

For both standard EOL and EEOL releases, you can upgrade to the next three subsequent releases or downgrade to the previous three releases. For example, you can upgrade from 20.4 to the next three releases – 21.1, 21.2 and 21.3 or downgrade to the previous three releases – 20.3, 20.2 and 20.1.

For EEOL releases only, you have an additional option - you can upgrade directly from one EEOL release to the next two subsequent EEOL releases, even if the target release is beyond the next three releases. Likewise, you can downgrade directly from one EEOL release to the previous two EEOL releases, even if the target release is beyond the previous three releases. For example, 20.4 is an EEOL release. Hence, you can upgrade from 20.4 to the next two EEOL releases – 21.2 and 21.4 or downgrade to the previous two EEOL releases – 20.2 and 19.4.

Table 1: EOL and EEOL Releases
Release Type End of Engineering (EOE) End of Support (EOS) Upgrade/Downgrade to subsequent 3 releases Upgrade/Downgrade to subsequent 2 EEOL releases
Standard End of Life (EOL) 24 months End of Engineering + 6 months Yes No
Extended End of Life (EEOL) 36 months End of Engineering + 6 months Yes Yes

For more information about standard EOL and EEOL releases, see

For information about software installation and upgrade, see the Installation and Upgrade Guide.
