Submitting a GET Request to the REST API
For an rpc
command, the general format of the endpoints
: The name of any Junos OSrpc
command. Themethod
name is identical to the tag element. For more information, see the Junos XML API Explorer. -
: Optional parameter values (name[=value]
authenticate your request, you can use one of the following methods. We recommend
using the netrc
option because it is more secure.
Submit the base64-encoded username and password included in the Authorization header.
curl -u "username:password" http://device-name:port/rpc/get-interface-information
Alternatively, use a .netrc file to store the credentials.
In the user's home directory, create the .netrc file, and specify the hostname, username, and password for the remote device. For example:
user@host:~$ cat ~/.netrc machine login username password password
Ensure that only the user has read and write permission for the file.
user@host:~$ chmod 600 .netrc
In the request, specify the
option. For example:user@host:~$ curl --netrc
To specify rpc
data as a query string in the URI for GET
requests, you can use a ?
following the URI with the
delimiter separating multiple arguments, or use the
delimiter, as shown in these equivalent cURL calls:
For example:
curl --netrc http://device-name:port/rpc/get-interface-information?interface-name=cbp0&snmp-index=1
curl --netrc http://device-name:port/rpc/get-interface-information/interface-name=cbp0/snmp-index=1
HTTP Accept headers can be used to specify the return format using one of the following Content-Type values:
application/xml (the default)
For example, the following cURL call specifies an output format of JSON:
curl --netrc http://device-name:port/rpc/get-interface-information?interface-name=cbp0 --header "Accept: application/json"
You can also specify the output format using the Junos OS RPC's
optional format
For example, the
tag element retrieves software
process revision levels. The following HTTPS GET request executes this command and
retrieves the results in JSON
following Python program uses the REST interface to execute the
RPC, extracts the data from the
response, and plots a graph of the CPU load average. The requests
module automatically checks the user's .netrc file for
credentials associated with the specified device. Alternatively, you can include the
auth=(username, password )
argument in the request to supply credentials.
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.animation as animation import requests def update_line(num, data, line): if num == 0: return line, global temp_y x_data.append(num) if num != 0 and num%8 == 1: r = requests.get('http://' + device + '/rpc/get-route-engine-information@format=json') if r: temp_y = r.json()['route-engine-information'][0]['route-engine'][0]['load-average-one'][0]['data'] y_data.append(float(temp_y)) line.set_data(x_data, y_data) return line, device = input('Enter device:port ') temp_y = 1 fig1 = plt.figure() x_data = [] y_data = [] l, = plt.plot([], []) plt.xlim(0, 80) plt.ylim(0, 1.5) plt.xlabel('Time in seconds') plt.ylabel('CPU utilization (load average)') plt.title('REST-API test') line_ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig1, update_line, 80, fargs=(0, l), interval=1000, blit=True)