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request chassis beacon

date_range 22-May-24

Syntax (EX Series)

content_copy zoom_out_map
request chassis beacon
<fpc slot-number (off | on)>
<fpc slot-number (off | on) timer minutes>
<fpc slot-number pic-slot slot-number port port-number (off | on)>
<fpc slot-number pic-slot slot-number port port-number (off | on) timer minutes>

Syntax (QFX Series)

This is the general syntax for the QFX Series of switches. The exact syntax and options are different depending on the specific model of QFX switch and Junos OS release.

content_copy zoom_out_map
request chassis beacon
<all (off | on)>
<fpc slot-number (off | on)>
<interconnect-device name (cb slot-number | fpc slot-number | (off | on)>
<node-device name (off | on)>

Syntax (PTX Series)

content_copy zoom_out_map
request chassis beacon
<all (off | on)>
<fpc slot-number (off | on)>
<interconnect-device name (cb slot-number | fpc slot-number | (off | on)>
<node-device name (off | on)>

request chasis beacon is not supported on the PTX10001-36MR.


(QFX Series switches only) Enable or disable the beacon LED on a QFX Series device.

(EX Series switches only) Supports the following for one or all network port status LEDs on a specified FPC:

  • Enable the beacon for:

    • 5 minutes (default)

    • A specified number of minutes (1 through 120)

  • Disable the beacon:

    • Instantly

    • After a specified number of minutes (1 through 120) is over


    To turn the beacon on or off on a Virtual Chassis, you must issue the request chassis beacon command on the primary switch in the Virtual Chassis. Also, when specifying the FPC slot number, you must use the target Virtual Chassis member number.



Turn the beacon LED either on or off on all QFabric system Interconnect and Node devices.

cb slot-number

Turn the beacon LED either on or off on the Control Board of the QFX3008-I Interconnect device.

fpc slot-number

Turn all beacon LEDs on the specified FPC either on or off.

fpc slot-number pic-slot slot-number port port-number

Turn the beacon LED for the specified port either on or off.

interconnect-device name

Turn the beacon LED either on or off on the Interconnect device.

node-device name

Turn the beacon LED either on or off on the Node device.


Turn the specified beacon LEDs off.


Turn the specified beacon LEDs on.

timer minutes

Turn the beacon LEDs on for the specified number of minutes or off after the specified number of minutes elapses.

  • Range: 1 through 120

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

When you enter this command, you are provided feedback on the status of your request.

Sample Output

request chassis beacon fpc on (EX Series and QFX Series Switches)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@switch> request chassis beacon fpc 0 on

Beacon set to ON

request chassis beacon fpc on timer (EX Series Switches)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@switch> request chassis beacon fpc 0 on
timer 10
Beacon set to ON

request chassis beacon fpc pic-slot port on (EX Series Switches)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@switch> request chassis beacon fpc 0 pic-slot
0 port 1 on
Beacon set to ON

request chassis beacon fpc pic-slot port on timer (EX Series Switches)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@switch> request chassis beacon fpc 0 pic-slot
0 port 1 on timer 10
Beacon set to ON

request chassis beacon node-device (QFabric System)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@switch> request chassis beacon node-device
node1 on

node1                 ON

request chassis beacon on interconnect-device fpc (QFabric System)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@switch> request chassis beacon on interconnect-device
fpc 2

FPC 2                ON

request chassis beacon fpc 0 on (PTX Router)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@switch> request chassis beacon fpc 0 on

FPC 0                ON

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 11.1.
