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Nework Menu: Templates

date_range 16-Oct-23

Node Templates

The Node Template window accessed from Network > Elements > Element Templates > Node, allows you to create sets of default values to expedite the addition of nodes. Templates may be created and modified by you and then used while in the Add Node window.

  • Add: Opens an Add Node Template window that allows you to add a new template.

  • Modify: Opens the Modify Node Template window that allows you to modify the selected template.



Template Name

The name identifying the template.Template names must be unique.

Auto-Generate node ids

Generate the node ID using the specified prefix and number to create a unique node ID.


Defined prefix for generating node IDs.

Start #

Number from which to start numbering generated node IDs. Example: If Prefix is set to "COR" and Start# "1", autogenerate node ID would create node ID "COR1", "COR2", "COR3", etc.

Auto-Generate node names

Generate the node name using the specified prefix and number to create a unique node name.


Defined prefix for generating node names.

Start #

Number from which to start numbering generated node names. Example: If Prefix is set to "NODE" and Start# "1", autogenerate node names would create node ID "NODE1", "NODE2", "NODE3", etc.

Link Templates

The Link Templates accessed from Network > Elements > Element Templates > Link, allow you to create sets of default values to aid in the addition or modification of links. Templates may be created and modified by you and then used in the Add Link window. When saving the network environment, link templates are saved into the file linktemplate.<runcode>.

  • Add: Opens an Add Link Template window that allows you to add a new template.

  • Modify: Opens the Modify Link Template window to allow you to make modifications to the selected template. You should select the desired template for modification from the Template list found on the right of the Link Templates window.



    Template Name

    The name identifying the template. Template names must be unique.

    Auto Generate Link names

    Generate the link name using the specified prefix and number to create a unique link name.


    Defined prefix for generating link names.

    Start #

    Number from which to start numbering generated link names. Example: If Prefix is set to "LINK" and Start# "1", autogenerate node names would create node ID "LINK1", "LINK2", "LINK3", etc.

Demand Templates

The Demand Templates accessed from Network > Elements > Element Templates > Demand, allows you to create sets of default values to aid in the addition or modification of demands. Templates may be created and modified by you and then used in the Add Multiple Demands windows.

  • Add: Opens an Add Demand Template window that allows you to add a new template.

  • Modify: Opens the Modify Demand Template window that allows you to modify the selected template.



Template Name

The name identifying the template. Template names must be unique.


Select a owner for this demand. Ownership is defined in the Owners option of the Modify menu.


Specifies the count of the demand.


Specify the bandwidth required by the demand. Demand overhead is automatically calculated by the program.


Indicates the type of the demand.


The priority field of the circuit specification consists of two numbers separated by a comma (,), or a forward-slash (/). The first number defines the call priority of the circuit, and the second number the preempt priority of the circuit. The preempt priority should be at the same or lower priority as the call priority of the circuit. It is assumed that this circuit can bump any of the circuit with call priority lower than the preempt priority.


Specify any comments you may wish to enter.

Tunnel Templates

The Tunnel Templates accessed from Network > Elements > Element Templates > Tunnel, allows you to create sets of default values to aid in the addition or modification of tunnels. Templates may be created and modified by you and then used in the Add Multiple Tunnels windows. The tunnel template is similar to the demand template, but includes some tunnel-specific properties in the Type field. Refer to the NorthStar Planner Feature Guide for more details on these settings.
