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Configuration Command Reference Guide

configure authority

Authority configuration is the top-most level in the SSR configuration hierarchy.

access-managementRole Based Access Control (RBAC) configuration.
asset-connection-resiliencyConfigure Asset Connection Resiliency
backwards-compatible-vrf-bgp-tenantsWhen generating tenant names for VRF BGP over SVR, do not use leading or trailing underscores. This enables backwards compatibility with router versions smaller than 5.1.3
bgp-service-generationConfigure Bgp Service Generation
cli-messagesConfigure Cli Messages
client-certificateThe client-certificate configuration contains client certificate content.
cloneClone a list item
conductor-addressIP address or FQDN of the conductor
currencyLocal monetary unit.
deleteDelete configuration data
districtDistricts in the authority.
dscp-mapConfigure Dscp Map
dynamic-hostnameHostname format for interfaces with dynamic addresses. It is a template with subsitution variables used to generate a unique hostname corresponding to Network Interfaces that have dynamically learned IP addresses. Uses the following substitution variables: {interface-id} for Network Interface Global Identifier {router-name} for Router Name {authority-name} for Authority Name For example, 'interface-{interface-id}.{router-name}.{authority-name}'.
fib-service-matchWhen creating FIB entries by matching route updates to service addresses, consider the specified service addresses.
forward-error-correction-profileA profile for Forward Error Correection parameters, describing how often to send parity packets.
icmp-controlSettings for ICMP packet handling
idp-profileUser defined IDP profiles.
ipfix-collectorConfiguration for IPFIX record export.
ipv4-option-filterConfigure Ipv 4 Option Filter
ldap-serverLDAP Servers against which to authenticate user credentials.
management-service-generationConfigure Management Service Generation
metrics-profileA collection of metrics
nameThe identifier for the Authority.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
password-policyPassword policy for user's passwords.
pcliConfigure the PCLI.
performance-monitoring-profileA performance monitoring profile used to determine how often packets should be marked.
radius-serverRadius Servers against which to authenticate user credentials.
rekey-intervalHours between security key regeneration. Recommended value 24 hours.
remote-loginConfigure Remote Login
resource-groupCollect objects into a management group.
routerThe router configuration element serves as a container for holding the nodes of a single deployed router, along with their policies.
routingauthority level routing configuration
securityThe security elements represent security policies for governing how and when the SSR encrypts and/or authenticates packets.
serviceThe service configuration is where you define the services that reside within the authority's tenants as well as the policies to apply to those services.
service-classDefines the association between DSCP value and a priority queue.
service-policyA service policy, which defines parameters applied to services that reference the policy
session-record-profileA profile to describe how to collect session records.
session-recovery-detectionConfigure Session Recovery Detection
session-typeType of session classification based on protocol and port, and associates it with a default class of service.
showShow configuration data for 'authority'
software-updateConfigure Software Update
stepConfigure Step
step-repoList of Service and Topology Exchange Protocol repositories.
tenantA customer or user group within the Authority.
traffic-profileA set of minimum guaranteed bandwidths, one for each traffic priority
trusted-ca-certificateThe trusted-ca-certificate configuration contains CA certificate content.
web-messagesConfigure Web Messages
web-themeConfigure Web Theme

configure authority access-management

Role Based Access Control (RBAC) configuration.

cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
roleConfigure Role
showShow configuration data for 'access-management'
tokenConfiguration for HTTP authentication token generation.

configure authority access-management role

Configure Role


configure authority access-management role <name>
Positional Arguments
nameA unique name that identifies this role.
capabilityThe capabilities that this user will be granted.
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionA description about the role.
exclude-resourceExclude a resource from being associated with this role.
nameA unique name that identifies this role.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
resourceAssociate this role with a resource.
resource-groupAssociate this role with a top-level resource-group.
showShow configuration data for 'role'

configure authority access-management role capability

The capabilities that this user will be granted.


configure authority access-management role capability [<identityref>]
Positional Arguments
identityrefValue to add to this list

configure authority access-management role description

A description about the role.


configure authority access-management role description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority access-management role exclude-resource

Exclude a resource from being associated with this role.


configure authority access-management role exclude-resource <id>
Positional Arguments
idConfigure Id
idConfigure Id
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'exclude-resource'

configure authority access-management role exclude-resource id

Configure Id


configure authority access-management role exclude-resource id [<resource-id>]
Positional Arguments
resource-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority access-management role name

A unique name that identifies this role.


configure authority access-management role name [<name-id>]
Positional Arguments
name-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority access-management role resource

Associate this role with a resource.


configure authority access-management role resource <id>
Positional Arguments
idConfigure Id
deleteDelete configuration data
generatedIndicates whether or not the resource was automatically generated
idConfigure Id
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'resource'

configure authority access-management role resource generated

Indicates whether or not the resource was automatically generated


configure authority access-management role resource generated [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority access-management role resource id

Configure Id


configure authority access-management role resource id [<resource-id>]
Positional Arguments
resource-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority access-management role resource-group

Associate this role with a top-level resource-group.


configure authority access-management role resource-group [<resource-group-ref>]
Positional Arguments
resource-group-refValue to add to this list

configure authority access-management token

Configuration for HTTP authentication token generation.

deleteDelete configuration data
expirationMinutes after initial authentication that the authentication token is valid.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'token'

configure authority access-management token expiration

Minutes after initial authentication that the authentication token is valid.


configure authority access-management token expiration [<union>]
Positional Arguments
unionThe value to set for this field


Units: minutes

configure authority asset-connection-resiliency

Configure Asset Connection Resiliency

deleteDelete configuration data
enabledEnable asset connection resiliency by creating SSH tunnels for asset connections from managed Router to Conductor.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'asset-connection-resiliency'

configure authority asset-connection-resiliency enabled

Enable asset connection resiliency by creating SSH tunnels for asset connections from managed Router to Conductor.


configure authority asset-connection-resiliency enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority backwards-compatible-vrf-bgp-tenants

When generating tenant names for VRF BGP over SVR, do not use leading or trailing underscores. This enables backwards compatibility with router versions smaller than 5.1.3


configure authority backwards-compatible-vrf-bgp-tenants [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority bgp-service-generation

Configure Bgp Service Generation

deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
route-reflector-client-meshGenerate service-route mesh for route reflector clients.
security-policySecurity policy to be used instead of 'internal'.
service-policyService policy to be used for generated BGP services.
showShow configuration data for 'bgp-service-generation'

configure authority bgp-service-generation route-reflector-client-mesh

Generate service-route mesh for route reflector clients.


configure authority bgp-service-generation route-reflector-client-mesh [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority bgp-service-generation security-policy

Security policy to be used instead of 'internal'.


configure authority bgp-service-generation security-policy [<security-ref>]
Positional Arguments
security-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority bgp-service-generation service-policy

Service policy to be used for generated BGP services.


configure authority bgp-service-generation service-policy [<service-policy-ref>]
Positional Arguments
service-policy-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority cli-messages

Configure Cli Messages

deleteDelete configuration data
login-messageThe message displayed before login through console.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'cli-messages'
welcome-messageThe message displayed after a successful login through console.

configure authority cli-messages login-message

The message displayed before login through console.


configure authority cli-messages login-message [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority cli-messages welcome-message

The message displayed after a successful login through console.


configure authority cli-messages welcome-message [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority client-certificate

The client-certificate configuration contains client certificate content.


configure authority client-certificate <name>
Positional Arguments
nameAn identifier for the client certificate.
contentClient certificate content.
deleteDelete configuration data
nameAn identifier for the client certificate.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'client-certificate'

configure authority client-certificate content

Client certificate content.


configure authority client-certificate content [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority client-certificate name

An identifier for the client certificate.


configure authority client-certificate name [<name-id>]
Positional Arguments
name-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority conductor-address

IP address or FQDN of the conductor


configure authority conductor-address [<hostv4>]
Positional Arguments
hostv4Value to add to this list

configure authority currency

Local monetary unit.


configure authority currency [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority district

Districts in the authority.


configure authority district <name>
Positional Arguments
nameName of the district.
deleteDelete configuration data
nameName of the district.
neighborhoodNeighborhoods which belong to this district.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
resource-groupAssociate this district with a top-level resource-group.
showShow configuration data for 'district'

configure authority district name

Name of the district.


configure authority district name [<non-default-district-name>]
Positional Arguments
non-default-district-nameThe value to set for this field

configure authority district neighborhood

Neighborhoods which belong to this district.


configure authority district neighborhood [<neighborhood-id>]
Positional Arguments
neighborhood-idValue to add to this list

configure authority district resource-group

Associate this district with a top-level resource-group.


configure authority district resource-group [<resource-group-ref>]
Positional Arguments
resource-group-refValue to add to this list

configure authority dscp-map

Configure Dscp Map


configure authority dscp-map <name>
Positional Arguments
nameThe name of the DSCP map
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
dscp-prioritizationMapping from incoming DSCP value to a priority. These values are used when in DSCP trust mode.
dscp-traffic-classMapping from incoming DSCP value to a traffic-class. These values are used when in DSCP trust mode.
nameThe name of the DSCP map
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
resource-groupAssociate this DSCP map with a top-level resource-group.
showShow configuration data for 'dscp-map'

configure authority dscp-map dscp-prioritization

Mapping from incoming DSCP value to a priority. These values are used when in DSCP trust mode.


configure authority dscp-map dscp-prioritization <priority>
Positional Arguments
priorityThe priority assigned to the incoming DSCP value.
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
dscp-rangeConfigure Dscp Range
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
priorityThe priority assigned to the incoming DSCP value.
showShow configuration data for 'dscp-prioritization'

configure authority dscp-map dscp-prioritization dscp-range

Configure Dscp Range


configure authority dscp-map dscp-prioritization dscp-range <start-value>
Positional Arguments
start-valueLower DSCP number.
deleteDelete configuration data
end-valueUpper DSCP number.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'dscp-range'
start-valueLower DSCP number.

configure authority dscp-map dscp-prioritization dscp-range end-value

Upper DSCP number.


configure authority dscp-map dscp-prioritization dscp-range end-value [<dscp-end-value>]
Positional Arguments
dscp-end-valueThe value to set for this field

configure authority dscp-map dscp-prioritization dscp-range start-value

Lower DSCP number.


configure authority dscp-map dscp-prioritization dscp-range start-value [<dscp>]
Positional Arguments
dscpThe value to set for this field

configure authority dscp-map dscp-prioritization priority

The priority assigned to the incoming DSCP value.


configure authority dscp-map dscp-prioritization priority [<priority-id>]
Positional Arguments
priority-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority dscp-map dscp-traffic-class

Mapping from incoming DSCP value to a traffic-class. These values are used when in DSCP trust mode.


configure authority dscp-map dscp-traffic-class <traffic-class>
Positional Arguments
traffic-classThe traffic-class assigned to the incoming DSCP value.
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
dscp-rangeConfigure Dscp Range
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'dscp-traffic-class'
traffic-classThe traffic-class assigned to the incoming DSCP value.

configure authority dscp-map dscp-traffic-class dscp-range

Configure Dscp Range


configure authority dscp-map dscp-traffic-class dscp-range <start-value>
Positional Arguments
start-valueLower DSCP number.
deleteDelete configuration data
end-valueUpper DSCP number.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'dscp-range'
start-valueLower DSCP number.

configure authority dscp-map dscp-traffic-class dscp-range end-value

Upper DSCP number.


configure authority dscp-map dscp-traffic-class dscp-range end-value [<dscp-end-value>]
Positional Arguments
dscp-end-valueThe value to set for this field

configure authority dscp-map dscp-traffic-class dscp-range start-value

Lower DSCP number.


configure authority dscp-map dscp-traffic-class dscp-range start-value [<dscp>]
Positional Arguments
dscpThe value to set for this field

configure authority dscp-map dscp-traffic-class traffic-class

The traffic-class assigned to the incoming DSCP value.


configure authority dscp-map dscp-traffic-class traffic-class [<traffic-class-id>]
Positional Arguments
traffic-class-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority dscp-map name

The name of the DSCP map


configure authority dscp-map name [<name-id>]
Positional Arguments
name-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority dscp-map resource-group

Associate this DSCP map with a top-level resource-group.


configure authority dscp-map resource-group [<resource-group-ref>]
Positional Arguments
resource-group-refValue to add to this list

configure authority dynamic-hostname

Hostname format for interfaces with dynamic addresses. It is a template with subsitution variables used to generate a unique hostname corresponding to Network Interfaces that have dynamically learned IP addresses. Uses the following substitution variables: {interface-id} for Network Interface Global Identifier {router-name} for Router Name {authority-name} for Authority Name For example, 'interface-{interface-id}.{router-name}.{authority-name}'.


configure authority dynamic-hostname [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority fib-service-match

When creating FIB entries by matching route updates to service addresses, consider the specified service addresses.


configure authority fib-service-match [ best-match-only | any-match ]
Positional Arguments
best-match-onlyThis is the default value, and legacy behavior. When comparing prefixes from a route update to addresses configured in services, only addresses with the longest prefix match for a particular route are considered. In cases of transport overlap, services are visited in alphabetical order.
any-matchAll service addresses that match the route update are considered when creating the FIB entries, including those with prefixes shorter than the update or those that do not have the best match service address. The transports from the service with the longest prefix are considered first. This minimizes missed entries, but may result in a higher FIB usage.

configure authority forward-error-correction-profile

A profile for Forward Error Correection parameters, describing how often to send parity packets.


configure authority forward-error-correction-profile <name>
Positional Arguments
nameThe name of the Forward Error Correction profile
deleteDelete configuration data
modeWhether to dynamically adjust forward error correction to account for observed loss.
nameThe name of the Forward Error Correction profile
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
ratioThe ratio (expressed as x:1) which will dictate the number of data packets to transmit before a parity packet will be transmitted.
showShow configuration data for 'forward-error-correction-profile'

configure authority forward-error-correction-profile mode

Whether to dynamically adjust forward error correction to account for observed loss.


configure authority forward-error-correction-profile mode [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority forward-error-correction-profile name

The name of the Forward Error Correction profile


configure authority forward-error-correction-profile name [<name-id>]
Positional Arguments
name-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority forward-error-correction-profile ratio

The ratio (expressed as x:1) which will dictate the number of data packets to transmit before a parity packet will be transmitted.


configure authority forward-error-correction-profile ratio [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority icmp-control

Settings for ICMP packet handling

deleteDelete configuration data
icmp-async-replyWhether to allow ICMP replies to be forwarded without corresponding requests.
icmp-session-matchHow to differentiate ICMP sessions.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'icmp-control'

configure authority icmp-control icmp-async-reply

Whether to allow ICMP replies to be forwarded without corresponding requests.


configure authority icmp-control icmp-async-reply [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority icmp-control icmp-session-match

How to differentiate ICMP sessions.


configure authority icmp-control icmp-session-match [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority idp-profile

User defined IDP profiles.


configure authority idp-profile <name>
Positional Arguments
nameName of the profile.
base-policyBase policy used when building rules.
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
nameName of the profile.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
ruleConfigure Rule
showShow configuration data for 'idp-profile'

configure authority idp-profile base-policy

Base policy used when building rules.


configure authority idp-profile base-policy [<idp-policy>]
Positional Arguments
idp-policyThe value to set for this field

configure authority idp-profile name

Name of the profile.


configure authority idp-profile name [<name-id>]
Positional Arguments
name-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority idp-profile rule

Configure Rule


configure authority idp-profile rule <name>
Positional Arguments
nameName of the rule.
deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionDescription of the rule.
matchThe options to use for matching.
nameName of the rule.
outcomeThe outcome applied to the match
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'rule'

configure authority idp-profile rule description

Description of the rule.


configure authority idp-profile rule description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority idp-profile rule match

The options to use for matching.

client-addressClient address prefix to match in the rule.
deleteDelete configuration data
destination-addressDestination address prefix to match in the rule.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
severitiesList of severity to match in the rule.
severityMatch vulnerabilities only with severity mentioned or above.
showShow configuration data for 'match'
vulnerabilityList of custom vulnerabilities to match in the rule.

configure authority idp-profile rule match client-address

Client address prefix to match in the rule.


configure authority idp-profile rule match client-address [<ip-prefix>]
Positional Arguments
ip-prefixValue to add to this list

configure authority idp-profile rule match destination-address

Destination address prefix to match in the rule.


configure authority idp-profile rule match destination-address [<ip-prefix>]
Positional Arguments
ip-prefixValue to add to this list

configure authority idp-profile rule match severities

List of severity to match in the rule.


configure authority idp-profile rule match severities [<idp-severity>]
Positional Arguments
idp-severityValue to add to this list

configure authority idp-profile rule match severity

Match vulnerabilities only with severity mentioned or above.


configure authority idp-profile rule match severity [<idp-severity>]
Positional Arguments
idp-severityThe value to set for this field

configure authority idp-profile rule match vulnerability

List of custom vulnerabilities to match in the rule.


configure authority idp-profile rule match vulnerability [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringValue to add to this list

configure authority idp-profile rule name

Name of the rule.


configure authority idp-profile rule name [<name-id>]
Positional Arguments
name-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority idp-profile rule outcome

The outcome applied to the match

actionDefines what action the system should take for the match.
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
severityModify a vulnerability severity level of the match.
showShow configuration data for 'outcome'

configure authority idp-profile rule outcome action

Defines what action the system should take for the match.


configure authority idp-profile rule outcome action [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority idp-profile rule outcome severity

Modify a vulnerability severity level of the match.


configure authority idp-profile rule outcome severity [<idp-severity>]
Positional Arguments
idp-severityThe value to set for this field

configure authority ipfix-collector

Configuration for IPFIX record export.


configure authority ipfix-collector <name>
Positional Arguments
nameA unique name for the collector.
deleteDelete configuration data
interim-record-intervalThe time after which a new interim record will be generated if a flow still exists.
ip-addressThe IP address or hostname of the collector.
nameA unique name for the collector.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
portThe port of the collector.
protocolThe transport protocol to be used when communicating with the collector.
resource-groupAssociate this IPFIX collector with a top-level resource-group.
sampling-percentageThe percentage of flows to be selected for export OR 'dynamic'. When set to 'dynamic', the system will select a percentage based on the current data volume as follows: || < 100 Mb/s : 1 in 256 || < 1 Gb/s : 1 in 512 || < 10 Gb/s : 1 in 1024 || < 25 Gb/s : 1 in 2048 || > 25 Gb/s : 1 in 8192 ||
showShow configuration data for 'ipfix-collector'
template-refresh-intervalThe time between template retransmissions when using the UDP protocol.
tenantThe tenants whose records this collector should receive. An empty list indicates all tenants.

configure authority ipfix-collector interim-record-interval

The time after which a new interim record will be generated if a flow still exists.


configure authority ipfix-collector interim-record-interval [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority ipfix-collector ip-address

The IP address or hostname of the collector.


configure authority ipfix-collector ip-address [<host>]
Positional Arguments
hostThe value to set for this field

configure authority ipfix-collector name

A unique name for the collector.


configure authority ipfix-collector name [<name-id>]
Positional Arguments
name-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority ipfix-collector port

The port of the collector.


configure authority ipfix-collector port [<l4-port>]
Positional Arguments
l4-portThe value to set for this field

configure authority ipfix-collector protocol

The transport protocol to be used when communicating with the collector.


configure authority ipfix-collector protocol [<ipfix-protocol>]
Positional Arguments
ipfix-protocolThe value to set for this field

configure authority ipfix-collector resource-group

Associate this IPFIX collector with a top-level resource-group.


configure authority ipfix-collector resource-group [<resource-group-ref>]
Positional Arguments
resource-group-refValue to add to this list

configure authority ipfix-collector sampling-percentage

The percentage of flows to be selected for export OR 'dynamic'. When set to 'dynamic', the system will select a percentage based on the current data volume as follows: || < 100 Mb/s : 1 in 256 || < 1 Gb/s : 1 in 512 || < 10 Gb/s : 1 in 1024 || < 25 Gb/s : 1 in 2048 || > 25 Gb/s : 1 in 8192 ||


configure authority ipfix-collector sampling-percentage [<union>]
Positional Arguments
unionThe value to set for this field

configure authority ipfix-collector template-refresh-interval

The time between template retransmissions when using the UDP protocol.


configure authority ipfix-collector template-refresh-interval [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority ipfix-collector tenant

The tenants whose records this collector should receive. An empty list indicates all tenants.


configure authority ipfix-collector tenant [<tenant-ref>]
Positional Arguments
tenant-refValue to add to this list

configure authority ipv4-option-filter

Configure Ipv 4 Option Filter

actionHow packets containing option headers are treated when being processed.
deleteDelete configuration data
drop-exclusionOption headers that will not cause the packet to be dropped when present.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'ipv4-option-filter'

configure authority ipv4-option-filter action

How packets containing option headers are treated when being processed.


configure authority ipv4-option-filter action [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority ipv4-option-filter drop-exclusion

Option headers that will not cause the packet to be dropped when present.


configure authority ipv4-option-filter drop-exclusion [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8Value to add to this list

configure authority ldap-server

LDAP Servers against which to authenticate user credentials.


configure authority ldap-server <name>
Positional Arguments
nameThe name of the LDAP server.
addressThe IP address or FQDN of the LDAP server.
auto-generate-filterWhen enabled, the SSR will generate user-search-base and group-search-base LDAP filters.
bind-typeThe type of binding to the LDAP server.
certificate-assuranceLDAP assurance level to apply on server certificates in a TLS session.
deleteDelete configuration data
distinguished-nameThe distinguished name to use for binding to the server.
group-search-baseAn optional group search LDAP filter to restrict searches for this attribute type.
nameThe name of the LDAP server.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
passwordThe password to use for binding to the server.
portPort to connect to LDAP server.
resource-groupAssociate this LDAP server with a top-level resource-group.
search-baseThe LDAP search base string.
server-typeThe type of LDAP server.
showShow configuration data for 'ldap-server'
user-search-baseAn optional user search LDAP filter to restrict searches for this attribute type.

configure authority ldap-server address

The IP address or FQDN of the LDAP server.


configure authority ldap-server address [<host>]
Positional Arguments
hostThe value to set for this field

configure authority ldap-server auto-generate-filter

When enabled, the SSR will generate user-search-base and group-search-base LDAP filters.


configure authority ldap-server auto-generate-filter [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority ldap-server bind-type

The type of binding to the LDAP server.


configure authority ldap-server bind-type [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority ldap-server certificate-assurance

LDAP assurance level to apply on server certificates in a TLS session.


configure authority ldap-server certificate-assurance [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority ldap-server distinguished-name

The distinguished name to use for binding to the server.


configure authority ldap-server distinguished-name [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority ldap-server group-search-base

An optional group search LDAP filter to restrict searches for this attribute type.


configure authority ldap-server group-search-base [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority ldap-server name

The name of the LDAP server.


configure authority ldap-server name [<name-id>]
Positional Arguments
name-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority ldap-server password

The password to use for binding to the server.


configure authority ldap-server password [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority ldap-server port

Port to connect to LDAP server.


configure authority ldap-server port [<union>]
Positional Arguments
unionThe value to set for this field

configure authority ldap-server resource-group

Associate this LDAP server with a top-level resource-group.


configure authority ldap-server resource-group [<resource-group-ref>]
Positional Arguments
resource-group-refValue to add to this list

configure authority ldap-server search-base

The LDAP search base string.


configure authority ldap-server search-base [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority ldap-server server-type

The type of LDAP server.


configure authority ldap-server server-type [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority ldap-server user-search-base

An optional user search LDAP filter to restrict searches for this attribute type.


configure authority ldap-server user-search-base [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority management-service-generation

Configure Management Service Generation

deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
service-policyService policy to be used instead of auto-generated service policy.
service-route-typeStrategy to generate service-routes for management services.
showShow configuration data for 'management-service-generation'

configure authority management-service-generation service-policy

Service policy to be used instead of auto-generated service policy.


configure authority management-service-generation service-policy [<service-policy-ref>]
Positional Arguments
service-policy-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority management-service-generation service-route-type

Strategy to generate service-routes for management services.


configure authority management-service-generation service-route-type [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority metrics-profile

A collection of metrics


configure authority metrics-profile <name>
Positional Arguments
nameThe name of the profile
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
filterA list of parameter values that should be included in the output.
metricThe ID of the metric as it exists in the REST API
nameThe name of the profile
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'metrics-profile'

configure authority metrics-profile filter

A list of parameter values that should be included in the output.


configure authority metrics-profile filter <parameter>
Positional Arguments
parameterThe name of the parameter being referenced
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
parameterThe name of the parameter being referenced
showShow configuration data for 'filter'
valueThe values that should be included if matched

configure authority metrics-profile filter parameter

The name of the parameter being referenced


configure authority metrics-profile filter parameter [<name-id>]
Positional Arguments
name-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority metrics-profile filter value

The values that should be included if matched


configure authority metrics-profile filter value [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringValue to add to this list

configure authority metrics-profile metric

The ID of the metric as it exists in the REST API


configure authority metrics-profile metric <id>
Positional Arguments
idThe ID of the metric as it exists in the REST API
deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionA customizable description of this metric's purpose
idThe ID of the metric as it exists in the REST API
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'metric'

configure authority metrics-profile metric description

A customizable description of this metric's purpose


configure authority metrics-profile metric description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority metrics-profile metric id

The ID of the metric as it exists in the REST API


configure authority metrics-profile metric id [<metric-id>]
Positional Arguments
metric-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority metrics-profile name

The name of the profile


configure authority metrics-profile name [<name-id>]
Positional Arguments
name-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority name

The identifier for the Authority.


configure authority name [<name-id>]
Positional Arguments
name-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority password-policy

Password policy for user's passwords.

deleteDelete configuration data
denyThe number of failed login attempts before locking a user
lifetimeThe lifetime of a user's password in days
minimum-lengthThe minimum length of user's password.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'password-policy'
unlock-timeThe time a user account will remained locked after failing login attempts

configure authority password-policy deny

The number of failed login attempts before locking a user


configure authority password-policy deny [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field

configure authority password-policy lifetime

The lifetime of a user's password in days


configure authority password-policy lifetime [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: days

configure authority password-policy minimum-length

The minimum length of user's password.


configure authority password-policy minimum-length [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field

configure authority password-policy unlock-time

The time a user account will remained locked after failing login attempts


configure authority password-policy unlock-time [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority pcli

Configure the PCLI.

aliasAn alias is a custom PCLI command that executes another PCLI command and optionally filters the output.
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'pcli'

configure authority pcli alias

An alias is a custom PCLI command that executes another PCLI command and optionally filters the output.


configure authority pcli alias <path>
Positional Arguments
pathThe space-delimited path to the alias. This will be the text that a user must enter to run the alias.
cloneClone a list item
commandThe PCLI command that the alias will run.
deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionA short, one line, description of the alias. This will be displayed in the PCLI as part of the command's help text.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
pathThe space-delimited path to the alias. This will be the text that a user must enter to run the alias.
resource-groupAssociate this PCLI alias with a top-level resource-group.
showShow configuration data for 'alias'

configure authority pcli alias command

The PCLI command that the alias will run.


configure authority pcli alias command <path>
Positional Arguments
pathThe PCLI command that the alias will run. This must be an existing PCLI command but may contain a pipe (|), output redirection (> or >>), input redirection (< or <<), or the question mark to get help (?).
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
pathThe PCLI command that the alias will run. This must be an existing PCLI command but may contain a pipe (|), output redirection (> or >>), input redirection (< or <<), or the question mark to get help (?).
showShow configuration data for 'command'
table-filterFilter the output table to only include the specified columns. This is a case-insensitive match (and also excludes special characters such as dashes.)

configure authority pcli alias command path

The PCLI command that the alias will run. This must be an existing PCLI command but may contain a pipe (|), output redirection (> or >>), input redirection (< or <<), or the question mark to get help (?).


configure authority pcli alias command path [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority pcli alias command table-filter

Filter the output table to only include the specified columns. This is a case-insensitive match (and also excludes special characters such as dashes.)


configure authority pcli alias command table-filter [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringValue to add to this list

configure authority pcli alias description

A short, one line, description of the alias. This will be displayed in the PCLI as part of the command's help text.


configure authority pcli alias description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority pcli alias path

The space-delimited path to the alias. This will be the text that a user must enter to run the alias.


configure authority pcli alias path [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority pcli alias resource-group

Associate this PCLI alias with a top-level resource-group.


configure authority pcli alias resource-group [<resource-group-ref>]
Positional Arguments
resource-group-refValue to add to this list

configure authority performance-monitoring-profile

A performance monitoring profile used to determine how often packets should be marked.


configure authority performance-monitoring-profile <name>
Positional Arguments
nameThe name of the performance monitoring profile.
deleteDelete configuration data
interval-durationRepresents the duration of a packet marking interval in milliseconds.
marking-countThe number of packets to mark within a given interval.
monitor-onlyCollect statistics without influencing packet processing features.
nameThe name of the performance monitoring profile.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
resource-groupAssociate this performance monitoring profile with a top-level resource-group.
showShow configuration data for 'performance-monitoring-profile'

configure authority performance-monitoring-profile interval-duration

Represents the duration of a packet marking interval in milliseconds.


configure authority performance-monitoring-profile interval-duration [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: milliseconds

configure authority performance-monitoring-profile marking-count

The number of packets to mark within a given interval.


configure authority performance-monitoring-profile marking-count [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field


Units: packets

configure authority performance-monitoring-profile monitor-only

Collect statistics without influencing packet processing features.


configure authority performance-monitoring-profile monitor-only [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority performance-monitoring-profile name

The name of the performance monitoring profile.


configure authority performance-monitoring-profile name [<name-id>]
Positional Arguments
name-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority performance-monitoring-profile resource-group

Associate this performance monitoring profile with a top-level resource-group.


configure authority performance-monitoring-profile resource-group [<resource-group-ref>]
Positional Arguments
resource-group-refValue to add to this list

configure authority radius-server

Radius Servers against which to authenticate user credentials.


configure authority radius-server <name>
Positional Arguments
nameThe name of the Radius server.
addressThe IP address or FQDN of the Radius server.
deleteDelete configuration data
nameThe name of the Radius server.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
portThe port number Radius server listens on.
secretThe secret key to bind to the Radius server.
showShow configuration data for 'radius-server'
timeoutRadius Request Timeout.

configure authority radius-server account-creation

Control account creation behavior.


configure authority radius-server account-creation [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
manual or automaticManual is the default value, requires the user to be created using create-user. Automatic allows remote users that exist only in Radius to connect to the device without needing a local account.

configure authority radius-server address

The IP address or FQDN of the Radius server.


configure authority radius-server address [<host>]
Positional Arguments
hostThe value to set for this field

configure authority radius-server name

The name of the Radius server.


configure authority radius-server name [<name-id>]
Positional Arguments
name-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority radius-server port

The port number Radius server listens on.


configure authority radius-server port [<port-number>]
Positional Arguments
port-numberThe value to set for this field

configure authority radius-server secret

The secret key to bind to the Radius server.


configure authority radius-server secret [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority radius-server timeout

Radius Request Timeout.


configure authority radius-server timeout [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority rekey-interval

Hours between security key regeneration. Recommended value 24 hours.


configure authority rekey-interval [<union>]
Positional Arguments
unionThe value to set for this field


Units: hours

configure authority remote-login

Configure Remote Login

deleteDelete configuration data
enabledEnable remote login from a Conductor to managed assets.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'remote-login'

configure authority remote-login enabled

Enable remote login from a Conductor to managed assets.


configure authority remote-login enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority resource-group

Collect objects into a management group.


configure authority resource-group <name>
Positional Arguments
nameThe name of the resource group.
deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionA description about the resource-group.
nameThe name of the resource group.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'resource-group'

configure authority resource-group description

A description about the resource-group.


configure authority resource-group description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority resource-group name

The name of the resource group.


configure authority resource-group name [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router

The router configuration element serves as a container for holding the nodes of a single deployed router, along with their policies.


configure authority router <name>
Positional Arguments
nameAn identifier for the router.
administrative-groupAn identifier that associates this router with an administrative group.
application-identificationConfigure Application Identification
bfdBFD parameters for sessions between nodes within the router.
cloneClone a list item
conductor-addressIP address or FQDN of the conductor
deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionA human-readable string that allows administrators to describe this configuration.
dhcp-server-generated-address-poolThe address pool for KNI network-interfaces generated for dhcp-servers.
district-settingsPer-district settings for the router.
dns-configConfigure Dns Config
entitlementProject configuration for entitlement reporting.
half-open-connection-limitA limit on half-open TCP sessions.
icmp-probe-profileProfile for active ICMP probes for reachability-detection enforcement
idpAdvanced IDP configuration.
inter-node-securityThe name of the security policy used for inter node communication between router interfaces
locationA descriptive location for this SSR.
location-coordinatesThe geolocation of this router in ISO 6709 format. Some examples: (1) Degrees only: +50.20361-074.00417/ (2) Degrees and minutes: +5012.22-07400.25/ or (3) Degrees, minutes, and seconds: +501213.1-0740015.1/
maintenance-modeWhen enabled, the router will be in maintenance mode and alarms related to this router will be shelved.
management-service-generationConfigure Management Service Generation
max-inter-node-way-pointsMaximum number of way points to be allocated on inter-node path.
nameAn identifier for the router.
nat-poolA pool of shared NAT ports.
nodeList of one or two SSR software instances, comprising an SSR.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
path-mtu-discoveryAutomatic path MTU discovery between nodes within the router.
peerDefines the properties associated with peer SSRs. The peer may be another router in the same authority or a router in a different authority
rate-limit-policyConfiguration for rate limiting policy for all associated service traffic across all interfaces on a given node, when configured within a service-class.
reachability-profileDefines a traffic profile for reachability-detection enforcement
redundancy-groupA group of redundant interfaces which will fail over together if one goes down for any reason.
resource-groupAssociate this router with a top-level resource-group.
reverse-flow-enforcementWhen to enforce biflow reverse fib entry check
reverse-packet-session-resiliencyParameters for setting session failover behavior without presence of forward traffic.
router-groupLogical group of routers for filtering services.
routingA router-level container for all of the routing policies associated with a given SSR deployment. Each routing element may have one and only one routing-instance.
service-routeDefines a route for a service or an instance of a service (server or service agent).
service-route-policyUsed to define the properties of service routes. These capabilities influence route selection when determining the optimal path for establishing new sessions.
showShow configuration data for 'router'
static-hostname-mappingMap hostnames to ip-address resolutions. These entries will be put in /etc/hosts. This will prevent DNS requests from being sent for these hostnames.
systemSystem group configuration. Lets administrators configure system-wide properties for their SSR deployment.
udp-transformUDP transform settings for interoperating with stateful TCP firewalls for nodes within the router.

configure authority router administrative-group

An identifier that associates this router with an administrative group.


configure authority router administrative-group [<name-id>]
Positional Arguments
name-idValue to add to this list


Warning: 'administrative-group' is deprecated and will be removed in a future software version

configure authority router application-identification

Configure Application Identification

application-director-cache-max-capacityThe maximum capacity for caching application-director requests
auto-updateAutomatic updating of application data
deleteDelete configuration data
max-capacityThe maximum capacity for resolved next-hops under a client
modeApplication learning modes.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
per-app-metricsEnable per app classification metrics
showShow configuration data for 'application-identification'
summary-retentionConfigure Summary Retention
summary-trackingEnable session stats tracking by applications
use-application-director-in-memory-dbUse in-memory db
web-filteringEnhanced application identification with URL based filtering
write-intervalInterval to define how often analytics are calculated

configure authority router application-identification application-director-cache-max-capacity

The maximum capacity for caching application-director requests


configure authority router application-identification application-director-cache-max-capacity [<uint64>]
Positional Arguments
uint64The value to set for this field

configure authority router application-identification auto-update

Automatic updating of application data

day-of-weekThe day of the week to perform updates
deleteDelete configuration data
enabledEnable updates
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'auto-update'
update-frequencyHow often to attempt to update
update-jitterThe max random jitter applied to the update time
update-timeThe hour of the day on the local system to fetch

configure authority router application-identification auto-update day-of-week

The day of the week to perform updates


configure authority router application-identification auto-update day-of-week [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router application-identification auto-update enabled

Enable updates


configure authority router application-identification auto-update enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router application-identification auto-update update-frequency

How often to attempt to update


configure authority router application-identification auto-update update-frequency [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router application-identification auto-update update-jitter

The max random jitter applied to the update time


configure authority router application-identification auto-update update-jitter [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router application-identification auto-update update-time

The hour of the day on the local system to fetch


configure authority router application-identification auto-update update-time [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router application-identification max-capacity

The maximum capacity for resolved next-hops under a client


configure authority router application-identification max-capacity [<uint64>]
Positional Arguments
uint64The value to set for this field

configure authority router application-identification mode

Application learning modes.


configure authority router application-identification mode [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationValue to add to this list

configure authority router application-identification per-app-metrics

Enable per app classification metrics


configure authority router application-identification per-app-metrics [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router application-identification summary-retention

Configure Summary Retention

deleteDelete configuration data
durationHow long the AppID documents should be stored
enabledEnable persistence of app summary to the DB for UI and other uses
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'summary-retention'

configure authority router application-identification summary-retention duration

How long the AppID documents should be stored


configure authority router application-identification summary-retention duration [<duration>]
Positional Arguments
durationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router application-identification summary-retention enabled

Enable persistence of app summary to the DB for UI and other uses


configure authority router application-identification summary-retention enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router application-identification summary-tracking

Enable session stats tracking by applications


configure authority router application-identification summary-tracking [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router application-identification use-application-director-in-memory-db

Use in-memory db


configure authority router application-identification use-application-director-in-memory-db [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router application-identification web-filtering

Enhanced application identification with URL based filtering

classify-sessionConfigure Classify Session
deleteDelete configuration data
enabledWhether web filtering should be enabled
max-retransmission-attempts-before-allowMaximum number of retransmission packet attempts having a category cache miss before allowing session to continue
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'web-filtering'

configure authority router application-identification web-filtering classify-session

Configure Classify Session

deleteDelete configuration data
max-cache-sizeThe maximum size for the in-memory cache that stores url data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
retriesThe maximum retries for client to request for classifying the session
showShow configuration data for 'classify-session'
timeoutMaximum time in seconds that can be taken for classifying the session

configure authority router application-identification web-filtering classify-session max-cache-size

The maximum size for the in-memory cache that stores url data


configure authority router application-identification web-filtering classify-session max-cache-size [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field

configure authority router application-identification web-filtering classify-session retries

The maximum retries for client to request for classifying the session


configure authority router application-identification web-filtering classify-session retries [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field

configure authority router application-identification web-filtering classify-session timeout

Maximum time in seconds that can be taken for classifying the session


configure authority router application-identification web-filtering classify-session timeout [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router application-identification web-filtering enabled

Whether web filtering should be enabled


configure authority router application-identification web-filtering enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router application-identification web-filtering max-retransmission-attempts-before-allow

Maximum number of retransmission packet attempts having a category cache miss before allowing session to continue


configure authority router application-identification web-filtering max-retransmission-attempts-before-allow [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field


Units: packets

configure authority router application-identification write-interval

Interval to define how often analytics are calculated


configure authority router application-identification write-interval [<duration>]
Positional Arguments
durationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router bfd

BFD parameters for sessions between nodes within the router.

authentication-typeDescribes the authentication type used in BFD packets
deleteDelete configuration data
desired-tx-intervalRepresents the frequency with which BFD asynchronous control packets are sent to peer nodes/routers.
dscpThe DSCP value to use with BFD packets.
dynamic-dampingWhen enabled, extend the hold-down time if additional link flaps occur during the hold-down period.
hold-down-timeRepresents the hold-down time. If dynamic-damping is enabled, this is the initial hold-down time.
link-test-intervalThis represents the interval between BFD echo tests sent to the peer node/router.
link-test-lengthThis is the number of packets sent during one test cycle. A value of 0 disables BFD echo tests.
maximum-hold-down-timeRepresents the maximum hold-down time of dynamic-damping exponential backoff. If the hold-down-time hits the maximum three times in a row, it will reset back to the original value.
multiplierNumber of consecutive missed messages from a peer before deciding that the link between them is unusable. Valid range is (3,20).
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
required-min-rx-intervalRepresents the minimum interval between BFD asynchronous control packets that this router is capable of supporting.
showShow configuration data for 'bfd'
stateWhen enabled, run BFD between all nodes within the router.

configure authority router bfd authentication-type

Describes the authentication type used in BFD packets


configure authority router bfd authentication-type [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router bfd desired-tx-interval

Represents the frequency with which BFD asynchronous control packets are sent to peer nodes/routers.


configure authority router bfd desired-tx-interval [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: milliseconds

configure authority router bfd dscp

The DSCP value to use with BFD packets.


configure authority router bfd dscp [<dscp>]
Positional Arguments
dscpThe value to set for this field

configure authority router bfd dynamic-damping

When enabled, extend the hold-down time if additional link flaps occur during the hold-down period.


configure authority router bfd dynamic-damping [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router bfd hold-down-time

Represents the hold-down time. If dynamic-damping is enabled, this is the initial hold-down time.


configure authority router bfd hold-down-time [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

This represents the interval between BFD echo tests sent to the peer node/router.


configure authority router bfd link-test-interval [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

This is the number of packets sent during one test cycle. A value of 0 disables BFD echo tests.


configure authority router bfd link-test-length [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field


Units: packets

configure authority router bfd maximum-hold-down-time

Represents the maximum hold-down time of dynamic-damping exponential backoff. If the hold-down-time hits the maximum three times in a row, it will reset back to the original value.


configure authority router bfd maximum-hold-down-time [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router bfd multiplier

Number of consecutive missed messages from a peer before deciding that the link between them is unusable. Valid range is (3,20).


configure authority router bfd multiplier [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router bfd required-min-rx-interval

Represents the minimum interval between BFD asynchronous control packets that this router is capable of supporting.


configure authority router bfd required-min-rx-interval [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: milliseconds

configure authority router bfd state

When enabled, run BFD between all nodes within the router.


configure authority router bfd state [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router conductor-address

IP address or FQDN of the conductor


configure authority router conductor-address [<hostv4>]
Positional Arguments
hostv4Value to add to this list

configure authority router description

A human-readable string that allows administrators to describe this configuration.


configure authority router description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router dhcp-server-generated-address-pool

The address pool for KNI network-interfaces generated for dhcp-servers.


configure authority router dhcp-server-generated-address-pool [<ipv4-prefix>]
Positional Arguments
ipv4-prefixThe value to set for this field

configure authority router district-settings

Per-district settings for the router.


configure authority router district-settings <district-name>
Positional Arguments
district-nameName of the district.
deleteDelete configuration data
district-nameName of the district.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'district-settings'
step-peer-path-sla-metrics-advertisementSTEP advertisement settings for peer path SLA metrics.

configure authority router district-settings district-name

Name of the district.


configure authority router district-settings district-name [<district-name>]
Positional Arguments
district-nameThe value to set for this field

configure authority router district-settings step-peer-path-sla-metrics-advertisement

STEP advertisement settings for peer path SLA metrics.

deleteDelete configuration data
minimum-update-intervalMinimum (burst) interval in between updating peer path SLA metric values advertised in STEP
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'step-peer-path-sla-metrics-advertisement'
update-burst-sizeLimit on the number of peer path SLA metric value updates advertised in STEP at the minimum (burst) update interval.
update-rate-limitRate limit interval in between updating peer path SLA metric values advertised in STEP

configure authority router district-settings step-peer-path-sla-metrics-advertisement minimum-update-interval

Minimum (burst) interval in between updating peer path SLA metric values advertised in STEP


configure authority router district-settings step-peer-path-sla-metrics-advertisement minimum-update-interval [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router district-settings step-peer-path-sla-metrics-advertisement update-burst-size

Limit on the number of peer path SLA metric value updates advertised in STEP at the minimum (burst) update interval.


configure authority router district-settings step-peer-path-sla-metrics-advertisement update-burst-size [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router district-settings step-peer-path-sla-metrics-advertisement update-rate-limit

Rate limit interval in between updating peer path SLA metric values advertised in STEP


configure authority router district-settings step-peer-path-sla-metrics-advertisement update-rate-limit [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router dns-config

Configure Dns Config


configure authority router dns-config <mode>
Positional Arguments
modeMode of DNS server configuration.
addressAddress of servers to use for DNS queries.
deleteDelete configuration data
modeMode of DNS server configuration.
moveMove list items
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'dns-config'

configure authority router dns-config address

Address of servers to use for DNS queries.


configure authority router dns-config address [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressValue to add to this list

configure authority router dns-config mode

Mode of DNS server configuration.


configure authority router dns-config mode [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router dns-config move address

Address of servers to use for DNS queries.


configure authority router dns-config move address [force] <value> <position> [<relative-to>]
Keyword Arguments
forceSkip confirmation prompt
Positional Arguments
valueValue to move
positionfirst | last | before | after
relative-toValue before or after which to move

configure authority router entitlement

Project configuration for entitlement reporting.

deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionA description of the project.
idProject identifier.
max-bandwidthPurchased bandwidth for the project.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'entitlement'

configure authority router entitlement description

A description of the project.


configure authority router entitlement description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router entitlement id

Project identifier.


configure authority router entitlement id [<entitlement-project-id>]
Positional Arguments
entitlement-project-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority router entitlement max-bandwidth

Purchased bandwidth for the project.


configure authority router entitlement max-bandwidth [<uint64>]
Positional Arguments
uint64The value to set for this field


Units: bits/second

configure authority router half-open-connection-limit

A limit on half-open TCP sessions.


configure authority router half-open-connection-limit [<union>]
Positional Arguments
unionThe value to set for this field

configure authority router icmp-probe-profile

Profile for active ICMP probes for reachability-detection enforcement


configure authority router icmp-probe-profile <name>
Positional Arguments
nameName of the ICMP probe profile
deleteDelete configuration data
nameName of the ICMP probe profile
number-of-attemptsNumber of consecutive ICMP ping requests to be sent within the probe-duration before deciding that destination is unreachable
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
probe-addressAddress to send ICMP ping requests to
probe-durationDuration within which to reach the destination. Each attempt will be made in (probe-duration / number-of-attempts) interval
probe-failure-triggerControl how failure to ping probe-addresses impacts state.
probe-intervalDuration of how often to perform a link test to the destination
showShow configuration data for 'icmp-probe-profile'
sla-metricsSLA-metrics requirements for ICMP ping

configure authority router icmp-probe-profile name

Name of the ICMP probe profile


configure authority router icmp-probe-profile name [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router icmp-probe-profile number-of-attempts

Number of consecutive ICMP ping requests to be sent within the probe-duration before deciding that destination is unreachable


configure authority router icmp-probe-profile number-of-attempts [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router icmp-probe-profile probe-address

Address to send ICMP ping requests to


configure authority router icmp-probe-profile probe-address [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressValue to add to this list

configure authority router icmp-probe-profile probe-duration

Duration within which to reach the destination. Each attempt will be made in (probe-duration / number-of-attempts) interval


configure authority router icmp-probe-profile probe-duration [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router icmp-probe-profile probe-failure-trigger

Control how failure to ping probe-addresses impacts state.


configure authority router icmp-probe-profile probe-failure-trigger [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router icmp-probe-profile probe-interval

Duration of how often to perform a link test to the destination


configure authority router icmp-probe-profile probe-interval [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router icmp-probe-profile sla-metrics

SLA-metrics requirements for ICMP ping

deleteDelete configuration data
latencyConfigure Latency
max-lossThe amount of acceptable loss on the link. Determined by sending number-of-attempts ICMP requests and waiting probe-duration for response
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'sla-metrics'

configure authority router icmp-probe-profile sla-metrics latency

Configure Latency

deleteDelete configuration data
maxMaximum acceptable latency based on the ping test
meanThe maximum acceptable mean latency based on the ping test
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'latency'

configure authority router icmp-probe-profile sla-metrics latency max

Maximum acceptable latency based on the ping test


configure authority router icmp-probe-profile sla-metrics latency max [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: milliseconds

configure authority router icmp-probe-profile sla-metrics latency mean

The maximum acceptable mean latency based on the ping test


configure authority router icmp-probe-profile sla-metrics latency mean [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: milliseconds

configure authority router icmp-probe-profile sla-metrics max-loss

The amount of acceptable loss on the link. Determined by sending number-of-attempts ICMP requests and waiting probe-duration for response


configure authority router icmp-probe-profile sla-metrics max-loss [<percentage>]
Positional Arguments
percentageThe value to set for this field


Units: percent

configure authority router idp

Advanced IDP configuration.

bypass-enabledIDP config to enable/disable bypass
deleteDelete configuration data
modeIDP config management mode
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'idp'

configure authority router idp bypass-enabled

IDP config to enable/disable bypass


configure authority router idp bypass-enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router idp mode

IDP config management mode


configure authority router idp mode [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router inter-node-security

The name of the security policy used for inter node communication between router interfaces


configure authority router inter-node-security [<security-ref>]
Positional Arguments
security-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router location

A descriptive location for this SSR.


configure authority router location [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router location-coordinates

The geolocation of this router in ISO 6709 format. Some examples: (1) Degrees only: +50.20361-074.00417/ (2) Degrees and minutes: +5012.22-07400.25/ or (3) Degrees, minutes, and seconds: +501213.1-0740015.1/


configure authority router location-coordinates [<geolocation>]
Positional Arguments
geolocationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router maintenance-mode

When enabled, the router will be in maintenance mode and alarms related to this router will be shelved.


configure authority router maintenance-mode [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router management-service-generation

Configure Management Service Generation

deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
proxyEnable/disable proxy of public to private conductor addresses
service-policyService policy to be used instead of auto-generated service policy.
service-route-typeStrategy to generate service-routes for management services.
showShow configuration data for 'management-service-generation'

configure authority router management-service-generation proxy

Enable/disable proxy of public to private conductor addresses


configure authority router management-service-generation proxy [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router management-service-generation service-policy

Service policy to be used instead of auto-generated service policy.


configure authority router management-service-generation service-policy [<service-policy-ref>]
Positional Arguments
service-policy-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router management-service-generation service-route-type

Strategy to generate service-routes for management services.


configure authority router management-service-generation service-route-type [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router max-inter-node-way-points

Maximum number of way points to be allocated on inter-node path.


configure authority router max-inter-node-way-points [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Warning: a restart is required if max-inter-node-way-points is created, modified, or deleted

configure authority router name

An identifier for the router.


configure authority router name [<reserved-name-id>]
Positional Arguments
reserved-name-idThe value to set for this field


Warning: a restart is required if name is created or deleted

configure authority router nat-pool

A pool of shared NAT ports.


configure authority router nat-pool <name>
Positional Arguments
nameAn identifier for the NAT Pool.
address-poolDefines the NAT prefix and ports in the pool.
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
moveMove list items
nameAn identifier for the NAT Pool.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'nat-pool'

configure authority router nat-pool address-pool

Defines the NAT prefix and ports in the pool.


configure authority router nat-pool address-pool <address>
Positional Arguments
addressIP Prefix for the pool of NAT ports.
addressIP Prefix for the pool of NAT ports.
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
pool-typeType of NAT pool
showShow configuration data for 'address-pool'
tenant-nameTenant for which this nat pool is applied

configure authority router nat-pool address-pool address

IP Prefix for the pool of NAT ports.


configure authority router nat-pool address-pool address [<ip-prefix>]
Positional Arguments
ip-prefixThe value to set for this field

configure authority router nat-pool address-pool pool-type

Type of NAT pool


configure authority router nat-pool address-pool pool-type [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router nat-pool address-pool tenant-name

Tenant for which this nat pool is applied


configure authority router nat-pool address-pool tenant-name [<tenant-ref>]
Positional Arguments
tenant-refValue to add to this list

configure authority router nat-pool move address-pool

Defines the NAT prefix and ports in the pool.


configure authority router nat-pool move address-pool <address> <position> [<relative-to-address>]
Positional Arguments
addressIP Prefix for the pool of NAT ports.
positionfirst | last | before | after
relative-to-addressKey of item before or after which to move

configure authority router nat-pool name

An identifier for the NAT Pool.


configure authority router nat-pool name [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node

List of one or two SSR software instances, comprising an SSR.


configure authority router node <name>
Positional Arguments
nameAn arbitrary, unique name for the node, used to reference it in other configuration sections. This MUST match the name in the local initialization file.
asset-idA unique identifier of an SSR node used for automated provisioning
asset-validation-enabledValidate that the asset is suitable to run SSR.
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionA description about the node.
device-interfaceList of physical or virtual interfaces in the node.
enabledEnable/disable the whole node.
forwarding-core-countThe number of CPU cores to dedicate to traffic forwarding when using 'manual' forwarding core mode.
forwarding-core-modeThe method by which the number of CPU cores dedicated to traffic forwarding should be determined.
ipfixNode specific IPFIX configuration
locationA text description of the node's physical location.
loopback-addressThe loopback IP address to use for management traffic originating on this node when routed via SVR.
nameAn arbitrary, unique name for the node, used to reference it in other configuration sections. This MUST match the name in the local initialization file.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
port-forwardingConfiguration for establishing local port-forwarding to remote server.
power-saverAllow the traffic forwarding cores to sleep when there is no traffic to process
radiusRadius authentication parameters for this node.
reachability-detectionLayer 2 reachability detection
roleThe node's role in the SSR system.
session-processor-countThe number of threads to use for session processing when using 'manual' session-processor mode.
session-processor-modeThe method by which the number of threads used for session processing should be determined.
session-setup-scalingWhether or not to enable session setup scaling.
showShow configuration data for 'node'
ssh-keepaliveConfigure Ssh Keepalive
top-sessionsViews of top sessions by an ordering criteria.

configure authority router node asset-id

A unique identifier of an SSR node used for automated provisioning


configure authority router node asset-id [<asset-id>]
Positional Arguments
asset-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node asset-validation-enabled

Validate that the asset is suitable to run SSR.


configure authority router node asset-validation-enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node description

A description about the node.


configure authority router node description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface

List of physical or virtual interfaces in the node.


configure authority router node device-interface <name>
Positional Arguments
nameA unique name identifier for the physical or virtual interface, used to reference it in other configuration sections and show commands.
bond-settingsConfigure Bond Settings
bridge-nameAn optional bridge name to be used for the bridging the kni and target interfaces. If no name is specified, one will be auto-generated
capture-filterFilter to be used when matching packets on this device interface. Uses Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) syntax.
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionA description of the device-interface.
enabledWhether this interface is administratively enabled.
forwardingWhether this interface is used for forwarding traffic.
interface-nameThe interface name associated with the OS network device.
link-settingsEthernet link settings on the interface
lldpLink Layer Description Protocol settings
load-balancingConfigure Load Balancing
lteConfigure Lte
nameA unique name identifier for the physical or virtual interface, used to reference it in other configuration sections and show commands.
network-interfaceList of network interfaces for the device-interface.
network-namespaceThe network namespace in which this network interface will be located
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
parent-bondThe bond type interface that this interface is grouped with.
pci-addressThe PCI address of the device. Only relevant if type is ethernet.
pppoeConfigure Pppoe
promiscuous-modeEnables promiscuous mode on the interface.
q-in-qEnables Q-in-Q encapsulation
reinsert-vlanEnables reinsertion of NIC-stripped VLAN on ingress packets, on supported devices.
session-optimizationConfigure Session Optimization
shared-phys-addressVirtual MAC address for interface redundancy.
showShow configuration data for 'device-interface'
sriov-vlan-filterEnables VLAN filtering on supported SR-IOV devices.
strip-vlanEnables VLAN stripping on ingress packets on supported devices.
target-interfaceSpecifies the name of an external interface to be automatically bridged to a logical interface.
traffic-engineeringConfigure Traffic Engineering
typeType of interface.
vmbus-uuidThe VMBus UUID of the network device. Hyper-V Environment only. Only relevant if type is ethernet.
vrrpParameters for Interface Redundancy using Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) like protocol.

configure authority router node device-interface bond-settings

Configure Bond Settings

deleteDelete configuration data
lacp-enableUse 802.3ad LACP protocol for the Bond.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'bond-settings'

configure authority router node device-interface bond-settings lacp-enable

Use 802.3ad LACP protocol for the Bond.


configure authority router node device-interface bond-settings lacp-enable [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface bridge-name

An optional bridge name to be used for the bridging the kni and target interfaces. If no name is specified, one will be auto-generated


configure authority router node device-interface bridge-name [<bridge-name>]
Positional Arguments
bridge-nameThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface capture-filter

Filter to be used when matching packets on this device interface. Uses Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) syntax.


configure authority router node device-interface capture-filter [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringValue to add to this list

configure authority router node device-interface description

A description of the device-interface.


configure authority router node device-interface description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface enabled

Whether this interface is administratively enabled.


configure authority router node device-interface enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface forwarding

Whether this interface is used for forwarding traffic.


configure authority router node device-interface forwarding [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface interface-name

The interface name associated with the OS network device.


configure authority router node device-interface interface-name [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

Ethernet link settings on the interface


configure authority router node device-interface link-settings [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface lldp

Link Layer Description Protocol settings

advertisement-intervalThe frequency of sending LLDP advertisements.
deleteDelete configuration data
enabledWhether or not LLDP sending and receiving is enabled on this device.
hold-multiplierThe multiplier to apply to the advertisement-interval when setting the LLDP TTL.
modeThe mode in which LLDP operates on the interface
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'lldp'

configure authority router node device-interface lldp advertisement-interval

The frequency of sending LLDP advertisements.


configure authority router node device-interface lldp advertisement-interval [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router node device-interface lldp enabled

Whether or not LLDP sending and receiving is enabled on this device.


configure authority router node device-interface lldp enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface lldp hold-multiplier

The multiplier to apply to the advertisement-interval when setting the LLDP TTL.


configure authority router node device-interface lldp hold-multiplier [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface lldp mode

The mode in which LLDP operates on the interface


configure authority router node device-interface lldp mode [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field


Warning: 'mode' is deprecated and will be removed in a future software version

configure authority router node device-interface load-balancing

Configure Load Balancing

deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'load-balancing'
utilization-high-water-markPercentage of allowed bandwidth utilization above which this interface will no longer be considered for load balancing.
utilization-low-water-markPercentage of allowed bandwidth utilization below which this interface will be reconsidered for load balancing.

configure authority router node device-interface load-balancing utilization-high-water-mark

Percentage of allowed bandwidth utilization above which this interface will no longer be considered for load balancing.


configure authority router node device-interface load-balancing utilization-high-water-mark [<percentage>]
Positional Arguments
percentageThe value to set for this field


Units: percent

configure authority router node device-interface load-balancing utilization-low-water-mark

Percentage of allowed bandwidth utilization below which this interface will be reconsidered for load balancing.


configure authority router node device-interface load-balancing utilization-low-water-mark [<percentage>]
Positional Arguments
percentageThe value to set for this field


Units: percent

configure authority router node device-interface lte

Configure Lte

apn-nameName of the access point to connect to the LTE network.
authenticationConfigure Authentication
carrier-imageName of the carrier-image to load the SIM card with.
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'lte'

configure authority router node device-interface lte apn-name

Name of the access point to connect to the LTE network.


configure authority router node device-interface lte apn-name [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface lte authentication

Configure Authentication

authentication-protocolAuthentication protocol used to authenticate the user.
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
passwordPassword required to connect to the LTE network.
showShow configuration data for 'authentication'
user-nameUsername required to connect to the LTE network.

configure authority router node device-interface lte authentication authentication-protocol

Authentication protocol used to authenticate the user.


configure authority router node device-interface lte authentication authentication-protocol [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface lte authentication password

Password required to connect to the LTE network.


configure authority router node device-interface lte authentication password [<password>]
Positional Arguments
passwordThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface lte authentication user-name

Username required to connect to the LTE network.


configure authority router node device-interface lte authentication user-name [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface lte carrier-image

Name of the carrier-image to load the SIM card with.


configure authority router node device-interface lte carrier-image [<union>]
Positional Arguments
unionThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface name

A unique name identifier for the physical or virtual interface, used to reference it in other configuration sections and show commands.


configure authority router node device-interface name [<device-name>]
Positional Arguments
device-nameThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface

List of network interfaces for the device-interface.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface <name>
Positional Arguments
nameAn arbitrary, unique name for the interface, used to reference it in other configuration sections.
addressThe list of IP addresses (along with subnet prefix length) on the interface.
adjacencyA list of adjacent routers.
bidirectional-natDefines the prefixes that need to be static natted in both directions.
billing-rateNumeric rate of currency associated with the interface. When the billing-rate is flat the field indicated rate per day. When the billing-rate is metered the field indicates rate per byte.
billing-typeBilling type associated with the interface.
carrierCarrier associated with the interface.
cloneClone a list item
conductorWhether the interface is used for communicating with the conductor.
default-routeWhether the interface is used as default-route for non-forwarding interfaces.
deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionA description about the interface.
dhcpWhether this interface acquires IP address and other parameter via DHCP
dhcp-delayed-auth-keyThe key used to generate the HMAC-MD5 value.
dhcp-delayed-auth-key-idThe key identifier that identifies the key used to generate the HMAC-MD5 value.
dhcp-delayed-auth-realmThe DHCP realm that identifies the key used to generate the HMAC-MD5 value.
dhcp-reconfig-auth-algorithmThe algorithm used by the Reconfigure Key authentication protocol to authenticate prefix-delegation messages.
dscp-mapMapping of DSCP values to priorities.
dscp-steeringConfigure Dscp Steering
egress-source-nat-poolIndicates whether source address and port translation (NAPT) is performed for flows egressing the interface to the final destination.
enforced-mssMaximum allowed value for maximum segment size (MSS) on this interface.
ethernet-over-svrL2 Bridge this network interface is assigned to.
filter-ruleA rule for dropping packets.
global-idGlobal Interface Id (GIID) used in next-hop egress interface for routing data. All instances of a redundant interface will have the same GIID.
host-serviceThe host-service configuration is a service hosted by a router node.
hostnameHostname for the interface. This is an optional fully-qualified domain name (FQDN).
icmpEnable/disable ICMP Blackhole
ifcfg-optionInterface config options for non-forwarding interfaces
ingress-source-nat-poolIndicates whether source address (and optional port) translation is performed for flows targetted towards an inter-router peer. In this case, the nat will be applied on the ingress router as opposed to the final egress router.
inter-router-securityThe name of the security policy used for inbound inter-router traffic.
managementAllow management traffic to be sent over this interface
management-vectorVector configuration for non-forwarding interfaces
moveMove list items
mtuThe maximum transmission unit (MTU) for packets sent on the interface.
multicast-listenersEnables the sending of IGMP and MLD queries on this interface.
multicast-report-proxyEnables the forwarding of IGMP and MLD joins/leaves/reports to valid multicast services to this network interface. These must come from other network interfaces which allow multicast listeners.
nameAn arbitrary, unique name for the interface, used to reference it in other configuration sections.
neighborA list of mappings from IP addresses to physical addresses. Entries in this list are used as static entries in the ARP cache.
neighborhoodThe neighborhoods to which this interface belongs.
off-subnet-arp-prefixAddress(es) for which the router will respond to ARP requests.
off-subnet-reverse-arp-mac-learningWhen enabled, the source MAC address of the packet will be used for reverse traffic for off-subnet source ip address.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
prefix-delegationEnable/disable IPv6 Prefix Delegation Client.
prefix-delegation-authenticationWhether prefix-delegation messages are authenticated.
prefix-delegation-groupThe name to identify a prefix-delegation group within which the pd-client interface will request a prefix and all the internal interfaces will be assigned a global address from this prefix based on their subnet-ids.
prefix-delegation-subnet-idThe identifier of a subnet within a prefix-delegation group which is used to construct a global IPv6 address for an internal interface.
preserve-dscpControls if DSCP bits are preserved on this interface.
prioritization-modeControls how packets received on this interface are prioritized.
qp-valueQuality points value that represents the 'quality' of the network the interface is connected to. It used for selecting egress interface based on the service class required minimum quality points.
reverse-arp-mac-learningControls whether the source MAC address of the packet can be used for reverse traffic when ARP is unresolved.
rewrite-dscpControls if DSCP bits are rewritten on this interface.
router-advertisementEnable/disable IPv6 router advertisement to advertise the prefix learned via DHCPv6-PD.
showShow configuration data for 'network-interface'
source-natIndicates whether source address and port translation (NAPT) is performed for flows egressing the interface to the final destination.
tenantTenant to which this interface belongs.
tenant-prefixesTenant to source prefix mapping.
tunnelConfigure Tunnel
typeType of network that the interface is connected to. Type is fabric for inter-node traffic, external for regular traffic, and shared for both fabric and external.
vlanThe VLAN id for the interface (0 for no VLAN, otherwise 1-4094).

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address

The list of IP addresses (along with subnet prefix length) on the interface.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address <ip-address>
Positional Arguments
ip-addressThe IP address on the interface.
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
gatewayOptional gateway for destinations outside the subnet of the interface.
host-serviceThe host-service configuration is a service hosted by a router node.
in-subnet-arp-prefixAddress(es) for which the router will respond to ARP requests.
ip-addressThe IP address on the interface.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
ppp-peer-ipPPP Peer IP address for interfaces like T1.
prefix-lengthThe length of the subnet prefix.
showShow configuration data for 'address'
utility-ip-addressUtility IP address used for purposes other than forwarding traffic.

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address gateway

Optional gateway for destinations outside the subnet of the interface.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address gateway [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service

The host-service configuration is a service hosted by a router node.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service <service-type>
Positional Arguments
service-typeThe type of hosted service
access-policyList of access policies by address prefix, QSN or tenant and prefix.
address-poolAddress pool for allocation by the DHCP server
authoritativeWhether this is the authoritative DHCP server in the network. If true, server will respond to requests with NAK where appropriate according to RFC 2131
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionA description about the hosted service.
echo-client-idWhether the client id should be echoed in DHCP server responses as specified in RFC 6842 or not as specified in the original RFC 2131.
enabledEnable/disable for host services
max-lease-timeMaximum lease time for leases allocated to clients.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
server-nameServer name that identifies the DHCP server to clients.
service-typeThe type of hosted service
showShow configuration data for 'host-service'
static-assignmentStatic assignment(s) for DHCP configuration for a specific client
transportThe transport protocol(s) and port(s) for the service.

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service access-policy

List of access policies by address prefix, QSN or tenant and prefix.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service access-policy <source>
Positional Arguments
sourceThe source QSN or address(es) to which the policy applies. For a QSN, this may be a tenant, service-group, or service, or a combination there of. The following forms are valid: tenant tenant/service-group/ tenant/service-group/service tenant/service /service-group/ /service-group/service /service
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
permissionWhether or not to allow access to the service.
showShow configuration data for 'access-policy'
sourceThe source QSN or address(es) to which the policy applies. For a QSN, this may be a tenant, service-group, or service, or a combination there of. The following forms are valid: tenant tenant/service-group/ tenant/service-group/service tenant/service /service-group/ /service-group/service /service

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service access-policy permission

Whether or not to allow access to the service.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service access-policy permission [<access-mode>]
Positional Arguments
access-modeThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service access-policy source

The source QSN or address(es) to which the policy applies. For a QSN, this may be a tenant, service-group, or service, or a combination there of. The following forms are valid: tenant tenant/service-group/ tenant/service-group/service tenant/service /service-group/ /service-group/service /service


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service access-policy source [<source-spec>]
Positional Arguments
source-specThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool

Address pool for allocation by the DHCP server


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool <start-address>
Positional Arguments
start-addressStart of address pool.
cloneClone a list item
customCustom DHCP options to be provided to clients.
deleteDelete configuration data
domain-nameDomain name provided to clients.
domain-serverDomain name server address(es) provided to clients in priority order.
end-addressEnd of address pool.
interface-mtuInterface MTU provided to clients.
moveMove list items
ntp-serverNTP server address(es) provided to clients in priority order.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
pop-serverPOP server address(es) provided to clients in priority order.
routerGateway router address(es) provided to clients in priority order.
showShow configuration data for 'address-pool'
smtp-serverSMTP server address(es) provided to clients in priority order.
start-addressStart of address pool.
static-assignmentStatic assignment(s) for DHCP configuration for a specific client
static-routeStatic route(s) provided to clients. Note that for default routes the router option should be used.
tenantTenant to which clients will be assigned.
vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-informationVendor-Identifying Vendor-Specific Information Options (Option 125) to be provided to clients [RFC3925].
vendor-specific-informationVendor-Specific Information Options (Option 43) to be provided to clients [RFC2132].

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool custom

Custom DHCP options to be provided to clients.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool custom <code>
Positional Arguments
codeThe code of the custom DHCP option.
codeThe code of the custom DHCP option.
deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionA description of the custom DHCP option.
encoded-typeThe encoded type of the custom option.
moveMove list items
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
quantityThe allowed quantity of the custom option values.
showShow configuration data for 'custom'
valueThe value(s) of custom option to be provided to clients.

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool custom code

The code of the custom DHCP option.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool custom code [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool custom description

A description of the custom DHCP option.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool custom description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool custom encoded-type

The encoded type of the custom option.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool custom encoded-type [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool custom move value

The value(s) of custom option to be provided to clients.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool custom move value [force] <value> <position> [<relative-to>]
Keyword Arguments
forceSkip confirmation prompt
Positional Arguments
valueValue to move
positionfirst | last | before | after
relative-toValue before or after which to move

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool custom quantity

The allowed quantity of the custom option values.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool custom quantity [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool custom value

The value(s) of custom option to be provided to clients.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool custom value [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringValue to add to this list

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool domain-name

Domain name provided to clients.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool domain-name [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool domain-server

Domain name server address(es) provided to clients in priority order.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool domain-server [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressValue to add to this list

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool end-address

End of address pool.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool end-address [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool interface-mtu

Interface MTU provided to clients.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool interface-mtu [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool move domain-server

Domain name server address(es) provided to clients in priority order.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool move domain-server [force] <value> <position> [<relative-to>]
Keyword Arguments
forceSkip confirmation prompt
Positional Arguments
valueValue to move
positionfirst | last | before | after
relative-toValue before or after which to move

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool move ntp-server

NTP server address(es) provided to clients in priority order.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool move ntp-server [force] <value> <position> [<relative-to>]
Keyword Arguments
forceSkip confirmation prompt
Positional Arguments
valueValue to move
positionfirst | last | before | after
relative-toValue before or after which to move

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool move pop-server

POP server address(es) provided to clients in priority order.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool move pop-server [force] <value> <position> [<relative-to>]
Keyword Arguments
forceSkip confirmation prompt
Positional Arguments
valueValue to move
positionfirst | last | before | after
relative-toValue before or after which to move

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool move router

Gateway router address(es) provided to clients in priority order.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool move router [force] <value> <position> [<relative-to>]
Keyword Arguments
forceSkip confirmation prompt
Positional Arguments
valueValue to move
positionfirst | last | before | after
relative-toValue before or after which to move

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool move smtp-server

SMTP server address(es) provided to clients in priority order.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool move smtp-server [force] <value> <position> [<relative-to>]
Keyword Arguments
forceSkip confirmation prompt
Positional Arguments
valueValue to move
positionfirst | last | before | after
relative-toValue before or after which to move

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool ntp-server

NTP server address(es) provided to clients in priority order.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool ntp-server [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressValue to add to this list

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool pop-server

POP server address(es) provided to clients in priority order.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool pop-server [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressValue to add to this list

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool router

Gateway router address(es) provided to clients in priority order.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool router [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressValue to add to this list

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool smtp-server

SMTP server address(es) provided to clients in priority order.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool smtp-server [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressValue to add to this list

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool start-address

Start of address pool.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool start-address [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment

Static assignment(s) for DHCP configuration for a specific client


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment <address>
Positional Arguments
addressAddress for static assignment of this client.
addressAddress for static assignment of this client.
circuit-identifierDHCP circuit identifier option (RFC3046) identifying this client.
client-identifierDHCP client identifier option identifying this client.
cloneClone a list item
customCustom DHCP options to be provided to clients.
deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionA description of the static DHCP assignment.
domain-nameDomain name provided to clients.
domain-serverDomain name server address(es) provided to clients in priority order.
interface-mtuInterface MTU provided to clients.
link-layer-addressMAC address identifying this client.
moveMove list items
ntp-serverNTP server address(es) provided to clients in priority order.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
pop-serverPOP server address(es) provided to clients in priority order.
routerGateway router address(es) provided to clients in priority order.
showShow configuration data for 'static-assignment'
smtp-serverSMTP server address(es) provided to clients in priority order.
static-routeStatic route(s) provided to clients. Note that for default routes the router option should be used.
tenantTenant to which clients will be assigned.
vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-informationVendor-Identifying Vendor-Specific Information Options (Option 125) to be provided to clients [RFC3925].
vendor-specific-informationVendor-Specific Information Options (Option 43) to be provided to clients [RFC2132].

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment address

Address for static assignment of this client.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment address [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment circuit-identifier

DHCP circuit identifier option (RFC3046) identifying this client.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment circuit-identifier [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment client-identifier

DHCP client identifier option identifying this client.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment client-identifier [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment custom

Custom DHCP options to be provided to clients.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment custom <code>
Positional Arguments
codeThe code of the custom DHCP option.
codeThe code of the custom DHCP option.
deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionA description of the custom DHCP option.
encoded-typeThe encoded type of the custom option.
moveMove list items
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
quantityThe allowed quantity of the custom option values.
showShow configuration data for 'custom'
valueThe value(s) of custom option to be provided to clients.

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment custom code

The code of the custom DHCP option.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment custom code [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment custom description

A description of the custom DHCP option.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment custom description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment custom encoded-type

The encoded type of the custom option.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment custom encoded-type [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment custom move value

The value(s) of custom option to be provided to clients.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment custom move value [force] <value> <position> [<relative-to>]
Keyword Arguments
forceSkip confirmation prompt
Positional Arguments
valueValue to move
positionfirst | last | before | after
relative-toValue before or after which to move

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment custom quantity

The allowed quantity of the custom option values.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment custom quantity [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment custom value

The value(s) of custom option to be provided to clients.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment custom value [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringValue to add to this list

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment description

A description of the static DHCP assignment.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment domain-name

Domain name provided to clients.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment domain-name [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment domain-server

Domain name server address(es) provided to clients in priority order.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment domain-server [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressValue to add to this list

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment interface-mtu

Interface MTU provided to clients.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment interface-mtu [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field

MAC address identifying this client.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment link-layer-address [<mac-address>]
Positional Arguments
mac-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment move domain-server

Domain name server address(es) provided to clients in priority order.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment move domain-server [force] <value> <position> [<relative-to>]
Keyword Arguments
forceSkip confirmation prompt
Positional Arguments
valueValue to move
positionfirst | last | before | after
relative-toValue before or after which to move

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment move ntp-server

NTP server address(es) provided to clients in priority order.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment move ntp-server [force] <value> <position> [<relative-to>]
Keyword Arguments
forceSkip confirmation prompt
Positional Arguments
valueValue to move
positionfirst | last | before | after
relative-toValue before or after which to move

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment move pop-server

POP server address(es) provided to clients in priority order.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment move pop-server [force] <value> <position> [<relative-to>]
Keyword Arguments
forceSkip confirmation prompt
Positional Arguments
valueValue to move
positionfirst | last | before | after
relative-toValue before or after which to move

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment move router

Gateway router address(es) provided to clients in priority order.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment move router [force] <value> <position> [<relative-to>]
Keyword Arguments
forceSkip confirmation prompt
Positional Arguments
valueValue to move
positionfirst | last | before | after
relative-toValue before or after which to move

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment move smtp-server

SMTP server address(es) provided to clients in priority order.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment move smtp-server [force] <value> <position> [<relative-to>]
Keyword Arguments
forceSkip confirmation prompt
Positional Arguments
valueValue to move
positionfirst | last | before | after
relative-toValue before or after which to move

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment ntp-server

NTP server address(es) provided to clients in priority order.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment ntp-server [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressValue to add to this list

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment pop-server

POP server address(es) provided to clients in priority order.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment pop-server [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressValue to add to this list

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment router

Gateway router address(es) provided to clients in priority order.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment router [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressValue to add to this list

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment smtp-server

SMTP server address(es) provided to clients in priority order.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment smtp-server [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressValue to add to this list

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment static-route

Static route(s) provided to clients. Note that for default routes the router option should be used.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment static-route <destination-address>
Positional Arguments
destination-addressDestination address of static route.
deleteDelete configuration data
destination-addressDestination address of static route.
gatewayGateway address of static route.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'static-route'

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment static-route destination-address

Destination address of static route.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment static-route destination-address [<non-default-ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
non-default-ip-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment static-route gateway

Gateway address of static route.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment static-route gateway [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment tenant

Tenant to which clients will be assigned.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment tenant [<tenant-ref>]
Positional Arguments
tenant-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information

Vendor-Identifying Vendor-Specific Information Options (Option 125) to be provided to clients [RFC3925].


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information <enterprise-number> <code>
Positional Arguments
enterprise-numberThe vendor's registered 32-bit Enterprise Number as registered with IANA.
codeThe code of the custom DHCP option.
codeThe code of the custom DHCP option.
deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionA description of the custom DHCP option.
encoded-typeThe encoded type of the custom option.
enterprise-numberThe vendor's registered 32-bit Enterprise Number as registered with IANA.
moveMove list items
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
quantityThe allowed quantity of the custom option values.
showShow configuration data for 'vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information'
valueThe value(s) of custom option to be provided to clients.

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information code

The code of the custom DHCP option.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information code [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information description

A description of the custom DHCP option.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information encoded-type

The encoded type of the custom option.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information encoded-type [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information enterprise-number

The vendor's registered 32-bit Enterprise Number as registered with IANA.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information enterprise-number [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information move value

The value(s) of custom option to be provided to clients.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information move value [force] <value> <position> [<relative-to>]
Keyword Arguments
forceSkip confirmation prompt
Positional Arguments
valueValue to move
positionfirst | last | before | after
relative-toValue before or after which to move

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information quantity

The allowed quantity of the custom option values.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information quantity [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information value

The value(s) of custom option to be provided to clients.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information value [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringValue to add to this list

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment vendor-specific-information

Vendor-Specific Information Options (Option 43) to be provided to clients [RFC2132].


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment vendor-specific-information <code>
Positional Arguments
codeThe code of the custom DHCP option.
codeThe code of the custom DHCP option.
deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionA description of the custom DHCP option.
encoded-typeThe encoded type of the custom option.
moveMove list items
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
quantityThe allowed quantity of the custom option values.
showShow configuration data for 'vendor-specific-information'
valueThe value(s) of custom option to be provided to clients.

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment vendor-specific-information code

The code of the custom DHCP option.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment vendor-specific-information code [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment vendor-specific-information description

A description of the custom DHCP option.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment vendor-specific-information description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment vendor-specific-information encoded-type

The encoded type of the custom option.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment vendor-specific-information encoded-type [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment vendor-specific-information move value

The value(s) of custom option to be provided to clients.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment vendor-specific-information move value [force] <value> <position> [<relative-to>]
Keyword Arguments
forceSkip confirmation prompt
Positional Arguments
valueValue to move
positionfirst | last | before | after
relative-toValue before or after which to move

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment vendor-specific-information quantity

The allowed quantity of the custom option values.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment vendor-specific-information quantity [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment vendor-specific-information value

The value(s) of custom option to be provided to clients.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-assignment vendor-specific-information value [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringValue to add to this list

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-route

Static route(s) provided to clients. Note that for default routes the router option should be used.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-route <destination-address>
Positional Arguments
destination-addressDestination address of static route.
deleteDelete configuration data
destination-addressDestination address of static route.
gatewayGateway address of static route.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'static-route'

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-route destination-address

Destination address of static route.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-route destination-address [<non-default-ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
non-default-ip-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-route gateway

Gateway address of static route.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool static-route gateway [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool tenant

Tenant to which clients will be assigned.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool tenant [<tenant-ref>]
Positional Arguments
tenant-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information

Vendor-Identifying Vendor-Specific Information Options (Option 125) to be provided to clients [RFC3925].


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information <enterprise-number> <code>
Positional Arguments
enterprise-numberThe vendor's registered 32-bit Enterprise Number as registered with IANA.
codeThe code of the custom DHCP option.
codeThe code of the custom DHCP option.
deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionA description of the custom DHCP option.
encoded-typeThe encoded type of the custom option.
enterprise-numberThe vendor's registered 32-bit Enterprise Number as registered with IANA.
moveMove list items
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
quantityThe allowed quantity of the custom option values.
showShow configuration data for 'vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information'
valueThe value(s) of custom option to be provided to clients.

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information code

The code of the custom DHCP option.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information code [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information description

A description of the custom DHCP option.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information encoded-type

The encoded type of the custom option.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information encoded-type [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information enterprise-number

The vendor's registered 32-bit Enterprise Number as registered with IANA.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information enterprise-number [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information move value

The value(s) of custom option to be provided to clients.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information move value [force] <value> <position> [<relative-to>]
Keyword Arguments
forceSkip confirmation prompt
Positional Arguments
valueValue to move
positionfirst | last | before | after
relative-toValue before or after which to move

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information quantity

The allowed quantity of the custom option values.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information quantity [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information value

The value(s) of custom option to be provided to clients.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information value [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringValue to add to this list

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool vendor-specific-information

Vendor-Specific Information Options (Option 43) to be provided to clients [RFC2132].


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool vendor-specific-information <code>
Positional Arguments
codeThe code of the custom DHCP option.
codeThe code of the custom DHCP option.
deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionA description of the custom DHCP option.
encoded-typeThe encoded type of the custom option.
moveMove list items
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
quantityThe allowed quantity of the custom option values.
showShow configuration data for 'vendor-specific-information'
valueThe value(s) of custom option to be provided to clients.

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool vendor-specific-information code

The code of the custom DHCP option.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool vendor-specific-information code [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool vendor-specific-information description

A description of the custom DHCP option.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool vendor-specific-information description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool vendor-specific-information encoded-type

The encoded type of the custom option.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool vendor-specific-information encoded-type [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool vendor-specific-information move value

The value(s) of custom option to be provided to clients.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool vendor-specific-information move value [force] <value> <position> [<relative-to>]
Keyword Arguments
forceSkip confirmation prompt
Positional Arguments
valueValue to move
positionfirst | last | before | after
relative-toValue before or after which to move

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool vendor-specific-information quantity

The allowed quantity of the custom option values.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool vendor-specific-information quantity [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool vendor-specific-information value

The value(s) of custom option to be provided to clients.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service address-pool vendor-specific-information value [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringValue to add to this list

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service authoritative

Whether this is the authoritative DHCP server in the network. If true, server will respond to requests with NAK where appropriate according to RFC 2131


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service authoritative [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service description

A description about the hosted service.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service echo-client-id

Whether the client id should be echoed in DHCP server responses as specified in RFC 6842 or not as specified in the original RFC 2131.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service echo-client-id [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service enabled

Enable/disable for host services


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service max-lease-time

Maximum lease time for leases allocated to clients.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service max-lease-time [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service server-name

Server name that identifies the DHCP server to clients.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service server-name [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service service-type

The type of hosted service


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service service-type [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment

Static assignment(s) for DHCP configuration for a specific client


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment <address>
Positional Arguments
addressAddress for static assignment of this client.
addressAddress for static assignment of this client.
circuit-identifierDHCP circuit identifier option (RFC3046) identifying this client.
client-identifierDHCP client identifier option identifying this client.
cloneClone a list item
customCustom DHCP options to be provided to clients.
deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionA description of the static DHCP assignment.
domain-nameDomain name provided to clients.
domain-serverDomain name server address(es) provided to clients in priority order.
interface-mtuInterface MTU provided to clients.
link-layer-addressMAC address identifying this client.
moveMove list items
ntp-serverNTP server address(es) provided to clients in priority order.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
pop-serverPOP server address(es) provided to clients in priority order.
routerGateway router address(es) provided to clients in priority order.
showShow configuration data for 'static-assignment'
smtp-serverSMTP server address(es) provided to clients in priority order.
static-routeStatic route(s) provided to clients. Note that for default routes the router option should be used.
tenantTenant to which clients will be assigned.
vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-informationVendor-Identifying Vendor-Specific Information Options (Option 125) to be provided to clients [RFC3925].
vendor-specific-informationVendor-Specific Information Options (Option 43) to be provided to clients [RFC2132].

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment address

Address for static assignment of this client.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment address [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment circuit-identifier

DHCP circuit identifier option (RFC3046) identifying this client.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment circuit-identifier [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment client-identifier

DHCP client identifier option identifying this client.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment client-identifier [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment custom

Custom DHCP options to be provided to clients.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment custom <code>
Positional Arguments
codeThe code of the custom DHCP option.
codeThe code of the custom DHCP option.
deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionA description of the custom DHCP option.
encoded-typeThe encoded type of the custom option.
moveMove list items
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
quantityThe allowed quantity of the custom option values.
showShow configuration data for 'custom'
valueThe value(s) of custom option to be provided to clients.

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment custom code

The code of the custom DHCP option.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment custom code [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment custom description

A description of the custom DHCP option.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment custom description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment custom encoded-type

The encoded type of the custom option.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment custom encoded-type [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment custom move value

The value(s) of custom option to be provided to clients.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment custom move value [force] <value> <position> [<relative-to>]
Keyword Arguments
forceSkip confirmation prompt
Positional Arguments
valueValue to move
positionfirst | last | before | after
relative-toValue before or after which to move

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment custom quantity

The allowed quantity of the custom option values.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment custom quantity [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment custom value

The value(s) of custom option to be provided to clients.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment custom value [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringValue to add to this list

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment description

A description of the static DHCP assignment.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment domain-name

Domain name provided to clients.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment domain-name [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment domain-server

Domain name server address(es) provided to clients in priority order.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment domain-server [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressValue to add to this list

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment interface-mtu

Interface MTU provided to clients.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment interface-mtu [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field

MAC address identifying this client.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment link-layer-address [<mac-address>]
Positional Arguments
mac-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment move domain-server

Domain name server address(es) provided to clients in priority order.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment move domain-server [force] <value> <position> [<relative-to>]
Keyword Arguments
forceSkip confirmation prompt
Positional Arguments
valueValue to move
positionfirst | last | before | after
relative-toValue before or after which to move

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment move ntp-server

NTP server address(es) provided to clients in priority order.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment move ntp-server [force] <value> <position> [<relative-to>]
Keyword Arguments
forceSkip confirmation prompt
Positional Arguments
valueValue to move
positionfirst | last | before | after
relative-toValue before or after which to move

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment move pop-server

POP server address(es) provided to clients in priority order.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment move pop-server [force] <value> <position> [<relative-to>]
Keyword Arguments
forceSkip confirmation prompt
Positional Arguments
valueValue to move
positionfirst | last | before | after
relative-toValue before or after which to move

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment move router

Gateway router address(es) provided to clients in priority order.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment move router [force] <value> <position> [<relative-to>]
Keyword Arguments
forceSkip confirmation prompt
Positional Arguments
valueValue to move
positionfirst | last | before | after
relative-toValue before or after which to move

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment move smtp-server

SMTP server address(es) provided to clients in priority order.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment move smtp-server [force] <value> <position> [<relative-to>]
Keyword Arguments
forceSkip confirmation prompt
Positional Arguments
valueValue to move
positionfirst | last | before | after
relative-toValue before or after which to move

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment ntp-server

NTP server address(es) provided to clients in priority order.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment ntp-server [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressValue to add to this list

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment pop-server

POP server address(es) provided to clients in priority order.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment pop-server [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressValue to add to this list

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment router

Gateway router address(es) provided to clients in priority order.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment router [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressValue to add to this list

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment smtp-server

SMTP server address(es) provided to clients in priority order.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment smtp-server [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressValue to add to this list

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment static-route

Static route(s) provided to clients. Note that for default routes the router option should be used.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment static-route <destination-address>
Positional Arguments
destination-addressDestination address of static route.
deleteDelete configuration data
destination-addressDestination address of static route.
gatewayGateway address of static route.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'static-route'

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment static-route destination-address

Destination address of static route.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment static-route destination-address [<non-default-ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
non-default-ip-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment static-route gateway

Gateway address of static route.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment static-route gateway [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment tenant

Tenant to which clients will be assigned.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment tenant [<tenant-ref>]
Positional Arguments
tenant-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information

Vendor-Identifying Vendor-Specific Information Options (Option 125) to be provided to clients [RFC3925].


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information <enterprise-number> <code>
Positional Arguments
enterprise-numberThe vendor's registered 32-bit Enterprise Number as registered with IANA.
codeThe code of the custom DHCP option.
codeThe code of the custom DHCP option.
deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionA description of the custom DHCP option.
encoded-typeThe encoded type of the custom option.
enterprise-numberThe vendor's registered 32-bit Enterprise Number as registered with IANA.
moveMove list items
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
quantityThe allowed quantity of the custom option values.
showShow configuration data for 'vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information'
valueThe value(s) of custom option to be provided to clients.

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information code

The code of the custom DHCP option.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information code [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information description

A description of the custom DHCP option.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information encoded-type

The encoded type of the custom option.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information encoded-type [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information enterprise-number

The vendor's registered 32-bit Enterprise Number as registered with IANA.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information enterprise-number [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information move value

The value(s) of custom option to be provided to clients.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information move value [force] <value> <position> [<relative-to>]
Keyword Arguments
forceSkip confirmation prompt
Positional Arguments
valueValue to move
positionfirst | last | before | after
relative-toValue before or after which to move

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information quantity

The allowed quantity of the custom option values.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information quantity [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information value

The value(s) of custom option to be provided to clients.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment vendor-identifying-vendor-specific-information value [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringValue to add to this list

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment vendor-specific-information

Vendor-Specific Information Options (Option 43) to be provided to clients [RFC2132].


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment vendor-specific-information <code>
Positional Arguments
codeThe code of the custom DHCP option.
codeThe code of the custom DHCP option.
deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionA description of the custom DHCP option.
encoded-typeThe encoded type of the custom option.
moveMove list items
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
quantityThe allowed quantity of the custom option values.
showShow configuration data for 'vendor-specific-information'
valueThe value(s) of custom option to be provided to clients.

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment vendor-specific-information code

The code of the custom DHCP option.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment vendor-specific-information code [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment vendor-specific-information description

A description of the custom DHCP option.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment vendor-specific-information description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment vendor-specific-information encoded-type

The encoded type of the custom option.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment vendor-specific-information encoded-type [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment vendor-specific-information move value

The value(s) of custom option to be provided to clients.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment vendor-specific-information move value [force] <value> <position> [<relative-to>]
Keyword Arguments
forceSkip confirmation prompt
Positional Arguments
valueValue to move
positionfirst | last | before | after
relative-toValue before or after which to move

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment vendor-specific-information quantity

The allowed quantity of the custom option values.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment vendor-specific-information quantity [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment vendor-specific-information value

The value(s) of custom option to be provided to clients.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service static-assignment vendor-specific-information value [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringValue to add to this list

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service transport

The transport protocol(s) and port(s) for the service.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service transport <protocol>
Positional Arguments
protocolLayer 4 transport protocol.
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
port-rangeConfigure Port Range
protocolLayer 4 transport protocol.
showShow configuration data for 'transport'

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service transport port-range

Configure Port Range


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service transport port-range <start-port>
Positional Arguments
start-portLower transport (layer 4) port number.
deleteDelete configuration data
end-portUpper transport (layer 4) port number.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'port-range'
start-portLower transport (layer 4) port number.

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service transport port-range end-port

Upper transport (layer 4) port number.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service transport port-range end-port [<end-port>]
Positional Arguments
end-portThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service transport port-range start-port

Lower transport (layer 4) port number.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service transport port-range start-port [<l4-port>]
Positional Arguments
l4-portThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service transport protocol

Layer 4 transport protocol.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address host-service transport protocol [<protocol>]
Positional Arguments
protocolThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address in-subnet-arp-prefix

Address(es) for which the router will respond to ARP requests.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address in-subnet-arp-prefix [<unicast-ipv4-prefix>]
Positional Arguments
unicast-ipv4-prefixValue to add to this list

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address ip-address

The IP address on the interface.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address ip-address [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address ppp-peer-ip

PPP Peer IP address for interfaces like T1.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address ppp-peer-ip [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address prefix-length

The length of the subnet prefix.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address prefix-length [<prefix-length>]
Positional Arguments
prefix-lengthThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address utility-ip-address

Utility IP address used for purposes other than forwarding traffic.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface address utility-ip-address [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency

A list of adjacent routers.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency <ip-address> <peer>
Positional Arguments
ip-addressThe IP address or hostname of adjacent router or waypoint-address of the peer router.
peerPeer router to which this waypoint address belongs.
bfdBFD parameters for the adjacency.
cloneClone a list item
costCost of the link.
deleteDelete configuration data
encapsulate-icmp-error-messagesEncapsulate ICMP errors in UDP across SVR for this adjacency
external-nat-addressThis is the address or hostname that is seen by the adjacent router when it receives a packet from this router.
generatedIndicates whether or not the Adjacency was automatically generated as a result of STEP topology builder.
inter-router-securityThe name of the security policy used for inter-router traffic to the peer via this adjacency.
ip-addressThe IP address or hostname of adjacent router or waypoint-address of the peer router.
max-way-pointsMaximum number of way points to be allocated on the peer path.
nat-keep-aliveNAT keep-alive settings for interoperating with external NATs for this adjacency.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
packet-resiliencyEnable/disable packet-resiliency per path.
path-metrics-rolling-avg-intervalThis defines the rolling average interval used for computing various path metrics such as latency and loss.
path-mtu-discoveryAutomatic path MTU discovery for this adjacency.
payload-encryption-overrideTransport based encryption override for payload setting for the adjacency.
peerPeer router to which this waypoint address belongs.
peer-connectivityWhether the peer router is publicly reachable, or behind a firewall/NAT.
performance-monitoringPerformance Monitoring settings for this adjacency.
port-rangeRange of destination ports that peer router is reachable at
post-encryption-paddingWhether to add a padding byte with value of 0x0 at the end of the packet payload when encryption is enabled for this adjacency.
qp-valueQuality points value that represents the 'quality' of the the link to the adjacent router. Used for selecting egress interface based on the service class required minimum quality points.
session-optimizationConfigure Session Optimization
showShow configuration data for 'adjacency'
source-nat-addressThe source nat IP address or prefixes for packets received on the interface.
step-peer-path-advertisementUpdate frequency and timeliness of the STEP peer path advertisement for this adjacency.
traffic-engineeringConfigure Traffic Engineering
ttl-paddingWhether to perform TTL Padding on routers for this adjacency
udp-transformUDP transform settings for interoperating with stateful TCP firewalls for the adjacency.
vectorVector names for path selection.

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency bfd

BFD parameters for the adjacency.

authentication-typeDescribes the authentication type used in BFD packets
deleteDelete configuration data
desired-tx-intervalRepresents the frequency with which BFD asynchronous control packets are sent to peer nodes/routers.
dscpThe DSCP value to use with BFD packets.
dynamic-dampingWhen enabled, extend the hold-down time if additional link flaps occur during the hold-down period.
hold-down-timeRepresents the hold-down time. If dynamic-damping is enabled, this is the initial hold-down time.
link-test-intervalThis represents the interval between BFD echo tests sent to the peer node/router.
link-test-lengthThis is the number of packets sent during one test cycle. A value of 0 disables BFD echo tests.
maximum-hold-down-timeRepresents the maximum hold-down time of dynamic-damping exponential backoff. If the hold-down-time hits the maximum three times in a row, it will reset back to the original value.
multiplierNumber of consecutive missed messages from a peer before deciding that the link between them is unusable. Valid range is (3,20).
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
required-min-rx-intervalRepresents the minimum interval between BFD asynchronous control packets that this router is capable of supporting.
showShow configuration data for 'bfd'
stateWhen enabled, run BFD between all nodes within the router.

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency bfd authentication-type

Describes the authentication type used in BFD packets


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency bfd authentication-type [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency bfd desired-tx-interval

Represents the frequency with which BFD asynchronous control packets are sent to peer nodes/routers.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency bfd desired-tx-interval [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: milliseconds

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency bfd dscp

The DSCP value to use with BFD packets.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency bfd dscp [<dscp>]
Positional Arguments
dscpThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency bfd dynamic-damping

When enabled, extend the hold-down time if additional link flaps occur during the hold-down period.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency bfd dynamic-damping [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency bfd hold-down-time

Represents the hold-down time. If dynamic-damping is enabled, this is the initial hold-down time.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency bfd hold-down-time [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

This represents the interval between BFD echo tests sent to the peer node/router.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency bfd link-test-interval [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

This is the number of packets sent during one test cycle. A value of 0 disables BFD echo tests.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency bfd link-test-length [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field


Units: packets

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency bfd maximum-hold-down-time

Represents the maximum hold-down time of dynamic-damping exponential backoff. If the hold-down-time hits the maximum three times in a row, it will reset back to the original value.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency bfd maximum-hold-down-time [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency bfd multiplier

Number of consecutive missed messages from a peer before deciding that the link between them is unusable. Valid range is (3,20).


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency bfd multiplier [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency bfd required-min-rx-interval

Represents the minimum interval between BFD asynchronous control packets that this router is capable of supporting.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency bfd required-min-rx-interval [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: milliseconds

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency bfd state

When enabled, run BFD between all nodes within the router.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency bfd state [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency cost

Cost of the link.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency cost [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency encapsulate-icmp-error-messages

Encapsulate ICMP errors in UDP across SVR for this adjacency


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency encapsulate-icmp-error-messages [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency external-nat-address

This is the address or hostname that is seen by the adjacent router when it receives a packet from this router.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency external-nat-address [<host>]
Positional Arguments
hostThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency generated

Indicates whether or not the Adjacency was automatically generated as a result of STEP topology builder.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency generated [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency inter-router-security

The name of the security policy used for inter-router traffic to the peer via this adjacency.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency inter-router-security [<security-ref>]
Positional Arguments
security-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency ip-address

The IP address or hostname of adjacent router or waypoint-address of the peer router.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency ip-address [<host>]
Positional Arguments
hostThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency max-way-points

Maximum number of way points to be allocated on the peer path.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency max-way-points [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Warning: a restart is required if max-way-points is created, modified, or deleted

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency nat-keep-alive

NAT keep-alive settings for interoperating with external NATs for this adjacency.

deleteDelete configuration data
modeConfigure Mode
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'nat-keep-alive'
tcp-inactivity-timeoutRepresents the frequency with which TCP keep-alive packets are generated and should be shorter than the external NAT's TCP timeout settings.
udp-inactivity-timeoutRepresents the frequency with which UDP keep-alive packets are generated and should be shorter than the external NAT's UDP timeout settings.

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency nat-keep-alive mode

Configure Mode


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency nat-keep-alive mode [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency nat-keep-alive tcp-inactivity-timeout

Represents the frequency with which TCP keep-alive packets are generated and should be shorter than the external NAT's TCP timeout settings.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency nat-keep-alive tcp-inactivity-timeout [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency nat-keep-alive udp-inactivity-timeout

Represents the frequency with which UDP keep-alive packets are generated and should be shorter than the external NAT's UDP timeout settings.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency nat-keep-alive udp-inactivity-timeout [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency packet-resiliency

Enable/disable packet-resiliency per path.

deleteDelete configuration data
enabledWhether packet resiliency is enabled on this path.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'packet-resiliency'

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency packet-resiliency enabled

Whether packet resiliency is enabled on this path.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency packet-resiliency enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency path-metrics-rolling-avg-interval

This defines the rolling average interval used for computing various path metrics such as latency and loss.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency path-metrics-rolling-avg-interval [<duration>]
Positional Arguments
durationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency path-mtu-discovery

Automatic path MTU discovery for this adjacency.

deleteDelete configuration data
enabledControls whether or not peer-path MTU discovery is performed
intervalRepresents the frequency with which the peer-path MTU discovery is performed.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'path-mtu-discovery'

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency path-mtu-discovery enabled

Controls whether or not peer-path MTU discovery is performed


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency path-mtu-discovery enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency path-mtu-discovery interval

Represents the frequency with which the peer-path MTU discovery is performed.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency path-mtu-discovery interval [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency payload-encryption-override

Transport based encryption override for payload setting for the adjacency.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency payload-encryption-override [<payload-encryption-override>]
Positional Arguments
payload-encryption-overrideThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency peer

Peer router to which this waypoint address belongs.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency peer [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency peer-connectivity

Whether the peer router is publicly reachable, or behind a firewall/NAT.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency peer-connectivity [<peer-connectivity>]
Positional Arguments
peer-connectivityThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency performance-monitoring

Performance Monitoring settings for this adjacency.

deleteDelete configuration data
enabledWhether performance monitoring is enabled.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
profileThe name of the performance monitoring profile used for marking traffic.
showShow configuration data for 'performance-monitoring'

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency performance-monitoring enabled

Whether performance monitoring is enabled.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency performance-monitoring enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency performance-monitoring profile

The name of the performance monitoring profile used for marking traffic.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency performance-monitoring profile [<performance-monitoring-profile-ref>]
Positional Arguments
performance-monitoring-profile-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency port-range

Range of destination ports that peer router is reachable at


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency port-range <start-port>
Positional Arguments
start-portLower transport (layer 4) port number.
deleteDelete configuration data
end-portUpper transport (layer 4) port number.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'port-range'
start-portLower transport (layer 4) port number.

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency port-range end-port

Upper transport (layer 4) port number.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency port-range end-port [<end-port>]
Positional Arguments
end-portThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency port-range start-port

Lower transport (layer 4) port number.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency port-range start-port [<l4-port>]
Positional Arguments
l4-portThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency post-encryption-padding

Whether to add a padding byte with value of 0x0 at the end of the packet payload when encryption is enabled for this adjacency.

deleteDelete configuration data
modeConfigure Mode
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'post-encryption-padding'

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency post-encryption-padding mode

Configure Mode


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency post-encryption-padding mode [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency qp-value

Quality points value that represents the 'quality' of the the link to the adjacent router. Used for selecting egress interface based on the service class required minimum quality points.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency qp-value [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency session-optimization

Configure Session Optimization

deleteDelete configuration data
modeConfigure Mode
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'session-optimization'

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency session-optimization mode

Configure Mode


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency session-optimization mode [<session-optimization-mode>]
Positional Arguments
session-optimization-modeThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency source-nat-address

The source nat IP address or prefixes for packets received on the interface.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency source-nat-address [<ip-prefix>]
Positional Arguments
ip-prefixValue to add to this list


Warning: 'source-nat-address' is deprecated and will be removed in a future software version

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency step-peer-path-advertisement

Update frequency and timeliness of the STEP peer path advertisement for this adjacency.

deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'step-peer-path-advertisement'
sla-metricsConfigure Sla Metrics

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics

Configure Sla Metrics

cloneClone a list item
decrease-report-delaySpecifies mappings of peer path SLA metrics decrease to STEP reporting delay. In combination, these mappings define a piecewise linear mapping function.
deleteDelete configuration data
increase-report-delaySpecifies mappings of peer path SLA metrics increase to STEP reporting delay. In combination, these mappings define a piecewise linear mapping function.
moving-average-sample-sizeSample size for calculating the weighted moving average of peer path SLA metrics to be advertised into STEP.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'sla-metrics'
significance-thresholdThresholds for peer path SLA metrics. Values above the threshold are considered significant enough to be advertised into STEP.

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics decrease-report-delay

Specifies mappings of peer path SLA metrics decrease to STEP reporting delay. In combination, these mappings define a piecewise linear mapping function.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics decrease-report-delay <percentage>
Positional Arguments
percentageLargest percentage decrease seen among all of the metric values.
delayReporting delay for the given percentage decrease.
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
percentageLargest percentage decrease seen among all of the metric values.
showShow configuration data for 'decrease-report-delay'

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics decrease-report-delay delay

Reporting delay for the given percentage decrease.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics decrease-report-delay delay [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics decrease-report-delay percentage

Largest percentage decrease seen among all of the metric values.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics decrease-report-delay percentage [<percentage>]
Positional Arguments
percentageThe value to set for this field


Units: percent

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics increase-report-delay

Specifies mappings of peer path SLA metrics increase to STEP reporting delay. In combination, these mappings define a piecewise linear mapping function.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics increase-report-delay <percentage>
Positional Arguments
percentageLargest percentage increase seen among all of the metric values.
delayReporting delay for the given percentage increase.
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
percentageLargest percentage increase seen among all of the metric values.
showShow configuration data for 'increase-report-delay'

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics increase-report-delay delay

Reporting delay for the given percentage increase.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics increase-report-delay delay [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics increase-report-delay percentage

Largest percentage increase seen among all of the metric values.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics increase-report-delay percentage [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field


Units: percent

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics moving-average-sample-size

Sample size for calculating the weighted moving average of peer path SLA metrics to be advertised into STEP.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics moving-average-sample-size [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics significance-threshold

Thresholds for peer path SLA metrics. Values above the threshold are considered significant enough to be advertised into STEP.

deleteDelete configuration data
min-jitterThe threshold jitter value considered significant enough for advertising into STEP.
min-latencyThe threshold latency value considered significant enough for advertising into STEP.
min-lossThe threshold of packet loss considered significant enough for advertising into STEP.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'significance-threshold'

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics significance-threshold min-jitter

The threshold jitter value considered significant enough for advertising into STEP.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics significance-threshold min-jitter [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: milliseconds

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics significance-threshold min-latency

The threshold latency value considered significant enough for advertising into STEP.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics significance-threshold min-latency [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: milliseconds

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics significance-threshold min-loss

The threshold of packet loss considered significant enough for advertising into STEP.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics significance-threshold min-loss [<decimal64>]
Positional Arguments
decimal64The value to set for this field


Units: percent

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency traffic-engineering

Configure Traffic Engineering

deleteDelete configuration data
enabledWhether traffic engineering is enabled on the adjacency.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'traffic-engineering'
traffic-profileThe name of the traffic profile used for traffic engineering on this adjacency
transmit-capThe transmit capacity of the this adjacency.

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency traffic-engineering enabled

Whether traffic engineering is enabled on the adjacency.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency traffic-engineering enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency traffic-engineering traffic-profile

The name of the traffic profile used for traffic engineering on this adjacency


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency traffic-engineering traffic-profile [<traffic-profile-ref>]
Positional Arguments
traffic-profile-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency traffic-engineering transmit-cap

The transmit capacity of the this adjacency.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency traffic-engineering transmit-cap [<uint64>]
Positional Arguments
uint64The value to set for this field


Units: bits/second

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency ttl-padding

Whether to perform TTL Padding on routers for this adjacency


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency ttl-padding [<ttl-padding-type>]
Positional Arguments
ttl-padding-typeThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency udp-transform

UDP transform settings for interoperating with stateful TCP firewalls for the adjacency.

deleteDelete configuration data
detect-intervalRepresents the frequency with which the stateful TCP firewall discovery is performed.
modeConfigure Mode
nat-keep-alive-modeConfigure Nat Keep Alive Mode
nat-keep-alive-timeoutRepresents the frequency with which keep-alive packets are generated.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'udp-transform'

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency udp-transform detect-interval

Represents the frequency with which the stateful TCP firewall discovery is performed.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency udp-transform detect-interval [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency udp-transform mode

Configure Mode


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency udp-transform mode [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency udp-transform nat-keep-alive-mode

Configure Nat Keep Alive Mode


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency udp-transform nat-keep-alive-mode [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency udp-transform nat-keep-alive-timeout

Represents the frequency with which keep-alive packets are generated.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency udp-transform nat-keep-alive-timeout [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency vector

Vector names for path selection.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface adjacency vector [<vector-name>]
Positional Arguments
vector-nameValue to add to this list

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface bidirectional-nat

Defines the prefixes that need to be static natted in both directions.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface bidirectional-nat <local-ip>
Positional Arguments
local-ipFor packets ingressing this interface, local IP will be source natted to remote IP.
deleteDelete configuration data
local-ipFor packets ingressing this interface, local IP will be source natted to remote IP.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
remote-ipFor packets egressing this interface, the remote IP will be destination natted to local IP.
showShow configuration data for 'bidirectional-nat'

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface bidirectional-nat local-ip

For packets ingressing this interface, local IP will be source natted to remote IP.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface bidirectional-nat local-ip [<ip-prefix>]
Positional Arguments
ip-prefixThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface bidirectional-nat remote-ip

For packets egressing this interface, the remote IP will be destination natted to local IP.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface bidirectional-nat remote-ip [<ip-prefix>]
Positional Arguments
ip-prefixThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface billing-rate

Numeric rate of currency associated with the interface. When the billing-rate is flat the field indicated rate per day. When the billing-rate is metered the field indicates rate per byte.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface billing-rate [<decimal64>]
Positional Arguments
decimal64The value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface billing-type

Billing type associated with the interface.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface billing-type [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface carrier

Carrier associated with the interface.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface carrier [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface conductor

Whether the interface is used for communicating with the conductor.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface conductor [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface default-route

Whether the interface is used as default-route for non-forwarding interfaces.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface default-route [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface description

A description about the interface.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface dhcp

Whether this interface acquires IP address and other parameter via DHCP


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface dhcp [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface dhcp-delayed-auth-key

The key used to generate the HMAC-MD5 value.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface dhcp-delayed-auth-key [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface dhcp-delayed-auth-key-id

The key identifier that identifies the key used to generate the HMAC-MD5 value.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface dhcp-delayed-auth-key-id [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface dhcp-delayed-auth-realm

The DHCP realm that identifies the key used to generate the HMAC-MD5 value.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface dhcp-delayed-auth-realm [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface dhcp-reconfig-auth-algorithm

The algorithm used by the Reconfigure Key authentication protocol to authenticate prefix-delegation messages.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface dhcp-reconfig-auth-algorithm [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface dscp-map

Mapping of DSCP values to priorities.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface dscp-map [<dscp-map-ref>]
Positional Arguments
dscp-map-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface dscp-steering

Configure Dscp Steering

deleteDelete configuration data
enabledWhether or not traffic on this interface should use DSCP values for flow and service lookups.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'dscp-steering'
transportProtocol and port(s) on which to enable dscp-steering.

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface dscp-steering enabled

Whether or not traffic on this interface should use DSCP values for flow and service lookups.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface dscp-steering enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface dscp-steering transport

Protocol and port(s) on which to enable dscp-steering.

cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
port-rangeConfigure Port Range
protocolLayer 4 transport protocol.
showShow configuration data for 'transport'

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface dscp-steering transport port-range

Configure Port Range


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface dscp-steering transport port-range <start-port>
Positional Arguments
start-portLower transport (layer 4) port number.
deleteDelete configuration data
end-portUpper transport (layer 4) port number.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'port-range'
start-portLower transport (layer 4) port number.

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface dscp-steering transport port-range end-port

Upper transport (layer 4) port number.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface dscp-steering transport port-range end-port [<end-port>]
Positional Arguments
end-portThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface dscp-steering transport port-range start-port

Lower transport (layer 4) port number.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface dscp-steering transport port-range start-port [<l4-port>]
Positional Arguments
l4-portThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface dscp-steering transport protocol

Layer 4 transport protocol.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface dscp-steering transport protocol [<protocol>]
Positional Arguments
protocolThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface egress-source-nat-pool

Indicates whether source address and port translation (NAPT) is performed for flows egressing the interface to the final destination.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface egress-source-nat-pool [<nat-pool-ref>]
Positional Arguments
nat-pool-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface enforced-mss

Maximum allowed value for maximum segment size (MSS) on this interface.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface enforced-mss [<union>]
Positional Arguments
unionThe value to set for this field


Units: bytes

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface ethernet-over-svr

L2 Bridge this network interface is assigned to.

cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
enabledWhether the interface is used as ethernet over SVR bridge.
encapsulate-all-trafficWhether all traffic arriving on the bridge should be encapsulated.
nameName of the L2 over SVR bridge.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
peerA list of peer IPs representing the L2 adjacencies.
showShow configuration data for 'ethernet-over-svr'

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface ethernet-over-svr enabled

Whether the interface is used as ethernet over SVR bridge.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface ethernet-over-svr enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface ethernet-over-svr encapsulate-all-traffic

Whether all traffic arriving on the bridge should be encapsulated.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface ethernet-over-svr encapsulate-all-traffic [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface ethernet-over-svr name

Name of the L2 over SVR bridge.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface ethernet-over-svr name [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface ethernet-over-svr peer

A list of peer IPs representing the L2 adjacencies.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface ethernet-over-svr peer <ip-address> <peer>
Positional Arguments
ip-addressThe IP address or hostname of the LAN segment of peer router which is associated with the same eosvr-bridge name.
peerPeer router on which this L2 adjacency exists.
ip-addressThe IP address or hostname of the LAN segment of peer router which is associated with the same eosvr-bridge name.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
peerPeer router on which this L2 adjacency exists.
showShow configuration data for 'peer'

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface ethernet-over-svr peer ip-address

The IP address or hostname of the LAN segment of peer router which is associated with the same eosvr-bridge name.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface ethernet-over-svr peer ip-address [<host>]
Positional Arguments
hostThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface ethernet-over-svr peer peer

Peer router on which this L2 adjacency exists.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface ethernet-over-svr peer peer [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface filter-rule

A rule for dropping packets.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface filter-rule <name>
Positional Arguments
nameA unique name to identify this rule.
actionAction to be taken when a packet matches the filter rule.
bpfBerkeley Packet Filter to be applied as a rule
deleteDelete configuration data
nameA unique name to identify this rule.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'filter-rule'

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface filter-rule action

Action to be taken when a packet matches the filter rule.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface filter-rule action [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface filter-rule bpf

Berkeley Packet Filter to be applied as a rule


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface filter-rule bpf [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface filter-rule name

A unique name to identify this rule.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface filter-rule name [<name-id>]
Positional Arguments
name-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface global-id

Global Interface Id (GIID) used in next-hop egress interface for routing data. All instances of a redundant interface will have the same GIID.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface global-id [<global-interface-id>]
Positional Arguments
global-interface-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface host-service

The host-service configuration is a service hosted by a router node.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface host-service <service-type>
Positional Arguments
service-typeThe type of hosted service
access-policyList of access policies by address prefix, QSN or tenant and prefix.
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionA description about the hosted service.
enabledEnable/disable for host services
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
service-typeThe type of hosted service
showShow configuration data for 'host-service'
transportThe transport protocol(s) and port(s) for the service.

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface host-service access-policy

List of access policies by address prefix, QSN or tenant and prefix.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface host-service access-policy <source>
Positional Arguments
sourceThe source QSN or address(es) to which the policy applies. For a QSN, this may be a tenant, service-group, or service, or a combination there of. The following forms are valid: tenant tenant/service-group/ tenant/service-group/service tenant/service /service-group/ /service-group/service /service
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
permissionWhether or not to allow access to the service.
showShow configuration data for 'access-policy'
sourceThe source QSN or address(es) to which the policy applies. For a QSN, this may be a tenant, service-group, or service, or a combination there of. The following forms are valid: tenant tenant/service-group/ tenant/service-group/service tenant/service /service-group/ /service-group/service /service

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface host-service access-policy permission

Whether or not to allow access to the service.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface host-service access-policy permission [<access-mode>]
Positional Arguments
access-modeThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface host-service access-policy source

The source QSN or address(es) to which the policy applies. For a QSN, this may be a tenant, service-group, or service, or a combination there of. The following forms are valid: tenant tenant/service-group/ tenant/service-group/service tenant/service /service-group/ /service-group/service /service


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface host-service access-policy source [<source-spec>]
Positional Arguments
source-specThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface host-service description

A description about the hosted service.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface host-service description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface host-service enabled

Enable/disable for host services


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface host-service enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface host-service service-type

The type of hosted service


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface host-service service-type [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface host-service transport

The transport protocol(s) and port(s) for the service.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface host-service transport <protocol>
Positional Arguments
protocolLayer 4 transport protocol.
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
port-rangeConfigure Port Range
protocolLayer 4 transport protocol.
showShow configuration data for 'transport'

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface host-service transport port-range

Configure Port Range


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface host-service transport port-range <start-port>
Positional Arguments
start-portLower transport (layer 4) port number.
deleteDelete configuration data
end-portUpper transport (layer 4) port number.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'port-range'
start-portLower transport (layer 4) port number.

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface host-service transport port-range end-port

Upper transport (layer 4) port number.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface host-service transport port-range end-port [<end-port>]
Positional Arguments
end-portThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface host-service transport port-range start-port

Lower transport (layer 4) port number.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface host-service transport port-range start-port [<l4-port>]
Positional Arguments
l4-portThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface host-service transport protocol

Layer 4 transport protocol.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface host-service transport protocol [<protocol>]
Positional Arguments
protocolThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface hostname

Hostname for the interface. This is an optional fully-qualified domain name (FQDN).


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface hostname [<domain-name>]
Positional Arguments
domain-nameThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface icmp

Enable/disable ICMP Blackhole


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface icmp [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface ifcfg-option

Interface config options for non-forwarding interfaces


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface ifcfg-option <name>
Positional Arguments
nameName of the ifcfg option
deleteDelete configuration data
nameName of the ifcfg option
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'ifcfg-option'
valueValue of the ifcfg options

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface ifcfg-option name

Name of the ifcfg option


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface ifcfg-option name [<ifcfg-key>]
Positional Arguments
ifcfg-keyThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface ifcfg-option value

Value of the ifcfg options


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface ifcfg-option value [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface ingress-source-nat-pool

Indicates whether source address (and optional port) translation is performed for flows targetted towards an inter-router peer. In this case, the nat will be applied on the ingress router as opposed to the final egress router.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface ingress-source-nat-pool [<nat-pool-ref>]
Positional Arguments
nat-pool-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface inter-router-security

The name of the security policy used for inbound inter-router traffic.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface inter-router-security [<security-ref>]
Positional Arguments
security-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface management

Allow management traffic to be sent over this interface


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface management [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface management-vector

Vector configuration for non-forwarding interfaces

deleteDelete configuration data
nameName of the vector.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
priorityPriority value for the paths with the vector.
showShow configuration data for 'management-vector'

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface management-vector name

Name of the vector.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface management-vector name [<vector-name>]
Positional Arguments
vector-nameThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface management-vector priority

Priority value for the paths with the vector.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface management-vector priority [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface move filter-rule

A rule for dropping packets.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface move filter-rule <name> <position> [<relative-to-name>]
Positional Arguments
nameA unique name to identify this rule.
positionfirst | last | before | after
relative-to-nameKey of item before or after which to move

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface move neighborhood

The neighborhoods to which this interface belongs.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface move neighborhood <name> <position> [<relative-to-name>]
Positional Arguments
nameThe neighborhood to which this interface belongs.
positionfirst | last | before | after
relative-to-nameKey of item before or after which to move

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface mtu

The maximum transmission unit (MTU) for packets sent on the interface.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface mtu [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface multicast-listeners

Enables the sending of IGMP and MLD queries on this interface.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface multicast-listeners [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface multicast-report-proxy

Enables the forwarding of IGMP and MLD joins/leaves/reports to valid multicast services to this network interface. These must come from other network interfaces which allow multicast listeners.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface multicast-report-proxy [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface name

An arbitrary, unique name for the interface, used to reference it in other configuration sections.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface name [<interface-name>]
Positional Arguments
interface-nameThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighbor

A list of mappings from IP addresses to physical addresses. Entries in this list are used as static entries in the ARP cache.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighbor <ip-address>
Positional Arguments
ip-addressThe IP address of a neighbor node.
deleteDelete configuration data
ip-addressThe IP address of a neighbor node.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
phys-addressThe physical level address (MAC address) of the neighbor node.
showShow configuration data for 'neighbor'

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighbor ip-address

The IP address of a neighbor node.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighbor ip-address [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighbor phys-address

The physical level address (MAC address) of the neighbor node.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighbor phys-address [<phys-address>]
Positional Arguments
phys-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood

The neighborhoods to which this interface belongs.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood <name>
Positional Arguments
nameThe neighborhood to which this interface belongs.
bfdBFD parameters for peers in the neighborhood.
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
encapsulate-icmp-error-messagesEncapsulate ICMP errors in UDP across SVR on routers within this neighborhood
external-nat-addressThis is the address or hostname that is seen by the adjacent router when it receives a packet from this router.
max-way-pointsMaximum number of way points to be allocated on each peer paths within the neighborhood.
nameThe neighborhood to which this interface belongs.
nat-keep-aliveNAT keep-alive settings for interoperating with external NATs for peers in the neighborhood.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
packet-resiliencyEnable/disable packet-resiliency per path.
path-metrics-rolling-avg-intervalThis defines the rolling average interval used for computing various path metrics such as latency and loss.
path-mtu-discoveryAutomatic path MTU discovery for peers in the neighborhood.
payload-encryption-overrideTransport based encryption override for payload setting within the neighborhood.
peer-connectivityWhether the peer router is publicly reachable, or behind a firewall/NAT.
peer-path-overlayOverlay type for the neighborhood.
performance-monitoringPerformance Monitoring settings in the neighborhood.
port-rangeRange of destination ports that local router is reachable by peer routers in the neighborhood.
post-encryption-paddingWhether to add a padding byte with value of 0x0 at the end of the packet payload when encryption is enabled for peers in the neighborhood.
qp-valueQuality points value that represents the 'quality' of the the links to adjacent routers in the neighborhood. Used for selecting egress interface based on the service class required minimum quality points.
session-optimizationConfigure Session Optimization
showShow configuration data for 'neighborhood'
step-peer-path-advertisementUpdate frequency and timeliness of the STEP peer path advertisements for this neighborhood.
topologyType of topology for this router in the network for the neighborhood. This determines the other routers in the neighborhood with which this router has an adjacency.
traffic-engineeringConfigure Traffic Engineering
ttl-paddingWhether to perform TTL Padding on routers within this neighborhood
udp-transformUDP transform settings for interoperating with stateful TCP firewalls for peers in the neighborhood.
vectorVector name to associate with adjacencies in the neighborhood.

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood bfd

BFD parameters for peers in the neighborhood.

authentication-typeDescribes the authentication type used in BFD packets
deleteDelete configuration data
desired-tx-intervalRepresents the frequency with which BFD asynchronous control packets are sent to peer nodes/routers.
dscpThe DSCP value to use with BFD packets.
dynamic-dampingWhen enabled, extend the hold-down time if additional link flaps occur during the hold-down period.
hold-down-timeRepresents the hold-down time. If dynamic-damping is enabled, this is the initial hold-down time.
link-test-intervalThis represents the interval between BFD echo tests sent to the peer node/router.
link-test-lengthThis is the number of packets sent during one test cycle. A value of 0 disables BFD echo tests.
maximum-hold-down-timeRepresents the maximum hold-down time of dynamic-damping exponential backoff. If the hold-down-time hits the maximum three times in a row, it will reset back to the original value.
multiplierNumber of consecutive missed messages from a peer before deciding that the link between them is unusable. Valid range is (3,20).
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
required-min-rx-intervalRepresents the minimum interval between BFD asynchronous control packets that this router is capable of supporting.
showShow configuration data for 'bfd'
stateWhen enabled, run BFD between all nodes within the router.

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood bfd authentication-type

Describes the authentication type used in BFD packets


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood bfd authentication-type [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood bfd desired-tx-interval

Represents the frequency with which BFD asynchronous control packets are sent to peer nodes/routers.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood bfd desired-tx-interval [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: milliseconds

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood bfd dscp

The DSCP value to use with BFD packets.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood bfd dscp [<dscp>]
Positional Arguments
dscpThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood bfd dynamic-damping

When enabled, extend the hold-down time if additional link flaps occur during the hold-down period.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood bfd dynamic-damping [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood bfd hold-down-time

Represents the hold-down time. If dynamic-damping is enabled, this is the initial hold-down time.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood bfd hold-down-time [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

This represents the interval between BFD echo tests sent to the peer node/router.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood bfd link-test-interval [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

This is the number of packets sent during one test cycle. A value of 0 disables BFD echo tests.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood bfd link-test-length [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field


Units: packets

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood bfd maximum-hold-down-time

Represents the maximum hold-down time of dynamic-damping exponential backoff. If the hold-down-time hits the maximum three times in a row, it will reset back to the original value.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood bfd maximum-hold-down-time [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood bfd multiplier

Number of consecutive missed messages from a peer before deciding that the link between them is unusable. Valid range is (3,20).


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood bfd multiplier [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood bfd required-min-rx-interval

Represents the minimum interval between BFD asynchronous control packets that this router is capable of supporting.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood bfd required-min-rx-interval [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: milliseconds

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood bfd state

When enabled, run BFD between all nodes within the router.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood bfd state [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood encapsulate-icmp-error-messages

Encapsulate ICMP errors in UDP across SVR on routers within this neighborhood


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood encapsulate-icmp-error-messages [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood external-nat-address

This is the address or hostname that is seen by the adjacent router when it receives a packet from this router.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood external-nat-address [<host>]
Positional Arguments
hostThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood max-way-points

Maximum number of way points to be allocated on each peer paths within the neighborhood.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood max-way-points [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Warning: a restart is required if max-way-points is created, modified, or deleted

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood name

The neighborhood to which this interface belongs.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood name [<neighborhood-id>]
Positional Arguments
neighborhood-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood nat-keep-alive

NAT keep-alive settings for interoperating with external NATs for peers in the neighborhood.

deleteDelete configuration data
modeConfigure Mode
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'nat-keep-alive'
tcp-inactivity-timeoutRepresents the frequency with which TCP keep-alive packets are generated and should be shorter than the external NAT's TCP timeout settings.
udp-inactivity-timeoutRepresents the frequency with which UDP keep-alive packets are generated and should be shorter than the external NAT's UDP timeout settings.

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood nat-keep-alive mode

Configure Mode


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood nat-keep-alive mode [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood nat-keep-alive tcp-inactivity-timeout

Represents the frequency with which TCP keep-alive packets are generated and should be shorter than the external NAT's TCP timeout settings.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood nat-keep-alive tcp-inactivity-timeout [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood nat-keep-alive udp-inactivity-timeout

Represents the frequency with which UDP keep-alive packets are generated and should be shorter than the external NAT's UDP timeout settings.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood nat-keep-alive udp-inactivity-timeout [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood packet-resiliency

Enable/disable packet-resiliency per path.

deleteDelete configuration data
enabledWhether packet resiliency is enabled on this path.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'packet-resiliency'

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood packet-resiliency enabled

Whether packet resiliency is enabled on this path.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood packet-resiliency enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood path-metrics-rolling-avg-interval

This defines the rolling average interval used for computing various path metrics such as latency and loss.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood path-metrics-rolling-avg-interval [<duration>]
Positional Arguments
durationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood path-mtu-discovery

Automatic path MTU discovery for peers in the neighborhood.

deleteDelete configuration data
enabledControls whether or not peer-path MTU discovery is performed
intervalRepresents the frequency with which the peer-path MTU discovery is performed.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'path-mtu-discovery'

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood path-mtu-discovery enabled

Controls whether or not peer-path MTU discovery is performed


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood path-mtu-discovery enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood path-mtu-discovery interval

Represents the frequency with which the peer-path MTU discovery is performed.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood path-mtu-discovery interval [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood payload-encryption-override

Transport based encryption override for payload setting within the neighborhood.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood payload-encryption-override [<payload-encryption-override>]
Positional Arguments
payload-encryption-overrideThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood peer-connectivity

Whether the peer router is publicly reachable, or behind a firewall/NAT.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood peer-connectivity [<peer-connectivity>]
Positional Arguments
peer-connectivityThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood peer-path-overlay

Overlay type for the neighborhood.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood peer-path-overlay [<peer-path-overlay>]
Positional Arguments
peer-path-overlayThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood performance-monitoring

Performance Monitoring settings in the neighborhood.

deleteDelete configuration data
enabledWhether performance monitoring is enabled.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
profileThe name of the performance monitoring profile used for marking traffic.
showShow configuration data for 'performance-monitoring'

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood performance-monitoring enabled

Whether performance monitoring is enabled.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood performance-monitoring enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood performance-monitoring profile

The name of the performance monitoring profile used for marking traffic.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood performance-monitoring profile [<performance-monitoring-profile-ref>]
Positional Arguments
performance-monitoring-profile-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood port-range

Range of destination ports that local router is reachable by peer routers in the neighborhood.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood port-range <start-port>
Positional Arguments
start-portLower transport (layer 4) port number.
deleteDelete configuration data
end-portUpper transport (layer 4) port number.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'port-range'
start-portLower transport (layer 4) port number.

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood port-range end-port

Upper transport (layer 4) port number.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood port-range end-port [<end-port>]
Positional Arguments
end-portThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood port-range start-port

Lower transport (layer 4) port number.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood port-range start-port [<l4-port>]
Positional Arguments
l4-portThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood post-encryption-padding

Whether to add a padding byte with value of 0x0 at the end of the packet payload when encryption is enabled for peers in the neighborhood.

deleteDelete configuration data
modeConfigure Mode
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'post-encryption-padding'

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood post-encryption-padding mode

Configure Mode


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood post-encryption-padding mode [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood qp-value

Quality points value that represents the 'quality' of the the links to adjacent routers in the neighborhood. Used for selecting egress interface based on the service class required minimum quality points.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood qp-value [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Warning: 'qp-value' is deprecated and will be removed in a future software version

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood session-optimization

Configure Session Optimization

deleteDelete configuration data
modeConfigure Mode
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'session-optimization'

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood session-optimization mode

Configure Mode


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood session-optimization mode [<session-optimization-mode>]
Positional Arguments
session-optimization-modeThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood step-peer-path-advertisement

Update frequency and timeliness of the STEP peer path advertisements for this neighborhood.

deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'step-peer-path-advertisement'
sla-metricsConfigure Sla Metrics

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics

Configure Sla Metrics

cloneClone a list item
decrease-report-delaySpecifies mappings of peer path SLA metrics decrease to STEP reporting delay. In combination, these mappings define a piecewise linear mapping function.
deleteDelete configuration data
increase-report-delaySpecifies mappings of peer path SLA metrics increase to STEP reporting delay. In combination, these mappings define a piecewise linear mapping function.
moving-average-sample-sizeSample size for calculating the weighted moving average of peer path SLA metrics to be advertised into STEP.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'sla-metrics'
significance-thresholdThresholds for peer path SLA metrics. Values above the threshold are considered significant enough to be advertised into STEP.

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics decrease-report-delay

Specifies mappings of peer path SLA metrics decrease to STEP reporting delay. In combination, these mappings define a piecewise linear mapping function.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics decrease-report-delay <percentage>
Positional Arguments
percentageLargest percentage decrease seen among all of the metric values.
delayReporting delay for the given percentage decrease.
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
percentageLargest percentage decrease seen among all of the metric values.
showShow configuration data for 'decrease-report-delay'

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics decrease-report-delay delay

Reporting delay for the given percentage decrease.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics decrease-report-delay delay [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics decrease-report-delay percentage

Largest percentage decrease seen among all of the metric values.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics decrease-report-delay percentage [<percentage>]
Positional Arguments
percentageThe value to set for this field


Units: percent

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics increase-report-delay

Specifies mappings of peer path SLA metrics increase to STEP reporting delay. In combination, these mappings define a piecewise linear mapping function.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics increase-report-delay <percentage>
Positional Arguments
percentageLargest percentage increase seen among all of the metric values.
delayReporting delay for the given percentage increase.
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
percentageLargest percentage increase seen among all of the metric values.
showShow configuration data for 'increase-report-delay'

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics increase-report-delay delay

Reporting delay for the given percentage increase.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics increase-report-delay delay [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics increase-report-delay percentage

Largest percentage increase seen among all of the metric values.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics increase-report-delay percentage [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field


Units: percent

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics moving-average-sample-size

Sample size for calculating the weighted moving average of peer path SLA metrics to be advertised into STEP.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics moving-average-sample-size [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics significance-threshold

Thresholds for peer path SLA metrics. Values above the threshold are considered significant enough to be advertised into STEP.

deleteDelete configuration data
min-jitterThe threshold jitter value considered significant enough for advertising into STEP.
min-latencyThe threshold latency value considered significant enough for advertising into STEP.
min-lossThe threshold of packet loss considered significant enough for advertising into STEP.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'significance-threshold'

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics significance-threshold min-jitter

The threshold jitter value considered significant enough for advertising into STEP.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics significance-threshold min-jitter [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: milliseconds

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics significance-threshold min-latency

The threshold latency value considered significant enough for advertising into STEP.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics significance-threshold min-latency [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: milliseconds

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics significance-threshold min-loss

The threshold of packet loss considered significant enough for advertising into STEP.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood step-peer-path-advertisement sla-metrics significance-threshold min-loss [<decimal64>]
Positional Arguments
decimal64The value to set for this field


Units: percent

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood topology

Type of topology for this router in the network for the neighborhood. This determines the other routers in the neighborhood with which this router has an adjacency.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood topology [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood traffic-engineering

Configure Traffic Engineering

deleteDelete configuration data
downloadConfigure Download
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'traffic-engineering'
uploadConfigure Upload

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood traffic-engineering download

Configure Download

deleteDelete configuration data
enabledWhether traffic engineering should be enabled by our peer to limit its transmit capacity on this peer path.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
receive-capValue that is used as the limit of our peer's transmit capacity on this peer path as to not overwhelm our interface.
showShow configuration data for 'download'
traffic-profileThe name of the traffic profile our peer should use when limiting its transmit-capacity on this peer path

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood traffic-engineering download enabled

Whether traffic engineering should be enabled by our peer to limit its transmit capacity on this peer path.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood traffic-engineering download enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood traffic-engineering download receive-cap

Value that is used as the limit of our peer's transmit capacity on this peer path as to not overwhelm our interface.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood traffic-engineering download receive-cap [<uint64>]
Positional Arguments
uint64The value to set for this field


Units: bits/second

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood traffic-engineering download traffic-profile

The name of the traffic profile our peer should use when limiting its transmit-capacity on this peer path


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood traffic-engineering download traffic-profile [<traffic-profile-ref>]
Positional Arguments
traffic-profile-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood traffic-engineering upload

Configure Upload

deleteDelete configuration data
enabledWhether traffic engineering is enabled on this peer path.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'upload'
traffic-profileThe name of the traffic profile used for traffic engineering on this peer path
transmit-capThe transmit capacity of this peer path.

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood traffic-engineering upload enabled

Whether traffic engineering is enabled on this peer path.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood traffic-engineering upload enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood traffic-engineering upload traffic-profile

The name of the traffic profile used for traffic engineering on this peer path


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood traffic-engineering upload traffic-profile [<traffic-profile-ref>]
Positional Arguments
traffic-profile-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood traffic-engineering upload transmit-cap

The transmit capacity of this peer path.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood traffic-engineering upload transmit-cap [<uint64>]
Positional Arguments
uint64The value to set for this field


Units: bits/second

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood ttl-padding

Whether to perform TTL Padding on routers within this neighborhood


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood ttl-padding [<ttl-padding-type>]
Positional Arguments
ttl-padding-typeThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood udp-transform

UDP transform settings for interoperating with stateful TCP firewalls for peers in the neighborhood.

deleteDelete configuration data
detect-intervalRepresents the frequency with which the stateful TCP firewall discovery is performed.
modeConfigure Mode
nat-keep-alive-modeConfigure Nat Keep Alive Mode
nat-keep-alive-timeoutRepresents the frequency with which keep-alive packets are generated.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'udp-transform'

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood udp-transform detect-interval

Represents the frequency with which the stateful TCP firewall discovery is performed.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood udp-transform detect-interval [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood udp-transform mode

Configure Mode


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood udp-transform mode [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood udp-transform nat-keep-alive-mode

Configure Nat Keep Alive Mode


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood udp-transform nat-keep-alive-mode [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood udp-transform nat-keep-alive-timeout

Represents the frequency with which keep-alive packets are generated.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood udp-transform nat-keep-alive-timeout [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood vector

Vector name to associate with adjacencies in the neighborhood.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface neighborhood vector [<vector-name>]
Positional Arguments
vector-nameThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface off-subnet-arp-prefix

Address(es) for which the router will respond to ARP requests.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface off-subnet-arp-prefix [<unicast-ipv4-prefix>]
Positional Arguments
unicast-ipv4-prefixValue to add to this list

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface off-subnet-reverse-arp-mac-learning

When enabled, the source MAC address of the packet will be used for reverse traffic for off-subnet source ip address.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface off-subnet-reverse-arp-mac-learning [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface prefix-delegation

Enable/disable IPv6 Prefix Delegation Client.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface prefix-delegation [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface prefix-delegation-authentication

Whether prefix-delegation messages are authenticated.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface prefix-delegation-authentication [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface prefix-delegation-group

The name to identify a prefix-delegation group within which the pd-client interface will request a prefix and all the internal interfaces will be assigned a global address from this prefix based on their subnet-ids.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface prefix-delegation-group [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface prefix-delegation-subnet-id

The identifier of a subnet within a prefix-delegation group which is used to construct a global IPv6 address for an internal interface.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface prefix-delegation-subnet-id [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface preserve-dscp

Controls if DSCP bits are preserved on this interface.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface preserve-dscp [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface prioritization-mode

Controls how packets received on this interface are prioritized.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface prioritization-mode [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface qp-value

Quality points value that represents the 'quality' of the network the interface is connected to. It used for selecting egress interface based on the service class required minimum quality points.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface qp-value [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Warning: 'qp-value' is deprecated and will be removed in a future software version

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface reverse-arp-mac-learning

Controls whether the source MAC address of the packet can be used for reverse traffic when ARP is unresolved.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface reverse-arp-mac-learning [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface rewrite-dscp

Controls if DSCP bits are rewritten on this interface.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface rewrite-dscp [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface router-advertisement

Enable/disable IPv6 router advertisement to advertise the prefix learned via DHCPv6-PD.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface router-advertisement [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface source-nat

Indicates whether source address and port translation (NAPT) is performed for flows egressing the interface to the final destination.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface source-nat [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface tenant

Tenant to which this interface belongs.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface tenant [<tenant-ref>]
Positional Arguments
tenant-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface tenant-prefixes

Tenant to source prefix mapping.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface tenant-prefixes <tenant>
Positional Arguments
tenantTenant name.
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'tenant-prefixes'
source-addressThe source address(es) that define the tenant.
tenantTenant name.

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface tenant-prefixes source-address

The source address(es) that define the tenant.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface tenant-prefixes source-address [<ip-prefix>]
Positional Arguments
ip-prefixValue to add to this list

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface tenant-prefixes tenant

Tenant name.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface tenant-prefixes tenant [<tenant-ref>]
Positional Arguments
tenant-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface tunnel

Configure Tunnel

deleteDelete configuration data
destinationThe destination of this tunnel.
internal-addressThe source address to use when sending packets over the tunnel.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'tunnel'
sourceHow the tunnel source address will be obtained.

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface tunnel destination

The destination of this tunnel.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface tunnel destination [<host>]
Positional Arguments
hostThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface tunnel internal-address

The source address to use when sending packets over the tunnel.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface tunnel internal-address [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface tunnel source

How the tunnel source address will be obtained.

addressThe source address of this tunnel.
deleteDelete configuration data
network-interfaceUse the address of the interface with the same vlan.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'source'

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface tunnel source address

The source address of this tunnel.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface tunnel source address [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface tunnel source network-interface

Use the address of the interface with the same vlan.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface tunnel source network-interface

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface type

Type of network that the interface is connected to. Type is fabric for inter-node traffic, external for regular traffic, and shared for both fabric and external.


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface type [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-interface vlan

The VLAN id for the interface (0 for no VLAN, otherwise 1-4094).


configure authority router node device-interface network-interface vlan [<vlan>]
Positional Arguments
vlanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface network-namespace

The network namespace in which this network interface will be located


configure authority router node device-interface network-namespace [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface parent-bond

The bond type interface that this interface is grouped with.


configure authority router node device-interface parent-bond [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface pci-address

The PCI address of the device. Only relevant if type is ethernet.


configure authority router node device-interface pci-address [<pci-address>]
Positional Arguments
pci-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface pppoe

Configure Pppoe

authentication-protocolAuthentication protocol used to authenticate the user.
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
passwordPassword required to setup PPPoE connection.
showShow configuration data for 'pppoe'
user-nameUsername required to setup PPPoE connection.

configure authority router node device-interface pppoe authentication-protocol

Authentication protocol used to authenticate the user.


configure authority router node device-interface pppoe authentication-protocol [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface pppoe password

Password required to setup PPPoE connection.


configure authority router node device-interface pppoe password [<password>]
Positional Arguments
passwordThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface pppoe user-name

Username required to setup PPPoE connection.


configure authority router node device-interface pppoe user-name [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface promiscuous-mode

Enables promiscuous mode on the interface.


configure authority router node device-interface promiscuous-mode [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface q-in-q

Enables Q-in-Q encapsulation

deleteDelete configuration data
outer-ethertypeThe ethertype for the outer VLAN tag
outer-vlanAdd an outer VLAN tag to all non-zero VLAN interfaces
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'q-in-q'

configure authority router node device-interface q-in-q outer-ethertype

The ethertype for the outer VLAN tag


configure authority router node device-interface q-in-q outer-ethertype [<hex-string>]
Positional Arguments
hex-stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface q-in-q outer-vlan

Add an outer VLAN tag to all non-zero VLAN interfaces


configure authority router node device-interface q-in-q outer-vlan [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface reinsert-vlan

Enables reinsertion of NIC-stripped VLAN on ingress packets, on supported devices.


configure authority router node device-interface reinsert-vlan [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface session-optimization

Configure Session Optimization

deleteDelete configuration data
enable-detectionWhether session optimization detection is enabled on this device interface.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'session-optimization'

configure authority router node device-interface session-optimization enable-detection

Whether session optimization detection is enabled on this device interface.


configure authority router node device-interface session-optimization enable-detection [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface shared-phys-address

Virtual MAC address for interface redundancy.


configure authority router node device-interface shared-phys-address [<unicast-phys-address>]
Positional Arguments
unicast-phys-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface sriov-vlan-filter

Enables VLAN filtering on supported SR-IOV devices.


configure authority router node device-interface sriov-vlan-filter [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface strip-vlan

Enables VLAN stripping on ingress packets on supported devices.


configure authority router node device-interface strip-vlan [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface target-interface

Specifies the name of an external interface to be automatically bridged to a logical interface.


configure authority router node device-interface target-interface [<target-name>]
Positional Arguments
target-nameThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface traffic-engineering

Configure Traffic Engineering

deleteDelete configuration data
enabledWhether traffic engineering is enabled on the interface.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'traffic-engineering'
traffic-profileThe name of the traffic profile used for traffic engineering on this device interface
transmit-capValue that is used in conjunction with the negotiated link speed to determine the transmit capacity of the interface.

configure authority router node device-interface traffic-engineering enabled

Whether traffic engineering is enabled on the interface.


configure authority router node device-interface traffic-engineering enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface traffic-engineering traffic-profile

The name of the traffic profile used for traffic engineering on this device interface


configure authority router node device-interface traffic-engineering traffic-profile [<traffic-profile-ref>]
Positional Arguments
traffic-profile-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface traffic-engineering transmit-cap

Value that is used in conjunction with the negotiated link speed to determine the transmit capacity of the interface.


configure authority router node device-interface traffic-engineering transmit-cap [<limit>]
Positional Arguments
limitThe value to set for this field


Units: bits/second

configure authority router node device-interface type

Type of interface.


configure authority router node device-interface type [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface vmbus-uuid

The VMBus UUID of the network device. Hyper-V Environment only. Only relevant if type is ethernet.


configure authority router node device-interface vmbus-uuid [<vmbus-uuid>]
Positional Arguments
vmbus-uuidThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface vrrp

Parameters for Interface Redundancy using Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) like protocol.

advertisement-intervalHow frequently (in milliseconds) advertisements should be sent.
deleteDelete configuration data
enabledWhether or not this interface should participate in VRRP.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
priorityThe priority of this interface within the virtual router pair.
showShow configuration data for 'vrrp'
use-physical-addressUse the physical mac address of the device instead of the VRRP virtual mac.
vlanVlan of the network-interface that will represent this device
vridThe Virtual Router ID. This value must be mirrored by the redundant interface.

configure authority router node device-interface vrrp advertisement-interval

How frequently (in milliseconds) advertisements should be sent.


configure authority router node device-interface vrrp advertisement-interval [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field


Units: milliseconds

configure authority router node device-interface vrrp enabled

Whether or not this interface should participate in VRRP.


configure authority router node device-interface vrrp enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface vrrp priority

The priority of this interface within the virtual router pair.


configure authority router node device-interface vrrp priority [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface vrrp use-physical-address

Use the physical mac address of the device instead of the VRRP virtual mac.


configure authority router node device-interface vrrp use-physical-address [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface vrrp vlan

Vlan of the network-interface that will represent this device


configure authority router node device-interface vrrp vlan [<vlan>]
Positional Arguments
vlanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node device-interface vrrp vrid

The Virtual Router ID. This value must be mirrored by the redundant interface.


configure authority router node device-interface vrrp vrid [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router node enabled

Enable/disable the whole node.


configure authority router node enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node forwarding-core-count

The number of CPU cores to dedicate to traffic forwarding when using 'manual' forwarding core mode.


configure authority router node forwarding-core-count [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field


Warning: a restart is required if forwarding-core-count is created, modified, or deleted

configure authority router node forwarding-core-mode

The method by which the number of CPU cores dedicated to traffic forwarding should be determined.


configure authority router node forwarding-core-mode [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field


Warning: a restart is required if forwarding-core-mode is created, modified, or deleted

configure authority router node ipfix

Node specific IPFIX configuration

deleteDelete configuration data
enabledEnable or disable IPFIX export on this node
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'ipfix'

configure authority router node ipfix enabled

Enable or disable IPFIX export on this node


configure authority router node ipfix enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node location

A text description of the node's physical location.


configure authority router node location [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node loopback-address

The loopback IP address to use for management traffic originating on this node when routed via SVR.


configure authority router node loopback-address [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node name

An arbitrary, unique name for the node, used to reference it in other configuration sections. This MUST match the name in the local initialization file.


configure authority router node name [<reserved-name-id>]
Positional Arguments
reserved-name-idThe value to set for this field


Warning: a restart is required if name is created or deleted

configure authority router node port-forwarding

Configuration for establishing local port-forwarding to remote server.


configure authority router node port-forwarding <local-address> <local-port> <local-interface>
Positional Arguments
local-addressThe local address to forward from
local-portThe local port to forward from
local-interfaceThe local interface to forward from
deleteDelete configuration data
local-addressThe local address to forward from
local-interfaceThe local interface to forward from
local-portThe local port to forward from
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
remote-hostThe remote host to connect to from server
remote-interfaceThe remote interface to connect via on server
remote-portThe remote port to connect to from server
server-addressThe server at the host address
server-destinationThe server at known destination
server-portThe port to connect to on the server
showShow configuration data for 'port-forwarding'

configure authority router node port-forwarding local-address

The local address to forward from


configure authority router node port-forwarding local-address [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node port-forwarding local-interface

The local interface to forward from


configure authority router node port-forwarding local-interface [<device-name>]
Positional Arguments
device-nameThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node port-forwarding local-port

The local port to forward from


configure authority router node port-forwarding local-port [<l4-port>]
Positional Arguments
l4-portThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node port-forwarding remote-host

The remote host to connect to from server


configure authority router node port-forwarding remote-host [<host>]
Positional Arguments
hostThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node port-forwarding remote-interface

The remote interface to connect via on server


configure authority router node port-forwarding remote-interface [<device-name>]
Positional Arguments
device-nameThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node port-forwarding remote-port

The remote port to connect to from server


configure authority router node port-forwarding remote-port [<l4-port>]
Positional Arguments
l4-portThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node port-forwarding server-address

The server at the host address


configure authority router node port-forwarding server-address [<host>]
Positional Arguments
hostThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node port-forwarding server-destination

The server at known destination


configure authority router node port-forwarding server-destination [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node port-forwarding server-port

The port to connect to on the server


configure authority router node port-forwarding server-port [<l4-port>]
Positional Arguments
l4-portThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node power-saver

Allow the traffic forwarding cores to sleep when there is no traffic to process


configure authority router node power-saver [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field


Warning: a restart is required if power-saver is created, modified, or deleted

configure authority router node radius

Radius authentication parameters for this node.

deleteDelete configuration data
nas-identifierThe NAS Identifier to be used in outgoing Radius authentication requests.
nas-ip-addressThe NAS IP Address to be used in outgoing Radius authentication requests.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'radius'

configure authority router node radius nas-identifier

The NAS Identifier to be used in outgoing Radius authentication requests.


configure authority router node radius nas-identifier [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node radius nas-ip-address

The NAS IP Address to be used in outgoing Radius authentication requests.


configure authority router node radius nas-ip-address [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node reachability-detection

Layer 2 reachability detection

arp-cache-timeoutDuration that an arp entry will be preserved in the system after it is no longer in use.
arp-refresh-intervalRepresents the frequency in seconds that an arp entry is refreshed.
deleteDelete configuration data
expired-refresh-countRepresents the number of attempts to resolve an arp before declaring expired.
expired-refresh-intervalRepresents the retry frequency in milliseconds of arp in expired state.
gateway-refresh-intervalRepresents the frequency in seconds that a gateway arp entry is refreshed.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'reachability-detection'

configure authority router node reachability-detection arp-cache-timeout

Duration that an arp entry will be preserved in the system after it is no longer in use.


configure authority router node reachability-detection arp-cache-timeout [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router node reachability-detection arp-refresh-interval

Represents the frequency in seconds that an arp entry is refreshed.


configure authority router node reachability-detection arp-refresh-interval [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router node reachability-detection expired-refresh-count

Represents the number of attempts to resolve an arp before declaring expired.


configure authority router node reachability-detection expired-refresh-count [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field


Units: packets

configure authority router node reachability-detection expired-refresh-interval

Represents the retry frequency in milliseconds of arp in expired state.


configure authority router node reachability-detection expired-refresh-interval [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: milliseconds

configure authority router node reachability-detection gateway-refresh-interval

Represents the frequency in seconds that a gateway arp entry is refreshed.


configure authority router node reachability-detection gateway-refresh-interval [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router node role

The node's role in the SSR system.


configure authority router node role [<node-role>]
Positional Arguments
node-roleThe value to set for this field


Warning: a restart is required if role is created, modified, or deleted

configure authority router node session-processor-count

The number of threads to use for session processing when using 'manual' session-processor mode.


configure authority router node session-processor-count [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field


Warning: a restart is required if session-processor-count is created, modified, or deleted

configure authority router node session-processor-mode

The method by which the number of threads used for session processing should be determined.


configure authority router node session-processor-mode [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field


Warning: a restart is required if session-processor-mode is created, modified, or deleted

configure authority router node session-setup-scaling

Whether or not to enable session setup scaling.


configure authority router node session-setup-scaling [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field


Warning: a restart is required if session-setup-scaling is created, modified, or deleted

configure authority router node ssh-keepalive

Configure Ssh Keepalive

asset-inter-conductor-router-serverConfigure Asset Inter Conductor Router Server
deleteDelete configuration data
inter-conductor-router-serverConfigure Inter Conductor Router Server
inter-nodeConfigure Inter Node
inter-node-serverConfigure Inter Node Server
inter-routerConfigure Inter Router
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'ssh-keepalive'

configure authority router node ssh-keepalive asset-inter-conductor-router-server

Configure Asset Inter Conductor Router Server

deleteDelete configuration data
intervalTimeout interval in seconds to send keepalive from SSHD server when an SSH connection is idle between the conductor and a managed router's asset connections.
max-attemptsNumber of keepalive messages sent from SSHD server before disconnecting an SSH connection between the conductor and a managed router's asset connections.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'asset-inter-conductor-router-server'

configure authority router node ssh-keepalive asset-inter-conductor-router-server interval

Timeout interval in seconds to send keepalive from SSHD server when an SSH connection is idle between the conductor and a managed router's asset connections.


configure authority router node ssh-keepalive asset-inter-conductor-router-server interval [<ssh-keepalive-interval>]
Positional Arguments
ssh-keepalive-intervalThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node ssh-keepalive asset-inter-conductor-router-server max-attempts

Number of keepalive messages sent from SSHD server before disconnecting an SSH connection between the conductor and a managed router's asset connections.


configure authority router node ssh-keepalive asset-inter-conductor-router-server max-attempts [<ssh-keepalive-max-attempts>]
Positional Arguments
ssh-keepalive-max-attemptsThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node ssh-keepalive inter-conductor-router-server

Configure Inter Conductor Router Server

deleteDelete configuration data
intervalTimeout interval in seconds to send keepalive from SSHD server when an SSH connection is idle between the conductor and a managed router.
max-attemptsNumber of keepalive messages sent from SSHD server before disconnecting an SSH connection between the conductor and a managed router.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'inter-conductor-router-server'

configure authority router node ssh-keepalive inter-conductor-router-server interval

Timeout interval in seconds to send keepalive from SSHD server when an SSH connection is idle between the conductor and a managed router.


configure authority router node ssh-keepalive inter-conductor-router-server interval [<ssh-keepalive-interval>]
Positional Arguments
ssh-keepalive-intervalThe value to set for this field


Warning: a restart is required if interval is created, modified, or deleted

configure authority router node ssh-keepalive inter-conductor-router-server max-attempts

Number of keepalive messages sent from SSHD server before disconnecting an SSH connection between the conductor and a managed router.


configure authority router node ssh-keepalive inter-conductor-router-server max-attempts [<ssh-keepalive-max-attempts>]
Positional Arguments
ssh-keepalive-max-attemptsThe value to set for this field


Warning: a restart is required if max-attempts is created, modified, or deleted

configure authority router node ssh-keepalive inter-node

Configure Inter Node

deleteDelete configuration data
intervalTimeout interval in seconds to send keepalive from SSH client when an SSH connection is idle between nodes within a router.
max-attemptsNumber of keepalive messages sent from SSH client before disconnecting an SSH onnection between nodes within a router.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'inter-node'

configure authority router node ssh-keepalive inter-node interval

Timeout interval in seconds to send keepalive from SSH client when an SSH connection is idle between nodes within a router.


configure authority router node ssh-keepalive inter-node interval [<ssh-keepalive-interval>]
Positional Arguments
ssh-keepalive-intervalThe value to set for this field


Warning: a restart is required if interval is created, modified, or deleted

configure authority router node ssh-keepalive inter-node max-attempts

Number of keepalive messages sent from SSH client before disconnecting an SSH onnection between nodes within a router.


configure authority router node ssh-keepalive inter-node max-attempts [<ssh-keepalive-max-attempts>]
Positional Arguments
ssh-keepalive-max-attemptsThe value to set for this field


Warning: a restart is required if max-attempts is created, modified, or deleted

configure authority router node ssh-keepalive inter-node-server

Configure Inter Node Server

deleteDelete configuration data
intervalTimeout interval in seconds to send keepalive from SSHD server when an SSH connection is idle between nodes within a router.
max-attemptsNumber of keepalive messages sent from SSHD server before disconnecting an SSH connection between nodes within a router.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'inter-node-server'

configure authority router node ssh-keepalive inter-node-server interval

Timeout interval in seconds to send keepalive from SSHD server when an SSH connection is idle between nodes within a router.


configure authority router node ssh-keepalive inter-node-server interval [<ssh-keepalive-interval>]
Positional Arguments
ssh-keepalive-intervalThe value to set for this field


Warning: a restart is required if interval is created, modified, or deleted

configure authority router node ssh-keepalive inter-node-server max-attempts

Number of keepalive messages sent from SSHD server before disconnecting an SSH connection between nodes within a router.


configure authority router node ssh-keepalive inter-node-server max-attempts [<ssh-keepalive-max-attempts>]
Positional Arguments
ssh-keepalive-max-attemptsThe value to set for this field


Warning: a restart is required if max-attempts is created, modified, or deleted

configure authority router node ssh-keepalive inter-router

Configure Inter Router

deleteDelete configuration data
intervalTimeout interval in seconds to send keepalive from SSH client when an SSH connection is idle between the conductor and a managed router.
max-attemptsNumber of keepalive messages sent from SSH client before disconnecting an SSH connection between the conductor and a managed router.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'inter-router'

configure authority router node ssh-keepalive inter-router interval

Timeout interval in seconds to send keepalive from SSH client when an SSH connection is idle between the conductor and a managed router.


configure authority router node ssh-keepalive inter-router interval [<ssh-keepalive-interval>]
Positional Arguments
ssh-keepalive-intervalThe value to set for this field


Warning: a restart is required if interval is created, modified, or deleted

configure authority router node ssh-keepalive inter-router max-attempts

Number of keepalive messages sent from SSH client before disconnecting an SSH connection between the conductor and a managed router.


configure authority router node ssh-keepalive inter-router max-attempts [<ssh-keepalive-max-attempts>]
Positional Arguments
ssh-keepalive-max-attemptsThe value to set for this field


Warning: a restart is required if max-attempts is created, modified, or deleted

configure authority router node top-sessions

Views of top sessions by an ordering criteria.

bandwidthTop sessions by bandwidth usage.
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'top-sessions'

configure authority router node top-sessions bandwidth

Top sessions by bandwidth usage.

cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
sessionConfigure Session
showShow configuration data for 'bandwidth'
tstampConfigure Tstamp

configure authority router node top-sessions bandwidth session

Configure Session


configure authority router node top-sessions bandwidth session <session-id>
Positional Arguments
session-idThe globally-unique session identification number
deleteDelete configuration data
destination-ipThe destination IP of the session
destination-portThe destination port of the session
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
protocolThe transport protocol
service-nameThe name of the service that created session
session-idThe globally-unique session identification number
showShow configuration data for 'session'
source-ipThe source IP of the session
source-portThe source port of the session
tenantThe tenant in which the session originated
valueSession's value

configure authority router node top-sessions bandwidth session destination-ip

The destination IP of the session


configure authority router node top-sessions bandwidth session destination-ip [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node top-sessions bandwidth session destination-port

The destination port of the session


configure authority router node top-sessions bandwidth session destination-port [<port-number>]
Positional Arguments
port-numberThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node top-sessions bandwidth session protocol

The transport protocol


configure authority router node top-sessions bandwidth session protocol [<protocol>]
Positional Arguments
protocolThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node top-sessions bandwidth session service-name

The name of the service that created session


configure authority router node top-sessions bandwidth session service-name [<name-id>]
Positional Arguments
name-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node top-sessions bandwidth session session-id

The globally-unique session identification number


configure authority router node top-sessions bandwidth session session-id [<session-id>]
Positional Arguments
session-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node top-sessions bandwidth session source-ip

The source IP of the session


configure authority router node top-sessions bandwidth session source-ip [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node top-sessions bandwidth session source-port

The source port of the session


configure authority router node top-sessions bandwidth session source-port [<port-number>]
Positional Arguments
port-numberThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node top-sessions bandwidth session tenant

The tenant in which the session originated


configure authority router node top-sessions bandwidth session tenant [<name-id>]
Positional Arguments
name-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority router node top-sessions bandwidth session value

Session's value


configure authority router node top-sessions bandwidth session value [<decimal64>]
Positional Arguments
decimal64The value to set for this field

configure authority router node top-sessions bandwidth tstamp

Configure Tstamp


configure authority router node top-sessions bandwidth tstamp [<timestamp>]
Positional Arguments
timestampThe value to set for this field

configure authority router path-mtu-discovery

Automatic path MTU discovery between nodes within the router.

deleteDelete configuration data
enabledControls whether or not peer-path MTU discovery is performed
intervalRepresents the frequency with which the peer-path MTU discovery is performed.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'path-mtu-discovery'

configure authority router path-mtu-discovery enabled

Controls whether or not peer-path MTU discovery is performed


configure authority router path-mtu-discovery enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router path-mtu-discovery interval

Represents the frequency with which the peer-path MTU discovery is performed.


configure authority router path-mtu-discovery interval [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router peer

Defines the properties associated with peer SSRs. The peer may be another router in the same authority or a router in a different authority


configure authority router peer <name>
Positional Arguments
nameAn arbitrary name that represents the properties associated with the peer router. Typically this will be the name of the authority or the value of the name field in the peer's router configuration.
authority-nameName of the authority of the peer router.
bfdBFD parameters for the peer router (deprecated). This is being replaced by BFD parameters in the neighborhood and adjacency in network-interfaces.
deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionA description of the peer router.
generatedIndicates whether or not the Peer was automatically generated as a result of routers existing in the same neighborhood.
nameAn arbitrary name that represents the properties associated with the peer router. Typically this will be the name of the authority or the value of the name field in the peer's router configuration.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
router-nameName of the peer router.
showShow configuration data for 'peer'

configure authority router peer authority-name

Name of the authority of the peer router.


configure authority router peer authority-name [<authority-name>]
Positional Arguments
authority-nameThe value to set for this field

configure authority router peer bfd

BFD parameters for the peer router (deprecated). This is being replaced by BFD parameters in the neighborhood and adjacency in network-interfaces.

authentication-typeDescribes the authentication type used in BFD packets
deleteDelete configuration data
desired-tx-intervalRepresents the frequency with which BFD asynchronous control packets are sent to peer nodes/routers.
dscpThe DSCP value to use with BFD packets.
dynamic-dampingWhen enabled, extend the hold-down time if additional link flaps occur during the hold-down period.
hold-down-timeRepresents the hold-down time. If dynamic-damping is enabled, this is the initial hold-down time.
link-test-intervalThis represents the interval between BFD echo tests sent to the peer node/router.
link-test-lengthThis is the number of packets sent during one test cycle. A value of 0 disables BFD echo tests.
maximum-hold-down-timeRepresents the maximum hold-down time of dynamic-damping exponential backoff. If the hold-down-time hits the maximum three times in a row, it will reset back to the original value.
multiplierNumber of consecutive missed messages from a peer before deciding that the link between them is unusable. Valid range is (3,20).
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
required-min-rx-intervalRepresents the minimum interval between BFD asynchronous control packets that this router is capable of supporting.
showShow configuration data for 'bfd'
stateWhen enabled, run BFD between all nodes within the router.


Warning: 'bfd' is deprecated and will be removed in a future software version

configure authority router peer bfd authentication-type

Describes the authentication type used in BFD packets


configure authority router peer bfd authentication-type [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field


Warning: 'authentication-type' is deprecated and will be removed in a future software version

configure authority router peer bfd desired-tx-interval

Represents the frequency with which BFD asynchronous control packets are sent to peer nodes/routers.


configure authority router peer bfd desired-tx-interval [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: milliseconds Warning: 'desired-tx-interval' is deprecated and will be removed in a future software version

configure authority router peer bfd dscp

The DSCP value to use with BFD packets.


configure authority router peer bfd dscp [<dscp>]
Positional Arguments
dscpThe value to set for this field


Warning: 'dscp' is deprecated and will be removed in a future software version

configure authority router peer bfd dynamic-damping

When enabled, extend the hold-down time if additional link flaps occur during the hold-down period.


configure authority router peer bfd dynamic-damping [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field


Warning: 'dynamic-damping' is deprecated and will be removed in a future software version

configure authority router peer bfd hold-down-time

Represents the hold-down time. If dynamic-damping is enabled, this is the initial hold-down time.


configure authority router peer bfd hold-down-time [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds Warning: 'hold-down-time' is deprecated and will be removed in a future software version

This represents the interval between BFD echo tests sent to the peer node/router.


configure authority router peer bfd link-test-interval [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds Warning: 'link-test-interval' is deprecated and will be removed in a future software version

This is the number of packets sent during one test cycle. A value of 0 disables BFD echo tests.


configure authority router peer bfd link-test-length [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field


Units: packets Warning: 'link-test-length' is deprecated and will be removed in a future software version

configure authority router peer bfd maximum-hold-down-time

Represents the maximum hold-down time of dynamic-damping exponential backoff. If the hold-down-time hits the maximum three times in a row, it will reset back to the original value.


configure authority router peer bfd maximum-hold-down-time [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds Warning: 'maximum-hold-down-time' is deprecated and will be removed in a future software version

configure authority router peer bfd multiplier

Number of consecutive missed messages from a peer before deciding that the link between them is unusable. Valid range is (3,20).


configure authority router peer bfd multiplier [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field


Warning: 'multiplier' is deprecated and will be removed in a future software version

configure authority router peer bfd required-min-rx-interval

Represents the minimum interval between BFD asynchronous control packets that this router is capable of supporting.


configure authority router peer bfd required-min-rx-interval [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: milliseconds Warning: 'required-min-rx-interval' is deprecated and will be removed in a future software version

configure authority router peer bfd state

When enabled, run BFD between all nodes within the router.


configure authority router peer bfd state [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field


Warning: 'state' is deprecated and will be removed in a future software version

configure authority router peer description

A description of the peer router.


configure authority router peer description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router peer generated

Indicates whether or not the Peer was automatically generated as a result of routers existing in the same neighborhood.


configure authority router peer generated [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router peer name

An arbitrary name that represents the properties associated with the peer router. Typically this will be the name of the authority or the value of the name field in the peer's router configuration.


configure authority router peer name [<peer-name>]
Positional Arguments
peer-nameThe value to set for this field

configure authority router peer router-name

Name of the peer router.


configure authority router peer router-name [<router-name>]
Positional Arguments
router-nameThe value to set for this field

configure authority router rate-limit-policy

Configuration for rate limiting policy for all associated service traffic across all interfaces on a given node, when configured within a service-class.


configure authority router rate-limit-policy <name>
Positional Arguments
nameThe name for the rate limit policy.
deleteDelete configuration data
download-settingsmax rate and burst values for rate-limiting applied for download of traffic.
modeConfigure Mode
nameThe name for the rate limit policy.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'rate-limit-policy'
upload-settingsmax rate and burst values for rate-limiting applied for upload of traffic.

configure authority router rate-limit-policy download-settings

max rate and burst values for rate-limiting applied for download of traffic.

deleteDelete configuration data
max-burstLimit the maximum burst size to this value.
max-rateLimit the maximum rate to this value.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'download-settings'

configure authority router rate-limit-policy download-settings max-burst

Limit the maximum burst size to this value.


configure authority router rate-limit-policy download-settings max-burst [<uint64>]
Positional Arguments
uint64The value to set for this field


Units: bits

configure authority router rate-limit-policy download-settings max-rate

Limit the maximum rate to this value.


configure authority router rate-limit-policy download-settings max-rate [<uint64>]
Positional Arguments
uint64The value to set for this field


Units: bits/second

configure authority router rate-limit-policy mode

Configure Mode


configure authority router rate-limit-policy mode [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router rate-limit-policy name

The name for the rate limit policy.


configure authority router rate-limit-policy name [<name-id>]
Positional Arguments
name-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority router rate-limit-policy upload-settings

max rate and burst values for rate-limiting applied for upload of traffic.

deleteDelete configuration data
max-burstLimit the maximum burst size to this value.
max-rateLimit the maximum rate to this value.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'upload-settings'

configure authority router rate-limit-policy upload-settings max-burst

Limit the maximum burst size to this value.


configure authority router rate-limit-policy upload-settings max-burst [<uint64>]
Positional Arguments
uint64The value to set for this field


Units: bits

configure authority router rate-limit-policy upload-settings max-rate

Limit the maximum rate to this value.


configure authority router rate-limit-policy upload-settings max-rate [<uint64>]
Positional Arguments
uint64The value to set for this field


Units: bits/second

configure authority router reachability-profile

Defines a traffic profile for reachability-detection enforcement


configure authority router reachability-profile <name>
Positional Arguments
nameName of the reachability-profile
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
nameName of the reachability-profile
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
protocolReachability-detection enforcement for a protocol
showShow configuration data for 'reachability-profile'

configure authority router reachability-profile name

Name of the reachability-profile


configure authority router reachability-profile name [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router reachability-profile protocol

Reachability-detection enforcement for a protocol


configure authority router reachability-profile protocol <protocol-type>
Positional Arguments
protocol-typeThe protocol to enforce reachability for
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
protocol-typeThe protocol to enforce reachability for
showShow configuration data for 'protocol'
traffic-classReachability-detection enforcement for a traffic-class

configure authority router reachability-profile protocol protocol-type

The protocol to enforce reachability for


configure authority router reachability-profile protocol protocol-type [<reachability-profile-protocol>]
Positional Arguments
reachability-profile-protocolThe value to set for this field

configure authority router reachability-profile protocol traffic-class

Reachability-detection enforcement for a traffic-class


configure authority router reachability-profile protocol traffic-class <traffic-class-id>
Positional Arguments
traffic-class-idType of traffic-class to enforce
acceptable-error-thresholdPercentage of errors acceptable on the path before taking it offline. For TCP, this will include session closed before establishment, and any ICMP error that constitutes and session timeout before establishment. For UDP, this will include the destination unreachable class of ICMP errors
deleteDelete configuration data
enabledEnable reachability-detection enforcment for this protocol and traffic class
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'traffic-class'
time-to-establishmentReachability-detection time-to-establishment metrics
traffic-class-idType of traffic-class to enforce

configure authority router reachability-profile protocol traffic-class acceptable-error-threshold

Percentage of errors acceptable on the path before taking it offline. For TCP, this will include session closed before establishment, and any ICMP error that constitutes and session timeout before establishment. For UDP, this will include the destination unreachable class of ICMP errors


configure authority router reachability-profile protocol traffic-class acceptable-error-threshold [<percentage>]
Positional Arguments
percentageThe value to set for this field


Units: percent

configure authority router reachability-profile protocol traffic-class enabled

Enable reachability-detection enforcment for this protocol and traffic class


configure authority router reachability-profile protocol traffic-class enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router reachability-profile protocol traffic-class time-to-establishment

Reachability-detection time-to-establishment metrics

deleteDelete configuration data
enabledInclude time-to-establishment metrics in reachability-detection
maxMaximum acceptable session time-to-establishment in the detection window
meanMaximum mean session time-to-establishment over the detection window
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'time-to-establishment'

configure authority router reachability-profile protocol traffic-class time-to-establishment enabled

Include time-to-establishment metrics in reachability-detection


configure authority router reachability-profile protocol traffic-class time-to-establishment enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router reachability-profile protocol traffic-class time-to-establishment max

Maximum acceptable session time-to-establishment in the detection window


configure authority router reachability-profile protocol traffic-class time-to-establishment max [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: milliseconds

configure authority router reachability-profile protocol traffic-class time-to-establishment mean

Maximum mean session time-to-establishment over the detection window


configure authority router reachability-profile protocol traffic-class time-to-establishment mean [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: milliseconds

configure authority router reachability-profile protocol traffic-class traffic-class-id

Type of traffic-class to enforce


configure authority router reachability-profile protocol traffic-class traffic-class-id [<net-traffic-class>]
Positional Arguments
net-traffic-classThe value to set for this field

configure authority router redundancy-group

A group of redundant interfaces which will fail over together if one goes down for any reason.


configure authority router redundancy-group <name>
Positional Arguments
nameAn arbitrary, unique name for this group.
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionA description of the redundancy-group.
memberConfigure Member
nameAn arbitrary, unique name for this group.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
priorityPriority of member interfaces relative to their redundant interfaces. Higher priority interfaces take precedence.
showShow configuration data for 'redundancy-group'

configure authority router redundancy-group description

A description of the redundancy-group.


configure authority router redundancy-group description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router redundancy-group member

Configure Member


configure authority router redundancy-group member <node> <device-id>
Positional Arguments
nodeName of the node the interface is on.
device-idDevice interface name.
device-idDevice interface name.
nodeName of the node the interface is on.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'member'

configure authority router redundancy-group member device-id

Device interface name.


configure authority router redundancy-group member device-id [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router redundancy-group member node

Name of the node the interface is on.


configure authority router redundancy-group member node [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router redundancy-group name

An arbitrary, unique name for this group.


configure authority router redundancy-group name [<name-id>]
Positional Arguments
name-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority router redundancy-group priority

Priority of member interfaces relative to their redundant interfaces. Higher priority interfaces take precedence.


configure authority router redundancy-group priority [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router resource-group

Associate this router with a top-level resource-group.


configure authority router resource-group [<resource-group-ref>]
Positional Arguments
resource-group-refValue to add to this list

configure authority router reverse-flow-enforcement

When to enforce biflow reverse fib entry check


configure authority router reverse-flow-enforcement [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router reverse-packet-session-resiliency

Parameters for setting session failover behavior without presence of forward traffic.

deleteDelete configuration data
detection-intervalFrequency at which each session will be checked for failover trigger in the absence of forward traffic.
enabledWhether reverse packet triggered failover is enabled on this router when session resiliency is set.
minimum-packet-countMinimum number of packets received on the flow to activate the feature
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'reverse-packet-session-resiliency'

configure authority router reverse-packet-session-resiliency detection-interval

Frequency at which each session will be checked for failover trigger in the absence of forward traffic.


configure authority router reverse-packet-session-resiliency detection-interval [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router reverse-packet-session-resiliency enabled

Whether reverse packet triggered failover is enabled on this router when session resiliency is set.


configure authority router reverse-packet-session-resiliency enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router reverse-packet-session-resiliency minimum-packet-count

Minimum number of packets received on the flow to activate the feature


configure authority router reverse-packet-session-resiliency minimum-packet-count [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: packets

configure authority router router-group

Logical group of routers for filtering services.


configure authority router router-group [<name-id>]
Positional Arguments
name-idValue to add to this list

configure authority router routing

A router-level container for all of the routing policies associated with a given SSR deployment. Each routing element may have one and only one routing-instance.


configure authority router routing <type>
Positional Arguments
typeThe type of the routing instance.
cloneClone a list item
debugRouting engine debug commands.
deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionTextual description of the routing instance.
igmpIGMP configuration
interfaceInternal loopback interface used for routing protocols
mist-eventsMIST Event Configuration.
msdpMSDP configuration
ospfOSPF instance configuration
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
pimPIM configuration
routing-protocolEach entry contains configuration of a routing protocol instance.
service-admin-distanceAdministrative distance for routes generated from services.
showShow configuration data for 'routing'
static-routeA list of static routes. The sub-element that allows administrators to configure static routes, that will be entered into the SSR's Routing Information Base (RIB).
typeThe type of the routing instance.
vrfA list of virtual router and forward instances (VRF's).

configure authority router routing debug

Routing engine debug commands.

bfdDebug BFD commands.
bgpDebug BGP commands.
deleteDelete configuration data
ospfDebug OSPF commands.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
ribDebug RIB Manager commands.
showShow configuration data for 'debug'
static-routeDebug static route commands.

configure authority router routing debug bfd

Debug BFD commands.

deleteDelete configuration data
networkDebug BFD network layer.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
peerDebug BFD peer events.
ribDebug BFD RIB.
showShow configuration data for 'bfd'

configure authority router routing debug bfd network

Debug BFD network layer.

override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'network'

configure authority router routing debug bfd peer

Debug BFD peer events.

override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'peer'

configure authority router routing debug bfd rib

Debug BFD RIB.

override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'rib'

configure authority router routing debug bgp

Debug BGP commands.

bestpathDebug BGP bestpath.
bfdDebug BGP BFD.
deleteDelete configuration data
graceful-restartDebug BGP graceful restart.
keepalivesDebug BGP keepalives.
neighbor-eventsDebug BGP neighbor events.
nhtDebug BGP next hop tracker (NHT).
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
ribDebug BGP RIB.
showShow configuration data for 'bgp'
update-groupsDebug BGP update groups.
updatesDebug BGP update.

configure authority router routing debug bgp bestpath

Debug BGP bestpath.

deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
prefixDebug BGP bestpath prefix.
showShow configuration data for 'bestpath'

configure authority router routing debug bgp bestpath prefix

Debug BGP bestpath prefix.


configure authority router routing debug bgp bestpath prefix [<ip-prefix>]
Positional Arguments
ip-prefixValue to add to this list

configure authority router routing debug bgp bfd

Debug BGP BFD.

override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'bfd'

configure authority router routing debug bgp graceful-restart

Debug BGP graceful restart.

override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'graceful-restart'

configure authority router routing debug bgp keepalives

Debug BGP keepalives.

override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'keepalives'

configure authority router routing debug bgp neighbor-events

Debug BGP neighbor events.

override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'neighbor-events'

configure authority router routing debug bgp nht

Debug BGP next hop tracker (NHT).

override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'nht'

configure authority router routing debug bgp rib

Debug BGP RIB.

override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'rib'

configure authority router routing debug bgp update-groups

Debug BGP update groups.

override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'update-groups'

configure authority router routing debug bgp updates

Debug BGP update.

deleteDelete configuration data
inDebug BGP updates in.
outDebug BGP updates out.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
prefixDebug BGP update prefix.
showShow configuration data for 'updates'

configure authority router routing debug bgp updates in

Debug BGP updates in.


configure authority router routing debug bgp updates in [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing debug bgp updates out

Debug BGP updates out.


configure authority router routing debug bgp updates out [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing debug bgp updates prefix

Debug BGP update prefix.


configure authority router routing debug bgp updates prefix [<ip-prefix>]
Positional Arguments
ip-prefixValue to add to this list

configure authority router routing debug ospf

Debug OSPF commands.

bfdDebug OSPF BFD.
default-informationDebug OSPF default information.
deleteDelete configuration data
eventsDebug OSPF events.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'ospf'

configure authority router routing debug ospf bfd


override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'bfd'

configure authority router routing debug ospf default-information

Debug OSPF default information.

override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'default-information'

configure authority router routing debug ospf events

Debug OSPF events.

override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'events'

configure authority router routing debug rib

Debug RIB Manager commands.

deleteDelete configuration data
eventsDebug RIB events.
fpmDebug RIB FIB push module (FPM).
kernelDebug RIB kernel.
nexthopDebug RIB next hop.
nhtDebug RIB next hop tracker (NHT).
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
packetDebug RIB packets).
showShow configuration data for 'rib'
tableDebug RIB table.

configure authority router routing debug rib events

Debug RIB events.

override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'events'

configure authority router routing debug rib fpm

Debug RIB FIB push module (FPM).

override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'fpm'

configure authority router routing debug rib kernel

Debug RIB kernel.

override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'kernel'

configure authority router routing debug rib nexthop

Debug RIB next hop.

override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'nexthop'

configure authority router routing debug rib nht

Debug RIB next hop tracker (NHT).

override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'nht'

configure authority router routing debug rib packet

Debug RIB packets).

override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'packet'

configure authority router routing debug rib table

Debug RIB table.

override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'table'

configure authority router routing debug static-route

Debug static route commands.

deleteDelete configuration data
eventsDebug static route events.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
routesDebug static route routes.
showShow configuration data for 'static-route'

configure authority router routing debug static-route events

Debug static route events.

override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'events'

configure authority router routing debug static-route routes

Debug static route routes.

override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'routes'

configure authority router routing description

Textual description of the routing instance.


configure authority router routing description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing igmp

IGMP configuration

cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
interfaceList of IGMP interfaces
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'igmp'

configure authority router routing igmp interface

List of IGMP interfaces


configure authority router routing igmp interface <node> <interface>
Positional Arguments
nodeInterface node name
interfaceNetwork interface name
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
interfaceNetwork interface name
joinList of Groups to join
nodeInterface node name
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'interface'
versionIGMP Version

configure authority router routing igmp interface interface

Network interface name


configure authority router routing igmp interface interface [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing igmp interface join

List of Groups to join


configure authority router routing igmp interface join <group>
Positional Arguments
groupIPv4 address of the Group to Join
deleteDelete configuration data
groupIPv4 address of the Group to Join
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'join'
sourceIPv4 address of the Source to Join

configure authority router routing igmp interface join group

IPv4 address of the Group to Join


configure authority router routing igmp interface join group [<multicast-ipv4-address>]
Positional Arguments
multicast-ipv4-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing igmp interface join source

IPv4 address of the Source to Join


configure authority router routing igmp interface join source [<unicast-ipv4-address>]
Positional Arguments
unicast-ipv4-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing igmp interface node

Interface node name


configure authority router routing igmp interface node [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing igmp interface version

IGMP Version


configure authority router routing igmp interface version [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing interface

Internal loopback interface used for routing protocols


configure authority router routing interface <name>
Positional Arguments
nameAn arbitrary, unique name for the routing interface, used to reference it in other routing configuration sections.
deleteDelete configuration data
enabledAdministratively enable/disable the interface.
ip-addressThe IP address of the interface.
nameAn arbitrary, unique name for the routing interface, used to reference it in other routing configuration sections.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'interface'

configure authority router routing interface enabled

Administratively enable/disable the interface.


configure authority router routing interface enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing interface ip-address

The IP address of the interface.


configure authority router routing interface ip-address [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing interface name

An arbitrary, unique name for the routing interface, used to reference it in other routing configuration sections.


configure authority router routing interface name [<bridge-name>]
Positional Arguments
bridge-nameThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing mist-events

MIST Event Configuration.

bgpMIST BGP Event Configuration.
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'mist-events'

configure authority router routing mist-events bgp

MIST BGP Event Configuration.

deleteDelete configuration data
enableEnable/Disable MIST BGP Event Generation.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'bgp'

configure authority router routing mist-events bgp enable

Enable/Disable MIST BGP Event Generation.


configure authority router routing mist-events bgp enable [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing msdp

MSDP configuration

cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
mesh-groupMSDP Mesh-Group Configuration
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
peerMSDP Peer Configuration
showShow configuration data for 'msdp'

configure authority router routing msdp mesh-group

MSDP Mesh-Group Configuration


configure authority router routing msdp mesh-group <name>
Positional Arguments
nameName of the Mesh-Group
auth-passwordConfigures an MD5 authentication password for use with MSDP peers and Mesh-Groups.
deleteDelete configuration data
memberIPv4 address of the Mesh-group member
nameName of the Mesh-Group
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'mesh-group'
sourceSource Address for the mesh-group

configure authority router routing msdp mesh-group auth-password

Configures an MD5 authentication password for use with MSDP peers and Mesh-Groups.


configure authority router routing msdp mesh-group auth-password [<password>]
Positional Arguments
passwordThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing msdp mesh-group member

IPv4 address of the Mesh-group member


configure authority router routing msdp mesh-group member [<unicast-ipv4-address>]
Positional Arguments
unicast-ipv4-addressValue to add to this list

configure authority router routing msdp mesh-group name

Name of the Mesh-Group


configure authority router routing msdp mesh-group name [<name-id>]
Positional Arguments
name-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing msdp mesh-group source

Source Address for the mesh-group


configure authority router routing msdp mesh-group source [<unicast-ipv4-address>]
Positional Arguments
unicast-ipv4-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing msdp peer

MSDP Peer Configuration


configure authority router routing msdp peer <address>
Positional Arguments
addressIPv4 address of the Peer
addressIPv4 address of the Peer
auth-passwordConfigures an MD5 authentication password for use with MSDP peers and Mesh-Groups.
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'peer'
sourceSource Address for the peer adjacency

configure authority router routing msdp peer address

IPv4 address of the Peer


configure authority router routing msdp peer address [<unicast-ipv4-address>]
Positional Arguments
unicast-ipv4-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing msdp peer auth-password

Configures an MD5 authentication password for use with MSDP peers and Mesh-Groups.


configure authority router routing msdp peer auth-password [<password>]
Positional Arguments
passwordThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing msdp peer source

Source Address for the peer adjacency


configure authority router routing msdp peer source [<unicast-ipv4-address>]
Positional Arguments
unicast-ipv4-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing ospf

OSPF instance configuration


configure authority router routing ospf <instance>
Positional Arguments
instanceNumber of OSPF instance
advertise-defaultAdvertise default route into OSPF
areaList of OSPF areas
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
distanceOSPF route administrative distance
instanceNumber of OSPF instance
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
redistributeList of routing protocols to redistribute into OSPF
router-idDefined in RFC 2328. A 32-bit number that uniquely identifies the router
showShow configuration data for 'ospf'
timersOSPF Timers
versionOSPF version

configure authority router routing ospf advertise-default

Advertise default route into OSPF

alwaysAdvertise default route into OSPF even when there is no default route in the routing table
deleteDelete configuration data
metricAdvertised metric of the default route
metric-typeAdvertised metric type of default route
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
policyA policy to apply to the default route
showShow configuration data for 'advertise-default'

configure authority router routing ospf advertise-default always

Advertise default route into OSPF even when there is no default route in the routing table


configure authority router routing ospf advertise-default always [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing ospf advertise-default metric

Advertised metric of the default route


configure authority router routing ospf advertise-default metric [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing ospf advertise-default metric-type

Advertised metric type of default route


configure authority router routing ospf advertise-default metric-type [<ospf-external-metric-type>]
Positional Arguments
ospf-external-metric-typeThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing ospf advertise-default policy

A policy to apply to the default route


configure authority router routing ospf advertise-default policy [<policy-ref>]
Positional Arguments
policy-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing ospf area

List of OSPF areas


configure authority router routing ospf area <id>
Positional Arguments
idArea ID
authentication-typeArea authentication type
cloneClone a list item
default-costSet the summary default route cost for a stub or NSSA area.
deleteDelete configuration data
idArea ID
interfaceList of interfaces in area
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
routing-interfaceList of routing interfaces in area
showShow configuration data for 'area'
summary-advertisementEnable/Disable summary advertisement into the stub or NSSA area.
summary-rangeSummarize routes matching address/mask - Applicable to Area Border Routers (ABRs) only
typeArea type

configure authority router routing ospf area authentication-type

Area authentication type


configure authority router routing ospf area authentication-type [<area-authentication-type>]
Positional Arguments
area-authentication-typeThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing ospf area default-cost

Set the summary default route cost for a stub or NSSA area.


configure authority router routing ospf area default-cost [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing ospf area id

Area ID


configure authority router routing ospf area id [<area-id-type>]
Positional Arguments
area-id-typeThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing ospf area interface

List of interfaces in area


configure authority router routing ospf area interface <node> <interface>
Positional Arguments
nodeInterface node name
interfaceNetwork interface name
authentication-typeOSPF interface authentication type.
bfdBFD Client Configuration.
cloneClone a list item
costInterface cost
dead-intervalInterval after which a neighbor is declared down (seconds) if hello packets are not received.
deleteDelete configuration data
hello-intervalInterval between hello packets (seconds).
interfaceNetwork interface name
message-digest-keyMD5 HMAC authentication message digest keys
network-typeInterface network type
nodeInterface node name
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
passiveEnable/Disable passive interface - a passive interface's prefix will be advertised but no neighbor adjacencies will be formed on the interface.
passwordOSPF simple authentication password
priorityRouter priority
showShow configuration data for 'interface'

configure authority router routing ospf area interface authentication-type

OSPF interface authentication type.


configure authority router routing ospf area interface authentication-type [<interface-authentication-type>]
Positional Arguments
interface-authentication-typeThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing ospf area interface bfd

BFD Client Configuration.

deleteDelete configuration data
desired-tx-intervalThe minimum transmission interval in milliseconds used to send BFD control packets.
enableEnable/Disable BFD protocol
multiplierThe number of BFD packets that can be lost without the BFD session declared as down.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
required-min-rx-intervalRepresents the minimum interval between BFD asynchronous control packets that this router is capable of supporting.
showShow configuration data for 'bfd'

configure authority router routing ospf area interface bfd desired-tx-interval

The minimum transmission interval in milliseconds used to send BFD control packets.


configure authority router routing ospf area interface bfd desired-tx-interval [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field


Units: milliseconds

configure authority router routing ospf area interface bfd enable

Enable/Disable BFD protocol


configure authority router routing ospf area interface bfd enable [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing ospf area interface bfd multiplier

The number of BFD packets that can be lost without the BFD session declared as down.


configure authority router routing ospf area interface bfd multiplier [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing ospf area interface bfd required-min-rx-interval

Represents the minimum interval between BFD asynchronous control packets that this router is capable of supporting.


configure authority router routing ospf area interface bfd required-min-rx-interval [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field


Units: milliseconds

configure authority router routing ospf area interface cost

Interface cost


configure authority router routing ospf area interface cost [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing ospf area interface dead-interval

Interval after which a neighbor is declared down (seconds) if hello packets are not received.


configure authority router routing ospf area interface dead-interval [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router routing ospf area interface hello-interval

Interval between hello packets (seconds).


configure authority router routing ospf area interface hello-interval [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router routing ospf area interface interface

Network interface name


configure authority router routing ospf area interface interface [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing ospf area interface message-digest-key

MD5 HMAC authentication message digest keys


configure authority router routing ospf area interface message-digest-key <id>
Positional Arguments
idMessage digest key identifier
deleteDelete configuration data
idMessage digest key identifier
keyMessage digest secret key
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'message-digest-key'

configure authority router routing ospf area interface message-digest-key id

Message digest key identifier


configure authority router routing ospf area interface message-digest-key id [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing ospf area interface message-digest-key key

Message digest secret key


configure authority router routing ospf area interface message-digest-key key [<routing-password-type>]
Positional Arguments
routing-password-typeThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing ospf area interface network-type

Interface network type


configure authority router routing ospf area interface network-type [<interface-network-type>]
Positional Arguments
interface-network-typeThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing ospf area interface node

Interface node name


configure authority router routing ospf area interface node [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing ospf area interface passive

Enable/Disable passive interface - a passive interface's prefix will be advertised but no neighbor adjacencies will be formed on the interface.


configure authority router routing ospf area interface passive [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing ospf area interface password

OSPF simple authentication password


configure authority router routing ospf area interface password [<routing-password-type>]
Positional Arguments
routing-password-typeThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing ospf area interface priority

Router priority


configure authority router routing ospf area interface priority [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing ospf area routing-interface

List of routing interfaces in area


configure authority router routing ospf area routing-interface <routing-interface>
Positional Arguments
routing-interfaceRouting interface name
costInterface cost
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
routing-interfaceRouting interface name
showShow configuration data for 'routing-interface'

configure authority router routing ospf area routing-interface cost

Interface cost


configure authority router routing ospf area routing-interface cost [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing ospf area routing-interface routing-interface

Routing interface name


configure authority router routing ospf area routing-interface routing-interface [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing ospf area summary-advertisement

Enable/Disable summary advertisement into the stub or NSSA area.


configure authority router routing ospf area summary-advertisement [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing ospf area summary-range

Summarize routes matching address/mask - Applicable to Area Border Routers (ABRs) only


configure authority router routing ospf area summary-range <prefix>
Positional Arguments
prefixSummarization prefix
advertiseAdvertise or hide
costAdvertised cost of summary route
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
prefixSummarization prefix
showShow configuration data for 'summary-range'

configure authority router routing ospf area summary-range advertise

Advertise or hide


configure authority router routing ospf area summary-range advertise [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing ospf area summary-range cost

Advertised cost of summary route


configure authority router routing ospf area summary-range cost [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing ospf area summary-range prefix

Summarization prefix


configure authority router routing ospf area summary-range prefix [<ip-prefix>]
Positional Arguments
ip-prefixThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing ospf area type

Area type


configure authority router routing ospf area type [<area-type>]
Positional Arguments
area-typeThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing ospf distance

OSPF route administrative distance

deleteDelete configuration data
externalAdministrative distance for external OSPF routes
inter-areaAdministrative distance for inter-area OSPF routes
intra-areaAdministrative distance for intra-area OSPF routes
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'distance'

configure authority router routing ospf distance external

Administrative distance for external OSPF routes


configure authority router routing ospf distance external [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing ospf distance inter-area

Administrative distance for inter-area OSPF routes


configure authority router routing ospf distance inter-area [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing ospf distance intra-area

Administrative distance for intra-area OSPF routes


configure authority router routing ospf distance intra-area [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing ospf instance

Number of OSPF instance


configure authority router routing ospf instance [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing ospf redistribute

List of routing protocols to redistribute into OSPF


configure authority router routing ospf redistribute <protocol>
Positional Arguments
protocolThe routing protocol to redistribute into OSPF
deleteDelete configuration data
metricAdvertised metric of redistributed route
metric-typeAdvertised metric type of redistributed route
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
policyA policy to apply to the redistributed route
protocolThe routing protocol to redistribute into OSPF
showShow configuration data for 'redistribute'

configure authority router routing ospf redistribute metric

Advertised metric of redistributed route


configure authority router routing ospf redistribute metric [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing ospf redistribute metric-type

Advertised metric type of redistributed route


configure authority router routing ospf redistribute metric-type [<ospf-external-metric-type>]
Positional Arguments
ospf-external-metric-typeThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing ospf redistribute policy

A policy to apply to the redistributed route


configure authority router routing ospf redistribute policy [<policy-ref>]
Positional Arguments
policy-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing ospf redistribute protocol

The routing protocol to redistribute into OSPF


configure authority router routing ospf redistribute protocol [<redistribute-into-ospf>]
Positional Arguments
redistribute-into-ospfThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing ospf router-id

Defined in RFC 2328. A 32-bit number that uniquely identifies the router


configure authority router routing ospf router-id [<dotted-quad>]
Positional Arguments
dotted-quadThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing ospf timers

OSPF Timers

deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'timers'
spfOSPF SPF Timers

configure authority router routing ospf timers spf


delayInitial SPF delay.
deleteDelete configuration data
hold-timeAdaptive hold-time.
maximum-hold-timeMaximum hold-time.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'spf'

configure authority router routing ospf timers spf delay

Initial SPF delay.


configure authority router routing ospf timers spf delay [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: milliseconds

configure authority router routing ospf timers spf hold-time

Adaptive hold-time.


configure authority router routing ospf timers spf hold-time [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: milliseconds

configure authority router routing ospf timers spf maximum-hold-time

Maximum hold-time.


configure authority router routing ospf timers spf maximum-hold-time [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: milliseconds

configure authority router routing ospf version

OSPF version


configure authority router routing ospf version [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing pim

PIM configuration

cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
interfaceList of PIM interfaces
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
rpPIM RP Configuration
showShow configuration data for 'pim'

configure authority router routing pim interface

List of PIM interfaces


configure authority router routing pim interface <node> <interface>
Positional Arguments
nodeInterface node name
interfaceNetwork interface name
deleteDelete configuration data
dr-priorityPreference of a particular device in the DR election process. The lowest priority is 1.
hello-intervalConfigure Hello Interval
interfaceNetwork interface name
nodeInterface node name
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'interface'

configure authority router routing pim interface dr-priority

Preference of a particular device in the DR election process. The lowest priority is 1.


configure authority router routing pim interface dr-priority [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing pim interface hello-interval

Configure Hello Interval


configure authority router routing pim interface hello-interval [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router routing pim interface interface

Network interface name


configure authority router routing pim interface interface [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing pim interface node

Interface node name


configure authority router routing pim interface node [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing pim rp

PIM RP Configuration


configure authority router routing pim rp <group-range>
Positional Arguments
group-rangeMulticast Group address range for this RP
addressIPv4 address of the RP
deleteDelete configuration data
group-rangeMulticast Group address range for this RP
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'rp'

configure authority router routing pim rp address

IPv4 address of the RP


configure authority router routing pim rp address [<unicast-ipv4-address>]
Positional Arguments
unicast-ipv4-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing pim rp group-range

Multicast Group address range for this RP


configure authority router routing pim rp group-range [<multicast-ipv4-prefix>]
Positional Arguments
multicast-ipv4-prefixThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol

Each entry contains configuration of a routing protocol instance.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol <type>
Positional Arguments
typeType of the routing protocol - an identity derived from the 'routing-protocol' base identity.
address-familyAddress family configuration
cloneClone a list item
cluster-idRoute reflector cluster id.
conditional-advertisementConfigure Conditional Advertisement
confederationConfiguration options specifying parameters when the local router is within an autonomous system which is part of a BGP confederation.
deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionTextual description of the routing protocol instance.
graceful-restartConfiguration parameters relating to BGP graceful restart.
local-asLocal autonomous system number of the router. Uses the 32-bit as-number type from the model in RFC 6991.
neighborList of BGP neighbors configured on the local system, uniquely identified by neighbor IPv[46] address
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
redistributeList of routing protocols to redistribute into BGP
route-reflector-allow-outbound-policyApply outbound policy on route reflector clients.
route-selection-optionsSet of configuration options that govern best path selection.
router-idRouter id of the router, expressed as an 32-bit value, IPv4 address.
showShow configuration data for 'routing-protocol'
timersConfig parameters related to timers associated with the BGP neighbor
typeType of the routing protocol - an identity derived from the 'routing-protocol' base identity.

configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family

Address family configuration


configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family <afi-safi>
Positional Arguments
afi-safiAddress family type
afi-safiAddress family type
aggregate-addressAddress prefixes to aggregate
cloneClone a list item
default-route-distanceConfiguration options relating to the administrative distance (or preference) assigned to routes received from different sources (external, internal, and local).
deleteDelete configuration data
graceful-restartConfiguration parameters relating to BGP graceful restart.
networkAdvertises a network into BGP
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
redistributeList of routing protocols to redistribute into BGP
showShow configuration data for 'address-family'
use-multiple-pathsParameters related to the use of multiple paths for the same NLRI
vpn-exportConfigure Vpn Export
vpn-importConfigure Vpn Import

configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family afi-safi

Address family type


configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family afi-safi [<identityref>]
Positional Arguments
identityrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family aggregate-address

Address prefixes to aggregate


configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family aggregate-address <prefix>
Positional Arguments
prefixThe prefix to aggregate from
as-setGenerate as-set information for the resultant aggregate
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
prefixThe prefix to aggregate from
showShow configuration data for 'aggregate-address'
summary-onlySpecifies that the prefixes aggregated by this aggregation are not to be advertised: only the aggregate itself will be advertised

configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family aggregate-address as-set

Generate as-set information for the resultant aggregate


configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family aggregate-address as-set [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family aggregate-address prefix

The prefix to aggregate from


configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family aggregate-address prefix [<not-host-ip-prefix>]
Positional Arguments
not-host-ip-prefixThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family aggregate-address summary-only

Specifies that the prefixes aggregated by this aggregation are not to be advertised: only the aggregate itself will be advertised


configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family aggregate-address summary-only [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family default-route-distance

Configuration options relating to the administrative distance (or preference) assigned to routes received from different sources (external, internal, and local).

deleteDelete configuration data
externalAdministrative distance for routes learned from external BGP (eBGP).
internalAdministrative distance for routes learned from internal BGP (iBGP).
localAdministrative distance for local routes
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'default-route-distance'

configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family default-route-distance external

Administrative distance for routes learned from external BGP (eBGP).


configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family default-route-distance external [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family default-route-distance internal

Administrative distance for routes learned from internal BGP (iBGP).


configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family default-route-distance internal [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family default-route-distance local

Administrative distance for local routes


configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family default-route-distance local [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family graceful-restart

Configuration parameters relating to BGP graceful restart.

deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
restart-timeEstimated time for the local BGP speaker to restart a session. This value is advertised in the graceful restart BGP capability. This is a 12-bit value, referred to as Restart Time in RFC4724. Per RFC4724, the suggested default value is less than or equal to the hold-time value.
showShow configuration data for 'graceful-restart'
stale-routes-timeAn upper-bound on the time that the stale routes will be retained by a router after a session is restarted. If an End-of-RIB (EOR) marker is received prior to this timer expiring stale-routes will be flushed upon its receipt - if no EOR is received, then when this timer expires stale paths will be purged. This timer is referred to as the Selection_Deferral_Timer in RFC4724


Warning: 'graceful-restart' is deprecated and will be removed in a future software version

configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family graceful-restart restart-time

Estimated time for the local BGP speaker to restart a session. This value is advertised in the graceful restart BGP capability. This is a 12-bit value, referred to as Restart Time in RFC4724. Per RFC4724, the suggested default value is less than or equal to the hold-time value.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family graceful-restart restart-time [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field


Units: seconds Warning: 'restart-time' is deprecated and will be removed in a future software version

configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family graceful-restart stale-routes-time

An upper-bound on the time that the stale routes will be retained by a router after a session is restarted. If an End-of-RIB (EOR) marker is received prior to this timer expiring stale-routes will be flushed upon its receipt - if no EOR is received, then when this timer expires stale paths will be purged. This timer is referred to as the Selection_Deferral_Timer in RFC4724


configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family graceful-restart stale-routes-time [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field


Units: seconds Warning: 'stale-routes-time' is deprecated and will be removed in a future software version

configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family network

Advertises a network into BGP


configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family network <network-address>
Positional Arguments
network-addressSpecify a network to announce via BGP for this address family
deleteDelete configuration data
network-addressSpecify a network to announce via BGP for this address family
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
policya policy to apply to the imported route
showShow configuration data for 'network'

configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family network network-address

Specify a network to announce via BGP for this address family


configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family network network-address [<ip-prefix>]
Positional Arguments
ip-prefixThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family network policy

a policy to apply to the imported route


configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family network policy [<policy-ref>]
Positional Arguments
policy-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family redistribute

List of routing protocols to redistribute into BGP


configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family redistribute <protocol>
Positional Arguments
protocolThe routing protocol to redistribute into BGP
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
policyA policy to apply to the redistributed route
protocolThe routing protocol to redistribute into BGP
showShow configuration data for 'redistribute'

configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family redistribute policy

A policy to apply to the redistributed route


configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family redistribute policy [<policy-ref>]
Positional Arguments
policy-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family redistribute protocol

The routing protocol to redistribute into BGP


configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family redistribute protocol [<redistribute-into-bgp>]
Positional Arguments
redistribute-into-bgpThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family use-multiple-paths

Parameters related to the use of multiple paths for the same NLRI

deleteDelete configuration data
ebgpMultipath parameters for eBGP
ibgpMultipath parameters for iBGP
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'use-multiple-paths'

configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family use-multiple-paths ebgp

Multipath parameters for eBGP

deleteDelete configuration data
maximum-pathsMaximum number of parallel paths to consider when using eBGP multipath for this address family. The default is to use a single path.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'ebgp'

configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family use-multiple-paths ebgp maximum-paths

Maximum number of parallel paths to consider when using eBGP multipath for this address family. The default is to use a single path.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family use-multiple-paths ebgp maximum-paths [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: paths

configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family use-multiple-paths ibgp

Multipath parameters for iBGP

deleteDelete configuration data
maximum-pathsMaximum number of parallel paths to consider when using iBGP multipath for this address family. The default is to use a single path
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'ibgp'

configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family use-multiple-paths ibgp maximum-paths

Maximum number of parallel paths to consider when using iBGP multipath for this address family. The default is to use a single path


configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family use-multiple-paths ibgp maximum-paths [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: paths

configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family vpn-export

Configure Vpn Export

deleteDelete configuration data
export-policyExport policy for vpn export
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
route-distinguisherRoute Distinguisher for vpn export
showShow configuration data for 'vpn-export'
vpn-export-route-targetRoute Target list for vpn export

configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family vpn-export export-policy

Export policy for vpn export


configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family vpn-export export-policy [<policy-ref>]
Positional Arguments
policy-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family vpn-export route-distinguisher

Route Distinguisher for vpn export


configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family vpn-export route-distinguisher [<set-extended-community>]
Positional Arguments
set-extended-communityThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family vpn-export vpn-export-route-target

Route Target list for vpn export


configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family vpn-export vpn-export-route-target [<set-extended-community>]
Positional Arguments
set-extended-communityValue to add to this list

configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family vpn-import

Configure Vpn Import

deleteDelete configuration data
import-policyExport policy for vpn import
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'vpn-import'
vpn-import-route-targetRoute Target list for vpn import

configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family vpn-import import-policy

Export policy for vpn import


configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family vpn-import import-policy [<policy-ref>]
Positional Arguments
policy-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family vpn-import vpn-import-route-target

Route Target list for vpn import


configure authority router routing routing-protocol address-family vpn-import vpn-import-route-target [<set-extended-community>]
Positional Arguments
set-extended-communityValue to add to this list

configure authority router routing routing-protocol cluster-id

Route reflector cluster id.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol cluster-id [<ipv4-address>]
Positional Arguments
ipv4-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol conditional-advertisement

Configure Conditional Advertisement

deleteDelete configuration data
interval-timeConditional advertisement scanner process interval time.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'conditional-advertisement'

configure authority router routing routing-protocol conditional-advertisement interval-time

Conditional advertisement scanner process interval time.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol conditional-advertisement interval-time [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router routing routing-protocol confederation

Configuration options specifying parameters when the local router is within an autonomous system which is part of a BGP confederation.

deleteDelete configuration data
identifierConfederation identifier for the autonomous system.
member-asRemote autonomous systems that are to be treated as part of the local confederation.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'confederation'

configure authority router routing routing-protocol confederation identifier

Confederation identifier for the autonomous system.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol confederation identifier [<as-number>]
Positional Arguments
as-numberThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol confederation member-as

Remote autonomous systems that are to be treated as part of the local confederation.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol confederation member-as [<as-number>]
Positional Arguments
as-numberValue to add to this list

configure authority router routing routing-protocol description

Textual description of the routing protocol instance.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol graceful-restart

Configuration parameters relating to BGP graceful restart.

deleteDelete configuration data
modeGraceful restart mode.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
restart-timeEstimated time for the local BGP speaker to restart a session. This value is advertised in the graceful restart BGP capability. This is a 12-bit value, referred to as Restart Time in RFC4724. Per RFC4724, the suggested default value is less than or equal to the hold-time value.
showShow configuration data for 'graceful-restart'
stale-routes-timeAn upper-bound on the time that the stale routes will be retained by a router after a session is restarted or 0 to disable. If an End-of-RIB (EOR) marker is received prior to this timer expiring stale-routes will be flushed upon its receipt - if no EOR is received, then when this timer expires stale paths will be purged. This timer is referred to as the Selection_Deferral_Timer in RFC4724

configure authority router routing routing-protocol graceful-restart mode

Graceful restart mode.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol graceful-restart mode [<graceful-restart-mode>]
Positional Arguments
graceful-restart-modeThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol graceful-restart restart-time

Estimated time for the local BGP speaker to restart a session. This value is advertised in the graceful restart BGP capability. This is a 12-bit value, referred to as Restart Time in RFC4724. Per RFC4724, the suggested default value is less than or equal to the hold-time value.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol graceful-restart restart-time [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router routing routing-protocol graceful-restart stale-routes-time

An upper-bound on the time that the stale routes will be retained by a router after a session is restarted or 0 to disable. If an End-of-RIB (EOR) marker is received prior to this timer expiring stale-routes will be flushed upon its receipt - if no EOR is received, then when this timer expires stale paths will be purged. This timer is referred to as the Selection_Deferral_Timer in RFC4724


configure authority router routing routing-protocol graceful-restart stale-routes-time [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router routing routing-protocol local-as

Local autonomous system number of the router. Uses the 32-bit as-number type from the model in RFC 6991.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol local-as [<as-number>]
Positional Arguments
as-numberThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor

List of BGP neighbors configured on the local system, uniquely identified by neighbor IPv[46] address


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor <neighbor-address>
Positional Arguments
neighbor-addressIP address of the BGP neighbor
address-familyAddress family configuration
auth-passwordConfigures an MD5 authentication password for use with neighboring devices.
bfdBFD Client Configuration.
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionAn optional textual description (intended primarily for use with a neighbor or group
graceful-restartConfiguration parameters relating to BGP neighbor graceful restart. If not explicitly configured, neighbor inherits from BGP instance.
local-asThe local autonomous system number that is to be used when establishing sessions with the remote neighbor or neighbor group, if this differs from the global BGP router autonomous system number.
multihopConfiguration parameters specifying the multihop behaviour for BGP sessions to the neighbor
negotiate-capabilitiesIf set to false, suppress sending the Capabilities Optional Parameter in the BGP OPEN message.
neighbor-addressIP address of the BGP neighbor
neighbor-asAS number of the neighbor.
neighbor-policyConfigure Neighbor Policy
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'neighbor'
shutdownIf set to true, the neighbors connection will not come up.
timersConfig parameters related to timers associated with the BGP neighbor
transportConfiguration parameters relating to the transport protocol used by the BGP session to the neighbor

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor address-family

Address family configuration


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor address-family <afi-safi>
Positional Arguments
afi-safiAddress family type
activateActivate address family for neighbor
afi-safiAddress family type
as-path-optionsConfiguration parameters allowing manipulation of the AS_PATH attribute for this address family
conditional-advertisementConfigure Conditional Advertisement
deleteDelete configuration data
neighbor-policyConfigure Neighbor Policy
next-hop-selfSets the router as the next hop for this neighbor and this address family
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
prefix-limitConfigure the maximum number of prefixes that will be accepted from a neighbor for this address family
remove-private-asModify private AS numbers in updates sent to neighbors for this address family.
route-reflectorRoute reflector client configuration
send-default-routeIf set to true, generate and send the default-route for this address-family to the neighbor
showShow configuration data for 'address-family'

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor address-family activate

Activate address family for neighbor


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor address-family activate [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor address-family afi-safi

Address family type


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor address-family afi-safi [<identityref>]
Positional Arguments
identityrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor address-family as-path-options

Configuration parameters allowing manipulation of the AS_PATH attribute for this address family

allow-own-asSpecify the number of occurrences of the local BGP speaker's AS that can occur within the AS_PATH before it is rejected for this address family.
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'as-path-options'

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor address-family as-path-options allow-own-as

Specify the number of occurrences of the local BGP speaker's AS that can occur within the AS_PATH before it is rejected for this address family.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor address-family as-path-options allow-own-as [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor address-family conditional-advertisement

Configure Conditional Advertisement

advertisement-policyA policy selecting routes to conditionally advertise.
deleteDelete configuration data
exist-policyIf this policy matches any BGP route, advertise the routes matched by advertisement-policy, otherwise do not advertise the routes matched by advertisement-policy.
non-exist-policyIf this policy does not match any BGP route, advertise the routes matched by advertisement-policy, otherwise do not advertise the routes matched by advertisement-policy.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'conditional-advertisement'

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor address-family conditional-advertisement advertisement-policy

A policy selecting routes to conditionally advertise.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor address-family conditional-advertisement advertisement-policy [<policy-ref>]
Positional Arguments
policy-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor address-family conditional-advertisement exist-policy

If this policy matches any BGP route, advertise the routes matched by advertisement-policy, otherwise do not advertise the routes matched by advertisement-policy.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor address-family conditional-advertisement exist-policy [<policy-ref>]
Positional Arguments
policy-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor address-family conditional-advertisement non-exist-policy

If this policy does not match any BGP route, advertise the routes matched by advertisement-policy, otherwise do not advertise the routes matched by advertisement-policy.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor address-family conditional-advertisement non-exist-policy [<policy-ref>]
Positional Arguments
policy-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor address-family neighbor-policy

Configure Neighbor Policy

deleteDelete configuration data
inbound-policyA policy to apply to the NLRIs inbound from this neighbor.
outbound-policyA policy to apply to the NLRIs outbound to this neighbor.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'neighbor-policy'

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor address-family neighbor-policy inbound-policy

A policy to apply to the NLRIs inbound from this neighbor.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor address-family neighbor-policy inbound-policy [<policy-ref>]
Positional Arguments
policy-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor address-family neighbor-policy outbound-policy

A policy to apply to the NLRIs outbound to this neighbor.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor address-family neighbor-policy outbound-policy [<policy-ref>]
Positional Arguments
policy-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor address-family next-hop-self

Sets the router as the next hop for this neighbor and this address family


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor address-family next-hop-self [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor address-family prefix-limit

Configure the maximum number of prefixes that will be accepted from a neighbor for this address family

deleteDelete configuration data
max-prefixesMaximum number of prefixes that will be accepted from the neighbor for this address family
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
restart-timerTime interval after which the BGP session is re-established after being torn down due to exceeding the max-prefix limit for this adddress family.
showShow configuration data for 'prefix-limit'
shutdown-threshold-pctThreshold on number of prefixes that can be received from a neighbor for this address family before generation of warning messages or log entries.

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor address-family prefix-limit max-prefixes

Maximum number of prefixes that will be accepted from the neighbor for this address family


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor address-family prefix-limit max-prefixes [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: prefixes

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor address-family prefix-limit restart-timer

Time interval after which the BGP session is re-established after being torn down due to exceeding the max-prefix limit for this adddress family.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor address-family prefix-limit restart-timer [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor address-family prefix-limit shutdown-threshold-pct

Threshold on number of prefixes that can be received from a neighbor for this address family before generation of warning messages or log entries.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor address-family prefix-limit shutdown-threshold-pct [<percentage>]
Positional Arguments
percentageThe value to set for this field


Units: percent

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor address-family remove-private-as

Modify private AS numbers in updates sent to neighbors for this address family.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor address-family remove-private-as [<remove-private-as-option>]
Positional Arguments
remove-private-as-optionThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor address-family route-reflector

Route reflector client configuration

clientConfigure the neighbor as a route reflector client for this address family.
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'route-reflector'

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor address-family route-reflector client

Configure the neighbor as a route reflector client for this address family.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor address-family route-reflector client [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor address-family send-default-route

If set to true, generate and send the default-route for this address-family to the neighbor


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor address-family send-default-route [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor auth-password

Configures an MD5 authentication password for use with neighboring devices.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor auth-password [<password>]
Positional Arguments
passwordThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor bfd

BFD Client Configuration.

deleteDelete configuration data
desired-tx-intervalThe minimum transmission interval in milliseconds used to send BFD control packets.
enableEnable/Disable BFD protocol
multiplierThe number of BFD packets that can be lost without the BFD session declared as down.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
required-min-rx-intervalRepresents the minimum interval between BFD asynchronous control packets that this router is capable of supporting.
showShow configuration data for 'bfd'

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor bfd desired-tx-interval

The minimum transmission interval in milliseconds used to send BFD control packets.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor bfd desired-tx-interval [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field


Units: milliseconds

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor bfd enable

Enable/Disable BFD protocol


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor bfd enable [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor bfd multiplier

The number of BFD packets that can be lost without the BFD session declared as down.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor bfd multiplier [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor bfd required-min-rx-interval

Represents the minimum interval between BFD asynchronous control packets that this router is capable of supporting.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor bfd required-min-rx-interval [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field


Units: milliseconds

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor description

An optional textual description (intended primarily for use with a neighbor or group


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor graceful-restart

Configuration parameters relating to BGP neighbor graceful restart. If not explicitly configured, neighbor inherits from BGP instance.

deleteDelete configuration data
modeGraceful restart mode.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'graceful-restart'

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor graceful-restart mode

Graceful restart mode.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor graceful-restart mode [<graceful-restart-mode>]
Positional Arguments
graceful-restart-modeThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor local-as

The local autonomous system number that is to be used when establishing sessions with the remote neighbor or neighbor group, if this differs from the global BGP router autonomous system number.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor local-as [<as-number>]
Positional Arguments
as-numberThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor multihop

Configuration parameters specifying the multihop behaviour for BGP sessions to the neighbor

deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'multihop'
ttlTime-to-live value to use when packets are sent to the referenced group or neighbors and ebgp-multihop is enabled

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor multihop ttl

Time-to-live value to use when packets are sent to the referenced group or neighbors and ebgp-multihop is enabled


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor multihop ttl [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor negotiate-capabilities

If set to false, suppress sending the Capabilities Optional Parameter in the BGP OPEN message.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor negotiate-capabilities [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor neighbor-address

IP address of the BGP neighbor


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor neighbor-address [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor neighbor-as

AS number of the neighbor.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor neighbor-as [<as-number>]
Positional Arguments
as-numberThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor neighbor-policy

Configure Neighbor Policy

deleteDelete configuration data
inbound-policyA policy to apply to the NLRIs inbound from this neighbor.
outbound-policyA policy to apply to the NLRIs outbound to this neighbor.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'neighbor-policy'

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor neighbor-policy inbound-policy

A policy to apply to the NLRIs inbound from this neighbor.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor neighbor-policy inbound-policy [<policy-ref>]
Positional Arguments
policy-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor neighbor-policy outbound-policy

A policy to apply to the NLRIs outbound to this neighbor.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor neighbor-policy outbound-policy [<policy-ref>]
Positional Arguments
policy-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor shutdown

If set to true, the neighbors connection will not come up.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor shutdown [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor timers

Config parameters related to timers associated with the BGP neighbor

connect-retryTime interval between attempts to establish a session with the neighbor.
deleteDelete configuration data
hold-timeTime interval that a BGP session will be considered active in the absence of keepalive or other messages from the neighbor. The hold-time is typically set to 3x the keepalive-interval.
keepalive-intervalTime interval between transmission of keepalive messages to the neighbor. Must be set to 1/3 the hold-time or smaller.
minimum-advertisement-intervalMinimum time which must elapse between subsequent UPDATE messages relating to a common set of NLRI being transmitted to a neighbor. This timer is referred to as MinRouteAdvertisementIntervalTimer by RFC 4721 and serves to reduce the number of UPDATE messages transmitted when a particular set of NLRI exhibit instability.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'timers'

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor timers connect-retry

Time interval between attempts to establish a session with the neighbor.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor timers connect-retry [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor timers hold-time

Time interval that a BGP session will be considered active in the absence of keepalive or other messages from the neighbor. The hold-time is typically set to 3x the keepalive-interval.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor timers hold-time [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor timers keepalive-interval

Time interval between transmission of keepalive messages to the neighbor. Must be set to 1/3 the hold-time or smaller.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor timers keepalive-interval [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor timers minimum-advertisement-interval

Minimum time which must elapse between subsequent UPDATE messages relating to a common set of NLRI being transmitted to a neighbor. This timer is referred to as MinRouteAdvertisementIntervalTimer by RFC 4721 and serves to reduce the number of UPDATE messages transmitted when a particular set of NLRI exhibit instability.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor timers minimum-advertisement-interval [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor transport

Configuration parameters relating to the transport protocol used by the BGP session to the neighbor

bgp-service-generationApproach used for generating a BGP service and service routes to enable SVR transport for the BGP session with the neighbor.
deleteDelete configuration data
local-addressSet the source IP address to be used for the BGP peering session. This must be expressed as a reference to the name of a routing interface or network interface.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
passive-modeWait for neighbors to issue requests to open a BGP session, rather than initiating sessions from the local router.
showShow configuration data for 'transport'

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor transport bgp-service-generation

Approach used for generating a BGP service and service routes to enable SVR transport for the BGP session with the neighbor.

deleteDelete configuration data
disabledDo not generate a BGP service or service routes.
neighbor-vrfName of the neighbor's VRF in which the peer BGP instance resides. Can be 'default'.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
same-neighbor-vrfGenerate BGP service if there is a matching peer with a BGP instance within the same VRF.
showShow configuration data for 'bgp-service-generation'

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor transport bgp-service-generation disabled

Do not generate a BGP service or service routes.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor transport bgp-service-generation disabled

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor transport bgp-service-generation neighbor-vrf

Name of the neighbor's VRF in which the peer BGP instance resides. Can be 'default'.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor transport bgp-service-generation neighbor-vrf [<vrf-name-or-default-vrf>]
Positional Arguments
vrf-name-or-default-vrfThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor transport bgp-service-generation same-neighbor-vrf

Generate BGP service if there is a matching peer with a BGP instance within the same VRF.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor transport bgp-service-generation same-neighbor-vrf

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor transport local-address

Set the source IP address to be used for the BGP peering session. This must be expressed as a reference to the name of a routing interface or network interface.

deleteDelete configuration data
interfaceNetwork interface name
nodeInterface node name
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
routing-interfaceConfigure Routing Interface
showShow configuration data for 'local-address'

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor transport local-address interface

Network interface name


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor transport local-address interface [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor transport local-address node

Interface node name


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor transport local-address node [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor transport local-address routing-interface

Configure Routing Interface


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor transport local-address routing-interface [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor transport passive-mode

Wait for neighbors to issue requests to open a BGP session, rather than initiating sessions from the local router.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol neighbor transport passive-mode [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol redistribute

List of routing protocols to redistribute into BGP


configure authority router routing routing-protocol redistribute <protocol>
Positional Arguments
protocolThe routing protocol to redistribute into BGP
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
policyA policy to apply to the redistributed route
protocolThe routing protocol to redistribute into BGP
showShow configuration data for 'redistribute'

configure authority router routing routing-protocol redistribute policy

A policy to apply to the redistributed route


configure authority router routing routing-protocol redistribute policy [<policy-ref>]
Positional Arguments
policy-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol redistribute protocol

The routing protocol to redistribute into BGP


configure authority router routing routing-protocol redistribute protocol [<redistribute-into-bgp>]
Positional Arguments
redistribute-into-bgpThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol route-reflector-allow-outbound-policy

Apply outbound policy on route reflector clients.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol route-reflector-allow-outbound-policy [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol route-selection-options

Set of configuration options that govern best path selection.

always-compare-medCompare multi-exit discriminator (MED) value from different ASes when selecting the best route. The default behavior is to only compare MEDs for paths received from the same AS.
deleteDelete configuration data
external-compare-router-idWhen comparing similar routes received from external BGP neighbors, use the router-id as a criterion to select the active path.
ignore-as-path-lengthIgnore the AS path length when selecting the best path. The default is to use the AS path length and prefer paths with shorter length.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'route-selection-options'

configure authority router routing routing-protocol route-selection-options always-compare-med

Compare multi-exit discriminator (MED) value from different ASes when selecting the best route. The default behavior is to only compare MEDs for paths received from the same AS.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol route-selection-options always-compare-med [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol route-selection-options external-compare-router-id

When comparing similar routes received from external BGP neighbors, use the router-id as a criterion to select the active path.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol route-selection-options external-compare-router-id [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol route-selection-options ignore-as-path-length

Ignore the AS path length when selecting the best path. The default is to use the AS path length and prefer paths with shorter length.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol route-selection-options ignore-as-path-length [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol router-id

Router id of the router, expressed as an 32-bit value, IPv4 address.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol router-id [<ipv4-address>]
Positional Arguments
ipv4-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing routing-protocol timers

Config parameters related to timers associated with the BGP neighbor

deleteDelete configuration data
hold-timeTime interval that a BGP session will be considered active in the absence of keepalive or other messages from the neighbor. The hold-time is typically set to 3x the keepalive-interval.
keepalive-intervalTime interval between transmission of keepalive messages to the neighbor. Must be set to 1/3 the hold-time or smaller.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'timers'

configure authority router routing routing-protocol timers hold-time

Time interval that a BGP session will be considered active in the absence of keepalive or other messages from the neighbor. The hold-time is typically set to 3x the keepalive-interval.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol timers hold-time [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router routing routing-protocol timers keepalive-interval

Time interval between transmission of keepalive messages to the neighbor. Must be set to 1/3 the hold-time or smaller.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol timers keepalive-interval [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router routing routing-protocol type

Type of the routing protocol - an identity derived from the 'routing-protocol' base identity.


configure authority router routing routing-protocol type [<identityref>]
Positional Arguments
identityrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing service-admin-distance

Administrative distance for routes generated from services.


configure authority router routing service-admin-distance [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing static-route

A list of static routes. The sub-element that allows administrators to configure static routes, that will be entered into the SSR's Routing Information Base (RIB).


configure authority router routing static-route <destination-prefix> <distance>
Positional Arguments
destination-prefixIPv4 or IPv6 destination prefix that must be unicast.
distanceStatic route administrative distance. Used in calculating route preference when multiple possible paths exist learned via different sources.
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionTextual description of the route.
destination-prefixIPv4 or IPv6 destination prefix that must be unicast.
distanceStatic route administrative distance. Used in calculating route preference when multiple possible paths exist learned via different sources.
next-hopList of next-hops. An empty list creates a blackhole route.
next-hop-interfaceList of next-hop interfaces.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'static-route'

configure authority router routing static-route description

Textual description of the route.


configure authority router routing static-route description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing static-route destination-prefix

IPv4 or IPv6 destination prefix that must be unicast.


configure authority router routing static-route destination-prefix [<unicast-ip-prefix>]
Positional Arguments
unicast-ip-prefixThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing static-route distance

Static route administrative distance. Used in calculating route preference when multiple possible paths exist learned via different sources.


configure authority router routing static-route distance [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing static-route next-hop

List of next-hops. An empty list creates a blackhole route.


configure authority router routing static-route next-hop [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressValue to add to this list

configure authority router routing static-route next-hop-interface

List of next-hop interfaces.


configure authority router routing static-route next-hop-interface <node> <interface>
Positional Arguments
nodeInterface node name
interfaceNetwork interface name
interfaceNetwork interface name
nodeInterface node name
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'next-hop-interface'

configure authority router routing static-route next-hop-interface interface

Network interface name


configure authority router routing static-route next-hop-interface interface [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing static-route next-hop-interface node

Interface node name


configure authority router routing static-route next-hop-interface node [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing type

The type of the routing instance.


configure authority router routing type [<identityref>]
Positional Arguments
identityrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf

A list of virtual router and forward instances (VRF's).


configure authority router routing vrf <name>
Positional Arguments
nameThe name of the VRF.
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionTextual description of the VRF instance.
igmpIGMP VRF configuration
interfaceInternal loopback interface used for routing protocols
msdpMSDP configuration
nameThe name of the VRF.
ospfOSPF instance configuration
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
pimPIM VRF configuration
routing-protocolEach entry contains configuration of a routing protocol instance.
service-admin-distanceAdministrative distance for routes generated from services.
showShow configuration data for 'vrf'
static-routeA list of static routes. The sub-element that allows administrators to configure static routes, that will be entered into the SSR's Routing Information Base (RIB).
tenant-nameList of tenants in this VRF.

configure authority router routing vrf description

Textual description of the VRF instance.


configure authority router routing vrf description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf igmp

IGMP VRF configuration

cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
interfaceList of IGMP interfaces
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'igmp'

configure authority router routing vrf igmp interface

List of IGMP interfaces


configure authority router routing vrf igmp interface <node> <interface>
Positional Arguments
nodeInterface node name
interfaceNetwork interface name
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
interfaceNetwork interface name
joinList of Groups to join
nodeInterface node name
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'interface'
versionIGMP Version

configure authority router routing vrf igmp interface interface

Network interface name


configure authority router routing vrf igmp interface interface [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf igmp interface join

List of Groups to join


configure authority router routing vrf igmp interface join <group>
Positional Arguments
groupIPv4 address of the Group to Join
deleteDelete configuration data
groupIPv4 address of the Group to Join
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'join'
sourceIPv4 address of the Source to Join

configure authority router routing vrf igmp interface join group

IPv4 address of the Group to Join


configure authority router routing vrf igmp interface join group [<multicast-ipv4-address>]
Positional Arguments
multicast-ipv4-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf igmp interface join source

IPv4 address of the Source to Join


configure authority router routing vrf igmp interface join source [<unicast-ipv4-address>]
Positional Arguments
unicast-ipv4-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf igmp interface node

Interface node name


configure authority router routing vrf igmp interface node [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf igmp interface version

IGMP Version


configure authority router routing vrf igmp interface version [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf interface

Internal loopback interface used for routing protocols


configure authority router routing vrf interface <name>
Positional Arguments
nameAn arbitrary, unique name for the routing interface, used to reference it in other routing configuration sections.
deleteDelete configuration data
enabledAdministratively enable/disable the interface.
ip-addressThe IP address of the interface.
nameAn arbitrary, unique name for the routing interface, used to reference it in other routing configuration sections.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'interface'

configure authority router routing vrf interface enabled

Administratively enable/disable the interface.


configure authority router routing vrf interface enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf interface ip-address

The IP address of the interface.


configure authority router routing vrf interface ip-address [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf interface name

An arbitrary, unique name for the routing interface, used to reference it in other routing configuration sections.


configure authority router routing vrf interface name [<bridge-name>]
Positional Arguments
bridge-nameThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf msdp

MSDP configuration

cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
mesh-groupMSDP Mesh-Group Configuration
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
peerMSDP Peer Configuration
showShow configuration data for 'msdp'

configure authority router routing vrf msdp mesh-group

MSDP Mesh-Group Configuration


configure authority router routing vrf msdp mesh-group <name>
Positional Arguments
nameName of the Mesh-Group
auth-passwordConfigures an MD5 authentication password for use with MSDP peers and Mesh-Groups.
deleteDelete configuration data
memberIPv4 address of the Mesh-group member
nameName of the Mesh-Group
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'mesh-group'
sourceSource Address for the mesh-group

configure authority router routing vrf msdp mesh-group auth-password

Configures an MD5 authentication password for use with MSDP peers and Mesh-Groups.


configure authority router routing vrf msdp mesh-group auth-password [<password>]
Positional Arguments
passwordThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf msdp mesh-group member

IPv4 address of the Mesh-group member


configure authority router routing vrf msdp mesh-group member [<unicast-ipv4-address>]
Positional Arguments
unicast-ipv4-addressValue to add to this list

configure authority router routing vrf msdp mesh-group name

Name of the Mesh-Group


configure authority router routing vrf msdp mesh-group name [<name-id>]
Positional Arguments
name-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf msdp mesh-group source

Source Address for the mesh-group


configure authority router routing vrf msdp mesh-group source [<unicast-ipv4-address>]
Positional Arguments
unicast-ipv4-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf msdp peer

MSDP Peer Configuration


configure authority router routing vrf msdp peer <address>
Positional Arguments
addressIPv4 address of the Peer
addressIPv4 address of the Peer
auth-passwordConfigures an MD5 authentication password for use with MSDP peers and Mesh-Groups.
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'peer'
sourceSource Address for the peer adjacency

configure authority router routing vrf msdp peer address

IPv4 address of the Peer


configure authority router routing vrf msdp peer address [<unicast-ipv4-address>]
Positional Arguments
unicast-ipv4-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf msdp peer auth-password

Configures an MD5 authentication password for use with MSDP peers and Mesh-Groups.


configure authority router routing vrf msdp peer auth-password [<password>]
Positional Arguments
passwordThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf msdp peer source

Source Address for the peer adjacency


configure authority router routing vrf msdp peer source [<unicast-ipv4-address>]
Positional Arguments
unicast-ipv4-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf name

The name of the VRF.


configure authority router routing vrf name [<vrf-name>]
Positional Arguments
vrf-nameThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf ospf

OSPF instance configuration


configure authority router routing vrf ospf <instance>
Positional Arguments
instanceNumber of OSPF instance
advertise-defaultAdvertise default route into OSPF
areaList of OSPF areas
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
distanceOSPF route administrative distance
instanceNumber of OSPF instance
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
redistributeList of routing protocols to redistribute into OSPF
router-idDefined in RFC 2328. A 32-bit number that uniquely identifies the router
showShow configuration data for 'ospf'
timersOSPF Timers
versionOSPF version

configure authority router routing vrf ospf advertise-default

Advertise default route into OSPF

alwaysAdvertise default route into OSPF even when there is no default route in the routing table
deleteDelete configuration data
metricAdvertised metric of the default route
metric-typeAdvertised metric type of default route
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
policyA policy to apply to the default route
showShow configuration data for 'advertise-default'

configure authority router routing vrf ospf advertise-default always

Advertise default route into OSPF even when there is no default route in the routing table


configure authority router routing vrf ospf advertise-default always [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf ospf advertise-default metric

Advertised metric of the default route


configure authority router routing vrf ospf advertise-default metric [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf ospf advertise-default metric-type

Advertised metric type of default route


configure authority router routing vrf ospf advertise-default metric-type [<ospf-external-metric-type>]
Positional Arguments
ospf-external-metric-typeThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf ospf advertise-default policy

A policy to apply to the default route


configure authority router routing vrf ospf advertise-default policy [<policy-ref>]
Positional Arguments
policy-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf ospf area

List of OSPF areas


configure authority router routing vrf ospf area <id>
Positional Arguments
idArea ID
authentication-typeArea authentication type
cloneClone a list item
default-costSet the summary default route cost for a stub or NSSA area.
deleteDelete configuration data
idArea ID
interfaceList of interfaces in area
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
routing-interfaceList of routing interfaces in area
showShow configuration data for 'area'
summary-advertisementEnable/Disable summary advertisement into the stub or NSSA area.
summary-rangeSummarize routes matching address/mask - Applicable to Area Border Routers (ABRs) only
typeArea type

configure authority router routing vrf ospf area authentication-type

Area authentication type


configure authority router routing vrf ospf area authentication-type [<area-authentication-type>]
Positional Arguments
area-authentication-typeThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf ospf area default-cost

Set the summary default route cost for a stub or NSSA area.


configure authority router routing vrf ospf area default-cost [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf ospf area id

Area ID


configure authority router routing vrf ospf area id [<area-id-type>]
Positional Arguments
area-id-typeThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf ospf area interface

List of interfaces in area


configure authority router routing vrf ospf area interface <node> <interface>
Positional Arguments
nodeInterface node name
interfaceNetwork interface name
authentication-typeOSPF interface authentication type.
bfdBFD Client Configuration.
cloneClone a list item
costInterface cost
dead-intervalInterval after which a neighbor is declared down (seconds) if hello packets are not received.
deleteDelete configuration data
hello-intervalInterval between hello packets (seconds).
interfaceNetwork interface name
message-digest-keyMD5 HMAC authentication message digest keys
network-typeInterface network type
nodeInterface node name
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
passiveEnable/Disable passive interface - a passive interface's prefix will be advertised but no neighbor adjacencies will be formed on the interface.
passwordOSPF simple authentication password
priorityRouter priority
showShow configuration data for 'interface'

configure authority router routing vrf ospf area interface authentication-type

OSPF interface authentication type.


configure authority router routing vrf ospf area interface authentication-type [<interface-authentication-type>]
Positional Arguments
interface-authentication-typeThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf ospf area interface bfd

BFD Client Configuration.

deleteDelete configuration data
desired-tx-intervalThe minimum transmission interval in milliseconds used to send BFD control packets.
enableEnable/Disable BFD protocol
multiplierThe number of BFD packets that can be lost without the BFD session declared as down.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
required-min-rx-intervalRepresents the minimum interval between BFD asynchronous control packets that this router is capable of supporting.
showShow configuration data for 'bfd'

configure authority router routing vrf ospf area interface bfd desired-tx-interval

The minimum transmission interval in milliseconds used to send BFD control packets.


configure authority router routing vrf ospf area interface bfd desired-tx-interval [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field


Units: milliseconds

configure authority router routing vrf ospf area interface bfd enable

Enable/Disable BFD protocol


configure authority router routing vrf ospf area interface bfd enable [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf ospf area interface bfd multiplier

The number of BFD packets that can be lost without the BFD session declared as down.


configure authority router routing vrf ospf area interface bfd multiplier [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf ospf area interface bfd required-min-rx-interval

Represents the minimum interval between BFD asynchronous control packets that this router is capable of supporting.


configure authority router routing vrf ospf area interface bfd required-min-rx-interval [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field


Units: milliseconds

configure authority router routing vrf ospf area interface cost

Interface cost


configure authority router routing vrf ospf area interface cost [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf ospf area interface dead-interval

Interval after which a neighbor is declared down (seconds) if hello packets are not received.


configure authority router routing vrf ospf area interface dead-interval [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router routing vrf ospf area interface hello-interval

Interval between hello packets (seconds).


configure authority router routing vrf ospf area interface hello-interval [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router routing vrf ospf area interface interface

Network interface name


configure authority router routing vrf ospf area interface interface [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf ospf area interface message-digest-key

MD5 HMAC authentication message digest keys


configure authority router routing vrf ospf area interface message-digest-key <id>
Positional Arguments
idMessage digest key identifier
deleteDelete configuration data
idMessage digest key identifier
keyMessage digest secret key
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'message-digest-key'

configure authority router routing vrf ospf area interface message-digest-key id

Message digest key identifier


configure authority router routing vrf ospf area interface message-digest-key id [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf ospf area interface message-digest-key key

Message digest secret key


configure authority router routing vrf ospf area interface message-digest-key key [<routing-password-type>]
Positional Arguments
routing-password-typeThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf ospf area interface network-type

Interface network type


configure authority router routing vrf ospf area interface network-type [<interface-network-type>]
Positional Arguments
interface-network-typeThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf ospf area interface node

Interface node name


configure authority router routing vrf ospf area interface node [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf ospf area interface passive

Enable/Disable passive interface - a passive interface's prefix will be advertised but no neighbor adjacencies will be formed on the interface.


configure authority router routing vrf ospf area interface passive [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf ospf area interface password

OSPF simple authentication password


configure authority router routing vrf ospf area interface password [<routing-password-type>]
Positional Arguments
routing-password-typeThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf ospf area interface priority

Router priority


configure authority router routing vrf ospf area interface priority [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf ospf area routing-interface

List of routing interfaces in area


configure authority router routing vrf ospf area routing-interface <routing-interface>
Positional Arguments
routing-interfaceRouting interface name
costInterface cost
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
routing-interfaceRouting interface name
showShow configuration data for 'routing-interface'

configure authority router routing vrf ospf area routing-interface cost

Interface cost


configure authority router routing vrf ospf area routing-interface cost [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf ospf area routing-interface routing-interface

Routing interface name


configure authority router routing vrf ospf area routing-interface routing-interface [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf ospf area summary-advertisement

Enable/Disable summary advertisement into the stub or NSSA area.


configure authority router routing vrf ospf area summary-advertisement [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf ospf area summary-range

Summarize routes matching address/mask - Applicable to Area Border Routers (ABRs) only


configure authority router routing vrf ospf area summary-range <prefix>
Positional Arguments
prefixSummarization prefix
advertiseAdvertise or hide
costAdvertised cost of summary route
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
prefixSummarization prefix
showShow configuration data for 'summary-range'

configure authority router routing vrf ospf area summary-range advertise

Advertise or hide


configure authority router routing vrf ospf area summary-range advertise [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf ospf area summary-range cost

Advertised cost of summary route


configure authority router routing vrf ospf area summary-range cost [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf ospf area summary-range prefix

Summarization prefix


configure authority router routing vrf ospf area summary-range prefix [<ip-prefix>]
Positional Arguments
ip-prefixThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf ospf area type

Area type


configure authority router routing vrf ospf area type [<area-type>]
Positional Arguments
area-typeThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf ospf distance

OSPF route administrative distance

deleteDelete configuration data
externalAdministrative distance for external OSPF routes
inter-areaAdministrative distance for inter-area OSPF routes
intra-areaAdministrative distance for intra-area OSPF routes
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'distance'

configure authority router routing vrf ospf distance external

Administrative distance for external OSPF routes


configure authority router routing vrf ospf distance external [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf ospf distance inter-area

Administrative distance for inter-area OSPF routes


configure authority router routing vrf ospf distance inter-area [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf ospf distance intra-area

Administrative distance for intra-area OSPF routes


configure authority router routing vrf ospf distance intra-area [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf ospf instance

Number of OSPF instance


configure authority router routing vrf ospf instance [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf ospf redistribute

List of routing protocols to redistribute into OSPF


configure authority router routing vrf ospf redistribute <protocol>
Positional Arguments
protocolThe routing protocol to redistribute into OSPF
deleteDelete configuration data
metricAdvertised metric of redistributed route
metric-typeAdvertised metric type of redistributed route
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
policyA policy to apply to the redistributed route
protocolThe routing protocol to redistribute into OSPF
showShow configuration data for 'redistribute'

configure authority router routing vrf ospf redistribute metric

Advertised metric of redistributed route


configure authority router routing vrf ospf redistribute metric [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf ospf redistribute metric-type

Advertised metric type of redistributed route


configure authority router routing vrf ospf redistribute metric-type [<ospf-external-metric-type>]
Positional Arguments
ospf-external-metric-typeThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf ospf redistribute policy

A policy to apply to the redistributed route


configure authority router routing vrf ospf redistribute policy [<policy-ref>]
Positional Arguments
policy-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf ospf redistribute protocol

The routing protocol to redistribute into OSPF


configure authority router routing vrf ospf redistribute protocol [<redistribute-into-ospf>]
Positional Arguments
redistribute-into-ospfThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf ospf router-id

Defined in RFC 2328. A 32-bit number that uniquely identifies the router


configure authority router routing vrf ospf router-id [<dotted-quad>]
Positional Arguments
dotted-quadThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf ospf timers

OSPF Timers

deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'timers'
spfOSPF SPF Timers

configure authority router routing vrf ospf timers spf


delayInitial SPF delay.
deleteDelete configuration data
hold-timeAdaptive hold-time.
maximum-hold-timeMaximum hold-time.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'spf'

configure authority router routing vrf ospf timers spf delay

Initial SPF delay.


configure authority router routing vrf ospf timers spf delay [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: milliseconds

configure authority router routing vrf ospf timers spf hold-time

Adaptive hold-time.


configure authority router routing vrf ospf timers spf hold-time [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: milliseconds

configure authority router routing vrf ospf timers spf maximum-hold-time

Maximum hold-time.


configure authority router routing vrf ospf timers spf maximum-hold-time [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: milliseconds

configure authority router routing vrf ospf version

OSPF version


configure authority router routing vrf ospf version [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf pim

PIM VRF configuration

cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
interfaceList of PIM interfaces in the VRF
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
rpPIM RP Configuration
showShow configuration data for 'pim'

configure authority router routing vrf pim interface

List of PIM interfaces in the VRF


configure authority router routing vrf pim interface <node> <interface>
Positional Arguments
nodeInterface node name
interfaceNetwork interface name
deleteDelete configuration data
dr-priorityPreference of a particular device in the DR election process. The lowest priority is 1.
hello-intervalConfigure Hello Interval
interfaceNetwork interface name
nodeInterface node name
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'interface'

configure authority router routing vrf pim interface dr-priority

Preference of a particular device in the DR election process. The lowest priority is 1.


configure authority router routing vrf pim interface dr-priority [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf pim interface hello-interval

Configure Hello Interval


configure authority router routing vrf pim interface hello-interval [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router routing vrf pim interface interface

Network interface name


configure authority router routing vrf pim interface interface [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf pim interface node

Interface node name


configure authority router routing vrf pim interface node [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf pim rp

PIM RP Configuration


configure authority router routing vrf pim rp <group-range>
Positional Arguments
group-rangeMulticast Group address range for this RP
addressIPv4 address of the RP
deleteDelete configuration data
group-rangeMulticast Group address range for this RP
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'rp'

configure authority router routing vrf pim rp address

IPv4 address of the RP


configure authority router routing vrf pim rp address [<unicast-ipv4-address>]
Positional Arguments
unicast-ipv4-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf pim rp group-range

Multicast Group address range for this RP


configure authority router routing vrf pim rp group-range [<multicast-ipv4-prefix>]
Positional Arguments
multicast-ipv4-prefixThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol

Each entry contains configuration of a routing protocol instance.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol <type>
Positional Arguments
typeType of the routing protocol - an identity derived from the 'routing-protocol' base identity.
address-familyAddress family configuration
cloneClone a list item
cluster-idRoute reflector cluster id.
conditional-advertisementConfigure Conditional Advertisement
confederationConfiguration options specifying parameters when the local router is within an autonomous system which is part of a BGP confederation.
deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionTextual description of the routing protocol instance.
graceful-restartConfiguration parameters relating to BGP graceful restart.
local-asLocal autonomous system number of the router. Uses the 32-bit as-number type from the model in RFC 6991.
neighborList of BGP neighbors configured on the local system, uniquely identified by neighbor IPv[46] address
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
redistributeList of routing protocols to redistribute into BGP
route-reflector-allow-outbound-policyApply outbound policy on route reflector clients.
route-selection-optionsSet of configuration options that govern best path selection.
router-idRouter id of the router, expressed as an 32-bit value, IPv4 address.
showShow configuration data for 'routing-protocol'
timersConfig parameters related to timers associated with the BGP neighbor
typeType of the routing protocol - an identity derived from the 'routing-protocol' base identity.

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family

Address family configuration


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family <afi-safi>
Positional Arguments
afi-safiAddress family type
afi-safiAddress family type
aggregate-addressAddress prefixes to aggregate
cloneClone a list item
default-route-distanceConfiguration options relating to the administrative distance (or preference) assigned to routes received from different sources (external, internal, and local).
deleteDelete configuration data
graceful-restartConfiguration parameters relating to BGP graceful restart.
networkAdvertises a network into BGP
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
redistributeList of routing protocols to redistribute into BGP
showShow configuration data for 'address-family'
use-multiple-pathsParameters related to the use of multiple paths for the same NLRI
vpn-exportConfigure Vpn Export
vpn-importConfigure Vpn Import

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family afi-safi

Address family type


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family afi-safi [<identityref>]
Positional Arguments
identityrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family aggregate-address

Address prefixes to aggregate


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family aggregate-address <prefix>
Positional Arguments
prefixThe prefix to aggregate from
as-setGenerate as-set information for the resultant aggregate
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
prefixThe prefix to aggregate from
showShow configuration data for 'aggregate-address'
summary-onlySpecifies that the prefixes aggregated by this aggregation are not to be advertised: only the aggregate itself will be advertised

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family aggregate-address as-set

Generate as-set information for the resultant aggregate


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family aggregate-address as-set [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family aggregate-address prefix

The prefix to aggregate from


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family aggregate-address prefix [<not-host-ip-prefix>]
Positional Arguments
not-host-ip-prefixThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family aggregate-address summary-only

Specifies that the prefixes aggregated by this aggregation are not to be advertised: only the aggregate itself will be advertised


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family aggregate-address summary-only [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family default-route-distance

Configuration options relating to the administrative distance (or preference) assigned to routes received from different sources (external, internal, and local).

deleteDelete configuration data
externalAdministrative distance for routes learned from external BGP (eBGP).
internalAdministrative distance for routes learned from internal BGP (iBGP).
localAdministrative distance for local routes
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'default-route-distance'

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family default-route-distance external

Administrative distance for routes learned from external BGP (eBGP).


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family default-route-distance external [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family default-route-distance internal

Administrative distance for routes learned from internal BGP (iBGP).


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family default-route-distance internal [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family default-route-distance local

Administrative distance for local routes


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family default-route-distance local [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family graceful-restart

Configuration parameters relating to BGP graceful restart.

deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
restart-timeEstimated time for the local BGP speaker to restart a session. This value is advertised in the graceful restart BGP capability. This is a 12-bit value, referred to as Restart Time in RFC4724. Per RFC4724, the suggested default value is less than or equal to the hold-time value.
showShow configuration data for 'graceful-restart'
stale-routes-timeAn upper-bound on the time that the stale routes will be retained by a router after a session is restarted. If an End-of-RIB (EOR) marker is received prior to this timer expiring stale-routes will be flushed upon its receipt - if no EOR is received, then when this timer expires stale paths will be purged. This timer is referred to as the Selection_Deferral_Timer in RFC4724


Warning: 'graceful-restart' is deprecated and will be removed in a future software version

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family graceful-restart restart-time

Estimated time for the local BGP speaker to restart a session. This value is advertised in the graceful restart BGP capability. This is a 12-bit value, referred to as Restart Time in RFC4724. Per RFC4724, the suggested default value is less than or equal to the hold-time value.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family graceful-restart restart-time [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field


Units: seconds Warning: 'restart-time' is deprecated and will be removed in a future software version

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family graceful-restart stale-routes-time

An upper-bound on the time that the stale routes will be retained by a router after a session is restarted. If an End-of-RIB (EOR) marker is received prior to this timer expiring stale-routes will be flushed upon its receipt - if no EOR is received, then when this timer expires stale paths will be purged. This timer is referred to as the Selection_Deferral_Timer in RFC4724


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family graceful-restart stale-routes-time [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field


Units: seconds Warning: 'stale-routes-time' is deprecated and will be removed in a future software version

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family network

Advertises a network into BGP


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family network <network-address>
Positional Arguments
network-addressSpecify a network to announce via BGP for this address family
deleteDelete configuration data
network-addressSpecify a network to announce via BGP for this address family
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
policya policy to apply to the imported route
showShow configuration data for 'network'

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family network network-address

Specify a network to announce via BGP for this address family


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family network network-address [<ip-prefix>]
Positional Arguments
ip-prefixThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family network policy

a policy to apply to the imported route


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family network policy [<policy-ref>]
Positional Arguments
policy-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family redistribute

List of routing protocols to redistribute into BGP


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family redistribute <protocol>
Positional Arguments
protocolThe routing protocol to redistribute into BGP
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
policyA policy to apply to the redistributed route
protocolThe routing protocol to redistribute into BGP
showShow configuration data for 'redistribute'

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family redistribute policy

A policy to apply to the redistributed route


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family redistribute policy [<policy-ref>]
Positional Arguments
policy-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family redistribute protocol

The routing protocol to redistribute into BGP


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family redistribute protocol [<redistribute-into-bgp>]
Positional Arguments
redistribute-into-bgpThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family use-multiple-paths

Parameters related to the use of multiple paths for the same NLRI

deleteDelete configuration data
ebgpMultipath parameters for eBGP
ibgpMultipath parameters for iBGP
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'use-multiple-paths'

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family use-multiple-paths ebgp

Multipath parameters for eBGP

deleteDelete configuration data
maximum-pathsMaximum number of parallel paths to consider when using eBGP multipath for this address family. The default is to use a single path.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'ebgp'

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family use-multiple-paths ebgp maximum-paths

Maximum number of parallel paths to consider when using eBGP multipath for this address family. The default is to use a single path.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family use-multiple-paths ebgp maximum-paths [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: paths

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family use-multiple-paths ibgp

Multipath parameters for iBGP

deleteDelete configuration data
maximum-pathsMaximum number of parallel paths to consider when using iBGP multipath for this address family. The default is to use a single path
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'ibgp'

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family use-multiple-paths ibgp maximum-paths

Maximum number of parallel paths to consider when using iBGP multipath for this address family. The default is to use a single path


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family use-multiple-paths ibgp maximum-paths [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: paths

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family vpn-export

Configure Vpn Export

deleteDelete configuration data
export-policyExport policy for vpn export
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
route-distinguisherRoute Distinguisher for vpn export
showShow configuration data for 'vpn-export'
vpn-export-route-targetRoute Target list for vpn export

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family vpn-export export-policy

Export policy for vpn export


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family vpn-export export-policy [<policy-ref>]
Positional Arguments
policy-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family vpn-export route-distinguisher

Route Distinguisher for vpn export


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family vpn-export route-distinguisher [<set-extended-community>]
Positional Arguments
set-extended-communityThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family vpn-export vpn-export-route-target

Route Target list for vpn export


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family vpn-export vpn-export-route-target [<set-extended-community>]
Positional Arguments
set-extended-communityValue to add to this list

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family vpn-import

Configure Vpn Import

deleteDelete configuration data
import-policyExport policy for vpn import
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'vpn-import'
vpn-import-route-targetRoute Target list for vpn import

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family vpn-import import-policy

Export policy for vpn import


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family vpn-import import-policy [<policy-ref>]
Positional Arguments
policy-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family vpn-import vpn-import-route-target

Route Target list for vpn import


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol address-family vpn-import vpn-import-route-target [<set-extended-community>]
Positional Arguments
set-extended-communityValue to add to this list

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol cluster-id

Route reflector cluster id.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol cluster-id [<ipv4-address>]
Positional Arguments
ipv4-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol conditional-advertisement

Configure Conditional Advertisement

deleteDelete configuration data
interval-timeConditional advertisement scanner process interval time.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'conditional-advertisement'

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol conditional-advertisement interval-time

Conditional advertisement scanner process interval time.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol conditional-advertisement interval-time [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol confederation

Configuration options specifying parameters when the local router is within an autonomous system which is part of a BGP confederation.

deleteDelete configuration data
identifierConfederation identifier for the autonomous system.
member-asRemote autonomous systems that are to be treated as part of the local confederation.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'confederation'

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol confederation identifier

Confederation identifier for the autonomous system.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol confederation identifier [<as-number>]
Positional Arguments
as-numberThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol confederation member-as

Remote autonomous systems that are to be treated as part of the local confederation.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol confederation member-as [<as-number>]
Positional Arguments
as-numberValue to add to this list

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol description

Textual description of the routing protocol instance.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol graceful-restart

Configuration parameters relating to BGP graceful restart.

deleteDelete configuration data
modeGraceful restart mode.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
restart-timeEstimated time for the local BGP speaker to restart a session. This value is advertised in the graceful restart BGP capability. This is a 12-bit value, referred to as Restart Time in RFC4724. Per RFC4724, the suggested default value is less than or equal to the hold-time value.
showShow configuration data for 'graceful-restart'
stale-routes-timeAn upper-bound on the time that the stale routes will be retained by a router after a session is restarted or 0 to disable. If an End-of-RIB (EOR) marker is received prior to this timer expiring stale-routes will be flushed upon its receipt - if no EOR is received, then when this timer expires stale paths will be purged. This timer is referred to as the Selection_Deferral_Timer in RFC4724

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol graceful-restart mode

Graceful restart mode.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol graceful-restart mode [<graceful-restart-mode>]
Positional Arguments
graceful-restart-modeThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol graceful-restart restart-time

Estimated time for the local BGP speaker to restart a session. This value is advertised in the graceful restart BGP capability. This is a 12-bit value, referred to as Restart Time in RFC4724. Per RFC4724, the suggested default value is less than or equal to the hold-time value.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol graceful-restart restart-time [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol graceful-restart stale-routes-time

An upper-bound on the time that the stale routes will be retained by a router after a session is restarted or 0 to disable. If an End-of-RIB (EOR) marker is received prior to this timer expiring stale-routes will be flushed upon its receipt - if no EOR is received, then when this timer expires stale paths will be purged. This timer is referred to as the Selection_Deferral_Timer in RFC4724


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol graceful-restart stale-routes-time [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol local-as

Local autonomous system number of the router. Uses the 32-bit as-number type from the model in RFC 6991.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol local-as [<as-number>]
Positional Arguments
as-numberThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor

List of BGP neighbors configured on the local system, uniquely identified by neighbor IPv[46] address


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor <neighbor-address>
Positional Arguments
neighbor-addressIP address of the BGP neighbor
address-familyAddress family configuration
auth-passwordConfigures an MD5 authentication password for use with neighboring devices.
bfdBFD Client Configuration.
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionAn optional textual description (intended primarily for use with a neighbor or group
graceful-restartConfiguration parameters relating to BGP neighbor graceful restart. If not explicitly configured, neighbor inherits from BGP instance.
local-asThe local autonomous system number that is to be used when establishing sessions with the remote neighbor or neighbor group, if this differs from the global BGP router autonomous system number.
multihopConfiguration parameters specifying the multihop behaviour for BGP sessions to the neighbor
negotiate-capabilitiesIf set to false, suppress sending the Capabilities Optional Parameter in the BGP OPEN message.
neighbor-addressIP address of the BGP neighbor
neighbor-asAS number of the neighbor.
neighbor-policyConfigure Neighbor Policy
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'neighbor'
shutdownIf set to true, the neighbors connection will not come up.
timersConfig parameters related to timers associated with the BGP neighbor
transportConfiguration parameters relating to the transport protocol used by the BGP session to the neighbor

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor address-family

Address family configuration


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor address-family <afi-safi>
Positional Arguments
afi-safiAddress family type
activateActivate address family for neighbor
afi-safiAddress family type
as-path-optionsConfiguration parameters allowing manipulation of the AS_PATH attribute for this address family
conditional-advertisementConfigure Conditional Advertisement
deleteDelete configuration data
neighbor-policyConfigure Neighbor Policy
next-hop-selfSets the router as the next hop for this neighbor and this address family
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
prefix-limitConfigure the maximum number of prefixes that will be accepted from a neighbor for this address family
remove-private-asModify private AS numbers in updates sent to neighbors for this address family.
route-reflectorRoute reflector client configuration
send-default-routeIf set to true, generate and send the default-route for this address-family to the neighbor
showShow configuration data for 'address-family'

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor address-family activate

Activate address family for neighbor


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor address-family activate [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor address-family afi-safi

Address family type


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor address-family afi-safi [<identityref>]
Positional Arguments
identityrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor address-family as-path-options

Configuration parameters allowing manipulation of the AS_PATH attribute for this address family

allow-own-asSpecify the number of occurrences of the local BGP speaker's AS that can occur within the AS_PATH before it is rejected for this address family.
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'as-path-options'

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor address-family as-path-options allow-own-as

Specify the number of occurrences of the local BGP speaker's AS that can occur within the AS_PATH before it is rejected for this address family.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor address-family as-path-options allow-own-as [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor address-family conditional-advertisement

Configure Conditional Advertisement

advertisement-policyA policy selecting routes to conditionally advertise.
deleteDelete configuration data
exist-policyIf this policy matches any BGP route, advertise the routes matched by advertisement-policy, otherwise do not advertise the routes matched by advertisement-policy.
non-exist-policyIf this policy does not match any BGP route, advertise the routes matched by advertisement-policy, otherwise do not advertise the routes matched by advertisement-policy.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'conditional-advertisement'

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor address-family conditional-advertisement advertisement-policy

A policy selecting routes to conditionally advertise.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor address-family conditional-advertisement advertisement-policy [<policy-ref>]
Positional Arguments
policy-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor address-family conditional-advertisement exist-policy

If this policy matches any BGP route, advertise the routes matched by advertisement-policy, otherwise do not advertise the routes matched by advertisement-policy.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor address-family conditional-advertisement exist-policy [<policy-ref>]
Positional Arguments
policy-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor address-family conditional-advertisement non-exist-policy

If this policy does not match any BGP route, advertise the routes matched by advertisement-policy, otherwise do not advertise the routes matched by advertisement-policy.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor address-family conditional-advertisement non-exist-policy [<policy-ref>]
Positional Arguments
policy-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor address-family neighbor-policy

Configure Neighbor Policy

deleteDelete configuration data
inbound-policyA policy to apply to the NLRIs inbound from this neighbor.
outbound-policyA policy to apply to the NLRIs outbound to this neighbor.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'neighbor-policy'

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor address-family neighbor-policy inbound-policy

A policy to apply to the NLRIs inbound from this neighbor.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor address-family neighbor-policy inbound-policy [<policy-ref>]
Positional Arguments
policy-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor address-family neighbor-policy outbound-policy

A policy to apply to the NLRIs outbound to this neighbor.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor address-family neighbor-policy outbound-policy [<policy-ref>]
Positional Arguments
policy-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor address-family next-hop-self

Sets the router as the next hop for this neighbor and this address family


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor address-family next-hop-self [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor address-family prefix-limit

Configure the maximum number of prefixes that will be accepted from a neighbor for this address family

deleteDelete configuration data
max-prefixesMaximum number of prefixes that will be accepted from the neighbor for this address family
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
restart-timerTime interval after which the BGP session is re-established after being torn down due to exceeding the max-prefix limit for this adddress family.
showShow configuration data for 'prefix-limit'
shutdown-threshold-pctThreshold on number of prefixes that can be received from a neighbor for this address family before generation of warning messages or log entries.

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor address-family prefix-limit max-prefixes

Maximum number of prefixes that will be accepted from the neighbor for this address family


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor address-family prefix-limit max-prefixes [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: prefixes

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor address-family prefix-limit restart-timer

Time interval after which the BGP session is re-established after being torn down due to exceeding the max-prefix limit for this adddress family.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor address-family prefix-limit restart-timer [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor address-family prefix-limit shutdown-threshold-pct

Threshold on number of prefixes that can be received from a neighbor for this address family before generation of warning messages or log entries.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor address-family prefix-limit shutdown-threshold-pct [<percentage>]
Positional Arguments
percentageThe value to set for this field


Units: percent

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor address-family remove-private-as

Modify private AS numbers in updates sent to neighbors for this address family.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor address-family remove-private-as [<remove-private-as-option>]
Positional Arguments
remove-private-as-optionThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor address-family route-reflector

Route reflector client configuration

clientConfigure the neighbor as a route reflector client for this address family.
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'route-reflector'

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor address-family route-reflector client

Configure the neighbor as a route reflector client for this address family.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor address-family route-reflector client [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor address-family send-default-route

If set to true, generate and send the default-route for this address-family to the neighbor


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor address-family send-default-route [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor auth-password

Configures an MD5 authentication password for use with neighboring devices.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor auth-password [<password>]
Positional Arguments
passwordThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor bfd

BFD Client Configuration.

deleteDelete configuration data
desired-tx-intervalThe minimum transmission interval in milliseconds used to send BFD control packets.
enableEnable/Disable BFD protocol
multiplierThe number of BFD packets that can be lost without the BFD session declared as down.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
required-min-rx-intervalRepresents the minimum interval between BFD asynchronous control packets that this router is capable of supporting.
showShow configuration data for 'bfd'

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor bfd desired-tx-interval

The minimum transmission interval in milliseconds used to send BFD control packets.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor bfd desired-tx-interval [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field


Units: milliseconds

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor bfd enable

Enable/Disable BFD protocol


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor bfd enable [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor bfd multiplier

The number of BFD packets that can be lost without the BFD session declared as down.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor bfd multiplier [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor bfd required-min-rx-interval

Represents the minimum interval between BFD asynchronous control packets that this router is capable of supporting.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor bfd required-min-rx-interval [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field


Units: milliseconds

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor description

An optional textual description (intended primarily for use with a neighbor or group


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor graceful-restart

Configuration parameters relating to BGP neighbor graceful restart. If not explicitly configured, neighbor inherits from BGP instance.

deleteDelete configuration data
modeGraceful restart mode.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'graceful-restart'

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor graceful-restart mode

Graceful restart mode.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor graceful-restart mode [<graceful-restart-mode>]
Positional Arguments
graceful-restart-modeThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor local-as

The local autonomous system number that is to be used when establishing sessions with the remote neighbor or neighbor group, if this differs from the global BGP router autonomous system number.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor local-as [<as-number>]
Positional Arguments
as-numberThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor multihop

Configuration parameters specifying the multihop behaviour for BGP sessions to the neighbor

deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'multihop'
ttlTime-to-live value to use when packets are sent to the referenced group or neighbors and ebgp-multihop is enabled

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor multihop ttl

Time-to-live value to use when packets are sent to the referenced group or neighbors and ebgp-multihop is enabled


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor multihop ttl [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor negotiate-capabilities

If set to false, suppress sending the Capabilities Optional Parameter in the BGP OPEN message.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor negotiate-capabilities [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor neighbor-address

IP address of the BGP neighbor


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor neighbor-address [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor neighbor-as

AS number of the neighbor.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor neighbor-as [<as-number>]
Positional Arguments
as-numberThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor neighbor-policy

Configure Neighbor Policy

deleteDelete configuration data
inbound-policyA policy to apply to the NLRIs inbound from this neighbor.
outbound-policyA policy to apply to the NLRIs outbound to this neighbor.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'neighbor-policy'

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor neighbor-policy inbound-policy

A policy to apply to the NLRIs inbound from this neighbor.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor neighbor-policy inbound-policy [<policy-ref>]
Positional Arguments
policy-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor neighbor-policy outbound-policy

A policy to apply to the NLRIs outbound to this neighbor.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor neighbor-policy outbound-policy [<policy-ref>]
Positional Arguments
policy-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor shutdown

If set to true, the neighbors connection will not come up.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor shutdown [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor timers

Config parameters related to timers associated with the BGP neighbor

connect-retryTime interval between attempts to establish a session with the neighbor.
deleteDelete configuration data
hold-timeTime interval that a BGP session will be considered active in the absence of keepalive or other messages from the neighbor. The hold-time is typically set to 3x the keepalive-interval.
keepalive-intervalTime interval between transmission of keepalive messages to the neighbor. Must be set to 1/3 the hold-time or smaller.
minimum-advertisement-intervalMinimum time which must elapse between subsequent UPDATE messages relating to a common set of NLRI being transmitted to a neighbor. This timer is referred to as MinRouteAdvertisementIntervalTimer by RFC 4721 and serves to reduce the number of UPDATE messages transmitted when a particular set of NLRI exhibit instability.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'timers'

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor timers connect-retry

Time interval between attempts to establish a session with the neighbor.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor timers connect-retry [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor timers hold-time

Time interval that a BGP session will be considered active in the absence of keepalive or other messages from the neighbor. The hold-time is typically set to 3x the keepalive-interval.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor timers hold-time [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor timers keepalive-interval

Time interval between transmission of keepalive messages to the neighbor. Must be set to 1/3 the hold-time or smaller.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor timers keepalive-interval [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor timers minimum-advertisement-interval

Minimum time which must elapse between subsequent UPDATE messages relating to a common set of NLRI being transmitted to a neighbor. This timer is referred to as MinRouteAdvertisementIntervalTimer by RFC 4721 and serves to reduce the number of UPDATE messages transmitted when a particular set of NLRI exhibit instability.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor timers minimum-advertisement-interval [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor transport

Configuration parameters relating to the transport protocol used by the BGP session to the neighbor

bgp-service-generationApproach used for generating a BGP service and service routes to enable SVR transport for the BGP session with the neighbor.
deleteDelete configuration data
local-addressSet the source IP address to be used for the BGP peering session. This must be expressed as a reference to the name of a routing interface or network interface.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
passive-modeWait for neighbors to issue requests to open a BGP session, rather than initiating sessions from the local router.
showShow configuration data for 'transport'

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor transport bgp-service-generation

Approach used for generating a BGP service and service routes to enable SVR transport for the BGP session with the neighbor.

deleteDelete configuration data
disabledDo not generate a BGP service or service routes.
neighbor-vrfName of the neighbor's VRF in which the peer BGP instance resides. Can be 'default'.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
same-neighbor-vrfGenerate BGP service if there is a matching peer with a BGP instance within the same VRF.
showShow configuration data for 'bgp-service-generation'

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor transport bgp-service-generation disabled

Do not generate a BGP service or service routes.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor transport bgp-service-generation disabled

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor transport bgp-service-generation neighbor-vrf

Name of the neighbor's VRF in which the peer BGP instance resides. Can be 'default'.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor transport bgp-service-generation neighbor-vrf [<vrf-name-or-default-vrf>]
Positional Arguments
vrf-name-or-default-vrfThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor transport bgp-service-generation same-neighbor-vrf

Generate BGP service if there is a matching peer with a BGP instance within the same VRF.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor transport bgp-service-generation same-neighbor-vrf

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor transport local-address

Set the source IP address to be used for the BGP peering session. This must be expressed as a reference to the name of a routing interface or network interface.

deleteDelete configuration data
interfaceNetwork interface name
nodeInterface node name
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
routing-interfaceConfigure Routing Interface
showShow configuration data for 'local-address'

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor transport local-address interface

Network interface name


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor transport local-address interface [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor transport local-address node

Interface node name


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor transport local-address node [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor transport local-address routing-interface

Configure Routing Interface


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor transport local-address routing-interface [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor transport passive-mode

Wait for neighbors to issue requests to open a BGP session, rather than initiating sessions from the local router.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol neighbor transport passive-mode [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol redistribute

List of routing protocols to redistribute into BGP


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol redistribute <protocol>
Positional Arguments
protocolThe routing protocol to redistribute into BGP
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
policyA policy to apply to the redistributed route
protocolThe routing protocol to redistribute into BGP
showShow configuration data for 'redistribute'

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol redistribute policy

A policy to apply to the redistributed route


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol redistribute policy [<policy-ref>]
Positional Arguments
policy-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol redistribute protocol

The routing protocol to redistribute into BGP


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol redistribute protocol [<redistribute-into-bgp>]
Positional Arguments
redistribute-into-bgpThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol route-reflector-allow-outbound-policy

Apply outbound policy on route reflector clients.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol route-reflector-allow-outbound-policy [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol route-selection-options

Set of configuration options that govern best path selection.

always-compare-medCompare multi-exit discriminator (MED) value from different ASes when selecting the best route. The default behavior is to only compare MEDs for paths received from the same AS.
deleteDelete configuration data
external-compare-router-idWhen comparing similar routes received from external BGP neighbors, use the router-id as a criterion to select the active path.
ignore-as-path-lengthIgnore the AS path length when selecting the best path. The default is to use the AS path length and prefer paths with shorter length.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'route-selection-options'

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol route-selection-options always-compare-med

Compare multi-exit discriminator (MED) value from different ASes when selecting the best route. The default behavior is to only compare MEDs for paths received from the same AS.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol route-selection-options always-compare-med [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol route-selection-options external-compare-router-id

When comparing similar routes received from external BGP neighbors, use the router-id as a criterion to select the active path.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol route-selection-options external-compare-router-id [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol route-selection-options ignore-as-path-length

Ignore the AS path length when selecting the best path. The default is to use the AS path length and prefer paths with shorter length.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol route-selection-options ignore-as-path-length [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol router-id

Router id of the router, expressed as an 32-bit value, IPv4 address.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol router-id [<ipv4-address>]
Positional Arguments
ipv4-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol timers

Config parameters related to timers associated with the BGP neighbor

deleteDelete configuration data
hold-timeTime interval that a BGP session will be considered active in the absence of keepalive or other messages from the neighbor. The hold-time is typically set to 3x the keepalive-interval.
keepalive-intervalTime interval between transmission of keepalive messages to the neighbor. Must be set to 1/3 the hold-time or smaller.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'timers'

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol timers hold-time

Time interval that a BGP session will be considered active in the absence of keepalive or other messages from the neighbor. The hold-time is typically set to 3x the keepalive-interval.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol timers hold-time [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol timers keepalive-interval

Time interval between transmission of keepalive messages to the neighbor. Must be set to 1/3 the hold-time or smaller.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol timers keepalive-interval [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol type

Type of the routing protocol - an identity derived from the 'routing-protocol' base identity.


configure authority router routing vrf routing-protocol type [<identityref>]
Positional Arguments
identityrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf service-admin-distance

Administrative distance for routes generated from services.


configure authority router routing vrf service-admin-distance [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf static-route

A list of static routes. The sub-element that allows administrators to configure static routes, that will be entered into the SSR's Routing Information Base (RIB).


configure authority router routing vrf static-route <destination-prefix> <distance>
Positional Arguments
destination-prefixIPv4 or IPv6 destination prefix that must be unicast.
distanceStatic route administrative distance. Used in calculating route preference when multiple possible paths exist learned via different sources.
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionTextual description of the route.
destination-prefixIPv4 or IPv6 destination prefix that must be unicast.
distanceStatic route administrative distance. Used in calculating route preference when multiple possible paths exist learned via different sources.
next-hopList of next-hops. An empty list creates a blackhole route.
next-hop-interfaceList of next-hop interfaces.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'static-route'

configure authority router routing vrf static-route description

Textual description of the route.


configure authority router routing vrf static-route description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf static-route destination-prefix

IPv4 or IPv6 destination prefix that must be unicast.


configure authority router routing vrf static-route destination-prefix [<unicast-ip-prefix>]
Positional Arguments
unicast-ip-prefixThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf static-route distance

Static route administrative distance. Used in calculating route preference when multiple possible paths exist learned via different sources.


configure authority router routing vrf static-route distance [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf static-route next-hop

List of next-hops. An empty list creates a blackhole route.


configure authority router routing vrf static-route next-hop [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressValue to add to this list

configure authority router routing vrf static-route next-hop-interface

List of next-hop interfaces.


configure authority router routing vrf static-route next-hop-interface <node> <interface>
Positional Arguments
nodeInterface node name
interfaceNetwork interface name
interfaceNetwork interface name
nodeInterface node name
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'next-hop-interface'

configure authority router routing vrf static-route next-hop-interface interface

Network interface name


configure authority router routing vrf static-route next-hop-interface interface [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf static-route next-hop-interface node

Interface node name


configure authority router routing vrf static-route next-hop-interface node [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router routing vrf tenant-name

List of tenants in this VRF.


configure authority router routing vrf tenant-name [<tenant-ref>]
Positional Arguments
tenant-refValue to add to this list

configure authority router service-route

Defines a route for a service or an instance of a service (server or service agent).


configure authority router service-route <name>
Positional Arguments
nameAn arbitrary, unique name for the service route.
bridge-nameEOSVR bridge to forward packets to for the service.
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
enable-failoverEnable failover across next-hops and service-routes that have this flag set.
generatedIndicates whether or not the Service Route was automatically generated as a result of STEP topology builder, Conductor, BGP/SVR, or DHCP Relay services.
hostPackets are passed to the host operating system for processing
nameAn arbitrary, unique name for the service route.
nat-targetThe address or fqdn of the server that packets are forwarded to for the service. The destination is natted to this address.
next-hopAn instance of the nexthop for the service route.
next-peerPeer router to forward packets to for the service.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
peerPeer router to forward packets to for the service.
port-targetThe port of the server that packets are forwarded to for the service. The destination is port natted to this port. If no value is specified, no translation occurs.
reachability-detectionConfigure Reachability Detection
routing-stackPackets are passed to the internal routing agent for processing
routing-stack-vrfVRF in which the internal routing agent will receive the packets
service-nameThe name of the service that this service route applies to.
service-route-policyService Route Policy that applies to the service route.
showShow configuration data for 'service-route'
use-bgp-over-svrCombine BGP over SVR routes with local service routes.
use-learned-routesUse learned (from routing protocols), connected, and static routes.
vectorVector name to assign a cost to this service-route.

configure authority router service-route bridge-name

EOSVR bridge to forward packets to for the service.


configure authority router service-route bridge-name [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router service-route enable-failover

Enable failover across next-hops and service-routes that have this flag set.


configure authority router service-route enable-failover [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router service-route generated

Indicates whether or not the Service Route was automatically generated as a result of STEP topology builder, Conductor, BGP/SVR, or DHCP Relay services.


configure authority router service-route generated [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router service-route host

Packets are passed to the host operating system for processing


configure authority router service-route host <node-name>
Positional Arguments
node-nameThe name of the node on which the host interface resides.
deleteDelete configuration data
moveMove list items
node-nameThe name of the node on which the host interface resides.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'host'
target-addressThe ipv4 address or fqdn of the server that packets are forwarded to for the service. The destination is natted to this address.

configure authority router service-route host move target-address

The ipv4 address or fqdn of the server that packets are forwarded to for the service. The destination is natted to this address.


configure authority router service-route host move target-address [force] <value> <position> [<relative-to>]
Keyword Arguments
forceSkip confirmation prompt
Positional Arguments
valueValue to move
positionfirst | last | before | after
relative-toValue before or after which to move

configure authority router service-route host node-name

The name of the node on which the host interface resides.


configure authority router service-route host node-name [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router service-route host target-address

The ipv4 address or fqdn of the server that packets are forwarded to for the service. The destination is natted to this address.


configure authority router service-route host target-address [<hostv4>]
Positional Arguments
hostv4Value to add to this list

configure authority router service-route name

An arbitrary, unique name for the service route.


configure authority router service-route name [<service-route-name>]
Positional Arguments
service-route-nameThe value to set for this field

configure authority router service-route nat-target

The address or fqdn of the server that packets are forwarded to for the service. The destination is natted to this address.


configure authority router service-route nat-target [<host>]
Positional Arguments
hostThe value to set for this field

configure authority router service-route next-hop

An instance of the nexthop for the service route.


configure authority router service-route next-hop <node-name> <interface>
Positional Arguments
node-nameThe name of the node on which the interface resides.
interfaceA reference to the name of a configured network layer interface used to reach the destination.
deleteDelete configuration data
gateway-ipGateway ip address of the service route nexthop.
interfaceA reference to the name of a configured network layer interface used to reach the destination.
moveMove list items
node-nameThe name of the node on which the interface resides.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'next-hop'
source-nat-poolApply source address (and optional port) translation for flows created towards the configured next-hop. This config will override any source-nat settings on the egress network-interface.
target-addressTarget addresses for the service route nexthop.
vectorVector name to assign a cost to this next-hop in service-route

configure authority router service-route next-hop gateway-ip

Gateway ip address of the service route nexthop.


configure authority router service-route next-hop gateway-ip [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router service-route next-hop interface

A reference to the name of a configured network layer interface used to reach the destination.


configure authority router service-route next-hop interface [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router service-route next-hop move target-address

Target addresses for the service route nexthop.


configure authority router service-route next-hop move target-address [force] <value> <position> [<relative-to>]
Keyword Arguments
forceSkip confirmation prompt
Positional Arguments
valueValue to move
positionfirst | last | before | after
relative-toValue before or after which to move

configure authority router service-route next-hop node-name

The name of the node on which the interface resides.


configure authority router service-route next-hop node-name [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router service-route next-hop source-nat-pool

Apply source address (and optional port) translation for flows created towards the configured next-hop. This config will override any source-nat settings on the egress network-interface.


configure authority router service-route next-hop source-nat-pool [<nat-pool-ref>]
Positional Arguments
nat-pool-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router service-route next-hop target-address

Target addresses for the service route nexthop.


configure authority router service-route next-hop target-address [<host>]
Positional Arguments
hostValue to add to this list

configure authority router service-route next-hop vector

Vector name to assign a cost to this next-hop in service-route


configure authority router service-route next-hop vector [<vector-name>]
Positional Arguments
vector-nameThe value to set for this field

configure authority router service-route next-peer

Peer router to forward packets to for the service.


configure authority router service-route next-peer [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefValue to add to this list

configure authority router service-route peer

Peer router to forward packets to for the service.


configure authority router service-route peer [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router service-route port-target

The port of the server that packets are forwarded to for the service. The destination is port natted to this port. If no value is specified, no translation occurs.


configure authority router service-route port-target [<l4-port>]
Positional Arguments
l4-portThe value to set for this field

configure authority router service-route reachability-detection

Configure Reachability Detection

cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
detection-windowTime window for aggregate stats calculation (max and mean)
enabledWhether reachability detection is enabled on this service-route.
enforcementWhether reachability detection is enforced on this service-route.
hold-downHold-down time for when the path is determined down
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
probeConfigure Probe
probe-typeThe mode for performing probes in addition to reachability-detection enforcement
reachability-profileThe reachability-profile to apply to this service-route
showShow configuration data for 'reachability-detection'

configure authority router service-route reachability-detection detection-window

Time window for aggregate stats calculation (max and mean)


configure authority router service-route reachability-detection detection-window [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router service-route reachability-detection enabled

Whether reachability detection is enabled on this service-route.


configure authority router service-route reachability-detection enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router service-route reachability-detection enforcement

Whether reachability detection is enforced on this service-route.


configure authority router service-route reachability-detection enforcement [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router service-route reachability-detection hold-down

Hold-down time for when the path is determined down


configure authority router service-route reachability-detection hold-down [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router service-route reachability-detection probe

Configure Probe


configure authority router service-route reachability-detection probe <name>
Positional Arguments
nameName of the probe
deleteDelete configuration data
enabledEnable reachability probe
icmp-probe-profileThe ICMP probe profile settings to use for this path
nameName of the probe
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'probe'

configure authority router service-route reachability-detection probe enabled

Enable reachability probe


configure authority router service-route reachability-detection probe enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router service-route reachability-detection probe icmp-probe-profile

The ICMP probe profile settings to use for this path


configure authority router service-route reachability-detection probe icmp-probe-profile [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router service-route reachability-detection probe name

Name of the probe


configure authority router service-route reachability-detection probe name [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router service-route reachability-detection probe-type

The mode for performing probes in addition to reachability-detection enforcement


configure authority router service-route reachability-detection probe-type [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router service-route reachability-detection reachability-profile

The reachability-profile to apply to this service-route


configure authority router service-route reachability-detection reachability-profile [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router service-route routing-stack

Packets are passed to the internal routing agent for processing


configure authority router service-route routing-stack

configure authority router service-route routing-stack-vrf

VRF in which the internal routing agent will receive the packets


configure authority router service-route routing-stack-vrf [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router service-route service-name

The name of the service that this service route applies to.


configure authority router service-route service-name [<service-name-ref>]
Positional Arguments
service-name-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router service-route service-route-policy

Service Route Policy that applies to the service route.


configure authority router service-route service-route-policy [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router service-route use-bgp-over-svr

Combine BGP over SVR routes with local service routes.


configure authority router service-route use-bgp-over-svr

configure authority router service-route use-learned-routes

Use learned (from routing protocols), connected, and static routes.


configure authority router service-route use-learned-routes

configure authority router service-route vector

Vector name to assign a cost to this service-route.


configure authority router service-route vector [<vector-name>]
Positional Arguments
vector-nameThe value to set for this field

configure authority router service-route-policy

Used to define the properties of service routes. These capabilities influence route selection when determining the optimal path for establishing new sessions.


configure authority router service-route-policy <name>
Positional Arguments
nameA unique name for the service route policy.
deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionA description for the service route policy.
include-parent-routesWhen true, the routes from the immediate parent service will be used in addition to those provisioned for the child service. By default, only provisioned routes for a child service is in use.
max-sessionsMaximum number of active sessions. When configured, once the service-route using this service-route-policy reaches the configured threshold, no new sessions will be established until the rate drops below the configured value.
nameA unique name for the service route policy.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
packet-replicationWhen true, packets will be replicated for all next-hops in the associated service-route.
session-high-water-markPercentage of maximum sessions above which the route will no longer be considered for load balancing.
session-low-water-markPercentage of maximum sessions below which the route will be reconsidered for load balancing.
session-rateMaximum rate in sessions per second. When configured, once the service-route using this service-route-policy reaches the configured rate limit threshold, no new sessions will be established until the rate drops below the configured value.
showShow configuration data for 'service-route-policy'

configure authority router service-route-policy description

A description for the service route policy.


configure authority router service-route-policy description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router service-route-policy include-parent-routes

When true, the routes from the immediate parent service will be used in addition to those provisioned for the child service. By default, only provisioned routes for a child service is in use.


configure authority router service-route-policy include-parent-routes [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router service-route-policy max-sessions

Maximum number of active sessions. When configured, once the service-route using this service-route-policy reaches the configured threshold, no new sessions will be established until the rate drops below the configured value.


configure authority router service-route-policy max-sessions [<limit>]
Positional Arguments
limitThe value to set for this field

configure authority router service-route-policy name

A unique name for the service route policy.


configure authority router service-route-policy name [<name-id>]
Positional Arguments
name-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority router service-route-policy packet-replication

When true, packets will be replicated for all next-hops in the associated service-route.


configure authority router service-route-policy packet-replication [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router service-route-policy session-high-water-mark

Percentage of maximum sessions above which the route will no longer be considered for load balancing.


configure authority router service-route-policy session-high-water-mark [<percentage>]
Positional Arguments
percentageThe value to set for this field


Units: percent

configure authority router service-route-policy session-low-water-mark

Percentage of maximum sessions below which the route will be reconsidered for load balancing.


configure authority router service-route-policy session-low-water-mark [<percentage>]
Positional Arguments
percentageThe value to set for this field


Units: percent

configure authority router service-route-policy session-rate

Maximum rate in sessions per second. When configured, once the service-route using this service-route-policy reaches the configured rate limit threshold, no new sessions will be established until the rate drops below the configured value.


configure authority router service-route-policy session-rate [<limit>]
Positional Arguments
limitThe value to set for this field

configure authority router static-hostname-mapping

Map hostnames to ip-address resolutions. These entries will be put in /etc/hosts. This will prevent DNS requests from being sent for these hostnames.

cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'static-hostname-mapping'
static-entryStatic hostname mapping entry.

configure authority router static-hostname-mapping static-entry

Static hostname mapping entry.


configure authority router static-hostname-mapping static-entry <hostname>
Positional Arguments
hostnameHostname to set the resolution for.
deleteDelete configuration data
hostnameHostname to set the resolution for.
ip-addressIp-address for the corresponding hostname.
moveMove list items
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'static-entry'

configure authority router static-hostname-mapping static-entry hostname

Hostname to set the resolution for.


configure authority router static-hostname-mapping static-entry hostname [<domain-name-not-ipv4>]
Positional Arguments
domain-name-not-ipv4The value to set for this field

configure authority router static-hostname-mapping static-entry ip-address

Ip-address for the corresponding hostname.


configure authority router static-hostname-mapping static-entry ip-address [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressValue to add to this list

configure authority router static-hostname-mapping static-entry move ip-address

Ip-address for the corresponding hostname.


configure authority router static-hostname-mapping static-entry move ip-address [force] <value> <position> [<relative-to>]
Keyword Arguments
forceSkip confirmation prompt
Positional Arguments
valueValue to move
positionfirst | last | before | after
relative-toValue before or after which to move

configure authority router system

System group configuration. Lets administrators configure system-wide properties for their SSR deployment.

asset-connection-resiliencyConfigure Asset Connection Resiliency
auditConfiguration for audit events
cloneClone a list item
contactThe administrator contact information for the system.
deleteDelete configuration data
inactivity-timerThe amount of time a user is allowed to be idle before being automatically disconnected from the system.
local-loginConfigure Local Login
log-categoryLog category configuration lets administrators configure the SSR's log level for specific log categories, overriding the default log-level setting.
log-levelThe log level is the degree to which the SSR writes information into its log files, by default. WARNING: using the 'trace' level will significantly impact system performance and is not recommended for production environments. The 'log-category' configuration should be used instead for 'trace' level of specific categories.
metricsParameters controlling metric configuration and collection. Governs various aspects of the SSR's data sampling for analytics purposes.
ntpNTP configuration lets administrators configure information about the NTP servers within their management network.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
remote-loginConfigure Remote Login
servicesAddress information for internal services
showShow configuration data for 'system'
software-updateConfiguration for SSR software updates. Supported on managed assets only.
syslogSyslog configuration lets administrators configure the SSR's interaction with external syslog services.

configure authority router system asset-connection-resiliency

Configure Asset Connection Resiliency

deleteDelete configuration data
enabledEnable asset connection resiliency by creating SSH tunnels for asset connections from managed Router to Conductor.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'asset-connection-resiliency'

configure authority router system asset-connection-resiliency enabled

Enable asset connection resiliency by creating SSH tunnels for asset connections from managed Router to Conductor.


configure authority router system asset-connection-resiliency enabled [<union>]
Positional Arguments
unionThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system audit

Configuration for audit events

administrationConfigure Administration
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
disk-full-actionAction to take when disk is full.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
remote-logging-serverAudit remote logging server using the auditd remote protocol. For standard syslog servers use the syslog server config instead.
retentionHow long events should be persisted. This includes the explicit events here as well as the the implicit alarm and provisioning events
securityConfigure Security
showShow configuration data for 'audit'
systemConfiguration for system events
trafficConfiguration for traffic requests

configure authority router system audit administration

Configure Administration

deleteDelete configuration data
enabledEnable/disable logging of administration events
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
persistEnable/disable persistence of administration events by SSR
showShow configuration data for 'administration'

configure authority router system audit administration enabled

Enable/disable logging of administration events


configure authority router system audit administration enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system audit administration persist

Enable/disable persistence of administration events by SSR


configure authority router system audit administration persist [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system audit disk-full-action

Action to take when disk is full.


configure authority router system audit disk-full-action [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system audit remote-logging-server

Audit remote logging server using the auditd remote protocol. For standard syslog servers use the syslog server config instead.


configure authority router system audit remote-logging-server <address> <port>
Positional Arguments
addressThe remote IP address or FQDN of the audit logging server.
portThe remote port of the audit logging server.
addressThe remote IP address or FQDN of the audit logging server.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
portThe remote port of the audit logging server.
showShow configuration data for 'remote-logging-server'

configure authority router system audit remote-logging-server address

The remote IP address or FQDN of the audit logging server.


configure authority router system audit remote-logging-server address [<host>]
Positional Arguments
hostThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system audit remote-logging-server port

The remote port of the audit logging server.


configure authority router system audit remote-logging-server port [<l4-port>]
Positional Arguments
l4-portThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system audit retention

How long events should be persisted. This includes the explicit events here as well as the the implicit alarm and provisioning events


configure authority router system audit retention [<duration>]
Positional Arguments
durationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system audit security

Configure Security

deleteDelete configuration data
enabledEnable/disable logging of security events
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
persistEnable/disable persistence of security events by SSR
showShow configuration data for 'security'

configure authority router system audit security enabled

Enable/disable logging of security events


configure authority router system audit security enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system audit security persist

Enable/disable persistence of security events by SSR


configure authority router system audit security persist [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system audit system

Configuration for system events

deleteDelete configuration data
enabledEnable/disable logging of system events
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
persistEnable/disable persistence of system events by SSR
showShow configuration data for 'system'

configure authority router system audit system enabled

Enable/disable logging of system events


configure authority router system audit system enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system audit system persist

Enable/disable persistence of system events by SSR


configure authority router system audit system persist [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system audit traffic

Configuration for traffic requests

deleteDelete configuration data
enabledEnable/disable logging of traffic requests
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
persistEnable/disable persistence of traffic events by SSR
showShow configuration data for 'traffic'

configure authority router system audit traffic enabled

Enable/disable logging of traffic requests


configure authority router system audit traffic enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system audit traffic persist

Enable/disable persistence of traffic events by SSR


configure authority router system audit traffic persist [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system contact

The administrator contact information for the system.


configure authority router system contact [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system inactivity-timer

The amount of time a user is allowed to be idle before being automatically disconnected from the system.


configure authority router system inactivity-timer [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router system local-login

Configure Local Login

deleteDelete configuration data
netconfConfigure Netconf
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'local-login'

configure authority router system local-login netconf

Configure Netconf

deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
session-limitNumber of Netconf sessions permitted on the system.
session-limit-actionAction performed when local session limit exceeded.
showShow configuration data for 'netconf'

configure authority router system local-login netconf session-limit

Number of Netconf sessions permitted on the system.


configure authority router system local-login netconf session-limit [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field

configure authority router system local-login netconf session-limit-action

Action performed when local session limit exceeded.


configure authority router system local-login netconf session-limit-action [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system log-category

Log category configuration lets administrators configure the SSR's log level for specific log categories, overriding the default log-level setting.


configure authority router system log-category <name>
Positional Arguments
nameThe log category.
deleteDelete configuration data
log-levelThe log level setting for this category.
nameThe log category.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'log-category'

configure authority router system log-category log-level

The log level setting for this category.


configure authority router system log-category log-level [<log-level>]
Positional Arguments
log-levelThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system log-category name

The log category.


configure authority router system log-category name [<log-category>]
Positional Arguments
log-categoryThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system log-level

The log level is the degree to which the SSR writes information into its log files, by default. WARNING: using the 'trace' level will significantly impact system performance and is not recommended for production environments. The 'log-category' configuration should be used instead for 'trace' level of specific categories.


configure authority router system log-level [<log-level>]
Positional Arguments
log-levelThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system metrics

Parameters controlling metric configuration and collection. Governs various aspects of the SSR's data sampling for analytics purposes.

application-stats-intervalInterval at which the delta of identified application stats will be computed
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
profileConfigure Profile
retentionThe durations to be used for internal metric storage
sample-periodThe period on which metrics are sampled
showShow configuration data for 'metrics'

configure authority router system metrics application-stats-interval

Interval at which the delta of identified application stats will be computed


configure authority router system metrics application-stats-interval [<duration>]
Positional Arguments
durationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system metrics profile

Configure Profile


configure authority router system metrics profile <name>
Positional Arguments
nameA profile to be used on this router
deleteDelete configuration data
nameA profile to be used on this router
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
retentionHow long the metrics should be retained on box
showShow configuration data for 'profile'

configure authority router system metrics profile name

A profile to be used on this router


configure authority router system metrics profile name [<metrics-profile-ref>]
Positional Arguments
metrics-profile-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system metrics profile retention

How long the metrics should be retained on box


configure authority router system metrics profile retention [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system metrics retention

The durations to be used for internal metric storage

deleteDelete configuration data
intermediateThe intermediate historical retention bucket
longThe longest historical retention bucket
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
shortThe shortest historical retention bucket
showShow configuration data for 'retention'

configure authority router system metrics retention intermediate

The intermediate historical retention bucket

deleteDelete configuration data
durationHow long the intermediate retention should retain metrics
enabledWhether intermediate and subsequent retentions should be disabled
intervalHow frequently metrics should be aggregated into the intermediate retention
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'intermediate'

configure authority router system metrics retention intermediate duration

How long the intermediate retention should retain metrics


configure authority router system metrics retention intermediate duration [<duration>]
Positional Arguments
durationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system metrics retention intermediate enabled

Whether intermediate and subsequent retentions should be disabled


configure authority router system metrics retention intermediate enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system metrics retention intermediate interval

How frequently metrics should be aggregated into the intermediate retention


configure authority router system metrics retention intermediate interval [<duration>]
Positional Arguments
durationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system metrics retention long

The longest historical retention bucket

deleteDelete configuration data
durationHow long the long retention should retain metrics
enabledWhether the long retention should be disabled
intervalHow frequently metrics should be aggregated into the long retention
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'long'

configure authority router system metrics retention long duration

How long the long retention should retain metrics


configure authority router system metrics retention long duration [<duration>]
Positional Arguments
durationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system metrics retention long enabled

Whether the long retention should be disabled


configure authority router system metrics retention long enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system metrics retention long interval

How frequently metrics should be aggregated into the long retention


configure authority router system metrics retention long interval [<duration>]
Positional Arguments
durationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system metrics retention short

The shortest historical retention bucket

deleteDelete configuration data
durationHow long the short retention should retain metrics
enabledWhether short and subsequent retentions should be disabled
intervalHow frequently metrics should be inserted into the short retention. This is equivallent to the deprecated 'sample-period' element.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'short'

configure authority router system metrics retention short duration

How long the short retention should retain metrics


configure authority router system metrics retention short duration [<duration>]
Positional Arguments
durationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system metrics retention short enabled

Whether short and subsequent retentions should be disabled


configure authority router system metrics retention short enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system metrics retention short interval

How frequently metrics should be inserted into the short retention. This is equivallent to the deprecated 'sample-period' element.


configure authority router system metrics retention short interval [<duration>]
Positional Arguments
durationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system metrics sample-period

The period on which metrics are sampled


configure authority router system metrics sample-period [<int8>]
Positional Arguments
int8The value to set for this field


Units: seconds Warning: 'sample-period' is deprecated and will be removed in a future software version

configure authority router system ntp

NTP configuration lets administrators configure information about the NTP servers within their management network.

cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
orphan-stratumValue to use as stratum when upstream NTP servers are unavailable and router nodes synchronize in orphan mode. The numerical value should be greater than the expected stratum value of the upstream NTP servers. For example if upstream clocks are stratum 4 or 5, then this setting should be 6.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
serverThe list of NTP servers configured for this device.
showShow configuration data for 'ntp'

configure authority router system ntp orphan-stratum

Value to use as stratum when upstream NTP servers are unavailable and router nodes synchronize in orphan mode. The numerical value should be greater than the expected stratum value of the upstream NTP servers. For example if upstream clocks are stratum 4 or 5, then this setting should be 6.


configure authority router system ntp orphan-stratum [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field

configure authority router system ntp server

The list of NTP servers configured for this device.


configure authority router system ntp server <ip-address>
Positional Arguments
ip-addressThe address or hostname of NTP server.
authentication-keyConfigure Authentication Key
deleteDelete configuration data
ip-addressThe address or hostname of NTP server.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'server'

configure authority router system ntp server authentication-key

Configure Authentication Key

deleteDelete configuration data
key-numberThe key number identifier for the authentication key
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'authentication-key'
typeThe algorithm used by symmetric key
valueThe authentication key value

configure authority router system ntp server authentication-key key-number

The key number identifier for the authentication key


configure authority router system ntp server authentication-key key-number [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field

configure authority router system ntp server authentication-key type

The algorithm used by symmetric key


configure authority router system ntp server authentication-key type [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system ntp server authentication-key value

The authentication key value


configure authority router system ntp server authentication-key value [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system ntp server ip-address

The address or hostname of NTP server.


configure authority router system ntp server ip-address [<host>]
Positional Arguments
hostThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system remote-login

Configure Remote Login

deleteDelete configuration data
enabledEnable remote login from a Conductor to assets on this Router.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'remote-login'

configure authority router system remote-login enabled

Enable remote login from a Conductor to assets on this Router.


configure authority router system remote-login enabled [<union>]
Positional Arguments
unionThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system services

Address information for internal services

deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'services'
snmp-serverSNMP server configuration.
webserverWeb server & REST API.

configure authority router system services snmp-server

SNMP server configuration.

access-controlSNMP access control policy.
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
enabledEnable SNMP server on all control nodes in this router.
engine-idThe SNMPv3 Engine ID.
notification-receiverList of SNMP receivers that the SNMP server will send notifications.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
portThe port on which the SNMP server listens.
showShow configuration data for 'snmp-server'
vacmView-based Access Control Model settings.
versionThe SNMP server protocol version.

configure authority router system services snmp-server access-control

SNMP access control policy.


configure authority router system services snmp-server access-control <name>
Positional Arguments
nameAn arbitrary, unique name for this access control policy.
communityThe SNMP community string for this access-control policy.
deleteDelete configuration data
nameAn arbitrary, unique name for this access control policy.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'access-control'
sourceThe SNMP client host to restrict access to.
usmUser-based Security Model settings.
viewThe view to use for this access control policy.

configure authority router system services snmp-server access-control community

The SNMP community string for this access-control policy.


configure authority router system services snmp-server access-control community [<snmp-community>]
Positional Arguments
snmp-communityThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system services snmp-server access-control name

An arbitrary, unique name for this access control policy.


configure authority router system services snmp-server access-control name [<name-id>]
Positional Arguments
name-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system services snmp-server access-control source

The SNMP client host to restrict access to.


configure authority router system services snmp-server access-control source [<host>]
Positional Arguments
hostThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system services snmp-server access-control usm

User-based Security Model settings.

authenticationAuthentication type.
authentication-keyAuthentication key.
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
privacyPrivacy type.
privacy-keyPrivacy key.
showShow configuration data for 'usm'
user-nameUSM User name.

configure authority router system services snmp-server access-control usm authentication

Authentication type.


configure authority router system services snmp-server access-control usm authentication [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system services snmp-server access-control usm authentication-key

Authentication key.


configure authority router system services snmp-server access-control usm authentication-key [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system services snmp-server access-control usm privacy

Privacy type.


configure authority router system services snmp-server access-control usm privacy [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system services snmp-server access-control usm privacy-key

Privacy key.


configure authority router system services snmp-server access-control usm privacy-key [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system services snmp-server access-control usm user-name

USM User name.


configure authority router system services snmp-server access-control usm user-name [<name-id>]
Positional Arguments
name-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system services snmp-server access-control view

The view to use for this access control policy.


configure authority router system services snmp-server access-control view [<snmp-vacm-view-ref>]
Positional Arguments
snmp-vacm-view-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system services snmp-server enabled

Enable SNMP server on all control nodes in this router.


configure authority router system services snmp-server enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system services snmp-server engine-id

The SNMPv3 Engine ID.


configure authority router system services snmp-server engine-id [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system services snmp-server notification-receiver

List of SNMP receivers that the SNMP server will send notifications.


configure authority router system services snmp-server notification-receiver <ip-address> <port> <type>
Positional Arguments
ip-addressThe address to which the SNMP servers send notifications.
portThe port to which the SNMP servers send notifications.
typeThe type of notification to send.
access-controlThe access-control policy to use when notifying this receiver.
communityThe SNMP community string to use when notifying this receiver.
deleteDelete configuration data
ip-addressThe address to which the SNMP servers send notifications.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
portThe port to which the SNMP servers send notifications.
showShow configuration data for 'notification-receiver'
typeThe type of notification to send.

configure authority router system services snmp-server notification-receiver access-control

The access-control policy to use when notifying this receiver.


configure authority router system services snmp-server notification-receiver access-control [<snmp-access-control-ref>]
Positional Arguments
snmp-access-control-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system services snmp-server notification-receiver community

The SNMP community string to use when notifying this receiver.


configure authority router system services snmp-server notification-receiver community [<snmp-community>]
Positional Arguments
snmp-communityThe value to set for this field


Warning: 'community' is deprecated and will be removed in a future software version

configure authority router system services snmp-server notification-receiver ip-address

The address to which the SNMP servers send notifications.


configure authority router system services snmp-server notification-receiver ip-address [<ipv4-address>]
Positional Arguments
ipv4-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system services snmp-server notification-receiver port

The port to which the SNMP servers send notifications.


configure authority router system services snmp-server notification-receiver port [<l4-port>]
Positional Arguments
l4-portThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system services snmp-server notification-receiver type

The type of notification to send.


configure authority router system services snmp-server notification-receiver type [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system services snmp-server port

The port on which the SNMP server listens.


configure authority router system services snmp-server port [<l4-port>]
Positional Arguments
l4-portThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system services snmp-server vacm

View-based Access Control Model settings.

cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'vacm'
viewSNMP view policy.

configure authority router system services snmp-server vacm view

SNMP view policy.


configure authority router system services snmp-server vacm view <name>
Positional Arguments
nameAn arbitrary, unique name for this view policy.
deleteDelete configuration data
excludedOID view to disallow.
includedOID view to allow.
nameAn arbitrary, unique name for this view policy.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'view'
strictWhen parsing the included OIDs, strict mode will prevent any OIDs that are not a part of the SSR supported OIDs from being added to the specified view.

configure authority router system services snmp-server vacm view excluded

OID view to disallow.


configure authority router system services snmp-server vacm view excluded [<snmp-oid>]
Positional Arguments
snmp-oidValue to add to this list

configure authority router system services snmp-server vacm view included

OID view to allow.


configure authority router system services snmp-server vacm view included [<snmp-oid>]
Positional Arguments
snmp-oidValue to add to this list

configure authority router system services snmp-server vacm view name

An arbitrary, unique name for this view policy.


configure authority router system services snmp-server vacm view name [<name-id>]
Positional Arguments
name-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system services snmp-server vacm view strict

When parsing the included OIDs, strict mode will prevent any OIDs that are not a part of the SSR supported OIDs from being added to the specified view.


configure authority router system services snmp-server vacm view strict [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system services snmp-server version

The SNMP server protocol version.


configure authority router system services snmp-server version [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system services webserver

Web server & REST API.

cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
enabledEnable Web server & REST API on all control nodes in this router.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
portThe port on which the Web servers listen.
serverList of control node server addresses. When present, they override the defaults from global configuration.
showShow configuration data for 'webserver'

configure authority router system services webserver enabled

Enable Web server & REST API on all control nodes in this router.


configure authority router system services webserver enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system services webserver port

The port on which the Web servers listen.


configure authority router system services webserver port [<l4-port>]
Positional Arguments
l4-portThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system services webserver server

List of control node server addresses. When present, they override the defaults from global configuration.


configure authority router system services webserver server <node-name>
Positional Arguments
node-nameThe name of the control node.
deleteDelete configuration data
ip-addressIP address for the server on the control node.
node-nameThe name of the control node.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'server'

configure authority router system services webserver server ip-address

IP address for the server on the control node.


configure authority router system services webserver server ip-address [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system services webserver server node-name

The name of the control node.


configure authority router system services webserver server node-name [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system software-update

Configuration for SSR software updates. Supported on managed assets only.

deleteDelete configuration data
max-bandwidthBandwidth limit for downloads of software updates.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
repositoryConfiguration for how to retrieve software updates.
showShow configuration data for 'software-update'

configure authority router system software-update max-bandwidth

Bandwidth limit for downloads of software updates.


configure authority router system software-update max-bandwidth [<union>]
Positional Arguments
unionThe value to set for this field


Units: bits/second

configure authority router system software-update repository

Configuration for how to retrieve software updates.

addressThe address of the Conductor to use as a proxy to the Internet.
deleteDelete configuration data
offline-modeSoftware updates are received through the Conductor without internet connectivity
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'repository'
source-typeThe location from which to retrieve software updates.

configure authority router system software-update repository address

The address of the Conductor to use as a proxy to the Internet.


configure authority router system software-update repository address [<host>]
Positional Arguments
hostThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system software-update repository offline-mode

Software updates are received through the Conductor without internet connectivity


configure authority router system software-update repository offline-mode [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system software-update repository source-type

The location from which to retrieve software updates.


configure authority router system software-update repository source-type [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system syslog

Syslog configuration lets administrators configure the SSR's interaction with external syslog services.

client-certificate-nameA client certificate to be used to communicate with syslog server.
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
facilityThe facility under which syslog messages will be recorded.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
protocolUse TCP or UDP protocol to communicate with syslog server.
serverThe list of syslog servers configured for this device.
severitySets the level at which messages will be sent to the syslog server.
showShow configuration data for 'syslog'

configure authority router system syslog client-certificate-name

A client certificate to be used to communicate with syslog server.


configure authority router system syslog client-certificate-name [<client-certificate-ref>]
Positional Arguments
client-certificate-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system syslog facility

The facility under which syslog messages will be recorded.


configure authority router system syslog facility [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system syslog protocol

Use TCP or UDP protocol to communicate with syslog server.


configure authority router system syslog protocol [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system syslog server

The list of syslog servers configured for this device.


configure authority router system syslog server <ip-address> <port>
Positional Arguments
ip-addressThe address of remote syslog server.
portThe port on which remote syslog server listens
ip-addressThe address of remote syslog server.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
portThe port on which remote syslog server listens
showShow configuration data for 'server'

configure authority router system syslog server ip-address

The address of remote syslog server.


configure authority router system syslog server ip-address [<host>]
Positional Arguments
hostThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system syslog server port

The port on which remote syslog server listens


configure authority router system syslog server port [<l4-port>]
Positional Arguments
l4-portThe value to set for this field

configure authority router system syslog severity

Sets the level at which messages will be sent to the syslog server.


configure authority router system syslog severity [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router udp-transform

UDP transform settings for interoperating with stateful TCP firewalls for nodes within the router.

deleteDelete configuration data
detect-intervalRepresents the frequency with which the stateful TCP firewall discovery is performed.
modeConfigure Mode
nat-keep-alive-modeConfigure Nat Keep Alive Mode
nat-keep-alive-timeoutRepresents the frequency with which keep-alive packets are generated.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'udp-transform'

configure authority router udp-transform detect-interval

Represents the frequency with which the stateful TCP firewall discovery is performed.


configure authority router udp-transform detect-interval [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority router udp-transform mode

Configure Mode


configure authority router udp-transform mode [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router udp-transform nat-keep-alive-mode

Configure Nat Keep Alive Mode


configure authority router udp-transform nat-keep-alive-mode [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority router udp-transform nat-keep-alive-timeout

Represents the frequency with which keep-alive packets are generated.


configure authority router udp-transform nat-keep-alive-timeout [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority routing

authority level routing configuration

cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
filterA filter which operates on a set of objects and returns accept or reject to be used by other constructs to process the objects
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
policyA construct for processing which consists of a set of statements executed in sequence
resource-groupAssociate this routing configuration with a top-level resource-group.
showShow configuration data for 'routing'

configure authority routing filter

A filter which operates on a set of objects and returns accept or reject to be used by other constructs to process the objects


configure authority routing filter <name>
Positional Arguments
nameAn arbitrary identifying name
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
moveMove list items
nameAn arbitrary identifying name
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
ruleA fragment of the filter which defines a subset of the logic on how to process the objects going through the filter
showShow configuration data for 'filter'
typeA filter type

configure authority routing filter move rule

A fragment of the filter which defines a subset of the logic on how to process the objects going through the filter


configure authority routing filter move rule <name> <position> [<relative-to-name>]
Positional Arguments
nameAn arbitrary identifying name
positionfirst | last | before | after
relative-to-nameKey of item before or after which to move

configure authority routing filter name

An arbitrary identifying name


configure authority routing filter name [<name-id>]
Positional Arguments
name-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority routing filter rule

A fragment of the filter which defines a subset of the logic on how to process the objects going through the filter


configure authority routing filter rule <name>
Positional Arguments
nameAn arbitrary identifying name
as-pathAn AS-path regex to match on
communityA BGP community regex to match on
deleteDelete configuration data
extended-communityA BGP extended community regex to match on
filterFilter action indicating how to handle elements matching the rule
geMatch the prefix greater than or equal to said prefix length
leMatch the prefix less than or equal to said prefix length
nameAn arbitrary identifying name
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
prefixThe prefix to match
showShow configuration data for 'rule'

configure authority routing filter rule as-path

An AS-path regex to match on


configure authority routing filter rule as-path [<regex>]
Positional Arguments
regexThe value to set for this field

configure authority routing filter rule community

A BGP community regex to match on


configure authority routing filter rule community [<regex>]
Positional Arguments
regexThe value to set for this field

configure authority routing filter rule extended-community

A BGP extended community regex to match on


configure authority routing filter rule extended-community [<regex>]
Positional Arguments
regexThe value to set for this field

configure authority routing filter rule filter

Filter action indicating how to handle elements matching the rule


configure authority routing filter rule filter [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority routing filter rule ge

Match the prefix greater than or equal to said prefix length


configure authority routing filter rule ge [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority routing filter rule le

Match the prefix less than or equal to said prefix length


configure authority routing filter rule le [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority routing filter rule name

An arbitrary identifying name


configure authority routing filter rule name [<name-id>]
Positional Arguments
name-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority routing filter rule prefix

The prefix to match


configure authority routing filter rule prefix [<ip-prefix>]
Positional Arguments
ip-prefixThe value to set for this field

configure authority routing filter type

A filter type


configure authority routing filter type [<identityref>]
Positional Arguments
identityrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority routing policy

A construct for processing which consists of a set of statements executed in sequence


configure authority routing policy <name>
Positional Arguments
nameAn arbitrary identifying name
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
moveMove list items
nameAn arbitrary identifying name
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'policy'
statementA fragment of a policy that is executed in sequence. A statement is executed by first running the conditions. If all the conditions match (or if no conditions are specified) the policy (accept or reject) is consulted. An accept means execute the actions in the statement and then terminate the policy returning accept. A reject means do not execute the actions and terminate the policy returning reject. The accept terminating the policy may be modified by flow actions. If a policy reaches the end of the statement list and no statement has been executed there is an implicit reject

configure authority routing policy move statement

A fragment of a policy that is executed in sequence. A statement is executed by first running the conditions. If all the conditions match (or if no conditions are specified) the policy (accept or reject) is consulted. An accept means execute the actions in the statement and then terminate the policy returning accept. A reject means do not execute the actions and terminate the policy returning reject. The accept terminating the policy may be modified by flow actions. If a policy reaches the end of the statement list and no statement has been executed there is an implicit reject


configure authority routing policy move statement <name> <position> [<relative-to-name>]
Positional Arguments
nameAn arbitrary identifying name
positionfirst | last | before | after
relative-to-nameKey of item before or after which to move

configure authority routing policy name

An arbitrary identifying name


configure authority routing policy name [<name-id>]
Positional Arguments
name-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority routing policy statement

A fragment of a policy that is executed in sequence. A statement is executed by first running the conditions. If all the conditions match (or if no conditions are specified) the policy (accept or reject) is consulted. An accept means execute the actions in the statement and then terminate the policy returning accept. A reject means do not execute the actions and terminate the policy returning reject. The accept terminating the policy may be modified by flow actions. If a policy reaches the end of the statement list and no statement has been executed there is an implicit reject


configure authority routing policy statement <name>
Positional Arguments
nameAn arbitrary identifying name
actionThe actions to take if the conditions evaluates to true and policy is accept. Flow altering actions are executed last
cloneClone a list item
conditionThe conditions which define a match to the statement.
deleteDelete configuration data
nameAn arbitrary identifying name
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
policyThe policy action, accept or reject, to be returned if the conditions evaluate to true. If no conditions are given the condition evaluation is true
showShow configuration data for 'statement'

configure authority routing policy statement action

The actions to take if the conditions evaluates to true and policy is accept. Flow altering actions are executed last


configure authority routing policy statement action <type>
Positional Arguments
typeThe action type
addThe metric value to add
additiveMerge the community attribute values
aggregator-addressThe aggregator IP address
asThe aggregator as
bgp-weightThe BGP weight value
community-attributeThe new community attribute values
community-filterThe community filter to use to remove matching communities.
deleteDelete configuration data
distanceThe administrative distance value
excludeThe AS(s) to exclude from the as-path
ip-addressThe new next hop IP address to set
local-preferenceThe local preference value
no-extended-communitiesRemove all extended communities
noneRemove all communities
originThe BGP origin value
originator-idThe new originator id to set
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
peer-addressSet the next hop to the IP address of the peer
policyThe policy to call. If this policy returns reject then the current policy will terminate and return reject
prependThe AS(s) to prepend to the as-path
route-targetThe new extended-community route target value
service-policyThe service policy to select the best path.
setThe metric value
showShow configuration data for 'action'
site-of-originThe new extended-community site of origin value
statementThe statement to process next which must be after the current statement.
subtractThe metric value to subtract
tagThe tag value
typeThe action type

configure authority routing policy statement action add

The metric value to add


configure authority routing policy statement action add [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field

configure authority routing policy statement action additive

Merge the community attribute values


configure authority routing policy statement action additive

configure authority routing policy statement action aggregator-address

The aggregator IP address


configure authority routing policy statement action aggregator-address [<ipv4-address>]
Positional Arguments
ipv4-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority routing policy statement action as

The aggregator as


configure authority routing policy statement action as [<as-number>]
Positional Arguments
as-numberThe value to set for this field

configure authority routing policy statement action bgp-weight

The BGP weight value


configure authority routing policy statement action bgp-weight [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field

configure authority routing policy statement action community-attribute

The new community attribute values


configure authority routing policy statement action community-attribute [<set-community>]
Positional Arguments
set-communityValue to add to this list

configure authority routing policy statement action community-filter

The community filter to use to remove matching communities.


configure authority routing policy statement action community-filter [<filter-ref>]
Positional Arguments
filter-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority routing policy statement action distance

The administrative distance value


configure authority routing policy statement action distance [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority routing policy statement action exclude

The AS(s) to exclude from the as-path


configure authority routing policy statement action exclude [<as-path>]
Positional Arguments
as-pathThe value to set for this field

configure authority routing policy statement action ip-address

The new next hop IP address to set


configure authority routing policy statement action ip-address [<unicast-non-default-ipv4-address>]
Positional Arguments
unicast-non-default-ipv4-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority routing policy statement action local-preference

The local preference value


configure authority routing policy statement action local-preference [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field

configure authority routing policy statement action no-extended-communities

Remove all extended communities


configure authority routing policy statement action no-extended-communities

configure authority routing policy statement action none

Remove all communities


configure authority routing policy statement action none

configure authority routing policy statement action origin

The BGP origin value


configure authority routing policy statement action origin [<origin>]
Positional Arguments
originThe value to set for this field

configure authority routing policy statement action originator-id

The new originator id to set


configure authority routing policy statement action originator-id [<ipv4-address>]
Positional Arguments
ipv4-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority routing policy statement action peer-address

Set the next hop to the IP address of the peer


configure authority routing policy statement action peer-address

configure authority routing policy statement action policy

The policy to call. If this policy returns reject then the current policy will terminate and return reject


configure authority routing policy statement action policy [<policy-ref>]
Positional Arguments
policy-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority routing policy statement action prepend

The AS(s) to prepend to the as-path


configure authority routing policy statement action prepend [<as-path>]
Positional Arguments
as-pathThe value to set for this field

configure authority routing policy statement action route-target

The new extended-community route target value


configure authority routing policy statement action route-target [<set-extended-community>]
Positional Arguments
set-extended-communityValue to add to this list

configure authority routing policy statement action service-policy

The service policy to select the best path.


configure authority routing policy statement action service-policy [<service-policy-ref>]
Positional Arguments
service-policy-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority routing policy statement action set

The metric value


configure authority routing policy statement action set [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field

configure authority routing policy statement action site-of-origin

The new extended-community site of origin value


configure authority routing policy statement action site-of-origin [<set-extended-community>]
Positional Arguments
set-extended-communityValue to add to this list

configure authority routing policy statement action statement

The statement to process next which must be after the current statement.


configure authority routing policy statement action statement [<policy-statement-ref>]
Positional Arguments
policy-statement-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority routing policy statement action subtract

The metric value to subtract


configure authority routing policy statement action subtract [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field

configure authority routing policy statement action tag

The tag value


configure authority routing policy statement action tag [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field

configure authority routing policy statement action type

The action type


configure authority routing policy statement action type [<identityref>]
Positional Arguments
identityrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority routing policy statement condition

The conditions which define a match to the statement.


configure authority routing policy statement condition <type>
Positional Arguments
typeThe condition type
as-path-filterThe autonomous system path filter name
community-filterThe community filter name
deleteDelete configuration data
extended-community-filterThe extended community filter name
metricThe metric value to match on.
next-hop-interfaceName of the next hop interface to match on
next-hop-nodeName of the node the next hop interface resides on.
originThe BGP origin to match on
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
peer-addressThe peer address to match
peer-localMatch local addresses (static or redistributed routes)
prefix-filterThe prefix filter name
probabilityThe probability of a match
showShow configuration data for 'condition'
tagThe tag to match
typeThe condition type

configure authority routing policy statement condition as-path-filter

The autonomous system path filter name


configure authority routing policy statement condition as-path-filter [<filter-ref>]
Positional Arguments
filter-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority routing policy statement condition community-filter

The community filter name


configure authority routing policy statement condition community-filter [<filter-ref>]
Positional Arguments
filter-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority routing policy statement condition extended-community-filter

The extended community filter name


configure authority routing policy statement condition extended-community-filter [<filter-ref>]
Positional Arguments
filter-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority routing policy statement condition metric

The metric value to match on.


configure authority routing policy statement condition metric [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field

configure authority routing policy statement condition next-hop-interface

Name of the next hop interface to match on


configure authority routing policy statement condition next-hop-interface [<network-interface-ref>]
Positional Arguments
network-interface-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority routing policy statement condition next-hop-node

Name of the node the next hop interface resides on.


configure authority routing policy statement condition next-hop-node [<node-name-ref>]
Positional Arguments
node-name-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority routing policy statement condition origin

The BGP origin to match on


configure authority routing policy statement condition origin [<origin>]
Positional Arguments
originThe value to set for this field

configure authority routing policy statement condition peer-address

The peer address to match


configure authority routing policy statement condition peer-address [<ip-address>]
Positional Arguments
ip-addressThe value to set for this field

configure authority routing policy statement condition peer-local

Match local addresses (static or redistributed routes)


configure authority routing policy statement condition peer-local

configure authority routing policy statement condition prefix-filter

The prefix filter name


configure authority routing policy statement condition prefix-filter [<filter-ref>]
Positional Arguments
filter-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority routing policy statement condition probability

The probability of a match


configure authority routing policy statement condition probability [<percentage>]
Positional Arguments
percentageThe value to set for this field

configure authority routing policy statement condition tag

The tag to match


configure authority routing policy statement condition tag [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field

configure authority routing policy statement condition type

The condition type


configure authority routing policy statement condition type [<identityref>]
Positional Arguments
identityrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority routing policy statement name

An arbitrary identifying name


configure authority routing policy statement name [<name-id>]
Positional Arguments
name-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority routing policy statement policy

The policy action, accept or reject, to be returned if the conditions evaluate to true. If no conditions are given the condition evaluation is true


configure authority routing policy statement policy [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority routing resource-group

Associate this routing configuration with a top-level resource-group.


configure authority routing resource-group [<resource-group-ref>]
Positional Arguments
resource-group-refValue to add to this list

configure authority security

The security elements represent security policies for governing how and when the SSR encrypts and/or authenticates packets.


configure authority security <name>
Positional Arguments
nameAn arbitrary, unique name for the security policy, used to reference it in other configuration sections.
adaptive-encryptionPrevent packets that are detected as encrypted from being encrypted again as they pass through the router.
deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionA description of the security policy.
encryptWhen enabled, the router will encrypt metadata (between nodes or routers) or payload (for a service or a tenant).
encryption-cipherEncryption cipher and mode.
encryption-ivThe initialization vector (IV) for encryption.
encryption-keyThe encryption key for the security policy.
hmacWhether or not to add HMAC to a packet.
hmac-cipherThe cipher used for generating the HMAC value inserted into metadata.
hmac-keyThe HMAC key for the security policy.
hmac-modeWhether or not to add HMAC to packets.
nameAn arbitrary, unique name for the security policy, used to reference it in other configuration sections.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
resource-groupAssociate this security with a top-level resource-group.
showShow configuration data for 'security'

configure authority security adaptive-encryption

Prevent packets that are detected as encrypted from being encrypted again as they pass through the router.


configure authority security adaptive-encryption [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority security description

A description of the security policy.


configure authority security description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority security encrypt

When enabled, the router will encrypt metadata (between nodes or routers) or payload (for a service or a tenant).


configure authority security encrypt [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority security encryption-cipher

Encryption cipher and mode.


configure authority security encryption-cipher [<encryption-cipher>]
Positional Arguments
encryption-cipherThe value to set for this field

configure authority security encryption-iv

The initialization vector (IV) for encryption.


configure authority security encryption-iv [<union>]
Positional Arguments
unionThe value to set for this field

configure authority security encryption-key

The encryption key for the security policy.


configure authority security encryption-key [<union>]
Positional Arguments
unionThe value to set for this field

configure authority security hmac

Whether or not to add HMAC to a packet.


configure authority security hmac [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field


Warning: 'hmac' is deprecated and will be removed in a future software version

configure authority security hmac-cipher

The cipher used for generating the HMAC value inserted into metadata.


configure authority security hmac-cipher [<hmac-cipher>]
Positional Arguments
hmac-cipherThe value to set for this field

configure authority security hmac-key

The HMAC key for the security policy.


configure authority security hmac-key [<union>]
Positional Arguments
unionThe value to set for this field

configure authority security hmac-mode

Whether or not to add HMAC to packets.


configure authority security hmac-mode [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority security name

An arbitrary, unique name for the security policy, used to reference it in other configuration sections.


configure authority security name [<name-id>]
Positional Arguments
name-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority security resource-group

Associate this security with a top-level resource-group.


configure authority security resource-group [<resource-group-ref>]
Positional Arguments
resource-group-refValue to add to this list

configure authority service

The service configuration is where you define the services that reside within the authority's tenants as well as the policies to apply to those services.


configure authority service <name>
Positional Arguments
nameAn arbitrary, unique name for the service such as the domain/host name portion of the URL to reach the service.
access-policyList of access policies by address prefix, QSN or tenant and prefix.
access-policy-generatedIndicates whether or not the access-policy configuration was automatically created during conductor service generation.
addressThe destination address prefix or hostname to match the route.
application-identificationApplication identification mode.
application-nameApplication name to identify application. This will be matched against the Domain Names imported via the application modules
application-typeUse generic service behavior, or custom application specific logic.
applies-toLogical group to which a configuration element applies
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionA description about the service/application.
domain-nameDomain name that identifies a service. Traffic matching this domain name will be considered to belong to this service.
domain-name-categoryDomain name categorization of this service. This will be matched against the imported categories using the domain pulled from the data stream
dscp-rangeWhen matched with a dscp-steering configuration in the network-interface, this dscp-range allows tunnel traffic to be matched to a more specific service via DSCP value.
enabledEnable/disable the service. When disabled, packets addressed to this service's address(es) will not be processed.
fqdn-resolution-typeIP address family to use for FQDN resolutions for this service.
generate-categoriesAutomatically generate category-based application identification services under this service.
generatedIndicates whether or not the Service was automatically generated as a result of Conductor, BGP/SVR, or DHCP Relay services.
multicast-sender-policyList of multicast sender policies by address prefix, QSN or tenant and prefix.
nameAn arbitrary, unique name for the service such as the domain/host name portion of the URL to reach the service.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
scopeDefines whether or not tenantless sources have access to this service.
securityThe name of the security policy to use for the service
service-groupA string used to group services together, where each service with the same string gets added to the service group. Service Groups can be referenced within the QSN to target a group of services.
service-policyService policy that applies to the service.
session-recordSettings related to session records.
share-service-routesEnable/disable sharing of service routes with other routers via STEP.
showShow configuration data for 'service'
source-natConfigure Source Nat
subcategorySubcategory of this service. This will be matched against the subcategory classification derived from the data stream. Subcategories are treated as more specific matches than its enclosing category.
tap-multiplexingEnable/disable tap-multiplexing on this service.
tenantThe configured tenant.
transportThe transport protocol(s) and port(s) for the service.
ttl-paddingConfigure Ttl Padding
urlURL that identifies a service. Traffic matching this URL will be considered to belong to this service.

configure authority service access-policy

List of access policies by address prefix, QSN or tenant and prefix.


configure authority service access-policy <source>
Positional Arguments
sourceThe source QSN or address(es) to which the policy applies. For a QSN, this may be a tenant, service-group, or service, or a combination there of. The following forms are valid: tenant tenant/service-group/ tenant/service-group/service tenant/service /service-group/ /service-group/service /service
deleteDelete configuration data
idp-policyBuilt-in policy for intrusion detection prevention and monitoring.
idp-profileUser-defined profile for intrusion detection prevention and monitoring.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
permissionWhether or not to allow access to the service.
showShow configuration data for 'access-policy'
sourceThe source QSN or address(es) to which the policy applies. For a QSN, this may be a tenant, service-group, or service, or a combination there of. The following forms are valid: tenant tenant/service-group/ tenant/service-group/service tenant/service /service-group/ /service-group/service /service

configure authority service access-policy idp-policy

Built-in policy for intrusion detection prevention and monitoring.


configure authority service access-policy idp-policy [<optional-idp-policy>]
Positional Arguments
optional-idp-policyThe value to set for this field

configure authority service access-policy idp-profile

User-defined profile for intrusion detection prevention and monitoring.


configure authority service access-policy idp-profile [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefThe value to set for this field

configure authority service access-policy permission

Whether or not to allow access to the service.


configure authority service access-policy permission [<access-mode>]
Positional Arguments
access-modeThe value to set for this field

configure authority service access-policy source

The source QSN or address(es) to which the policy applies. For a QSN, this may be a tenant, service-group, or service, or a combination there of. The following forms are valid: tenant tenant/service-group/ tenant/service-group/service tenant/service /service-group/ /service-group/service /service


configure authority service access-policy source [<source-spec>]
Positional Arguments
source-specThe value to set for this field

configure authority service access-policy-generated

Indicates whether or not the access-policy configuration was automatically created during conductor service generation.


configure authority service access-policy-generated [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority service address

The destination address prefix or hostname to match the route.


configure authority service address [<host-prefix>]
Positional Arguments
host-prefixValue to add to this list

configure authority service application-identification

Application identification mode.


configure authority service application-identification [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority service application-name

Application name to identify application. This will be matched against the Domain Names imported via the application modules


configure authority service application-name [<glob-pattern>]
Positional Arguments
glob-patternValue to add to this list

configure authority service application-type

Use generic service behavior, or custom application specific logic.


configure authority service application-type [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority service applies-to

Logical group to which a configuration element applies


configure authority service applies-to <type>
Positional Arguments
typeType of group to which the configuration applies.
deleteDelete configuration data
group-nameName of the router-group to which this configuration applies.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
resource-groupName of the resource-group to which this configuration applies.
router-nameName of the router to which this configuration applies.
showShow configuration data for 'applies-to'
typeType of group to which the configuration applies.

configure authority service applies-to group-name

Name of the router-group to which this configuration applies.


configure authority service applies-to group-name [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefValue to add to this list

configure authority service applies-to resource-group

Name of the resource-group to which this configuration applies.


configure authority service applies-to resource-group [<resource-group-ref>]
Positional Arguments
resource-group-refValue to add to this list

configure authority service applies-to router-name

Name of the router to which this configuration applies.


configure authority service applies-to router-name [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefValue to add to this list

configure authority service applies-to type

Type of group to which the configuration applies.


configure authority service applies-to type [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority service description

A description about the service/application.


configure authority service description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority service domain-name

Domain name that identifies a service. Traffic matching this domain name will be considered to belong to this service.


configure authority service domain-name [<glob-pattern>]
Positional Arguments
glob-patternValue to add to this list

configure authority service domain-name-category

Domain name categorization of this service. This will be matched against the imported categories using the domain pulled from the data stream


configure authority service domain-name-category [<domain-category-type>]
Positional Arguments
domain-category-typeValue to add to this list

configure authority service dscp-range

When matched with a dscp-steering configuration in the network-interface, this dscp-range allows tunnel traffic to be matched to a more specific service via DSCP value.


configure authority service dscp-range <start-value>
Positional Arguments
start-valueLower DSCP number.
deleteDelete configuration data
end-valueUpper DSCP number.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'dscp-range'
start-valueLower DSCP number.

configure authority service dscp-range end-value

Upper DSCP number.


configure authority service dscp-range end-value [<dscp-end-value>]
Positional Arguments
dscp-end-valueThe value to set for this field

configure authority service dscp-range start-value

Lower DSCP number.


configure authority service dscp-range start-value [<dscp>]
Positional Arguments
dscpThe value to set for this field

configure authority service enabled

Enable/disable the service. When disabled, packets addressed to this service's address(es) will not be processed.


configure authority service enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority service fqdn-resolution-type

IP address family to use for FQDN resolutions for this service.


configure authority service fqdn-resolution-type [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority service generate-categories

Automatically generate category-based application identification services under this service.


configure authority service generate-categories [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority service generated

Indicates whether or not the Service was automatically generated as a result of Conductor, BGP/SVR, or DHCP Relay services.


configure authority service generated [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority service multicast-sender-policy

List of multicast sender policies by address prefix, QSN or tenant and prefix.


configure authority service multicast-sender-policy <source>
Positional Arguments
sourceThe source QSN or address(es) to which the policy applies. For a QSN, this may be a tenant, service-group, or service, or a combination there of. The following forms are valid: tenant tenant/service-group/ tenant/service-group/service tenant/service /service-group/ /service-group/service /service
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
permissionWhether or not to allow access to the service.
showShow configuration data for 'multicast-sender-policy'
sourceThe source QSN or address(es) to which the policy applies. For a QSN, this may be a tenant, service-group, or service, or a combination there of. The following forms are valid: tenant tenant/service-group/ tenant/service-group/service tenant/service /service-group/ /service-group/service /service

configure authority service multicast-sender-policy permission

Whether or not to allow access to the service.


configure authority service multicast-sender-policy permission [<access-mode>]
Positional Arguments
access-modeThe value to set for this field

configure authority service multicast-sender-policy source

The source QSN or address(es) to which the policy applies. For a QSN, this may be a tenant, service-group, or service, or a combination there of. The following forms are valid: tenant tenant/service-group/ tenant/service-group/service tenant/service /service-group/ /service-group/service /service


configure authority service multicast-sender-policy source [<source-spec>]
Positional Arguments
source-specThe value to set for this field

configure authority service name

An arbitrary, unique name for the service such as the domain/host name portion of the URL to reach the service.


configure authority service name [<service-name>]
Positional Arguments
service-nameThe value to set for this field

configure authority service scope

Defines whether or not tenantless sources have access to this service.


configure authority service scope [<service-scope>]
Positional Arguments
service-scopeThe value to set for this field

configure authority service security

The name of the security policy to use for the service


configure authority service security [<security-ref>]
Positional Arguments
security-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority service service-group

A string used to group services together, where each service with the same string gets added to the service group. Service Groups can be referenced within the QSN to target a group of services.


configure authority service service-group [<service-group>]
Positional Arguments
service-groupThe value to set for this field

configure authority service service-policy

Service policy that applies to the service.


configure authority service service-policy [<service-policy-ref>]
Positional Arguments
service-policy-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority service session-record

Settings related to session records.

deleteDelete configuration data
include-hierarchical-servicesEnable/disable session-record-profile inheritance to ancestor hierarchical services.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
profileThe session record profile to use.
showShow configuration data for 'session-record'

configure authority service session-record include-hierarchical-services

Enable/disable session-record-profile inheritance to ancestor hierarchical services.


configure authority service session-record include-hierarchical-services [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority service session-record profile

The session record profile to use.


configure authority service session-record profile [<short-name-id>]
Positional Arguments
short-name-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority service share-service-routes

Enable/disable sharing of service routes with other routers via STEP.


configure authority service share-service-routes [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority service source-nat

Configure Source Nat


configure authority service source-nat [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority service subcategory

Subcategory of this service. This will be matched against the subcategory classification derived from the data stream. Subcategories are treated as more specific matches than its enclosing category.


configure authority service subcategory [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringValue to add to this list

configure authority service tap-multiplexing

Enable/disable tap-multiplexing on this service.


configure authority service tap-multiplexing [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority service tenant

The configured tenant.


configure authority service tenant [<tenant-ref>]
Positional Arguments
tenant-refThe value to set for this field


Warning: 'tenant' is deprecated and will be removed in a future software version

configure authority service transport

The transport protocol(s) and port(s) for the service.


configure authority service transport <protocol>
Positional Arguments
protocolLayer 4 transport protocol.
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
port-rangeConfigure Port Range
protocolLayer 4 transport protocol.
showShow configuration data for 'transport'

configure authority service transport port-range

Configure Port Range


configure authority service transport port-range <start-port>
Positional Arguments
start-portLower transport (layer 4) port number.
deleteDelete configuration data
end-portUpper transport (layer 4) port number.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'port-range'
start-portLower transport (layer 4) port number.

configure authority service transport port-range end-port

Upper transport (layer 4) port number.


configure authority service transport port-range end-port [<end-port>]
Positional Arguments
end-portThe value to set for this field

configure authority service transport port-range start-port

Lower transport (layer 4) port number.


configure authority service transport port-range start-port [<l4-port>]
Positional Arguments
l4-portThe value to set for this field

configure authority service transport protocol

Layer 4 transport protocol.


configure authority service transport protocol [<protocol>]
Positional Arguments
protocolThe value to set for this field

configure authority service ttl-padding

Configure Ttl Padding


configure authority service ttl-padding [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority service url

URL that identifies a service. Traffic matching this URL will be considered to belong to this service.


configure authority service url [<glob-pattern>]
Positional Arguments
glob-patternValue to add to this list

configure authority service-class

Defines the association between DSCP value and a priority queue.


configure authority service-class <name>
Positional Arguments
nameConfigure Name
aggregate-rate-limit-policyApply this rate limiting policy for all incoming traffic for services associated with this service-class.
deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionA description of the service class.
dscpThe DSCP value assigned to this service class to mark egress packets with.
max-flow-burstLimit the maximum burst size of each flow of this service class to this value.
max-flow-rateLimit the maximum rate of each flow of this service class to this value.
nameConfigure Name
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
rate-limitEnable/disable rate limiting for flows of this service class.
resource-groupAssociate this service class with a top-level resource-group.
showShow configuration data for 'service-class'
traffic-classThe traffic-class assigned to this service class. Governs the treatment for the traffic.

configure authority service-class aggregate-rate-limit-policy

Apply this rate limiting policy for all incoming traffic for services associated with this service-class.


configure authority service-class aggregate-rate-limit-policy [<name-id>]
Positional Arguments
name-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority service-class description

A description of the service class.


configure authority service-class description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority service-class dscp

The DSCP value assigned to this service class to mark egress packets with.


configure authority service-class dscp [<dscp>]
Positional Arguments
dscpThe value to set for this field

configure authority service-class max-flow-burst

Limit the maximum burst size of each flow of this service class to this value.


configure authority service-class max-flow-burst [<uint64>]
Positional Arguments
uint64The value to set for this field


Units: bits

configure authority service-class max-flow-rate

Limit the maximum rate of each flow of this service class to this value.


configure authority service-class max-flow-rate [<uint64>]
Positional Arguments
uint64The value to set for this field


Units: bits/second

configure authority service-class name

Configure Name


configure authority service-class name [<name-id>]
Positional Arguments
name-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority service-class rate-limit

Enable/disable rate limiting for flows of this service class.


configure authority service-class rate-limit [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority service-class resource-group

Associate this service class with a top-level resource-group.


configure authority service-class resource-group [<resource-group-ref>]
Positional Arguments
resource-group-refValue to add to this list

configure authority service-class traffic-class

The traffic-class assigned to this service class. Governs the treatment for the traffic.


configure authority service-class traffic-class [<traffic-class-id>]
Positional Arguments
traffic-class-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority service-policy

A service policy, which defines parameters applied to services that reference the policy


configure authority service-policy <name>
Positional Arguments
nameAn arbitrary, unique name for the service policy.
applies-toLogical group to which a configuration element applies
best-effortEnable/disable filtering out paths that exceed the acceptable SLA threshold. When enabled, even if all paths do not meet the acceptable SLA threshold, they will be used as a best-effort
best-path-criteriaThis defines the criteria for selecting best paths for the service.
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionA description of the service policy.
forward-error-correction-profileParameters for Forward Error Correction.
generatedIndicates whether or not the Service Policy was automatically generated as a result of Conductor services.
ingress-source-natControls the ingress source nat treatment for the service
lb-strategyDefines load balancing strategy to distribute traffic to service routes of services assigned this policy.
max-jitterMaximum acceptable jitter for services that use this service class.
max-latencyMaximum acceptable latency for services that use this service class.
max-lossThe acceptable threshold of packet loss for services that use this service class.
min-mosMinimum acceptable Mean Opinion Score (MOS) for services that use thus service class
moveMove list items
nameAn arbitrary, unique name for the service policy.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
packet-resiliencyTypes of packet resiliency govern how the SSR provides resilience for packets in the event of network loss.
path-quality-filterEnable/disable filtering out paths that exceed maximum quality limits.
peer-path-resiliencyWhether or not session resiliency failover occurs among multiple peers.
qp-preferencePreference for ordering interfaces by QP values.
required-qpMinimum quality points required on network interface.
service-classA reference to the name of the service class to use.
session-resiliencyTypes of session resiliency govern how the SSR provides resilience for sessions in the event of network issues that would cause it to choose a new path for active traffic processing.
showShow configuration data for 'service-policy'
transport-state-enforcementThe level of enforcement applied to the transport layer. Governs the behavior of the TCP state machine when processing packets.
vectorList of vectors to prefer/avoid for the service.

configure authority service-policy applies-to

Logical group to which a configuration element applies


configure authority service-policy applies-to <type>
Positional Arguments
typeType of group to which the configuration applies.
deleteDelete configuration data
group-nameName of the router-group to which this configuration applies.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
resource-groupName of the resource-group to which this configuration applies.
router-nameName of the router to which this configuration applies.
showShow configuration data for 'applies-to'
typeType of group to which the configuration applies.

configure authority service-policy applies-to group-name

Name of the router-group to which this configuration applies.


configure authority service-policy applies-to group-name [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefValue to add to this list

configure authority service-policy applies-to resource-group

Name of the resource-group to which this configuration applies.


configure authority service-policy applies-to resource-group [<resource-group-ref>]
Positional Arguments
resource-group-refValue to add to this list

configure authority service-policy applies-to router-name

Name of the router to which this configuration applies.


configure authority service-policy applies-to router-name [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefValue to add to this list

configure authority service-policy applies-to type

Type of group to which the configuration applies.


configure authority service-policy applies-to type [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority service-policy best-effort

Enable/disable filtering out paths that exceed the acceptable SLA threshold. When enabled, even if all paths do not meet the acceptable SLA threshold, they will be used as a best-effort


configure authority service-policy best-effort [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority service-policy best-path-criteria

This defines the criteria for selecting best paths for the service.


configure authority service-policy best-path-criteria [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority service-policy description

A description of the service policy.


configure authority service-policy description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority service-policy forward-error-correction-profile

Parameters for Forward Error Correction.


configure authority service-policy forward-error-correction-profile [<fec-profile-ref>]
Positional Arguments
fec-profile-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority service-policy generated

Indicates whether or not the Service Policy was automatically generated as a result of Conductor services.


configure authority service-policy generated [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority service-policy ingress-source-nat

Controls the ingress source nat treatment for the service


configure authority service-policy ingress-source-nat [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority service-policy lb-strategy

Defines load balancing strategy to distribute traffic to service routes of services assigned this policy.


configure authority service-policy lb-strategy [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority service-policy max-jitter

Maximum acceptable jitter for services that use this service class.


configure authority service-policy max-jitter [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: milliseconds

configure authority service-policy max-latency

Maximum acceptable latency for services that use this service class.


configure authority service-policy max-latency [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: milliseconds

configure authority service-policy max-loss

The acceptable threshold of packet loss for services that use this service class.


configure authority service-policy max-loss [<decimal64>]
Positional Arguments
decimal64The value to set for this field


Units: percent

configure authority service-policy min-mos

Minimum acceptable Mean Opinion Score (MOS) for services that use thus service class


configure authority service-policy min-mos [<union>]
Positional Arguments
unionThe value to set for this field

configure authority service-policy move vector

List of vectors to prefer/avoid for the service.


configure authority service-policy move vector <name> <position> [<relative-to-name>]
Positional Arguments
nameName of the vector.
positionfirst | last | before | after
relative-to-nameKey of item before or after which to move

configure authority service-policy name

An arbitrary, unique name for the service policy.


configure authority service-policy name [<service-policy-name>]
Positional Arguments
service-policy-nameThe value to set for this field

configure authority service-policy packet-resiliency

Types of packet resiliency govern how the SSR provides resilience for packets in the event of network loss.


configure authority service-policy packet-resiliency [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority service-policy path-quality-filter

Enable/disable filtering out paths that exceed maximum quality limits.


configure authority service-policy path-quality-filter [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority service-policy peer-path-resiliency

Whether or not session resiliency failover occurs among multiple peers.


configure authority service-policy peer-path-resiliency [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority service-policy qp-preference

Preference for ordering interfaces by QP values.


configure authority service-policy qp-preference [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field


Warning: 'qp-preference' is deprecated and will be removed in a future software version

configure authority service-policy required-qp

Minimum quality points required on network interface.


configure authority service-policy required-qp [<uint32>]
Positional Arguments
uint32The value to set for this field


Units: points Warning: 'required-qp' is deprecated and will be removed in a future software version

configure authority service-policy service-class

A reference to the name of the service class to use.


configure authority service-policy service-class [<service-class-ref>]
Positional Arguments
service-class-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority service-policy session-resiliency

Types of session resiliency govern how the SSR provides resilience for sessions in the event of network issues that would cause it to choose a new path for active traffic processing.


configure authority service-policy session-resiliency [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority service-policy transport-state-enforcement

The level of enforcement applied to the transport layer. Governs the behavior of the TCP state machine when processing packets.


configure authority service-policy transport-state-enforcement [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority service-policy vector

List of vectors to prefer/avoid for the service.


configure authority service-policy vector <name>
Positional Arguments
nameName of the vector.
deleteDelete configuration data
nameName of the vector.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
priorityPriority value for the paths with the vector.
showShow configuration data for 'vector'

configure authority service-policy vector name

Name of the vector.


configure authority service-policy vector name [<vector-name>]
Positional Arguments
vector-nameThe value to set for this field

configure authority service-policy vector priority

Priority value for the paths with the vector.


configure authority service-policy vector priority [<vector-priority>]
Positional Arguments
vector-priorityThe value to set for this field

configure authority session-record-profile

A profile to describe how to collect session records.


configure authority session-record-profile <name>
Positional Arguments
nameThe name of session record profile.
applies-toLogical group to which a configuration element applies
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
enabledWhether to enable session records for this service
include-modify-recordWhether to include the modify record.
include-start-recordWhether to include the start record.
intermediate-recordsConfiguration for intermediate records.
nameThe name of session record profile.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'session-record-profile'

configure authority session-record-profile applies-to

Logical group to which a configuration element applies


configure authority session-record-profile applies-to <type>
Positional Arguments
typeType of group to which the configuration applies.
deleteDelete configuration data
group-nameName of the router-group to which this configuration applies.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
resource-groupName of the resource-group to which this configuration applies.
router-nameName of the router to which this configuration applies.
showShow configuration data for 'applies-to'
typeType of group to which the configuration applies.

configure authority session-record-profile applies-to group-name

Name of the router-group to which this configuration applies.


configure authority session-record-profile applies-to group-name [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefValue to add to this list

configure authority session-record-profile applies-to resource-group

Name of the resource-group to which this configuration applies.


configure authority session-record-profile applies-to resource-group [<resource-group-ref>]
Positional Arguments
resource-group-refValue to add to this list

configure authority session-record-profile applies-to router-name

Name of the router to which this configuration applies.


configure authority session-record-profile applies-to router-name [<leafref>]
Positional Arguments
leafrefValue to add to this list

configure authority session-record-profile applies-to type

Type of group to which the configuration applies.


configure authority session-record-profile applies-to type [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority session-record-profile enabled

Whether to enable session records for this service


configure authority session-record-profile enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority session-record-profile include-modify-record

Whether to include the modify record.


configure authority session-record-profile include-modify-record [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority session-record-profile include-start-record

Whether to include the start record.


configure authority session-record-profile include-start-record [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority session-record-profile intermediate-records

Configuration for intermediate records.

deleteDelete configuration data
enabledEnable/disable intermediate records
intervalInterval in which to send intermediate records.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'intermediate-records'

configure authority session-record-profile intermediate-records enabled

Enable/disable intermediate records


configure authority session-record-profile intermediate-records enabled [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority session-record-profile intermediate-records interval

Interval in which to send intermediate records.


configure authority session-record-profile intermediate-records interval [<duration>]
Positional Arguments
durationThe value to set for this field

configure authority session-record-profile name

The name of session record profile.


configure authority session-record-profile name [<short-name-id>]
Positional Arguments
short-name-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority session-recovery-detection

Configure Session Recovery Detection

deleteDelete configuration data
inactivity-timeoutHow long the flow must remain idle before session recovery detection will trigger.
modeWhat mode to enable session recovery detection.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'session-recovery-detection'

configure authority session-recovery-detection inactivity-timeout

How long the flow must remain idle before session recovery detection will trigger.


configure authority session-recovery-detection inactivity-timeout [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority session-recovery-detection mode

What mode to enable session recovery detection.


configure authority session-recovery-detection mode [<enumeration>]
Positional Arguments
enumerationThe value to set for this field

configure authority session-type

Type of session classification based on protocol and port, and associates it with a default class of service.


configure authority session-type <name>
Positional Arguments
nameThe name of the session type.
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionA description of the session type.
initial-timeoutThe inactivity timeout for sessions that are not yet established.
nameThe name of the session type.
nat-keep-aliveEnable/disable generation of NAT keep-alives for sessions of this type if the functionality is enabled in the neighborhood
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
resource-groupAssociate this session type with a top-level resource-group.
service-classThe service class this type belongs to.
showShow configuration data for 'session-type'
timeoutThe inactivity timeout for sessions of this type.
transportThe transport protocol(s) and port(s) for the session type.

configure authority session-type description

A description of the session type.


configure authority session-type description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority session-type initial-timeout

The inactivity timeout for sessions that are not yet established.


configure authority session-type initial-timeout [<uint64>]
Positional Arguments
uint64The value to set for this field


Units: milliseconds

configure authority session-type name

The name of the session type.


configure authority session-type name [<name-id>]
Positional Arguments
name-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority session-type nat-keep-alive

Enable/disable generation of NAT keep-alives for sessions of this type if the functionality is enabled in the neighborhood


configure authority session-type nat-keep-alive [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority session-type resource-group

Associate this session type with a top-level resource-group.


configure authority session-type resource-group [<resource-group-ref>]
Positional Arguments
resource-group-refValue to add to this list

configure authority session-type service-class

The service class this type belongs to.


configure authority session-type service-class [<service-class-ref>]
Positional Arguments
service-class-refThe value to set for this field

configure authority session-type timeout

The inactivity timeout for sessions of this type.


configure authority session-type timeout [<uint64>]
Positional Arguments
uint64The value to set for this field


Units: milliseconds

configure authority session-type transport

The transport protocol(s) and port(s) for the session type.


configure authority session-type transport <protocol>
Positional Arguments
protocolLayer 4 transport protocol.
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
port-rangeConfigure Port Range
protocolLayer 4 transport protocol.
showShow configuration data for 'transport'

configure authority session-type transport port-range

Configure Port Range


configure authority session-type transport port-range <start-port>
Positional Arguments
start-portLower transport (layer 4) port number.
deleteDelete configuration data
end-portUpper transport (layer 4) port number.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'port-range'
start-portLower transport (layer 4) port number.

configure authority session-type transport port-range end-port

Upper transport (layer 4) port number.


configure authority session-type transport port-range end-port [<end-port>]
Positional Arguments
end-portThe value to set for this field

configure authority session-type transport port-range start-port

Lower transport (layer 4) port number.


configure authority session-type transport port-range start-port [<l4-port>]
Positional Arguments
l4-portThe value to set for this field

configure authority session-type transport protocol

Layer 4 transport protocol.


configure authority session-type transport protocol [<protocol>]
Positional Arguments
protocolThe value to set for this field

configure authority software-update

Configure Software Update

deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
proxy-allowed-domainDomains that should be accessible through the conductor repo proxy
proxy-allowed-ipIP addresses or prefixes that should be accessible through the conductor repo proxy
showShow configuration data for 'software-update'

configure authority software-update proxy-allowed-domain

Domains that should be accessible through the conductor repo proxy


configure authority software-update proxy-allowed-domain [<squid-proxy-domain>]
Positional Arguments
squid-proxy-domainValue to add to this list

configure authority software-update proxy-allowed-ip

IP addresses or prefixes that should be accessible through the conductor repo proxy


configure authority software-update proxy-allowed-ip [<ip-address-or-prefix>]
Positional Arguments
ip-address-or-prefixValue to add to this list

configure authority step

Configure Step

deleteDelete configuration data
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
session-expiry-timeThe maximum amount of time waiting for a request response after which the session between STEP repository and client will be disconnected.
showShow configuration data for 'step'

configure authority step session-expiry-time

The maximum amount of time waiting for a request response after which the session between STEP repository and client will be disconnected.


configure authority step session-expiry-time [<uint16>]
Positional Arguments
uint16The value to set for this field


Units: seconds

configure authority step-repo

List of Service and Topology Exchange Protocol repositories.


configure authority step-repo <address>
Positional Arguments
addressAddress of the STEP server. This could be the IP address/FQDN of the Conductor, standalone server or router where the STEP server is hosted.
addressAddress of the STEP server. This could be the IP address/FQDN of the Conductor, standalone server or router where the STEP server is hosted.
deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionA description about the STEP repository.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
priorityThe priority assigned to the STEP server. The STEP server with the highest priority will be preferred.
resource-groupAssociate this STEP repo with a top-level resource-group.
showShow configuration data for 'step-repo'

configure authority step-repo address

Address of the STEP server. This could be the IP address/FQDN of the Conductor, standalone server or router where the STEP server is hosted.


configure authority step-repo address [<hostv4>]
Positional Arguments
hostv4The value to set for this field

configure authority step-repo description

A description about the STEP repository.


configure authority step-repo description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority step-repo priority

The priority assigned to the STEP server. The STEP server with the highest priority will be preferred.


configure authority step-repo priority [<uint8>]
Positional Arguments
uint8The value to set for this field

configure authority step-repo resource-group

Associate this STEP repo with a top-level resource-group.


configure authority step-repo resource-group [<resource-group-ref>]
Positional Arguments
resource-group-refValue to add to this list

configure authority tenant

A customer or user group within the Authority.


configure authority tenant <name>
Positional Arguments
nameAn arbitrary, unique name for the tenant, used to reference it in other configuration sections.
cloneClone a list item
deleteDelete configuration data
descriptionA description about the tenant.
generatedIndicates whether or not the Tenant was automatically generated as a result of Conductor or BGP/SVR services.
memberA member of the tenant.
nameAn arbitrary, unique name for the tenant, used to reference it in other configuration sections.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
resource-groupAssociate this tenant with a top-level resource-group.
securityThe name of the security policy to use when the service does not specify a security policy
showShow configuration data for 'tenant'

configure authority tenant description

A description about the tenant.


configure authority tenant description [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority tenant generated

Indicates whether or not the Tenant was automatically generated as a result of Conductor or BGP/SVR services.


configure authority tenant generated [<boolean>]
Positional Arguments
booleanThe value to set for this field

configure authority tenant member

A member of the tenant.


configure authority tenant member <neighborhood>
Positional Arguments
neighborhoodNeigborhood where tenant members are located.
addressThe source address(es) within the neighborhood that define the tenant members.
deleteDelete configuration data
neighborhoodNeigborhood where tenant members are located.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'member'

configure authority tenant member address

The source address(es) within the neighborhood that define the tenant members.


configure authority tenant member address [<ip-prefix>]
Positional Arguments
ip-prefixValue to add to this list

configure authority tenant member neighborhood

Neigborhood where tenant members are located.


configure authority tenant member neighborhood [<neighborhood-id>]
Positional Arguments
neighborhood-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority tenant name

An arbitrary, unique name for the tenant, used to reference it in other configuration sections.


configure authority tenant name [<tenant-name>]
Positional Arguments
tenant-nameThe value to set for this field

configure authority tenant resource-group

Associate this tenant with a top-level resource-group.


configure authority tenant resource-group [<resource-group-ref>]
Positional Arguments
resource-group-refValue to add to this list

configure authority tenant security

The name of the security policy to use when the service does not specify a security policy


configure authority tenant security [<security-ref>]
Positional Arguments
security-refThe value to set for this field


Warning: 'security' is deprecated and will be removed in a future software version

configure authority traffic-profile

A set of minimum guaranteed bandwidths, one for each traffic priority


configure authority traffic-profile <name>
Positional Arguments
nameThe name of the Traffic Profile
best-effortConfigure Best Effort
deleteDelete configuration data
highConfigure High
lowConfigure Low
mediumConfigure Medium
nameThe name of the Traffic Profile
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
resource-groupAssociate this traffic profile with a top-level resource-group.
showShow configuration data for 'traffic-profile'

configure authority traffic-profile best-effort

Configure Best Effort

deleteDelete configuration data
distributionPercentage of minimum guaranteed bandwidth of the port rate for best-effort priority traffic. This value, plus high, medium, and low must add up to 100.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'best-effort'

configure authority traffic-profile best-effort distribution

Percentage of minimum guaranteed bandwidth of the port rate for best-effort priority traffic. This value, plus high, medium, and low must add up to 100.


configure authority traffic-profile best-effort distribution [<percentage>]
Positional Arguments
percentageThe value to set for this field


Units: percent

configure authority traffic-profile high

Configure High

deleteDelete configuration data
distributionPercentage of minimum guaranteed bandwidth of the port rate for high priority traffic. This value, plus medium, low, and best-effort must add up to 100.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'high'

configure authority traffic-profile high distribution

Percentage of minimum guaranteed bandwidth of the port rate for high priority traffic. This value, plus medium, low, and best-effort must add up to 100.


configure authority traffic-profile high distribution [<percentage>]
Positional Arguments
percentageThe value to set for this field


Units: percent

configure authority traffic-profile low

Configure Low

deleteDelete configuration data
distributionPercentage of minimum guaranteed bandwidth of the port rate for low priority traffic. This value, plus high, medium, and best-effort must add up to 100.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'low'

configure authority traffic-profile low distribution

Percentage of minimum guaranteed bandwidth of the port rate for low priority traffic. This value, plus high, medium, and best-effort must add up to 100.


configure authority traffic-profile low distribution [<percentage>]
Positional Arguments
percentageThe value to set for this field


Units: percent

configure authority traffic-profile medium

Configure Medium

deleteDelete configuration data
distributionPercentage of minimum guaranteed bandwidth of the port rate for medium priority traffic. This value, plus high, low, and best-effort must add up to 100.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'medium'

configure authority traffic-profile medium distribution

Percentage of minimum guaranteed bandwidth of the port rate for medium priority traffic. This value, plus high, low, and best-effort must add up to 100.


configure authority traffic-profile medium distribution [<percentage>]
Positional Arguments
percentageThe value to set for this field


Units: percent

configure authority traffic-profile name

The name of the Traffic Profile


configure authority traffic-profile name [<name-id>]
Positional Arguments
name-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority traffic-profile resource-group

Associate this traffic profile with a top-level resource-group.


configure authority traffic-profile resource-group [<resource-group-ref>]
Positional Arguments
resource-group-refValue to add to this list

configure authority trusted-ca-certificate

The trusted-ca-certificate configuration contains CA certificate content.


configure authority trusted-ca-certificate <name>
Positional Arguments
nameAn identifier for the trusted CA certificate.
contentTrusted CA certificate content.
deleteDelete configuration data
nameAn identifier for the trusted CA certificate.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'trusted-ca-certificate'

configure authority trusted-ca-certificate content

Trusted CA certificate content.


configure authority trusted-ca-certificate content [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority trusted-ca-certificate name

An identifier for the trusted CA certificate.


configure authority trusted-ca-certificate name [<name-id>]
Positional Arguments
name-idThe value to set for this field

configure authority web-messages

Configure Web Messages

deleteDelete configuration data
login-messageThe message displayed on the login screen.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
showShow configuration data for 'web-messages'
welcome-messageThe message displayed after a successful login.

configure authority web-messages login-message

The message displayed on the login screen.


configure authority web-messages login-message [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority web-messages welcome-message

The message displayed after a successful login.


configure authority web-messages welcome-message [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority web-theme

Configure Web Theme

deleteDelete configuration data
logoThe logo used across the authority.
override-generatedForce auto-generated configuration and any modifications to it to persist on commit
primary-colorThe hexidecimal code of the primary color in the authority's theme.
secondary-colorThe hexidecimal code of the secondary color in the authority's theme.
showShow configuration data for 'web-theme'
tab-iconThe icon displayed in the browser tab.

The logo used across the authority.


configure authority web-theme logo [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority web-theme primary-color

The hexidecimal code of the primary color in the authority's theme.


configure authority web-theme primary-color [<hex-string>]
Positional Arguments
hex-stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority web-theme secondary-color

The hexidecimal code of the secondary color in the authority's theme.


configure authority web-theme secondary-color [<hex-string>]
Positional Arguments
hex-stringThe value to set for this field

configure authority web-theme tab-icon

The icon displayed in the browser tab.


configure authority web-theme tab-icon [<string>]
Positional Arguments
stringThe value to set for this field