Related Documentation
- ACX, EX, J, M, MX, PTX, QFX, SRX, T Series
- [edit protocols] Hierarchy Level
- EX, J, M, MX, PTX, SRX, T Series
- Notational Conventions Used in Junos OS Configuration Hierarchies
[edit protocols l2circuit] Hierarchy Level
The following statement hierarchy can also be included at the [edit logical-systems logical-system-name] hierarchy level.
protocols {l2circuit {local-switching {interface interface-name {description text;encapsulation-type (atm-aal5 | atm-cell | atm-cell-port-mode | atm-cell-vc-mode | atm-cell-vp-mode | cesop | cisco-hdlc | ethernet | ethernet-vlan | frame-relay | frame-relay-port-mode | interworking | ppp | satop-e1 | satop-e3 | satop-t1 | satop-t3);end-interface {interface interface-name;protect-interface interface-name;}ignore-encapsulation-mismatch;ignore-mtu-mismatch;protect-interface interface-name;}}neighbor address {interface interface-name {backup-neighbor address {community name;psn-tunnel-endpoint address;standby;static {incoming-label label;outgoing-label label;}virtual-circuit-id number;}bandwidth {bps;ct0 bps;ct1 bps;ct2 bps;ct3 bps;}community community-name;connection-protection;(control-word | no-control-word);description text;egress-protection {protected-l2circuit circuit-name egress-pe address ingress-pe address virtual-circuit-id identifier;(protector-interface interface-name | protector-pe address context-identifier identifier <lsp lsp-name>);}encapsulation-type (atm-aal5 | atm-cell | atm-cell-port-mode | atm-cell-vc-mode | atm-cell-vp-mode | cesop | cisco-hdlc | ethernet | ethernet-vlan | frame-relay | frame-relay-port-mode | interworking | ppp | satop-e1 | satop-e3 | satop-t1 | satop-t3);ignore-encapsulation-mismatch;ignore-mtu-mismatch;mtu mtu;oam {bfd-liveness-detection {detection-time {threshold milliseconds;}holddown-interval milliseconds;minimum-interval milliseconds;minimum-receive-interval milliseconds;multiplier number;no-adaptation;transmit-interval {minimum-interval milliseconds;threshold milliseconds;}version (1 | automatic);}ping-interval seconds;}protect-interface interface-name;pseudowire-status-tlv;psn-tunnel-endpoint address;revert-time seconds;static {incoming-label label;outgoing-label label;}switchover-delay milliseconds;virtual-circuit-id identifier;}}traceoptions {file filename <files number> <size maximum-file-size> <world-readable | no-world-readable>;flag flag <flag-modifier> <disable>;}}}
Related Documentation
- ACX, EX, J, M, MX, PTX, QFX, SRX, T Series
- [edit protocols] Hierarchy Level
- EX, J, M, MX, PTX, SRX, T Series
- Notational Conventions Used in Junos OS Configuration Hierarchies
Published: 2013-01-11
Related Documentation
- ACX, EX, J, M, MX, PTX, QFX, SRX, T Series
- [edit protocols] Hierarchy Level
- EX, J, M, MX, PTX, SRX, T Series
- Notational Conventions Used in Junos OS Configuration Hierarchies