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Supported Platforms

[edit services] Configuration Statement Hierarchy on EX Series Switches

This topic lists supported and unsupported configuration statements in the [edit services] hierarchy level on EX Series switches.

  • Supported statements are those that you can use to configure some aspect of a software feature on the switch.
  • Unsupported statements are those that appear in the command-line interface (CLI) on the switch, but that have no effect on switch operation if you configure them.
  • Not all features are supported on all switch platforms. For detailed information about feature support on specific EX Series switches, see EX Series Switch Software Features Overview.

Supported Statements in the [edit services] Hierarchy Level

The following hierarchy shows the [edit services] configuration statements supported on EX Series switches:

services {captive-portal {authentication-profile-name authentication-profile-name;custom-options {banner-message string;footer-bgcolor color;footer-message string;footer-text-color color;form-header-bgcolor color;form-header-message string;footer-header-text-color color;form-reset-label label-name;form-submit-label label-name;header-bgcolor color;header-logo filename;header-message string;header-text-color color0;post-authentication-url url;}interface (all | interface-name) {quiet-period seconds;retries number-of-retries;server-timeout seconds;session-expiry seconds;supplicant (multiple | single | single-secure);}secure-authentication (http | https);traceoptions {file filename <files number> <size maximum-file-size> <world-readable | no-world-readable>;flag flag <disable>;}}rpm {bgp {data-fill data;data-size size;destination-port port;history-size size;moving-average-size number-of-samples;probe-count count;probe-interval seconds;probe-type type;routing-instances {routing-instance-name;}test-interval seconds;}probe owner {test test-name {data-fill data;data-size size;destination-port port;dscp-code-point dscp-bits;hardware-timestamp;history-size size;moving-average-size number;one-way-hardware-timestamp;probe-count count;probe-interval seconds;probe-type type;routing-instance instance-name;source-address address;target (address address | url url);test-interval interval;thresholds {egress-time microseconds;ingress-time microseconds;jitter-egress microseconds;jitter-ingress microseconds;jitter-rtt microseconds;rtt microseconds;std-dev-egress microseconds;std-dev-ingress microseconds;std-dev-rtt microseconds;successive-loss count;total-loss count;}traps [ trap-names ];}}probe-limit number;probe-server {tcp {port port-number;}udp {port port-number;}}}unified-access-control {certificate-verification (optional | required | warning);infranet-controllerhostname {address ip-address;interface interface-name;password password;port port-number;}interval seconds;timeout seconds;timeout-action (close | no-change);traceoptions {file filename <files number> <size maximum-file-size> <world-readable | no-world-readable>;flag flag <disable>;}}}

Unsupported Statements in the [edit services] Hierarchy Level

All statements in the [edit services] hierarchy level that are displayed in the command-line interface (CLI) on the switch are supported on the switch and operate as documented with the following exceptions:

Table 1: Unsupported [edit services] Configuration Statements on EX Series Switches



Note: Variables, such as interface-name, are not shown in the statements or hierarchies.


[edit services unified-access-control infranet-controller]


[edit services interface-pools]
[edit services service-device-pools pool]


[edit services interface-pools]
[edit services service-device-pools]


[edit services unified-access-control infranet-controller]


[edit services]


[edit services]

Published: 2014-04-23

Supported Platforms

Published: 2014-04-23