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Juniper Licensing User Guide
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Activate Licenses for Juniper Software Products

date_range 25-Oct-24

Learn how to activate Juniper licenses for Juniper software products.

License keys for Juniper software products aren’t tied to the serial number of the product that the license is to be used on.

To activate your software product, make a note of the following:

  • The Software version installed on the product the license key will be used on.

  1. In the JAL Portal, under My Entitlements, locate the software product you would like to activate. Click the Activate button on the right side of the Entitlement.
  2. On the Product Activation screen, select the Software Version aligned to the software you are using. The Software Version that you select covers a range of Junos OS versions.
  3. Select the Quantity of Licenses to activate.
    • The quantity you can select depends upon the license SKU that you want to activate.
    • In many cases, the quantity value is locked to 1.
    • For licenses that include a scale component (such as bandwidth or CPU cores), you can activate in multiple quantities if required.
    • The JAL Portal generates a single License Key to install on the target device even when the quantity exceeds one. The single license key contains the selected amount of scale.
  4. (Optional) Enter text in the Notes field.
    • The license key email includes the text you include in the Notes .
    • You can also view the notes in the My Activations section.
  5. (Optional) Enter one or more email addresses you want the License Key to be delivered to in the Send License Key via E-Mail field.
  6. Check the I Agree with Terms & Conditions checkbox.
  7. Click Activate.

    In the Activation Complete screen, download the License Key or e-mail it to additional recipients.

    You can download the License Key at any time from the My Activations.

    You can now install the License Key in the target device or application.

Watch the Juniper Agile Licensing (JAL) Portal: Hardware and Software License Activation.

Licenses for Non-JAL Products

JAL Portal manages licenses for most Juniper hardware and software feature licenses.

For Junos Space, you can receive the license keys from the heritage License Management System.

Other Products

Some products such as ACX do not require you to activate Entitlements.

No further action is required after you receive the Fulfillment Email and Software Certificate from Juniper.

Refer to the product-specific Fulfillment Email.

Activate Contrail Insights Licenses

  1. Create a user account.

    To download your software, you need an approved user account with Juniper Networks. If you do not already have one, you can create an account through the User Registration Portal.

  2. Forward your fulfillment e-mail to the Juniper account activation team.

    Locate the fulfillment e-mail(s) that you received and forward it to (These e-mails verify that you purchased the product.) Identify the subject as “AppFormix Product Keys Needed.” Add the following information to the e-mail:

    • Company name

    • Primary contact name

    • Full company address

    • Contact e-mail address

    • Contact phone number

    You will receive an e-mail confirmation acknowledging your activation request. The Juniper product activation team will complete the activation request within two business days.

  3. Retrieve your software serial number.

    The software serial number is a unique 14-digit number that Juniper uses to identify your Juniper Networks software installation (or purchased capacity). You can find this number in the Software Serial Number Certificate attached to the e-mail sent when you ordered your Juniper Networks Service. Store the Software Serial Number in a safe place, as it will be necessary to identify your installation when engaging Juniper for support.

  4. Download your Software.

    Find your product software on the Juniper Software Downloads page. You will need to sign in with your Juniper user account and provide your Software Serial Number.

  5. Install your Software.

    Install your software according to the instructions in the software documentation at Contrail Insights. Make sure to enter the license key as instructed during installation.

Need Help?

For additional assistance, you may contact Juniper Networks by opening a case online through the Juniper Support Portal.

Activate CSO and Juniper Sky Enterprise Licenses

Note: These instructions are written for the customer who will be using the product. If you are a partner, reseller, or distributor who is setting up Contrail Service Orchestration and Juniper Sky Enterprise for an end customer, please fill in the details about the customer.

  1. Create a user account.

    If you don’t already have a Juniper user account, go to the User Registration Portal to create one. (For detailed instructions, see KB 9946: Create a New User Login Account with Juniper Networks.)

    Important: When creating your account, do not select Guest User Access or Use your Cloud Marketplace or Cloud Service Provider credentials. If you choose either of these options, you will not be able to use the resulting user account to activate your licenses in the next step.

  2. Locate your license certificate.

    When you purchased your Juniper product, you should have received an e-mail containing information about your software license. Locate that e-mail and the attached certificate, which contains details you need to activate your product.

  3. Enter your activation code.

    Sign into the Juniper Agile Licensing Portal. At the top of the screen, enter the activation code (also sometimes called an authorization code) located in your license certificate, and click Activate.

  4. Activate your licenses.

    Choose one of the following options in the Product Activation screen:

    • Add devices to an existing account instance: Select this option if you are simply adding additional licenses to an existing Contrail Service Orchestration or Juniper Sky Enterprise account. Then, select your preexisting account.

    • Register a new account instance: Select this option if you are activating Contrail Service Orchestration or Juniper Sky Enterprise for the first time. Then, provide relevant account details.

    Note: When creating an account, you will be asked to select an account type (Enterprise or Service Provider). If you are a partner, distributor, or reseller filling in this form for a customer, specify your customer’s business type, not your own.

  5. Complete your request.

    Juniper will complete the request and e-mail you the details you need to activate your new product within two (2) business days.

Need Help?

For additional assistance, you may contact Juniper Networks by opening a case online through the Juniper Support Portal.

Example: Content Security License Activation Video

Use the License Activation video for a walkthrough of license activation and basic management using the J-Web.
