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Juniper Licensing User Guide
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Juniper Software License Model Overview

date_range 19-Dec-24

Learn about the Juniper Flex three-tier license model and find out about the Juniper license types.

Juniper Software Licensing Overview

Juniper Networks offers software feature licenses to meet your business needs. Juniper software feature licenses provide you the ‘right to use’ our software. Our licenses serve all customer segments - enterprise, service provider, and cloud. Juniper software licenses cater to all use cases for Juniper Networks’ hardware and software products.

Benefits of Juniper Software Licensing

  • Offers flexibility to purchase licenses as per your network requirements

  • Supports flexible, three-tier (Standard/Advanced/Premium) licensing model for products (see “Juniper Flex Three-tier model”)

  • Integrates with Juniper Support Services

Juniper Software License Model

The Juniper software license model, also referred to as ‘Juniper Flex,’ allows you to purchase software licenses of your choice across Juniper high-performance hardware platforms, virtual and cloud platforms, and standalone software and services.

Software on High-performance platforms

Software on Juniper, virtual, and cloud platforms

Standalone Software and Services

PTX, MX, QFX, EX, SRX, NFX, and ACX Series

vMX, vSRX, cSRX, and cRPD

Contrail, Paragon Automation, Wi-Fi/Wired/WAN Assurance

Juniper Perpetual Licenses

For details on Juniper perpetual license, see the table below:

Juniper Perpetual License


Customer Support

Available In

Chassis-based license tied to the serial number of the device.


Purchase Separately

  • Perpetuity

  • Full bandwidth

  • Scale on Demand (SoD) [pay-as-you-grow (PaYG) model]

  • Supports scaling up

In case of RMA, you can exchange the perpetual license keys to the RMA device. Contact Juniper Customer Care to exchange the license keys for RMA devices.

Juniper Subscription Licenses

For details on Juniper Subscription license, see the table below:

Juniper Subscription License


Customer Support

Available In

Term-based licenses


Portability is across like-device classes

Includes customer support

  • 1-year, 3-year, or 5-year terms

  • Full bandwidth

  • Scale on Demand (SoD) [pay-as-you-grow (PaYG) model]

  • Supports upgrades and downgrades

License Portability

License portability allows you to balance feature licenses across hardware platforms in the network without having to buy another license . Subscription licenses are portable. License portability is applicable only across like-device classes. Perpetual licenses are not portable except for cases of RMA.

Example scenario: You have a BGP software feature license on a Juniper device (device-1). You buy another similar Juniper device in the same device class as device 1 (device-2). You can move the BGP software feature license from device-1 to device-2 (assuming device-1 and device-2 are like-device classes).

CapEx vs. OpEx

Depending on your goals, many customers:

  • Select perpetual license as a capital expense for long-term benefits.

  • Select subscription-based license as an operational expense to serve day-to-day operations.

License Renewals

Renewals are not automatic. At the end of the license period, you need to renew the license to continue using the software feature(s) and ensure a seamless transition.

License Expiry

At license expiry, if you are using:

Perpetual License, then Subscription License, then Trial and evaluation licenses, then

You can continue to use the hardware and any software features.

You might decline to renew or purchase a replacement subscription.

Impact: You may no longer use the features and scale granted under the expired subscription.

System generates alarms, sys logs, and warnings that the trial license is due for expiry.

Impact: At this point, purchase the license to continue using the software feature.

Trial and Evaluation Licenses

Trial and Evaluation license


How to avail

Features available

You gain access to a software feature prior to purchase

Temporary Duration

Available from the Juniper Sales Engineer (SE) Manager.

Available to download from product pages.

Not all features are available for trials or evaluation.

For example, an extended license upgrade, capacity key, or VSYS license is not available as a temporary license key.

Juniper Products for which Trial or Evaluation License Keys are available:


Virtual and cloud platforms

PTX Series

QFX Series

EX Switches

MX Series


