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Activate Licenses for Juniper Hardware Products

Learn how to activate Juniper licenses for Juniper hardware products.

License keys for Juniper hardware products are associated with the serial number of the device or application on which the license is to be used. When you activate a license, you generate a unique encrypted license key. The license key functions only on the intended device or application.

Note the following device details on which you plan to install the license:

  • The Junos OS version installed.
  • The serial number of the Juniper device. This is typically the serial number of the device chassis.
  1. In the JAL Portal, under My Entitlements, locate the product SKU of the license you want to activate. Click Activate .
  2. On the Product Activation screen, select the Software Version aligned to the Junos OS installed on the device.
    • The software version you select might cover a range of Junos OS versions.
    • In some cases, the software version that you select might be specific to the hardware model of the target device.
  3. Select the Quantity of Licenses to activate.
    • The quantity you can select depends upon the license SKU being activated.
    • In most cases, the quantity value is locked to 1.
    • For licenses that include a scale component (such as bandwidth), you can activate the licenses in multiple quantities based on the scale you require on the target device.
    • The JAL Portal generates a single License Key to install on the target device even when the quantity exceeds one. The single License Key contains the selected amount of scale.
  4. Enter the serial number of the device.
  5. (Optional) Enter text in the Notes field. The license key email includes the text you include in the Notes . You can also view the notes in the My Activations section.
  6. (Optional) Enter one or more email addresses you want the License Key to be delivered to in the Send License Key via E-Mail field.
  7. Check the I Agree with Terms & Conditions checkbox.
  8. Click Activate. On the Activation Complete screen, download the License Key or e-mail it to additional recipients.

    You can download the License Key at any time from My Activations.

    You can now proceed to install the License Key in the target device or application serial number.

    Watch the Juniper Agile Licensing (JAL) Portal: Hardware and Software License Activation.

Activate Juniper ATP Appliance Licenses

  1. Create a user account.

    To download your software, you need an approved user account with Juniper Networks. If you do not already have one, you can create an account through the User Registration Portal.

    Note: Compliance approval typically takes two hours following the creation of a new Juniper User Account.

  2. Retrieve your software serial number.

    The software serial number is a unique 14-digit number that Juniper uses to identify your Juniper Networks software installation (or purchased capacity). You can find this number in the Software Serial Number Certificate attached to the e-mail sent when you ordered your Juniper Networks Service. Store the Software Serial Number in a safe place, as it will be needed to identify your installation when engaging Juniper for support. Note that this number is different than the license key described in Step 3.

  3. Request your license key.

    You can request license key by opening an admin case in the Juniper Support Portal or contact Customer Care and provide the below information:

    • Subject Line: Juniper ATPA Software License Request

    • Description:

      • Sales order number

      • Software product SKU

      • UUID (for assistance finding your UUID, see\kb32301)

      • Serial Number/SSRN (enter the software serial number provided in your license fulfillment e-mail). If available, please attach the software serial number certificate (PDF) to the admin service request.

        Once your service request is processed, your license key will be sent to you.

  4. Download your software.

    If you need to download your software, you can find it on the Juniper Software Downloads page. You will need to sign in with your Juniper user account and provide your Software Serial Number.

    Note: If you receive an account privileges error, please contact Customer Care to have your account upgraded. Be prepared to provide your Software Serial Number as proof of purchase.

  5. Install your software.

    Install your software according to the instructions in the software documentation at JATP400 Advanced Threat Prevention Appliance and JATP700 Advanced Threat Prevention Appliance. Make sure to enter the license key as instructed during installation.

Need Help?

For additional assistance, you may contact Juniper Networks by opening a case online through the Juniper Support Portal.