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APM CLI Operational Commands

This topic provides an overview of show commands, including syntax, option descriptions, and sample output. Use these commands in APM.

request apm activate



Trigger APM to activate the specified pool by deleting the active drain on the pool. You can issue this command when the pool is in either of the following reclamation states:

  • drain—The command removes the active drain before the BNG has configured the drain on the pool.

  • drain-set—The command removes the active drain when the pool is being drained.

Use the show apm reclaim-events command on APM to check the pool’s reclamation state.


This command works only when the pool is in the draining or drain-set state as a result of manual reclamation. APM blocks the command when the reclamation state is the result of automatic reclamation.


entity ip-address

Specify the IP address of the managed BNG that received the instruction.

pool-domain name

Specify the name of the pool domain that contains the targeted pool.

pool pool-name

Specify the name of the pool where the drain will be removed.

Required Privilege Level


Sample Output

request apm activate entity (Specific Pool)

Release Information

Statement introduced in APM Release 3.0.0.

request apm drain



Trigger APM to instruct the specified BNG to drain the specified pool in the pool domain. When the drain is in place on the pool, it cannot allocate any addresses. You can request a drain when the pool has the reclaim status. If there is no drain placed on the pool, the BNG can still allocate addresses.

Use the show apm alarms command to display the alarm status. Use the show apm reclaim-events command to check the reclamation state; A drain and drain-setoutput indicate that a drain has been requested or placed on the pool.


entity ip-address

Specify the IP address of the managed BNG that receives the instruction.

pool-domain name

Specify the name of the pool domain that contains the targeted pool.

pool pool-name

Specify the name of the pool to drain.

Required Privilege Level


Sample Output

request apm drain

Release Information

Statement introduced in APM Release 3.0.0.

request apm reclaim



Trigger APM to instruct the specified BNG to deprovision the specified pool in the pool domain. When the pool is deprovisioned, APM returns the addresses that had been assigned to the pool to the source partition for reallocation. The pool must be idle, meaning that it has no addresses in use. The command fails if any addresses are still in use.


This command works only when the pool is in the drain-set reclamation state as a result of manual reclamation. APM blocks the command when the pool state is the result of automatic reclamation.


entity ip-address

Specify the IP address of the managed BNG that receives the instruction.

pool-domain name

Specify the name of the pool domain that contains the targeted pool.

pool pool-name

Specify the name of the drained pool from which addresses are recovered.

Required Privilege Level


Sample Output

request apm reclaim (Specific Pool)

Release Information

Statement introduced in APM Release 3.0.0.

request apm release entity



Trigger APM to clean up any pool domains established by the entity, and release an entity’s domains and their associated pool prefixes back to each domain’s source partition. If the access network isn't using an entity's APM-allocated prefixes, APM forces the cleanup of any domains and deallocates the associated pool prefixes in each domain's source partition. This command works only if the entity is unreachable or disconnected. A list of prefixes that were released and the associated target partition displays upon success.


Releasing the prefixes makes them available to other entities whose address pools are managed by APM and use the same partition. If you're not careful to ensure that the entity’s prefixes are no longer in use, reallocation to another entity could cause duplicate addresses, routing loops, and so on.


entity system-id

Specify the system-id of the entity. The system-id is a unique string of up to 45 characters assigned to the managed BNG. It identifies the entity to APM upon successful connection.

Required Privilege Level


Sample Output

request apm drain

Release Information

Statement introduced in APM Release 3.1.0.

show apm alarms



Display all pending pool domain alarms. You can display alarms across all managed routers, or you can limit the display to a specific BNG router or pool domain.


entity ip-address

(Optional) Display the alarms for the specified router.

pool-domain name

(Optional) Display the alarms in the specified pool domain.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show apm alarms command. Output fields are listed in alphabetical order.

Table 1: show apm alarms Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description


IP address of the managed BNG.

Pool Domain

Name of the pool domain with the critical pool.


Name of the alarm.

  • reclaim—When the number of free addresses for the pool domain on the BNG rises above the reclaim threshold, the BNG sends a reclaim alarm message with the name of the pool to APM. APM can then initiated an active drain for the pool domain.
  • apportion—When the number of free addresses falls below the apportion threshold, the BNG sends an apportion alarm. APM responds by apportioning prefixes to be added to a pool domain.
  • pool-drained—When a pool is completely drained, the BNG sends a pool-drained alarm letting APM know that the prefix allocated for the pool can be recovered.


Name of the apportioned pool.


How long an alarm has been outstanding.

Sample Output

show apm alarms

Release Information

Statement introduced in APM Release 3.0.0.

show apm entity



Monitor APMs associations with managed BNGs. You can specify a particular router or pool domain to view additional details.


id system-id

Specify the system-id of the entity. The system-id is a unique string of up to 45 characters assigned to the managed BNG. It identifies the entity to APM upon successful connection.

address ip-address

Specify the IP address of the managed BNG to display information for only that BNG.

pool-domain name

Specify the name of a pool domain to display information for only that domain.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 2 lists the output fields for the show apm entity command, in alphabetical order.

Table 2: show apm entity Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description


Number of allocations that APM has made to the pool domain.

Entity Id

Unique system id assigned to the entity.

APMi Version

APM version that the managed BNG uses to communicate.

Entity Address

IP address of the managed BNG.

Entity Statistics

Details about the managed router.

  • IP Address—IP address of the managed BNG.

  • Name—Name of the managed BNG.

  • Status—Status of the connection to the BNG: up or down.


Name of a pool in the domain. An asterisk (*) next to the name indicates that an active drain has been configured for the pool.

Pool Domain Statistics

Details about the pool domain:

  • Free addresses—Number of addresses in the pool domain that are available for allocation.

  • Last Allocation—Timestamp when the last address allocation operation completed.

  • Last Discovery—Timestamp when the last discovery operation completed.

  • Last Reclamation—Timestamp when the last pool reclamation occurred.

  • Pool Domain—Name of pool domain on the managed router.

  • Pool head—Name of the domain’s pool head.

  • Pools—Number of pools in the pool domain.

  • Reclamations—Number of pools in the domain that have been deprovisioned and their addresses recovered to the source partition for future use.

  • Allocations—Number of prefixes (pools) that have been added to this pool domain.

  • Source Partition— The partition from which prefixes have been allocated for this pool domain.

  • Apportion Alarms—Number of apportion alarms sent for this pool domain.

  • Reclamation Alarms—Number of reclamation alarms sent for this pool domain.

  • Pool-drained Alarms—Number of pool-drained alarms sent for this pool domain.

Pool Domains

Number of pool domains on the managed BNG.


Subnetwork allocated to an address pool. APM creates this prefix by subdividing the source partition’s root prefix.


Displays whether the entity is reachable or unreachable.


Number of used addresses in the pool. The pool is idle when the value is zero.

Sample Output

show apm entity (All BNGs)

show apm entity (Specific BNG)

show apm entity (Pool Domain)

Release Information

Statement introduced in APM Release 3.0.0.

<id system-id> option introduced in 3.1.0

show apm inet-pool allocation



Display information about how prefixes are allocated across all partitions, for a specific partition, for a specific entity, or for a specific partition on a specific entity.


entity ip-address

Specify the IP address of the managed BNG to display information for only that BNG.

partition name

Specify the name of a partition to display information for only that partition. The partition might be used for multiple BNGs.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 3 lists the output fields for the show apm inet-pool allocation command. Output fields are listed in alphabetical order.

Table 3: show apm inet-pool allocation Fields

Field Name

Field Description


Number of allocations that APM has made from a partition.

Entity Address

IP address of the managed BNG.

Filter fields

Filters applied to the output before it is displayed. The filters correspond to the qualifiers you specify when you issue the command, such as a partition name or entity IP address.


Name of a partition from which APM allocates addresses to a pool domain.

Pool Domain

Name of a pool domain provisioned from the partition.


Subnetwork allocated to an address pool. This prefix is split off from a partition’s root prefix by APM. A given pool can have multiple allocated prefixes.

Source Partition

Name of a partition from which APM allocates addresses to a pool domain.

Sample Output

show apm inet-pool allocation (All Partitions)

show apm inet-pool allocation (Specific Partition)

show apm inet-pool allocation (Specific BNG)

show apm inet-pool allocation (Specific Partition and BNG)

Release Information

Statement introduced in APM Release 3.0.0.

show apm inet-pool utilization



Display information about how prefixes are being used. You can display utilization for all partitions, for a specific partition, or for a specific prefix and partition.


partition name

Specify the name of a partition to display address utilization for only that partition.

prefix address/prefix-length

Specify a root (source) prefix and partition name to display address utilization for only that combination.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 4 lists the output fields for the show apm inet-pool utilization command. Output fields are listed in alphabetical order.

Table 4: show apm inet-pool utilization Fields

Field Name

Field Description


Number of prefixes that are currently allocated from a partition or from a partition’s root prefix. It is possible for a prefix to be both reserved and allocated.

Partition Name

Name of a partition from which APM allocates addresses to a pool domain.


Route (source) prefix of a partition. Listed statistics are shown for all prefixes in a partition or for only that specific prefix in a specific partition.


Total number of prefixes available for allocation from a partition or from a partition’s root prefix.


Number of prefixes that are held in reserve from a partition or from a specific root prefix in a partition.


The threshold state of the partition. The threshold is set by the free-prefix-utilization statement at the [edit apm inet-pool partition partition-name] hierarchy level. A partition can have one of the following threshold states:

  • empty
  • above-threshold
  • below-threshold

Prefix Statistics

The following statistics are displayed for a specified partition and root prefix combination:

  • Prefix—Route (source) prefix of a partition for which statistics are displayed.

  • Total sub-prefixes—Total number of subnetworks possible for the partition’s root prefix.

  • Total reserved—Total number of prefixes that are currently reserved for all subnetworks of the root prefix.

  • Total allocated—Total number of prefixes that are currently allocated for all subnetworks of the root prefix.

  • Prefix length—Length of a prefix subdivided from the partition’s root prefix.

  • Free—Number of prefixes that are currently unallocated or free for subnetworks of the root prefix, indicated by the prefix length.

  • Allocated—Number of prefixes that are currently allocated for subnetworks of the root prefix, indicated by the prefix length.

Sample Output

show apm inet-pool utilization (All Partitions)

show apm inet-pool utilization (Specific Partition)

show apm inet-pool utilization (Specific Prefix and Partition)

Release Information

Statement introduced in APM Release 3.0.0.

show apm reclaim-events



Display information about active pool reclamation events for all BNGs, for a specific BNG, or for a specific BNG and pool domain.


entity ip-address

Specify the IP address of the managed BNG to display information for pools in only that BNG.

pool-domain name

Specify the name of a pool domain to display information for pools in only that domain.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 5 lists the output fields for the show apm reclaim-events command. Output fields are listed in alphabetical order.

Table 5: show apm reclaim-events Fields

Field Name

Field Description


IP address of a managed BNG.

Pool Domain

Name of a pool domain.


Name of a pool in the pool domain.


Current reclamation state of the pool:

  • draining—APM has sent instructions to the BNG to configure an active drain on the pool. The pool is not yet draining. This is a transient state. When the draining operation completes, the state transitions to drain-set.

  • drain-set—The BNG has configured a drain on this pool in response to instructions from APM. The pool cannot allocate any addresses. This means that the pool is idle.

  • pending—The pool is in the process of being deprovisioned (removed from the BNG) by APM. This is a transient state. If this operation fails, the state transitions back to drain-set.

    Deprovisioning and address recovery follow this sequence:

    1. BNG notifies the provisioning manager when the last address in use in the pool is freed.

    2. APM sends deprovisioning instructions to the router.

    3. When the router finishes deprovisioning the pool, the pool entry disappears from show command output.

    4. APM puts the drained addresses back in the associated partition for future allocation.

Sample Output

show apm reclaim-events (Specific Entity)

Release Information

Statement introduced in APM Release 3.0.0.