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Install Apstra on ESXi

Release: Juniper Apstra 4.1
Change Release
date_range 19-Jul-24

These instructions are for installing Apstra software on an ESXi hypervisor. For information about using ESXi in general, refer to VMware's ESXi documentation.

  1. Confirm that you're running one of the Supported Hypervisors and Versions and that the VM has the Required Server Resources.
  2. Apstra software is delivered pre-installed on a single VM. The same Apstra VM image is used for installing both the Apstra controller and Apstra workers. As a registered support user, download the Apstra VM Image for VMware ESXi (OVA) from Juniper Support Downloads.
  3. Log in to vCenter, right-click your target deployment environment, then click Deploy OVF Template.
  4. Specify the URL or local file location for the OVA file you downloaded, then click Next.
  5. Specify a unique name and target location for the VM, then click Next.
  6. Select your destination compute resource, then click Next.
  7. Review template details, then click Next.
  8. Select storage for the files, then click Next. We recommend thick provisioning for the Apstra server.
  9. Map the Apstra Management network to enable it to reach the virtual networks that the Apstra server will manage on ESXi, then click Next.
  10. Review your specifications, then click Finish.

You're ready to Configure the Apstra server.
