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Install Apstra on VirtualBox

Release: Juniper Apstra 4.1
Change Release
date_range 30-May-23

VirtualBox is for demonstration and lab purposes only. Production environments require a proper enterprise-scale virtualization solution (See Supported Hypervisors and Versions ). These instructions are for installing Apstra software on a VirtualBox hypervisor. For information about using VirtualBox in general, refer to Oracle's VirtualBox documentation or the open-source community.

  1. Apstra software is delivered pre-installed on a single virtual machine (VM). As a registered support user, download the Apstra VM Image for VMware ESXi (OVA) from Juniper Support Downloads to your local workstation.
  2. Start VirtualBox, select File > Import Appliance, navigate to the OVA file, select it, then click Continue.
  3. Change RAM to 8 GB. 8 GB is sufficient for lab and testing purposes.
  4. Click Import to start the import process.
  5. When the import is complete, start the server VM, click Settings and confirm that the VM meets requirements. In particular, check network settings for the adapter that's attached to your management network. If this value is not set correctly, the Apstra server does not receive an IP address. Since VirtualBox has one network adapter attached to the bridged adapter using active networking, full connectivity from your workstation to the VM (HTTP, SSH) is expected by default.
  6. Configure the Apstra server.
  7. Confirm connectivity. (Run ifconfig -a on the VM to get the IP address.)
    • SSH from your workstation to the VM’s active network adapter IP address.
    • Point a web browser to the VM’s active network adapter IP address.