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IPv4 and IPv6 Dual-Stack Networking

date_range 20-Apr-23

SUMMARY Cloud-Native Contrail® Networking (CN2) release 23.1 supports dual-stack networking for services. Previous releases supported dual-stack networking for pods, but 23.1 enables you to assign IPs to services from an IPv4 or IPv6 network. This article provides an overview of dual-stack and information about configuring dual-stack for pods and services in your CN2 cluster.

IPv4 and IPv6 Overview

A dual-stack device has network interfaces that send and receive both IPv4 and IPv6 packets. In the case of CN2 release 23.1, the dual-stack feature of your Kubernetes cluster assigns both IPv4 addresses and IPv6 addresses to pods and services.

Dual-Stack Networking Prerequisites

Dual-stack networking requires the following:

  • Kubernetes version 1.20 or later

  • Kubernetes nodes configured with dual stack IPv4/IPv6 network interfaces
  • A Kubeadm or Kubespray Kubernetes cluster with dual-stack featureGate enabled

The CN2 deployer uses the IPv6 CIDR (podSubnet and serviceSubnet in the deployment) to create an IPv6 subnet for the podNetwork. Subsequent pod networks that you create contain an IPv6 subnet. As a result, pods receive IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
