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Configuring IP Parameters for CESoPSN Bundles on CTP2000 Devices (CTP Menu)

The CTP software uses the IP parameters to create IP packets.

To configure IP parameters for CESoPSN bundles using the CTP Menu:

  1. From the Main Menu, select 1) Bundle Operations.
  2. Select 3) CESoPSN.
  3. Select a bundle from the list.

    If you select an active bundle, you are prompted to disable the bundle before configuring it.

  4. Select 2) Config to configure the bundle.
  5. Configure the options as described in Table 1.
Table 1: CESoPSN Bundle IP Parameter Settings on CTP2000 Devices in the CTP Menu
Field Function Your Action

Destination IP

Specifies the name and IP address of the remote CTP device.

Enter the address of the remote CTP device.

Source UDP port

Specifies the source UDP port.

The source UDP port is used as the circuit identifier; you must configure both circuit endpoints to use the same UDP port. The UDP port must be unique on the CTP device. You will not be able to activate a port if another port is using the same source UDP port number.

Enter a number from 1 through 65535.

Hairpin Rem UDP port

A hairpin allows the creation of a pair of CESoPSN bundles on the same port or different ports with the IP address of the node as remote IP.

Enter the source UDP port number of the remote CESoPSN hairpin bundle on the same CTP2000 device.

A value of ’0’ implies that this bundle is not configured as a hairpin bundle.

Max Buffer (ms)

Specifies the maximum buffer size.

The maximum buffer size setting is based on the number of packets in the buffer and the number of milliseconds that it takes the packets to go through the buffer. For example, a setting of 10.000 ms - 2 packets means that it will take 10 ms for 2 packets to go through the buffer.

We recommend that you use the default setting unless you require changes because of network performance.

Select a buffer size. The software displays a list of possible buffer sizes. The list varies depending on the type of interface (T1 or E1), and the type of signaling (CCS or CAS).

For example, the following are the available buffer sizes for an E1 interface with CCS signaling:

  • 10.000 ms 2 packets

  • 20.000 ms 4 packets

  • 40.000 ms 8 packets

  • 80.000 ms 16 packets

  • 160.000 ms 32 packets

  • 320.000 ms 64 packets

  • 640.000 ms 128 packets

Pkt Buffer Set (ms)

Specifies the buffer size when the circuit enters a running state.

The CTP software calculates a default setting based on the type of interface (T1 or E1), the type of signaling (CCS or CAS), and the packet size.

We recommend that you use the default setting unless you require changes because of network performance.

Enter a number from the range displayed on the screen.

This number must be divisible by the packet size. If you enter a number that is not divisible by the packet size, the software changes the setting to the closest number that is divisible by the packet size.

Packet Size

Specifies the size of IP packets that are created from data received at the port.

The CTP software calculates a default packet size based on the number of time slots configured, the type of interface (T1 or E1), and the type of signaling (CCS or CAS).

We recommend that you use the default setting unless you require changes because of network performance.

If you choose to change the signaling, use the following guidelines:

  • For CCS signaling, the packet size must be divisible by the number of timeslots in case of E1-CCS and T1- signal - OFF.

  • For CAS signaling, use the following formula:

    packet size = number-of-slots * frames-per-packet + signaling-size


    signaling-size = number-of-slots/2 + number-of-slots%2
    frames-per-packet for E1 = 16
    frames-per-packet for T1 = 24

Enter a packet size.

Service Type

Specifies the ToS byte to be used in the IP headers of packets sent from the CTP device to the IP network.

For a mapping of ToS byte values to DSCP classes and settings, see Providing QoS for CTP Bundles by Using Service Type Overview.

You do not need to set the ToS value to the same value on local and remote bundles.

Enter a number from 0 through 255.

Time to Live

Specifies the maximum number of router hops that a packet can traverse. The CTP device sets the TTL value in IP packets that it sends to the IP network. The IP network does not alter or optimize the packet routing based on the TTL setting. You do not need to set the same TTL value on local and remote ports.

Enter a number from 0 through 255.

Bundle Description

Specifies identifying information about the bundle.

Type a description for the bundle.

Signal Disable

Disables or enables signalling at the bundle level for T1/E1 ports.

Select one:

  • Yes

  • No